subject area of
- A Cost Efficiency Comparison Between The Multiple Mini-Interview and Traditional Admissions Interviews Journal Articles
- A survey of medical school aspirant perceptions of an unexpected lottery‐facilitated admissions adaptation Journal Articles
- APPLIED RESEARCH: Reflecting the Relative Values of Community, Faculty, and Students in the Admissions Tools of Medical School Journal Articles
- Addressing the Diversity–Validity Dilemma Using Situational Judgment Tests Journal Articles
- An admissions OSCE: the multiple mini-interview Journal Articles
- Applicants to B.Sc.N., R.N., and R.P.N. nursing programs: differences and predictors. Journal Articles
- Association Between a Medical School Admission Process Using the Multiple Mini-interview and National Licensing Examination Scores Journal Articles
- Associations between admissions factors and the need for remediation Journal Articles
- Baccalaureate education in oncology nursing: the dream is becoming a reality for Ontario nurses. Journal Articles
- CASPer, an online pre-interview screen for personal/professional characteristics: prediction of national licensure scores Journal Articles
- Calling for a Broader Conceptualization of Diversity Journal Articles
- Can student-perpetrated college crime be predicted based on precollege misconduct? Journal Articles
- Can the academic background of medical graduates be detected during internship? Journal Articles
- Does premedical academic background influence medical graduates' perceptions of their medical school or their subsequent career paths and decisions? Journal Articles
- From admissions to licensure: education data associations from a multi-centre undergraduate medical education collaboration Journal Articles
- Have admissions committees considered all the evidence? Journal Articles
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the bias Journal Articles
- How We Did It: Creating Virtual Interviews for Postgraduate Medical Trainee Recruitment and Keeping it Personal Journal Articles
- Incorporating Situational Judgment Tests Into Postgraduate Medical Education Admissions: Examining Educational and Organizational Outcomes Journal Articles
- Medical School Admission Interview and Licensing Examination Scores—Reply Journal Articles
- Medical School Admissions: Enhancing the Reliability and Validity of an Autobiographical Screening Tool Conferences
- Medical School Admissions: Revisiting the Veracity and Independence of Completion of an Autobiographical Screening Tool Conferences
- Moral reasoning as a criterion for admission to medical school Journal Articles
- Multiple mini-interviews predict clerkship and licensing examination performance Journal Articles
- Non-association between Neo-5 personality tests and multiple mini-interview Journal Articles
- Obstacles to identifying valid performance predictors Journal Articles
- Overview: what’s worked and what hasn’t as a guide towards predictive admissions tool development Journal Articles
- Predictive validity of the multiple mini-interview for selecting medical trainees Journal Articles
- RESEARCH BASIC TO MEDICAL EDUCATION: Comparison of Aboriginal and Nonaboriginal Applicants for Admissions on the Multiple Mini-Interview Using Aboriginal and Nonaboriginal Interviewers Journal Articles
- Reliability and validity of admissions tools used to select students for the health professions. Journal Articles
- Research experiences for Canadian aspiring physicians: a descriptive analysis of medical school admission policies concerning research involvement in Canada Journal Articles
- Roadmap for creating an accelerated three-year medical education program Journal Articles
- Selection of medical students Journal Articles
- Selection of medical students at McMaster University. Journal Articles
- Should Efforts in Favor of Medical Student Diversity Be Focused During Admissions or Farther Upstream? Journal Articles
- Standardising the process versus improving the methods Journal Articles
- The Canadian Urology Fair: a model for minimizing the financial and academic costs of the residency selection process. Journal Articles
- The Effect of Differential Weighting of Academics, Experiences, and Competencies Measured by Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) on Race and Ethnicity of Cohorts Accepted to One Medical School Journal Articles
- The McMaster M.D. program Journal Articles
- The Professional Benefits for Volunteer Research Assistants in a Pediatric Emergency Department Journal Articles
- The Relationship between Interviewers’ Characteristics and Ratings Assigned during a Multiple Mini-Interview Journal Articles
- The ability of the multiple mini-interview to predict preclerkship performance in medical school. Journal Articles
- The effect of defined violations of test security on admissions outcomes using multiple mini-interviews Journal Articles
- The influence of income on medical school admissions in Canada: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
- The use of an autobiographical letter in the nursing admissions process: initial reliability and validity. Journal Articles
- Tracking Indigenous Applicants Through the Admissions Process of a Socially Accountable Medical School Journal Articles
- Use of Personality, Anthropometry and Vision Scores to Select Students for Psychomotor Dental Performance Journal Articles
- Use of the Paired-Comparison Technique to Determine the Most Valued Qualities of the McMaster Medical Programme Admissions Process Journal Articles
- Validity Of Admissions Measures in Predicting Performance Outcomes: A Comparison of Those Who Were and Were not Accepted at McMaster Journal Articles
- Validity of Admissions Measures in Predicting Performance Outcomes: The Contribution of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Dimensions Journal Articles
- Vive la Différence: The Freedom and Inherent Responsibilities When Designing and Implementing Multiple Mini-Interviews Journal Articles
- Where Judgement Fails: Pitfalls in the Selection Process for Medical Personnel Journal Articles
- Widening perspectives: reframing the way we research selection Journal Articles