publication venue for
- Reporting and Evaluation of the Retroperitoneal Margin in Pancreaticoduodenectomy Specimens Based on the Prospective Evaluation of 62 Consecutive Specimens in Correlation With Multimodality Imaging 2012
- Synchronous Occurrence of Papillary Urothelial Carcinoma, Cystic Clear Cell Carcinoma, Multiple Papillary Renal Cell Carcinomas of Unknown Malignant Potential and Multiple Cortical Cysts in Same Kidney: A Rare Case Report 2012
- Assessment of the Measurement Error in Cyclosporine Levels Drawn Between Peripheral and Central Sources. 149:76-81. 2018
- Variability and Error in Cardiac Troponin Testing. 148:281-295. 2017
- Laboratory Investigation of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs). 146:408-422. 2016
- An Assessment of the State of Current Practice in Coagulation Laboratories. 146:378-383. 2016
- Comparison of HER2 Dual-Color and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization in Breast Cancer. 146:339-345. 2016
- Frozen Section of Placental Membranes and Umbilical Cord. 142:202-208. 2014
- Underrecognition of Pathologist Contributions to Articles Published in a Major Multidisciplinary Medical Journal. 138:495-497. 2012
- Protein C Assay Performance. 137:909-915. 2012
- Critical Values in the Coagulation Laboratory Results of a Survey of the North American Specialized Coagulation Laboratory Association. 136:836-41. 2011
- Diagnostic Usefulness of a Lumi-Aggregometer Adenosine Triphosphate Release Assay for the Assessment of Platelet Function Disorders. 136:350-358. 2011
- Development of North American Consensus Guidelines for Medical Laboratories That Perform and Interpret Platelet Function Testing Using Light Transmission Aggregometry. 134:955-963. 2010
- Time Study of Clinical and Nonclinical Workload in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 131:759-767. 2009
- Results of an External Proficiency Testing Exercise on Platelet Dense-Granule Deficiency Testing by Whole Mount Electron Microscopy. 131:671-675. 2009
- Human-Derived D-Dimer for External Quality Assessment. 130:805-810. 2008
- A Multicenter Trial of the Effectiveness of ζ-Globin Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Hemoglobin H Inclusion Body Screening for the Detection of α0-Thalassemia Trait. 129:309-315. 2008
- Prevalence of Thalassemia in Patients With Microcytosis Referred for Hemoglobinopathy Investigation in Ontario. 127:192-196. 2007
- Performance Comparison of Three Assay Methods Used in Fasting and Postmethionine Load Plasma Homocysteine Determinations From Patients With Vascular Disease. 124:675-681. 2005
- Performance comparison of three assay methods used in fasting and postmethionine load plasma homocysteine determinations from patients with vascular disease. 124:675-681. 2005
- Fetal-Maternal Hemorrhage Detection in Ontario. 119:72-77. 2003
- Fetal-maternal hemorrhage detection in Ontario. 119:72-77. 2003
- Telepathology for Routine Light Microscopic and Frozen Section Diagnosis. 117:783-790. 2002
- A Reliable Screening Test to Identify Adult Carriers of the (--SEA) alpha0-Thalassemia Deletion. 114:927-931. 2000
- Primary Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphoma and Lymphoproliferative Disorders of Skin. 114:S104-S128. 2000
- The Effect of Carbon Tetrachloride on the Detection of Hemoglobin H Using Various Commercially Available Electrophoresis Products. 109:651.2-652. 1998
- Frequency of Expression of Prostate-Specific Antigen mRNA in Lung Tumors. 108:184-190. 1997
- Proficiency Testing of Hemoglobinopathy Techniques in Ontario Laboratories. 107:567-575. 1997
- Comparison of Immunofluorometry and Immunohistochemistry for the Detection of p53 Protein in Lung Cancer Specimens. 107:308-316. 1997
- The Evaluation of Various Mathematical RBC Indices and Their Efficacy in Discriminating Between Thalassemic and Non-Thalassemic Microcytosis. 106:201-205. 1996
- Diagnosis of Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia:Still a Journey, Not Yet a Destination. 104:611-613. 1995
- Hamartoma of the Breast, an Underrecognized Breast Lesion:A Clinicopathologic and Radiographic Study of 25 Cases. 103:685-689. 1995
- Florid Deep Glands of the Uterine Cervix:Another Mimic of Adenoma Malignum. 103:614-617. 1995
- A Comparison of Lyophilized Artificially Depleted Plasmas and Lyophilized Plasmas From Patients Receiving Warfarin in Correcting for Coagulometer Effects on International Normalized Ratios. 103:366-371. 1995
- The Value of Plasma Calibrants in Correcting Coagulometer Effects on International Normalized Ratios:An International Multicenter Study. 103:358-365. 1995
- Paravaginal Female Adnexal Tumor of Probable Wolffian Origin. 101:275-278. 1994
- Myelodysplastic syndrome with prolonged reticulocyte survival mimicking hemolytic disease. 101:149-153. 1994
- Metastatic Ovarian Carcinoma of Large Intestinal Origin Simulating Primary Ovarian Carcinoma: A Clinicopathologic Study of 25 Cases. 97:751-758. 1992
- Measurement of the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time from a Capillary (fingerstick) Sample of Whole Blood: A New Method for Monitoring Heparin Therapy. 95:222-227. 1991
- The Use of Cytokeratin as a Sensitive and Reliable Marker for Trophoblastic Tissue. 95:137-141. 1991
- Transfusion-Induced Specific Anti–Factor XI Inhibitor in a Patient with Previously Unrecognized Factor XI Deficiency. 89:418-422. 1988
- A Novel Whole Blood Capillary Technic for Measuring the Prothrombin Time. 88:442-446. 1987
- Storage and Transportation of Samples for Analysis of Terminal Transferase by Indirect Immunofluorescence. 81:660-661. 1984
- Effect of Lead on Globin Synthesisin Vitro. 67:77-79. 1977
- Hemoglobin QIndia, α64(E l3) Asp→His, and β- Thalassemiaina Canadian Family. 66:446-448. 1976
- HemoglobiriBethesda, β145 (HC2) Tyr→His, in a Canadian Family. 66:449-452. 1976
- A Case of Hartmannellid Amebic Meningoencephalitis in Zambia. 63:483-492. 1975
- Innominate Arterial Aneurysms Occurring After Blunt Trauma. 42:69-74. 1964
- A Simple Method for Projection of Histologic Sections. 41:233-234. 1964