Vocabulary Service
subject area of
3-D Architecture and Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of a Forced Regressive Top-Truncated Mixed-Influenced Delta, Cretaceous Wall Creek Sandstone, Wyoming, U.S.A. Journal Articles
3-D kinematic restoration of the eastern Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada, and its importance for Cu-Ni-PGE sulphide exploration Journal Articles
3.65–2.10Ga history of crust formation from zircon geochronology and isotope geochemistry of the Quijingue and Euclides plutons, Serrinha nucleus, Brazil Journal Articles
50-Million-Year-Long Record of Glacial to Postglacial Marine Environments Preserved in a Carboniferous-Lower Permian Graben, Northern Perth Basin, Western Australia Journal Articles
Polycylindrichnus: possible Silurian tunicate burrows from southern Ontario Journal Articles
A Model for Striated Boulder Pavement Formation on Glaciated, Shallow-Marine Shelves: An Example from the Yakataga Formation, Alaska Journal Articles
A Sulfur Isotopic Study of the White Pine Mine, Michigan Journal Articles
A comparison of magnetic character and alteration in three granite drill cores from eastern Canada Journal Articles
A framework for rock property data acquisition, visualization and analysis: an example from the Bathurst Mining Camp, Northern New Brunswick Journal Articles
A genetic model of the giant Sangdong W–Mo skarn deposit in the Taebaeksan Basin, South Korea Journal Articles
A geological and geophysical synthesis of the Chapais region: eastern part of the Quebec Abitibi Belt Journal Articles
A new paradigm for the North Atlantic Realm Journal Articles
A paleomagnetic study of the layered mafic intrusion at Sept-Îles, Quebec Journal Articles
A positive contact test between Nipissing diabase and Gowganda argillites Journal Articles
A positive fold test from Nipissing diabase Journal Articles
A preliminary U-Pb date on cave spar, big canyon, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, USA Journal Articles
A review of Pangaea dispersal and Large Igneous Provinces – In search of a causative mechanism Journal Articles
A revised model for the crustal structure of the SW Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
A storm and tidally‐influenced prograding shoreline—Upper Cretaceous Milk River Formation of Southern Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
A strontium and oxygen isotope study of Laramide magmatic and hydrothermal activity near Central City, Colorado Journal Articles
A submerged stalactite from Belize: Petrography, geochemistry, and geochronology of massive marine cementation Journal Articles
A test of detailed Nd isotope mapping in the Grenville Province: delineating a duplex thrust sheet in the KipawaMattawa region Journal Articles
Acoustic architecture of glaciolacustrine sediments deformed during zonal stagnation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet; Mazinaw Lake, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Acta Carsologica Journal
Age and kinematics of ductile deformation in the Cerro Durazno area, NW Argentina: Significance for orogenic processes operating at the western margin of Gondwana during Ordovician – Silurian times Journal Articles
An alternative view of the Gondwana Paleozoic apparent polar wander path Journal Articles
An application of Nd isotope mapping in structural geology: delineating an allochthonous Grenvillian terrane at North Bay, Ontario Journal Articles
An estimate of the oxygen isotope composition of a large segment of the Canadian Shield in northwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Animal-Sediment Relationships on a Subarctic Intertidal Flat, Pangnirtung Fiord, Baffin Island, Canada Journal Articles
Application of μXRF analysis on the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale: A comparison with ICP-OES/MS Journal Articles
Applied Earth Science: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Journal
Applying laterally varying density corrections to ground gravity and airborne gravity gradiometry data: a case study from the Bathurst Mining Camp Journal Articles
Archaean Sedimentation: Analysis of the Minnitaki Basin, Northwestern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Architectural element analysis applied to glacial deposits: Internal geometry of a late Pleistocene till sheet, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Architecture and subsidence history of the intracratonic Hudson Bay Basin, northern Canada Journal Articles
Architecture of a forced regressive systems tract in the Turonian Ferron “Notom Delta”, southern Utah, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Architecture of a tide‐influenced river delta in the Frontier Formation of central Wyoming, USA Journal Articles
Atlantic Geology Journal
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences Journal
Bar evolution and development of stratification in the gravelly, braided, Kicking Horse River, British Columbia Journal Articles
Basic Building Blocks and Process Variability of a Cretaceous Delta: Internal Facies Architecture Reveals a More Dynamic Interaction of River, Wave, and Tidal Processes Than Is Indicated by External Shape Journal Articles
Basin Research Journal
Beyond ‘crumple zones’: recent advances, applications and future directions in deformable plate tectonic modelling Journal Articles
Biogeochemical controls on metal behaviour in freshwater environments Journal Articles
Borehole magnetic surveys in weakly magnetic sediments (Chicxulub impact crater) versus strongly magnetic volcanics (Bathurst mining camp) Journal Articles
Breakup of small rivers in the subarctic Journal Articles
Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Canada Journal
CORRECTIONS Journal Articles
Calcification of Exposed Filaments of Endolithic Algae, Micrite Envelope Formation and Sediment Production Journal Articles
Canada-wide Survey of Earth Scientists: A Preliminary Report on the State of the Discipline, the Fossil Fuel Industries and Environmental Science Journal Articles
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences Journal
Capturing Geological Realism in Stochastic Simulations of Rock Systems with Markov Statistics and Simulated Annealing Journal Articles
Carbon and sulfur isotope evidence for in situ reduction of sulfate, Nanisivik lead-zinc deposits, Northwest Territories, Baffin Island, Canada Journal Articles
Carbonate clumped isotope paleothermometry: a review of recent advances in CO2 gas evolution, purification, measurement and standardization techniques Journal Articles
Carbonates and Evaporites Journal
Carbonates within a Pleistocene glaciomarine succession, Yakataga Formation, Middleton Island, Alaska Journal Articles
Carboniferous–Permian facies and tectono-stratigraphic successions of the glacially influenced and rifted Carnarvon Basin, western Australia Journal Articles
Cardium Formation (U. Cretaceous) at Seebe, Alberta—storm-transported sandstones and conglomerates in shallow marine depositional environments below fair-weather wave base Journal Articles
Catastrophic mass failure of a Neoproterozoic glacially influenced continental margin, the Great Breccia, Port Askaig Formation, Scotland Journal Articles
Cave and Karst Science Journal
Cessation of ice-wedge development during the 20th century in spruce forests of eastern Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Characterizing heterogeneity in a glaciofluvial deposit using architectural elements, Limehouse, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Chemical and Mineralogic Variations in an Arkosic Quartzite During Progressive Regional Metamorphism Journal Articles
Classification of paralic channel sub-environments in an ancient system using outcrops: The Cretaceous Gallup system, New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Clay Minerals Journal
Climate warming and active layer thaw in the boreal and tundra environments of the Mackenzie Valley Journal Articles
Comment on "Complementarity of Hf isotopes from detrital and igneous zircon: an example from the Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province, Ontario" Journal Articles
Computer rendering of high-frequency stacking patterns in cross-sectional stratigraphic simulations using the line integral convolution Journal Articles
Computer simulation and sedimentological implications of burrowing by Axius serratus Journal Articles
Condensation corrosion in caves on Cayman Brac and Isla de Mona Journal Articles
Conference Reports Journal Articles
Confluence Scours Versus Incised Valleys: Examples From the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Southeastern Utah, U.S.A Journal Articles
Constructing fen peatlands in post-mining oil sands landscapes: Challenges and opportunities from a hydrological perspective Journal Articles
Contrasting isotopic mantle sources for Proterozoic lamproites and kimberlites from the Cuddapah basin and eastern Dharwar craton: Implication for Proterozoic mantle heterogeneity beneath southern India Journal Articles
Contrasting types of Late Archean plutonic rocks in northwestern Ontario: implications for crustal evolution in the Superior Province Journal Articles
Contribution of icing ablation to streamflow in a discontinuous permafrost area Journal Articles
Corrigendum to “Facies analysis and its relation to point-sourced growth faults in river-dominated prodeltaic delta front deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, USA” [JMPG: 81 (March 2017); 237–251] Journal Articles
Coseismic Coulomb stress changes on intraplate faults in the western Quebec seismic zone following three major earthquakes in the past century Journal Articles
Cretaceous to mid-Eocene pelagic sediment budget in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (northeast Antilles Island arc) Journal Articles
Crustal formation in the Grenville Province: Nd-isotope evidence Journal Articles
Crustal formation in the Grenville Province: Nd-isotope evidence Journal Articles
Crustal geochemistry in the Wawa–Foleyet region, Ontario Journal Articles
Dating of speleothems in Kartchner Caverns, Arizona Journal Articles
Deposition and Interpretation of Long, Narrow Sandbodies Underlain by a Basinwide Erosion Surface: Cardium Formation, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Deposition of the Cambrian continental rise: the St. Roch Formation near St. Jean-Port-Joli, Quebec Journal Articles
Deposition of upper Mesozoic resedimented conglomerates and associated turbidites in southwestern Oregon Journal Articles
Depositional and sequence stratigraphic model of transgressive shelf sandstone: The Late Cretaceous Tocito Sandstone, San Juan Bain, New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Depositional environments and paleogeography in the Albian Moosebar Formation and adjacent fluvial Gladstone and Beaver Mines formations, Alberta Journal Articles
Depositional facies and the sequence stratigraphic control of a mixed‐process influenced clastic wedge in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: The Gallup System, New Mexico, USA Journal Articles
Determining continuous basins across conjugate margins: The East Orphan, Porcupine, and Galicia Interior basins of the southern North Atlantic Ocean Journal Articles
Development of a braided-fluvial facies model for the Devonian Battery Point Sandstone, Québec Journal Articles
Devonian Boring Algae or Fungi Associated with Micrite Tubules Journal Articles
Did the Hudson Strait in Arctic Canada record the opening of the Labrador Sea? Journal Articles
Discovery of a submerged relic reef and shoreline off Grand Cayman: further support for an early Holocene jump in sea level Journal Articles
Discussion of isotopic evidence for the extent of early Proterozoic basement in Scotland and northwest Ireland Journal Articles
Disorientation of Paleozoic hemispherical corals and stromatoporoids Journal Articles
Documentation of a 1450 Ma contractional orogeny preserved between the 1850 Ma Sudbury impact structure and the 1 Ga Grenville orogenic front, Ontario: Discussion and Reply Journal Articles
Droughts in the desert: Medieval Warm Period associated with coarse sediment layers in the Gulf of Aqaba‐Eilat, Red Sea Journal Articles
Dung analysis of the East Milford mastodons: dietary and environmental reconstructions from central Nova Scotia at ∼75 ka years BP Journal Articles
ESR dating of Pleistocene fossil teeth from Alberta and Saskatchewan Journal Articles
Early Miocene continental extension-related basaltic magmatism at Walton Peak, northwest Colorado: further evidence on continental basalt genesis Journal Articles
Early Neoproterozoic Basin Formation in Yukon, Canada: Implications for the make-up and break-up of Rodinia Journal Articles
Earth Science Education #7. GeoTrails: Accessible Online Tools for Outreach and Education Journal Articles
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Journal
Earth-Science Reviews Journal
Economic Geology Journal
Effect of tube-building polychaetes on intertidal sediments on the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Effect of vegetation on limestone solution in a small High Arctic basin Journal Articles
Electron spin resonance dating of tooth enamel Journal Articles
Electron spin resonance plateau dating of periodicity of activity on the San Gabriel fault zone, southern California Journal Articles
Enhanced resolution of geological structures from magnetic data: an example from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Northern Ontario Journal Articles
Enhanced resolution of geological structures from magnetic data: an example from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt of Northern Ontario Journal Articles
Eolian coastal dune deposits and surrounding marine sandstones, Rocky Mountain Supergroup (Lower Pennsylvanian), southeastern British Columbia Journal Articles
Episodes Journal
Erodibility of cohesive sediment: The importance of sediment properties Journal Articles
Establishing high-resolution (500 μm) chemofacies of depositional environments in an epeiric seaway using μXRF core scanning data Journal Articles
Estimation of Source-To-Sink Mass Balance By A Fulcrum Approach Using Channel Paleohydrologic Parameters of the Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Canada Journal Articles
Estimation of source area, river paleo-discharge, paleoslope, and sediment budgets of linked deep-time depositional systems and implications for hydrocarbon potential Journal Articles
Ethology of the trace fossil Chondrites: Form, function and environment Journal Articles
Evaluating along‐strike variation using thin‐bedded facies analysis, Upper Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah Journal Articles
Evaluating delta asymmetry using three‐dimensional facies architecture and ichnological analysis, Ferron ‘Notom Delta’, Capital Reef, Utah, USA Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Several Airborne Electromagnetic Systems: Exploration Implications Journal Articles
Evaluation of the Efficiency of Several Airborne Electromagnetic Systems: Exploration Implications Journal Articles
Evidence for an Early Proterozoic crustal province in the North Atlantic region Journal Articles
Evidences of multiple glaciation in South Nahanni National Park, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories Journal Articles
Evolution of Labrador Sea–Baffin Bay: Plate or Plume Processes? Journal Articles
Evolution of a stratigraphic model in a fluvial deltaic wedge: implications for groundwater resource protection in an oil and gas-bearing region in the Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Evolution of magma source regions in the Rio Grande rift, southern New Mexico Journal Articles
Exploration and Mining Geology Journal
Facies Architecture and Stratigraphic Evolution of A River-Dominated Delta Front, Turonian Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A Journal Articles
Facies analysis and its relation to point-sourced growth faults in river-dominated prodeltaic delta front deposits of the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, USA Journal Articles
Facies and allostratigraphy of high‐latitude, glacially influenced marine strata of the Early Permian southern Sydney Basin, Australia Journal Articles
Facies and sequential organisation of a mudstone-dominated slope and basin floor succession: the Gull Island Formation, Shannon Basin, Western Ireland Journal Articles
Facies architecture and time stratigraphic relationships of a confined trunk-tributary valley fill and unconfined fluvial system in the backwater of the Turonian Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Facies architecture of asymmetrical branching distributary channels: Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, USA Journal Articles
Facies modeling and sequence stratigraphy Journal Articles
Facies relationships in Pleistocene outwash gravels, southern Ontario: a model for bar growth in braided rivers Journal Articles
Facies, Backwater Limits, and Paleohydraulic Analysis of Rivers in a Forced-regressive, Compound Incised Valley, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.s.a. Journal Articles
Facies-Architecture Study of A Stepped, Forced Regressvie Compound Incised Valley In the Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Central Utah, U.S.A Journal Articles
Fault block rotations in the Southern Province as defined by paleomagnetism of the Nipissing diabase Journal Articles
Fluvial processes and facies sequences in the sandy braided South Saskatchewan River, Canada Journal Articles
Formation of point bars through rising and falling flood stages: Evidence from bar morphology, sediment transport and bed shear stress Journal Articles
Fractures in the Niagara Escarpment in Ontario, Canada: distribution, connectivity, and geohazard implications Journal Articles
Framework geophysical modelling of granitoid versus supracrustal basement to the northeast Thelon Basin around the Kiggavik uranium camp, Nunavut Journal Articles
Fringing reef growth on a terrigenous mud foundation, Fantome Island, central Great Barrier reef, Australia Journal Articles
Generalized Facies Models for Resedimented Conglomerates of Turbidite Association Journal Articles
Genesis of paleokarst and strata-bound zinc-lead sulfide deposits in a Proterozoic dolostone, northern Baffin Island, Canada; discussion Journal Articles
Genesis of sediment-hosted Zn-Pb-Ba deposits in the Irankuh District, Esfahan area, west-central Iran Journal Articles
Genesis of the Foy (?) offset and its sulfide ores; the paleomagnetic evidence from a study in Hess Township, Sudbury, Ontario Journal Articles
Genetic Relationship Between Postcratering Dynamics and Footwall Deposit Formation at Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: Importance for Sulfide Ore Exploration Journal Articles
Geochemistry of Archean meta-igneous rocks, Lake Despair area, Wabigoon Subprovince, northwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Geochronology of Wabigoon belt granitoids, northwestern Ontario: Rb/Sr isochrons for seven late-tectonic plutons Journal Articles
Geologic evolution of the Serrinha nucleus granite–greenstone terrane (NE Bahia, Brazil) constrained by U–Pb single zircon geochronology Journal Articles
Geologic investigation and optical dating of the merritt island sand ridge sequence, Eastern Florida, USA Journal Articles
Geologica Acta Journal
Geologica Carpathica Journal
Geological Journal Journal
Geological Magazine Journal
Geological Society of America Bulletin Journal
Geological investigation and optical dating of Quaternary siliciclastic sediments near Apalachicola, North‐west Florida, USA Journal Articles
Geology Today Journal
Geomorphology and Geochemistry of a Gypsum Karst near Canal Flats, British Colombia Journal Articles
Geophysical Case Study of the Gallen Deposit, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Geophysical Case Study of the Gallen Deposit, Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Geophysical Case Study of the Iso and New Insco Deposits, Quebec, Canada, Part I: Data Comparison and Analysis Journal Articles
Geophysical Case Study of the Iso and New Insco Deposits, Quebec, Canada, Part II: Modeling and Interpretation Journal Articles
Geophysical and sedimentological assessment of urban impacts in a lake Ontario watershed and lagoon: Frenchman's Bay, Pickering, Ontario Journal Articles
Geophysical inversion contributions to mineral exploration: lessons from the Footprints project Journal Articles
Geoscience Canada Journal
Geosciences Journal Journal
Gerard Viner Middleton FRSC: 1931–2021 Journal Articles
Glacial influence on Neoproterozoic sedimentation: the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway Journal Articles
Glacial influence on Neoproterozoic sedimentation: the Smalfjord Formation, northern Norway – reply Journal Articles
Glacially Influenced Submarine-channel Sedimentation in the Yakataga Formation, Middleton Island, Alaska Journal Articles
Glacially‐influenced deep‐marine sedimentation of the Late Precambrian Gaskiers Formation, Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
Glaciation and tectonics in an active intracratonic basin: the Late Palaeozoic Itararé Group, Paraná Basin, Brazil Journal Articles
Grain Orientation and Electron Microprobe Analyses of selected Phanerozoic Trace Fossil Margins, with a Possible Proterozoic Example Journal Articles
Grenvillian magmatism in the northern Virginia Blue Ridge: Petrologic implications of episodic granitic magma production and the significance of postorogenic A-type charnockite Journal Articles
Growth faults at the prodelta to delta-front transition, Cretaceous Ferron sandstone, Utah Journal Articles
Growth of the Central Andean Plateau by Tectonic Segmentation Is Controlled by the Gradient in Crustal Shortening Journal Articles
Has Earth ever been ice-free? Implications for glacio-eustasy in the Cretaceous greenhouse age using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy Journal Articles
High efficiency blue organic light emitting devices doped by BCzVBi in hole and electron transport layer Journal Articles
High-resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Implications For Cretaceous Glacioeustasy of the Late Cretaceous Gallup System, New Mexico, U.S.A. Journal Articles
High-resolution Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Evolution of Coarse-Grained Canyon-Filling Turbidites From the Upper Cretaceous Transgressive Megasequence, Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil Journal Articles
High‐resolution seismic reflection profiling of neotectonic faults in Lake Timiskaming, Timiskaming Graben, Ontario‐Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Holocene climatic variation recorded in a speleothem from McFail's Cave, New York Journal Articles
Hummocky moraine: sedimentary record of stagnant Laurentide Ice Sheet lobes resting on soft beds Journal Articles
Hummocky moraine: sedimentary record of stagnant Laurentide Ice Sheet lobes resting on soft beds - Reply Journal Articles
Hummocky stratification: Significance of its variable bedding sequences: Discussion and reply Journal Articles
Hydrochemistry of a dolomite karst: the Bruce Peninsula of Ontario Journal Articles
Hydrological environment of the Hot Weather Creek basin, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut Journal Articles
Hydrology of small tributary streams in a subarctic wetland Journal Articles
Hydrothermal Sr exchange at the contact of the Dumbarton Rock basalt Journal Articles
Hydrothermal fluid pathways at the contact of the Beinn an Dubhaich epigranite, Isle of Skye Journal Articles
Hyperpycnal Rivers and Prodeltaic Shelves in the Cretaceous Seaway of North America Journal Articles
Importance of government-sponsored high-resolution gravimetric, magnetic, and electromagnetic surveys for exploration and geological investigations, Abitibi Subprovince, Canada Journal Articles
Influence of Host-Rock Texture on the Morphology of Carbonate Concretions in a Meteoric Diagenetic Environment Journal Articles
Influence of sedimentary environments on sulfur isotope ratios in clastic rocks: a review Journal Articles
Integrated seismic and well-log analysis for the exploration of stratigraphic traps in the Carbonera Formation, Llanos foreland basin of Colombia Journal Articles
Interglacial chronology of the Rocky and Mackenzie Mountains based upon 230Th–234U dating of calcite speleothems Journal Articles
Internal architecture and sedimentary evolution of coarse‐grained, turbidite channel‐levee complexes, Early Eocene Regência Canyon, Espírito Santo Basin, Brazil Journal Articles
Internal architecture of a till sheet, Tiskilwa Formation, north‐central Illinois, USA: Application of architectural element analysis Journal Articles
International Year of Planet Earth 6. Biosignatures: Interpreting Evidence of the Origins and Diversity of Life Journal Articles
Interplay between river discharge and topography of the basin floor in a hyperpycnal lacustrine delta Journal Articles
Interpretation of channelized architecture using three-dimensional photo real models, Pennsylvanian deep-water deposits at Big Rock Quarry, Arkansas Journal Articles
Interpretation of magnetic susceptibility: a new approach to geophysical evaluation of the degree of rock alteration Journal Articles
Interpretation of the gravity anomaly field in the Noranda – Val d'Or region, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canadian Shield Journal Articles
Intertidal Spiral Burrows: Paraonis Fulgens and Spiophanes Wigleyi in the Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
Intertidal boulder pavements in the northeastern Gulf of Alaska and their geological significance Journal Articles
Intrusive and tectonic history of the Sudbury micropegmatite; the evidence from paleomagnetism Journal Articles
Irish Journal of Earth Sciences Journal
Isotope, trace element and major element geochemistry of Tertiary igneous rocks, Isle of Arran, Scotland Journal Articles
Isotopic and chemical constraints on the building of the deep Scottish lithosphere Journal Articles
Isotopic and trace element study of the Loon Lake pluton, Grenville Province, Ontario Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the age and origin of pitchstones and felsites, Isle of Eigg, NW Scotland Journal Articles
Isotopic evidence for the extent of early Proterozoic basement in Scotland and northwest Ireland Journal Articles
Isotopic mapping of the Allochthon Boundary Thrust in the Grenville Province of Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies Journal
Journal of Geology Journal
Journal of Sedimentary Research Journal
Journal of South American Earth Sciences Journal
Journal of the Geological Society Journal
Journal of the Geological Society of India Journal
Karst geomorphology and hydrogeology of the bear rock formation - a remarkable dolostone and gypsum megabreccia in the continuous permafrost zone of northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Karst geomorphology and hydrogeology of the bear rock formation — a remarkable dolostone and gypsum megabreccia in the continuous permafrost zone of northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Kinematic indicators in fault gouge: tectonic analog for soft-bedded ice sheets Journal Articles
Kinematic indicators in fault gouge: tectonic analogy for soft-bedded ice sheets - reply Journal Articles
Kinematics and geochronology of the Lancang metamorphic complex: Implications for the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys region Journal Articles
Kink folds at Upper Manitou Lake, northwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Lake sediments as natural seismographs: Earthquake-related deformations (seismites) in central Canadian lakes Journal Articles
Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic basin inversion and palaeostress fields in the North Atlantic-western Alpine-Tethys realm: Implications for intraplate tectonics Journal Articles
Late Pleistocene chronology and paleoclimate of Vancouver Island determined from cave deposits Journal Articles
Late Pleistocene subaerial debris‐flow facies of the Bow Valley, near Banff, Canadian Rocky Mountains Journal Articles
Late Quaternary seismo-stratigraphy of Lake Wanapitei, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada: Arguments for a possible meteorite impact origin Journal Articles
Lateral and vertical facies sequences in the Upper Cretaceous Chungo Member, Wapiabi Formation, southern Alberta Journal Articles
Lateral transport of suevite inferred from 3D shape-fabric analysis: Evidence from the Ries impact crater, Germany Journal Articles
Laurentide Ice Sheet configuration in southern Ontario, Canada during the last glaciation (MIS 4 to 2) from stratigraphic drilling and LIDAR-based surficial mapping Journal Articles
Lead isotopic compositions of Andean igneous rocks, latitudes 26 degrees to 29 degrees S; petrologic and metallogenic implications Journal Articles
Left-lateral transtension along the Tierra Colorada deformation zone, northern margin of the Xolapa magmatic arc of southern Mexico Journal Articles
Lithofacies types and vertical profile models; an alternative approach to the description and environmental interpretation of glacial diamict and diamictic sequences Journal Articles
Lithofacies types and vertical profile models; an alternative approach to the description and environmental interpretation of glacial diamict and diamictite sequences Journal Articles
Mapping contaminated sediment in Hamilton Harbour, Ontario Journal Articles
Marine and Petroleum Geology Journal
Mesoarchaean crustal history of the eastern Indian Craton: Sm-Nd and U-Pb isotopic evidence Journal Articles
Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal events recorded by deep-sea corals Journal Articles
Mid-crustal deformation at the southern flank of the Sudbury Basin, central Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Milankovitch-Scale Sequence Stratigraphy and Stepped Forced Regressions of the Turonian Ferron Notom Deltaic Complex, South-Central Utah, U.S.A Journal Articles
Mineralium Deposita Journal
Modern and Palaeozoic iron ooids—a similar volcanic origin Journal Articles
Morphology and Origin of an Erosion Surface Cut into the Bad Heart Formation During Major Sea-Level Change, Santonian of West-Central Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Morphology and origin of erosion surfaces in the Cardium Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Western Interior Seaway, Alberta) and their implications for rapid sea level fluctuations Journal Articles
Morphology and tectonic modification of the Sudbury impact crater: the North Range Journal Articles
Morphometric studies of bell hole development on Cayman Brac Journal Articles
Mudstones and Thin-bedded Turbidites Associated with the Upper Cretaceous Wheeler Gorge Conglomerates, California: A Possible Channel-Levee Complex Journal Articles
Multistage dolomitization in the Society Cliffs Formation, northern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Nature and origin of sediments infilling poorly defined buried bedrock valleys adjacent to the Niagara Escarpment, southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Nd and Pb isotope mapping of crustal domains within the Makkovik Province, Labrador Journal Articles
Nd isotope chemistry of Tertiary igneous rocks from Arran, Scotland: implications for magma evolution and crustal structure Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping in the Go Home region of Georgian Bay: a misunderstood key to the geology of the Central Gneiss Belt, Grenville Province of Ontario Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of Grenvillian crustal terranes in the vicinity of the Manicouagan Impact Structure Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of a Pinwarian-age composite arc belt in the Quebecia terrane of the central Grenville Province, Canada Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of a cryptic continental suture, Grenville Province of Ontario Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of a tectonic window near Chalk River, Ontario: Implications for large-scale Grenvillian tectonics Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of allochthonous Grenvillian klippen: Evidence for widespread ‘ramp-flat’ thrust geometry in the SW Grenville Province Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of the Allochthon Boundary Thrust on the shores of Georgian Bay, Ontario: significance for Grenvillian crustal structure and evolution Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of the Dysart gneiss complex: Evidence for a rifted block within the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of the Frontenac Terrane in southwestern Grenville Province Journal Articles
Nd isotope mapping of the Grenvillian Allochthon Boundary Thrust in Algonquin Park, Ontario Journal Articles
Neodymium isotope mapping a polygenetic TTG batholith: failed back-arc rifting in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, southwestern Grenville Province Journal Articles
Neoglacial (<3000 years) till and flutes at Saskatchewan Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains, formed by subglacial deformation of a soft bed Journal Articles
Neoproterozoic environmental change recorded in the Port Askaig Formation, Scotland: Climatic vs tectonic controls Journal Articles
Nested Submarine-Fan Channels in the Capistrano Formation, San Clemente, California Journal Articles
New insights on faulting in southwest New Brunswick and northeast Maine based on marine magnetic mapping of the Ministers Island dyke Journal Articles
No Change in Fluvial Style Across a Sequence Boundary, Cretaceous Blackhawk and Castlegate Formations of Central Utah, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Nondeltaic Depositional Environments in the Catskill Clastic Wedge (Upper Devonian) of Central Pennsylvania Journal Articles
OSL over-dispersion: A pilot study for the characterisation of extreme events in the shallow marine realm Journal Articles
Occurrence of surface flow on arctic slopes, southwestern Cornwallis Island Journal Articles
Ochtina Aragonite Cave (Western Carpathians, Slovakia): Morphology, mineralogy of the fill and genesis Journal Articles
Onshore deformation associated with the opening of the Labrador Sea from the Aillik Domain of the Makkovik Province, Labrador, Canada Conferences
Ore Geology Reviews Journal
Organic substances in cave drip waters: studies from Marengo Cave, Indiana Journal Articles
Origin of salt in coastal marshes of Hudson and James bays Journal Articles
Outcrop characterization of reservoir quality and interwell-scale cement distribution in a tide-influenced delta, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, USA Conferences
Oxygen Isotopic Studies of Calcareous and Pelitic Metamorphic Rocks, New England Journal Articles
Oxygen and Carbon Isotopic Fractionation between Coexisting Metamorphic Calcite and Dolomite Journal Articles
Oxygen isotopic and chemical compositions of rocks of the Sudbury Basin, Ontario Journal Articles
Oxygen, hydrogen, and lead isotope studies of the Taolin lead-zinc ore deposit, China Journal Articles
Palaeomagnetism and chronology of Caledonian igneous episodes in the Cross Fell Inlier and northern Lake District Journal Articles
Paleo-channel reconstruction and grain size variability in fluvial deposits, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, Hanksville, Utah Journal Articles
Paleocurrents and depositional environments of deep water conglomerates in the Cambro-Ordovician Cap Enragé Formation, Quebec Appalachians Journal Articles
Paleohydrology and 3D Facies Architecture of Ancient Point Bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah, U.S.A Journal Articles
Paleokarst as a target for modern karstification Conferences
Paleomagnetism of Carboniferous strata from the Stellarton Gap Journal Articles
Paleomagnetism of some late Precambrian and lower Paleozoic sediments from L'Adrar de Mauritanie, West Africa Journal Articles
Paleomagnetism of the Little Dal lavas, Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada Journal Articles
Paleomagnetism of the Middle Proterozoic Mount Nelson Formation: evidence for a regional remagnetization event in the Late Precambrian of the Cordillera Journal Articles
Paleoproterozoic crustal history of the southwestern Grenville Province: evidence from Nd isotopic mapping Journal Articles
Pb isotope mapping of differentially uplifted Archean basement: a case study from the Grenville Province, Ontario Journal Articles
Peat fires and legacy toxic metal release: An integrative biogeochemical and ecohydrological conceptual framework Journal Articles
Peering inside the peak ring of the Chicxulub Impact Crater—its nature and formation mechanism Journal Articles
Petrochemistry, mineralogy, and Nd isotopic analyses of Tithonian alkaline lamprophyric intrusions, north-central Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
Pipe flow in James Bay coastal wetlands Journal Articles
Plan-view Paleochannel Reconstruction of Amalgamated Meander Belts, Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-central Utah, U.s.a. Journal Articles
Plausibility of Milankovitch Cycles in an Ultra-Greenhouse World: Stratigraphic Correlation and Sea Level Reconstruction of the Turonian Western Interior Seaway using Tephrochronology and Biostratigraphy Journal Articles
Practical problems in the application of the sequence stratigraphic method and key surfaces: integrating observations from ancient fluvial–deltaic wedges with Quaternary and modelling studies Journal Articles
Pre-arc basement complex and overlying early island arc strata, Southwestern Puerto Rico: overview, geologic evolution, and revised data bases Journal Articles
Precambrian Research Journal
Predicting rock type and detecting hydrothermal alteration using machine learning and petrophysical properties of the Canadian Malartic ore and host rocks, Pontiac Subprovince, Québec, Canada Journal Articles
Principal features of evaporite karst in Canada Conferences
Provenance of the Old Red Sandstone: Pb isotope evidence from Arran, western Scotland Journal Articles
Pseudotachylitic breccia and microfracture networks in Archean gneiss of the central uplift of the Vredefort Impact Structure, South Africa Journal Articles
Publisher’s Note Journal Articles
Quantifying a tide-dominated, wave-, and river-influenced delta in Miocene facies of the Niger Delta basin Journal Articles
Quantifying the influence of sill intrusion on the thermal evolution of organic‐rich sedimentary rocks in nonvolcanic passive margins: an example from ODP 210‐1276, offshore Newfoundland, Canada Journal Articles
REPLY Journal Articles
REPLY Journal Articles
REPLY Journal Articles
Radiometric dating of submarine hydrocarbon seeps in the Gulf of Mexico Journal Articles
Rare-earth element modelling of Archean meta-igneous and igneous rocks, Lake Despair area, northwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Rate of Dissolution of Carbonate Sediments by Microboring Organisms, Davies Reef, Australia Journal Articles
Rb-Sr Geochronology of Granitoid Rocks from the Pampean Ranges, Argentina Journal Articles
Re-evaluating the Paleogeography of the River-dominated and Wave-influenced Ferron Notom Delta, Southern Central Utah: an Integration of Detailed Facies-architecture and Paleocurrent Analysis Journal Articles
Reappraisal of the sequence boundary in time and space: Case and considerations for an SU (subaerial unconformity) that is not a sediment bypass surface, a time barrier, or an unconformity Journal Articles
Records of geomagnetic secular variation since 1200 AD and the potential for chronological control of lake sediments in northern Alberta Journal Articles
Recovering Iron and Zinc values from steel plant dusts with simultaneous destruction of organic wasters: The EnvIRONment Process Journal Articles
Reply to the comments of W. Helland-Hansen on “Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy” by Catuneanu et al. [Earth-Sciences Review 92(2009)1–33] Journal Articles
Review of Krešić, N. and Stevanović, Z. (Editors) 2010.Groundwater Hydrology of Springs: Engineering, Theory, Management and Sustainability Journal Articles
Revisiting the Appalachian structural front and offshore Anticosti Basin (northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada) by integrating old and new geophysical datasets Journal Articles
Revisiting thrusting, reverse faulting and transpression in the southern Sudbury Basin, Ontario Journal Articles
Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina Journal
Scottish Journal of Geology Journal
Sea-Level Highstands Over the Last 500,000 Years: Evidence from the Ironshore Formation on Grand Cayman, British West Indies Journal Articles
Sea-level highstands over the last 500,000 years; evidence from the Ironshore Formation on Grand Cayman, British West Indies Journal Articles
Secondary K-feldspar at the Precambrian–Paleozoic unconformity, southwestern Ontario Journal Articles
Secular variation of the Earth's magnetic field from 18.5 to 15.0 ka BP, as recorded in a Vancouver Island stalagmite Journal Articles
Sediment supply on the West Greenland passive margin: redirection of a large pre-glacial drainage system Journal Articles
Sedimentary Geology Journal
Sedimentary response of the deep eastern Mediterranean basin to the north African desertification, sea level variation and regional tectonics Journal Articles
Sedimentology Journal
Seismic reflection, borehole and outcrop geometry of Late Wisconsin tills at a proposed landfill near Toronto, Ontario Journal Articles
Seismic stratigraphy of Waterton Lake, a sediment-starved glaciated basin in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada and Montana, USA Journal Articles
Seismotectonic characteristics of the Lower St. Lawrence Seismic Zone, Quebec: insights from geology, magnetics, gravity, and seismics Journal Articles
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Youngest Nonmarine Sequence In the Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, South Central Utah, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Sequence stratigraphic interpretation in marginal marine settings by the approach of parasequence-thickness-to-sandstone-fraction ratio: Case studies of the Gallup and Ferron outcrops in the Western Interior Basin, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Sequence stratigraphy as a scientific enterprise: the evolution and persistence of conflicting paradigms Journal Articles
Shallow seismic reflection profiling of waste disposal sites Journal Articles
Shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection in the study of the Quaternary in foothill areas Journal Articles
Shannon Sandstone in Wyoming: A Shelf-ridge Complex Reinterpreted as Lowstand Shoreface Deposits Journal Articles
Short Paper: Time of docking of the Connemara terrane with the Delaney Dome Formation, western Ireland Journal Articles
Simulation of changes in ground-water levels associated with strip mining Journal Articles
Slope hydrology as influenced by thawing of the active layer, Resolute, N.W.T. Journal Articles
Slump-generated megachannels in the Pliocene–Pleistocene glaciomarine Yakataga Formation, Gulf of Alaska Journal Articles
Snowmelt, glacier melt, and high arctic streamflow regimes Journal Articles
Source of lead in the gold-bearing quartz-fuchsite vein at the Dome mine, Timmins area, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Source-To-Sink Sediment Budget Analysis of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A., Using the Fulcrum Approach Journal Articles
South African Journal of Geology Journal
Southeastern Geology Journal
Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Speleothems and Cave Waters from the Flint Ridge-Mammoth Cave System, Kentucky: Implications for Terrestrial Climate Change during the Period 230,000 to 100,000 Years B.P. Journal Articles
Stable isotope geochemistry, geothermometry, and geochronology of speleothems from West Virginia Journal Articles
Storm-dominated shallow marine deposits: the Fernie–Kootenay (Jurassic) transition, southern Rocky Mountains Journal Articles
Storm-dominated shallow marine deposits: the Fernie–Kootenay (Jurassic) transition, southern Rocky Mountains: Reply Journal Articles
Storm‐flood‐dominated delta: A new type of delta in stormy oceans Journal Articles
Stratigraphic analysis of Late Wisconsin and Holocene glaciolacustrine deposits exposed along the Nottawasaga River, southern Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Stratigraphy of the Fluvial-To-Marine Transition Zone Associated With A Forced-Regressive Compound Incised-Valley System In the Turonian Ferron Notom Delta, Utah, U.S.A. Journal Articles
Structural controls on the localization of the mineralized Copper Cliff embayment and the Copper Cliff Offset dyke, Sudbury Igneous Complex, Canada Journal Articles
Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic Journal Articles
Structural setting for Canadian Malartic style of gold mineralization in the Pontiac Subprovince, south of the Cadillac Larder Lake Deformation Zone, Québec, Canada Journal Articles
Structural testing of tectonic hypotheses by field-based analysis of distributed tangential shear: examples from major high-strain zones in the Grenville Province and other parts of the southern Canadian Shield Journal Articles
Structure and function of a conduit aquifer Journal Articles
Structure, Stability, and Transformation of Contaminated Lacustrine Surface Fine-Grained Laminae Journal Articles
Styles of Proterozoic crustal growth on the southeast margin of Laurentia: evidence from the central Grenville Province northwest of Lac St.-Jean, Quebec Journal Articles
Subaqueous mass flow origin for Lower Permian diamictites and associated facies of the Grant Group, Barbwire Terrace, Canning Basin, Western Australia Journal Articles
Subglacial deforming bed conditions recorded by late Quaternary sediments exposed in Vineland Quarry, Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Substrate Destruction and Sediment Production by the Boring Sponge Cliona Caribbaea on Grand Cayman Island Journal Articles
Subsurface heterogeneity in the geological and hydraulic properties of the hummocky Paris Moraine, Guelph, Ontario Journal Articles
Subsurface sediment profiles below Point Pelee: indicators of postglacial evolution in western Lake Erie Journal Articles
Sulfur Isotope Analyses of Some Sudbury, Ontario, Ores Journal Articles
Sunrise Hill unconformity: A newly discovered regional hiatus between Archaean granites and greenstones in the northeastern Pilbara Craton Journal Articles
Syn-orogenic alkaline magmatism and its relationship to the Moine Thrust Zone and the thermal state of the Lithosphere in NW Scotland Journal Articles
Synthèse géologique et géophysique de la région de Chapais : portion orientale de la ceinture de l'Abitibi québécoise Journal Articles
Systematic decrease of high δ13C values with burial in late Archaean (2.8 Ga) diagenetic dolomite: evidence for methanogenesis from the Crixás Greenstone Belt, Brazil Journal Articles
Tectonic Evolution of the Western Margin of Gondwana Inferred from Syntectonic Emplacement of Paleozoic Granitoid Plutons in Northwest Argentina Journal Articles
Tectonic and metamorphic history of the Sudbury norite; the evidence from paleomagnetism Journal Articles
Tectonic geomorphology of the Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben, Eastern Canada: implications for regional uplift and intraplate seismicity Journal Articles
Tectonic geomorphology of the Ottawa-Bonnechere Graben, Eastern Canada: implications for regional uplift and intraplate seismicity Journal Articles
Temporal Evolution of Fluvial Style in a Compound Incised-Valley Fill, Ferron "Notom Delta", Henry Mountains Region, Utah (U.S.A.) Journal Articles
Terminal Distributary Channels and Delta Front Architecture of River-Dominated Delta Systems Journal Articles
Testing a back-arc ‘aulacogen’ model for the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province Journal Articles
The Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick: data integration, geophysical modelling, and implications for exploration Journal Articles
The Blackstones Bank igneous complex: geochemistry and
crustal context of a submerged Tertiary igneous centre
in the Scottish Hebrides Journal Articles
The Cambro‐Ordovician Cap Enragé Formation, Queébec, Canada: conglomeratic deposits of a braided submarine channel with terraces Journal Articles
The Chondritic Moon: a solution to the 142Nd conundrum and implications for terrestrial mantle evolution Journal Articles
The Erieau Excursion revisited Journal Articles
The Geoscience of Climate and Energy 1. Understanding the Climate System, and the Consequences of Climate Change for the Exploitation and Management of Natural Resources: The View from Banff Journal Articles
The Iceland Microcontinent and a continental Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge Journal Articles
The Importance of Sea-Level Fluctuations in the Formation of Linear Conglomerate Bodies; Carrot Creek Member of Cardium Formation, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
The Long Rapids Formation: an Upper Devonian black shale in the Moose River Basin, northern Ontario Journal Articles
The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz as a natural laboratory for paleotsunami research: Recent advancements Journal Articles
The Oak Ridges Moraine of southern Ontario: A ground-water resource at risk Journal Articles
The Origin of Diamonds in Drift of the North Central United States Journal Articles
The Orphan Basin: A review of basin evolution, structure, stratigraphy and petroleum systems Journal Articles
The Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Preservation of Intertidal Deposits in the Minas Basin System, Bay of Fundy Journal Articles
The St Lawrence Platform and Appalachian deformation front in the St Lawrence Estuary and adjacent areas (Quebec, Canada): structural complexity revealed by magnetic and seismic imaging Journal Articles
The Stratigraphy Machine Journal Articles
The age of the woolly rhino from Dream Cave, Derbyshire, UK Journal Articles
The case for persistent southwest-dipping Cretaceous convergence in the northeast Antilles: Geochemistry, melting models, and tectonic implications Journal Articles
The chronology of speleothem deposition in northern Yukon and its relationships to permafrost Journal Articles
The continuing power of Nd isotope mapping in Precambrian orogenic belts: A demonstration from the Ontario Grenville Province Journal Articles
The development of limestone cave systems in the dimensions of length and depth Journal Articles
The extent of juvenile crust in the Grenville Province: Nd isotope evidence Journal Articles
The location of the Allochthon Boundary Thrust and the Archean–Proterozoic suture in the Mattawa area of the Grenville Province: Nd isotope evidence Conferences
The maumtrasna group problem: Possible devonian rocks in murrisk, Western Ireland Journal Articles
The mid-Cretaceous Peninsular Ranges orogeny: a new slant on Cordilleran tectonics? III: the orogenic foredeep Journal Articles
The movement of isolated boulders on tidal flats by ice floes Journal Articles
The oxygen isotope composition of the surface crystalline rocks of the Canadian Shield Journal Articles
The paleomagnetism and U–Th dating of three Canadian speleothems: evidence for the westward drift, 5.4–2.1 ka BP Journal Articles
The role of pre‐existing structures during rifting, continental breakup and transform system development, offshore West Greenland Journal Articles
The significance of Nd isotope mapping in Precambrian orogenic belts: A case study from the Saguenay region of the Quebec Grenville Province Journal Articles
The silver deposits at Cobalt and Gowganda, Ontario. II: An experiment in age determinations employing radiometric and paleomagnetic measurements Journal Articles
The southern limit of Archean crust and significance of rocks with Paleoproterozoic model ages: Nd model age mapping in the Grenville Province of western Quebec Journal Articles
The stability of a remediated bed in Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
The structural geometry and geological history of Archean rocks at Kenora, north-western Ontario—a proposed type area for the Kenoran Orogeny Journal Articles
The upper Cenozoic White River "tillites" of southern Alaska: Subaerial slope and fan-delta deposits in a strike-slip setting Journal Articles
The use of paleomagnetic data to delineate the history of the development of the Connemara Antiform Journal Articles
Thermal genesis of dissolution caves in the Black Hills, South Dakota Journal Articles
Thin-bedded reservoir analogs in an ancient delta using terrestrial laser scanner and high-resolution ground-based hyperspectral cameras Journal Articles
Three-dimensional visualization of top-down superimposed thrust sheets in the SW Grenville Province, Ontario Journal Articles
Time-stratigraphy in point sourced river deltas: Application to sediment budgets, shelf construction, and paleo-storm records Journal Articles
Timing of late Cenozoic tidewater glaciation in the far North Pacific Journal Articles
Tithonian mafic intrusions in north-central Newfoundland: link to Atlantic rifting? Journal Articles
Topography and Significance of a Basinwide Sequence-bounding Erosion Surface in the Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Towards the standardization of sequence stratigraphy Journal Articles
Transcurrent motion determined paleomagnetically in the Northern Appalachians and Caledonides and the Acadian Orogeny Journal Articles
Transpressive tectonism in the eastern Penokean orogen, Canada Consequences for Proterozoic crustal kinematics and continental fragmentation Conferences
Turbidites in the Upper Carboniferous Ross Formation, western Ireland: reconstruction of a channel and spillover system Journal Articles
Two high precision U–Pb zircon ages for the Sudbury Nickel Irruptive Journal Articles
Upper-crustal, basement-involved folding in the East Range of the Sudbury Basin, Ontario, inferred from paleomagnetic data and spatial analysis of mafic dykes Journal Articles
Uranium-series dating of the draining of an aquifer: The example of Wind Cave, Black Hills, South Dakota Journal Articles
Using geographic information systems to make transparent and weighted decisions on pit development: incorporation of interactive economic, environmental, and social factors Journal Articles
Variability of outcrop magnetic susceptibility and its relationship to the porphyry Cu centers in the Highland Valley Copper district Journal Articles
Wave‐influenced deltas: geomorphological implications for facies reconstruction Journal Articles
Winter weathering of fractured sedimentary rocks in a temperate climate: observation of freeze–thaw and thermal processes on the Niagara Escarpment, Hamilton, Ontario Journal Articles
“Sudbury Breccia” and “Huronian Breccia”: spatial, sedimentological, and structural evidence for separate distinct breccia-forming events Journal Articles