Physical Therapists
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A Narrative Review of Generic Intervention Fidelity Measures Journal Articles
A systematic review and meta-analysis of measurement properties of objective structured clinical examinations used in physical therapy licensure and a structured review of licensure practices in countries with well-developed regulation systems Journal Articles
A theory-based multi-component intervention to increase reactive balance measurement by physiotherapists in three rehabilitation hospitals: an uncontrolled single group study Journal Articles
Advanced practice physiotherapy in patients with musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review Journal Articles
An examination of the causes, consequences, and policy responses to the migration of highly trained health personnel from the Philippines: the high cost of living/leaving—a mixed method study Journal Articles
Appraisal of: Role of physical therapists in the management of individuals at risk for or diagnosed with venous thromboembolism: evidence-based clinical practice guideline Journal Articles
Assessing the inter‐rater and intra‐rater reliability of the Physical Therapy Competence Assessment for Airway Suctioning (PT‐CAAS) Journal Articles
Asymptomatic intraspinal epidermoid cyst in a 7-year-old male with juvenile idiopathic arthritis identified by an advanced physiotherapist practitioner: a case report Journal Articles
Balancing our impact indicators and usefulness to hand therapists Journal Articles
Biopsychosocial approaches to telerehabilitation for chronic primary musculoskeletal pain: A real possibility for physical therapists, that is here to stay. Journal Articles
Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy as a career choice—perspective of students and physiotherapists in Portugal Journal Articles
Child-Focused and Context-Focused Behaviors of Physical and Occupational Therapists during Treatment of Young Children with Cerebral Palsy Journal Articles
Choosing Wisely Brazil: top 5 low-value practices that should be avoided in musculoskeletal physical therapy. Journal Articles
Compliance with clinical guidelines for whiplash improved with a targeted implementation strategy: a prospective cohort study Journal Articles
Concordance between physiotherapists and physicians for care of patients with musculoskeletal disorders presenting to the emergency department Journal Articles
Determining the impact of a new physiotherapist-led primary care model for back pain: protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Development of a Theory-Based Intervention to Increase Clinical Measurement of Reactive Balance in Adults at Risk of Falls Journal Articles
Development of a generic fidelity measure for rehabilitation intervention research for children with physical disabilities Journal Articles
Development of student goals in school-based practice: physical therapists’ experiences and perceptions Journal Articles
Early Mobilization in Critically Ill Children Journal Articles
Effects of a Collaborative Intervention Process on Parent Empowerment and Child Performance: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Effects of a Collaborative Intervention Process on Parent–Therapist Interaction: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Ethics teaching in rehabilitation: results of a pan-Canadian workshop with occupational and physical therapy educators Journal Articles
Evaluation of an advanced-practice physiotherapist in triaging patients with lumbar spine pain: surgeon–physiotherapist level of agreement and patient satisfaction Journal Articles
Evidence-based practice supports among Canadian occupational therapists Journal Articles
Exoskeleton use in post-stroke gait rehabilitation: a qualitative study of the perspectives of persons post-stroke and physiotherapists Journal Articles
Experiences engaging in a group-based physiotherapist-led exercise programme for adults living with HIV and complex multimorbidity: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Experiences of physiotherapists working with adults living with Long COVID in Canada: a qualitative study. Journal Articles
Exploring Relational Dialogue in Solution-Focused Coaching Sessions: An Analysis of Co-Construction and Reflection Journal Articles
Exploring factors influencing physiotherapists’ perceptions of measuring reactive balance following a theory-based multi-component intervention: a qualitative descriptive study Journal Articles
Exploring if and how evidence-based practice of occupational and physical therapists evolves over time: A longitudinal mixed methods national study Journal Articles
Exploring needs and requirements for a prototype device measuring physical activity in pediatric physical therapy: A qualitative study Journal Articles
Factors That Influence the Clinical Implementation of Aerobic Exercise in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Theory-Informed Qualitative Study Journal Articles
Fatigue self-management led by occupational therapists and/or physiotherapists for chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Hand therapist use of patient report outcome (PRO) in practice: A survey study Journal Articles
Hand therapists' attitudes, environmental supports, and self-efficacy regarding intimate partner violence in their practice Journal Articles
Healthcare providers’ perspectives on implementing a brief physical activity and diet intervention within a primary care smoking cessation program: a qualitative study Journal Articles
Identified unmet needs and proposed solutions in mild‐to‐moderate haemophilia: A summary of opinions from a roundtable of haemophilia experts Journal Articles
Integrating physiotherapists within primary health care teams: perspectives of family physicians and nurse practitioners Journal Articles
Integrating virtual reality video games into practice: Clinicians' experiences Journal Articles
International consensus on the most useful assessments used by physical therapists to evaluate patients with temporomandibular disorders: A Delphi study Journal Articles
Letters Journal Articles
McKenzie Lumbar Classification Journal Articles
Orthotic use for CMC osteoarthritis: Variations among different health professionals in Brazil Journal Articles
Pain intensity scales: A cross-sectional study on the preferences and knowledge of physiotherapists and participants with musculoskeletal pain. Journal Articles
Patients’ and therapists’ perspective of integrating home and family work roles into rehabilitation following distal radius fracture Journal Articles
Perceived factors and barriers affecting physiotherapists’ decision to use spinal manipulation and mobilisation among infants, children, and adolescents: an international survey Journal Articles
Perceptions of Pediatric Physical Therapists and Physical Educators on Classifying Learning Styles of Children and Adolescents With Cerebral Palsy Journal Articles
Photogrammetric Variables Used by Physical Therapists to Detect Neck Pain and to Refer for Physiotherapeutic Intervention: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal Articles
Physical Therapists in Primary Care Are Interested in High Quality Evidence Regarding Efficacy of Therapeutic Ultrasound for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Provincial Survey Journal Articles
Physiotherapist performed Point of Care Ultrasonography (POCUS): a scoping review of 209 studies Journal Articles
Physiotherapists supporting self-management through health coaching: a mixed methods program evaluation Journal Articles
Physiotherapists’ perspectives on aerobic exercise early after stroke: A preliminary study Journal Articles
Properties of an ideal burn dressing: A survey of burn survivors and front-line burn healthcare providers Journal Articles
Recommendations for integrating physiotherapy into an interprofessional outpatient care setting for people living with HIV: a qualitative study Journal Articles
School-Based Physical Therapists’ Experiences and Perceptions of How Student Goals Influence Services and Outcomes Journal Articles
Solution-Focused Coaching in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Perceived Therapist Impact Journal Articles
Spinal manipulation and mobilisation among infants, children, and adolescents: an international Delphi survey of expert physiotherapists Journal Articles
Spinal manipulation and mobilisation in paediatrics – an international evidence-based position statement for physiotherapists Journal Articles
Stability of the Gross Motor Function Classification System, Manual Ability Classification System, and Communication Function Classification System Journal Articles
Strategies to promote family–professional collaboration: two case reports Journal Articles
The cultural brokerage work of occupational therapists in providing culturally sensitive care Journal Articles
The views of parents of children with cancer and pediatric physical therapists on a network for continuity and optimal quality of care for children with cancer: KinderOncoNet Journal Articles
Therapist perceptions of best practice as ordered by referral source: An exploratory survey Journal Articles
Therapist's practice patterns for subsequent fall/osteoporotic fracture prevention for patients with a distal radius fracture Journal Articles
Therapists to therapy assistants: Experiences of internationally educated physiotherapists and occupational therapists. Journal Articles
Therapy behaviours in paediatric rehabilitation: essential attributes for intervention with children with physical disabilities Journal Articles
Using virtual reality in clinical practice: A multi-site exploratory study Journal Articles
Virtual Reality and Active Videogame-Based Practice, Learning Needs, and Preferences: A Cross-Canada Survey of Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Journal Articles
Weighing up the benefits and challenges of hosting physiotherapy student placements in private practice; a qualitative exploration Journal Articles
When Minimal Detectable Change Exceeds a Diagnostic Test–Based Threshold Change Value for an Outcome Measure: Resolving the Conflict Journal Articles