subject area of
- A Tactile Automated Passive-Finger Stimulator (TAPS) Journal Articles
- A novel approach using tendon vibration of the human flexor carpi radialis muscle to study spinal reflexes Conferences
- Acute aerobic exercise enhances attentional modulation of somatosensory event-related potentials during a tactile discrimination task Journal Articles
- Age-related loss in attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
- Allodynography: Reliability of a New Procedure for Objective Clinical Examination of Static Mechanical Allodynia Journal Articles
- An automatic device for delivering “tail-pinch” stimulation to freely moving rats Journal Articles
- Assessing linear time‐invariance in human primary somatosensory cortex with BOLD fMRI using vibrotactile stimuli Journal Articles
- Brush Allodynia in Hospitalized Headache Patients Journal Articles
- Cellular mechanisms of hyperalgesia and spontaneous pain in a spinalized rat model of peripheral neuropathy: changes in myelinated afferent inputs implicated Journal Articles
- Characterization of a novel C8 phasic muscle stretch reflex Journal Articles
- Cognitive evoked potentials to anticipated oesophageal stimulus in humans: quantitative assessment of the cognitive aspects of visceral perception Journal Articles
- Conditioning insulin effects. Journal Articles
- Conjunctival and Corneal Pneumatic Sensitivity Is Associated with Signs and Symptoms of Ocular Dryness Journal Articles
- Contractile activity in intestinal muscle evokes action potential discharge in guinea‐pig myenteric neurons Journal Articles
- Crossmodal influences in somatosensory cortex: Interaction of vision and touch Journal Articles
- Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance Journal Articles
- Cutaneous reflexes in small muscles of the hand Journal Articles
- Development of an Apparatus to Produce Fractures From Short-Duration High-Impulse Loading With an Application in the Lower Leg Journal Articles
- Diurnal variation in excitation of dorsal horn units by naloxone in the spinal cat suggests a circulating opioid factor Journal Articles
- Dopamine Alters Tactile Perception in Parkinson's Disease Journal Articles
- Dynamic measurement of tracheal diameter in dogs Journal Articles
- Effects of Morphine and Naloxone on Dorsal Horn Neurones in the Cat Journal Articles
- Electrical mapping of the projections of intrinsic primary afferent neurones to the mucosa of the guinea‐pig small intestine Journal Articles
- Endogenous interleukin‐6 contributes to hypersensitivity to cutaneous stimuli and changes in neuropeptides associated with chronic nerve constriction in mice Journal Articles
- Enhancement of jump performance after a 5-RM squat is associated with postactivation potentiation Journal Articles
- Enkephalin-immunoreactive nociceptive neurons in the cat spinal cord Journal Articles
- Estimation of habituation and signal-to-noise ratio of cortical evoked potentials to oesophageal electrical and mechanical stimulation Journal Articles
- Evidence that axoplasmic transport of trophic factors is involved in the regulation of peripheral nerve fields in salamanders Journal Articles
- Excitability of Aβ sensory neurons is altered in an animal model of peripheral neuropathy Journal Articles
- Functional Independence of Layer IV Barrels in Rodent Somatosensory Cortex Journal Articles
- Functional MRI in human somatosensory cortex activated by touching textured surfaces Journal Articles
- Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination Journal Articles
- Governing role of primary afferent drive in increased excitation of spinal nociceptive neurons in a model of sciatic neuropathy Journal Articles
- Heightened central affective response to visceral sensations of pain and discomfort in IBS Journal Articles
- Indirect airway challenges Journal Articles
- Integration of visual and tactile stimuli: top-down influences require time Journal Articles
- Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled Journal Articles
- Intrathecal administration of CGRP in the rat attenuates a facilitation of the tail flick reflex induced by either substance P or noxious cutaneous stimulation Journal Articles
- Kinematic analysis of goal-directed aims made against early and late perturbations: An investigation of the relative influence of two online control processes Journal Articles
- L-NAME blocks responses to NMDA, substance P and noxious cutaneous stimuli in cat dorsal horn Journal Articles
- Learner regulated knowledge of results during the acquisition of multiple timing goals Journal Articles
- Localizing evoked cortical activity associated with balance reactions: does the anterior cingulate play a role? Journal Articles
- Low threshold mechanical stimulation of the vagina depresses dorsal horn unit activity in the spinal cat Journal Articles
- Male rat pups are more hesitant to urinate in response to anogenital stimulation than are their female sibs Journal Articles
- Mating induces pupillary dilatation in female rats: Role of pelvic nerve Journal Articles
- Meloxicam selectively depresses the afterdischarge of rat spinal dorsal horn neurones in response to noxious stimulation Journal Articles
- Minimizing the source of nociception and its concurrent effect on sensory hypersensitivity: An exploratory study in chronic whiplash patients Journal Articles
- Modulation of Neurocardiac Function by Oesophageal Stimulation in Humans Journal Articles
- Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas Journal Articles
- NMDA receptor antagonist blocks the facilitation of the tail flick reflex in the rat induced by intrathecal administration of substance P and by noxious cutaneous stimulation Journal Articles
- New devices to deliver somatosensory stimuli during functional MRI Journal Articles
- Nociceptive response to innocuous mechanical stimulation is mediated via myelinated afferents and NK-1 receptor activation in a rat model of neuropathic pain Journal Articles
- On the use of peripheral autonomic signals for binary control of body–machine interfaces Journal Articles
- Optical imaging and electrophysiology of rat barrel cortex. I. Responses to small single-vibrissa deflections Journal Articles
- Optical imaging and electrophysiology of rat barrel cortex. II. Responses to paired-vibrissa deflections Journal Articles
- Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation of primary somatosensory cortex differentially modulates perception and sensorimotor transformations Journal Articles
- Paw withdrawal threshold in the von Frey hair test is influenced by the surface on which the rat stands Journal Articles
- Peripheral Neuropathy Induces Cutaneous Hypersensitivity in Chronically Spinalized Rats Journal Articles
- Peripheral vibration causes an adenosine-mediated postsynaptic inhibitory potential in dorsal horn neurons of the cat spinal cord Journal Articles
- Physiological evidence of a postsynaptic inhibition of the tail flick reflex by a cannabinoid receptor agonist Journal Articles
- Prolonged GABAA‐mediated inhibition following single hair afferent input to single spinal dorsal horn neurones in cats. Journal Articles
- Quantitation in EMG Journal Articles
- Reduced strength after passive stretch of the human plantarflexors Journal Articles
- Relationship between mechano-receptive fields of dorsal horn convergent neurons and the response to noxious immersion of the ipsilateral hindpaw in rats Journal Articles
- Somatosensory Gating and Recovery From Stroke Involving the Thalamus Journal Articles
- Somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas is enhanced during preparation of cued contraterlateral finger sequence movements Journal Articles
- Specific probiotic therapy attenuates antibiotic induced visceral hypersensitivity in mice Journal Articles
- Substance P and Spinal Neurones Journal Articles
- Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network Journal Articles
- Target-Controlled Dosing of Remifentanil During Cardiac Surgery Reduces Postoperative Hyperalgesia Journal Articles
- Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement Journal Articles
- The RULER model. Is this how the somatosensory cortex works? Journal Articles
- The impact and specificity of nerve perturbation on novel vibrotactile sensory letter learning Journal Articles
- The protective effect of inhaled chlorpheniramine and atropine on bronchoconstriction stimulated by airway cooling. Journal Articles
- Touch dome properties as a function of age Journal Articles
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques to study the somatosensory system Journal Articles
- Transient inhibition of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex disrupts attention-based modulation of tactile stimuli at early stages of somatosensory processing Journal Articles
- Upper limb H reflexes and somatosensory evoked potentials modulated by movement Journal Articles
- Visceral pain perception is determined by the duration of colitis and associated neuropeptide expression in the mouse Journal Articles
- mu-, delta- and kappa-opiate receptors mediate antinociception in the rat tail flick test following noxious thermal stimulation of one hindpaw. Journal Articles