Hand Strength
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"Wii-Hab" in critically ill children: A pilot trial Journal Articles
A Characterization of the Cardiac Physiology and Aortic Pulse Wave Properties of Artistic Swimmers Across Competitive Levels Journal Articles
A Community-Based Upper-Extremity Group Exercise Program Improves Motor Function and Performance of Functional Activities in Chronic Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Endoscopic and Open Carpal Tunnel Decompression Journal Articles
A Self-Administered Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program (GRASP) Improves Arm Function During Inpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Journal Articles
A Systematic Review of Rehabilitation Protocols after Surgical Repair of the Extensor Tendons in Zones V–VIII of the Hand Journal Articles
A Unified Approach to Outcomes Assessment for Distal Radius Fractures Journal Articles
A prospective 2-site parallel intervention trial of a research-based film to increase exercise amongst older hemodialysis patients Journal Articles
A randomized, controlled trial of creatine monohydrate in patients with mitochondrial cytopathies Journal Articles
A retrospective analysis of quality of life domains impacted by distal radius fracture and ulnar neuropathy. Journal Articles
A scoping review of applications and outcomes of traction orthoses and constructs for the management of intra-articular fractures and fracture dislocations in the hand Journal Articles
A temporal analysis of grasping in the Ebbinghaus illusion: planning versus online control Journal Articles
Acute Nondisplaced Fractures of the Scaphoid Journal Articles
Acute creatine loading increases fat-free mass, but does not affect blood pressure, plasma creatinine, or CK activity in men and women Journal Articles
Acute vascular responses to isometric handgrip exercise and effects of training in persons medicated for hypertension Journal Articles
An elusive consensus definition of sarcopenia impedes research and clinical treatment: A narrative review Journal Articles
Apples to apples? Discordant definitions still hinder evidence‐based treatments for sarcopenia Journal Articles
Association of handgrip strength to cardiovascular mortality in pre-diabetic and diabetic patients: A subanalysis of the ORIGIN trial Journal Articles
Association of strength, power, and function with muscle thickness, echo intensity, and lean tissue in older males Journal Articles
Associations between Social Isolation Index and changes in grip strength, gait speed, bone mineral density (BMD), and self-reported incident fractures among older adults: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Associations between lung function and physical and cognitive health in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA): A cross-sectional study from a multicenter national cohort Journal Articles
Bilateral hand transplantation: Functional benefits assessment in five patients with a mean follow-up of 7.6 years (range 4–13 years) Journal Articles
Bone-muscle indices as risk factors for fractures in men: the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study. Journal Articles
Brain mechanisms for preparing increasingly complex sensory to motor transformations Journal Articles
Can we use peripheral vision to create a visuospatial map for compensatory reach-to-grasp reactions? Journal Articles
Canadian Musculoskeletal Fitness Norms Journal Articles
Cardiovascular reactivity to psychophysiological stressors: association with hypotensive effects of isometric handgrip training Journal Articles
Cautionary tails of grip strength in health inequality studies: An analysis from the Canadian longitudinal study on aging Journal Articles
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: Time to Maximal Recovery in Patients Receiving Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy Journal Articles
Clinical Commentary in Response To: Relationship between Patient Satisfaction and Functional Outcome Metrics 3 Months after Surgical Treatment for Distal Radius Fractures Journal Articles
Comments on Kailu et al.: Chronic perilunate dislocations treated with open reduction and internal fixation: results of medium term follow-up Journal Articles
Concurrent validity of the NK hand dexterity test Journal Articles
Constrained handgrip force decreases upper extremity muscle activation and arm strength Journal Articles
Construct validity of the AIMS-2 upper limb function scales as a measure of disability in individuals with osteoarthritis of the hand Journal Articles
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Motion-Preserving Operations for Wrist Arthritis. Journal Articles
Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Does Not Improve Functional Recovery After Total Knee Arthroplasty Journal Articles
Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Enhances High-Intensity Exercise Performance in Males and Females. Journal Articles
Creatine monohydrate does not increase strength in patients with hereditary neuropathy Journal Articles
Creatine monohydrate enhances strength and body composition in Duchenne muscular dystrophy Journal Articles
Creatine treatment in muscle disorders: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Cross-cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Testing of the Hindi Version of the Patient-rated Wrist Evaluation Journal Articles
Crosstalk in surface electromyography of the proximal forearm during gripping tasks Journal Articles
Cycle to cycle variability in a repetitive upper extremity task Journal Articles
Decreased Diastolic Blood Pressure and Average Grip Strength in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Compared With Controls: An Analysis of Data From the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Diagnostic accuracy of sensory and motor tests for the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic review Journal Articles
Diet and Nutrition Risk Affect Mobility and General Health in Osteoarthritis: Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Differences in Left Ventricular Function at Rest and during Isometric Handgrip Exercise in Elite Aquatic Sport Athletes Journal Articles
Distal radius fracture: A prospective outcome study of 275 patients Journal Articles
Do Different Ascertainment Techniques Identify the Same Individuals as Sarcopenic in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging? Journal Articles
Do Impairments Predict Hand Dexterity After Distal Radius Fractures? A 6-Month Prospective Cohort Study Journal Articles
Do joint mobilizations assist in the recovery of lateral elbow tendinopathy? A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Does monitoring change in function in community-dwelling older adults alter outcome? A randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Dynamic and static shoulder strength relationship and predictive model Journal Articles
Effect of Pencil Grasp on the Speed and Legibility of Handwriting in Children Journal Articles
Effect of Time-To-Surgery on Distal Radius Fracture Outcomes: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Effect of pencil grasp on the speed and legibility of handwriting after a 10‐minute copy task in Grade 4 children Journal Articles
Effectiveness of Different Methods of Resistance Exercises in Lateral Epicondylosis—A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Effects of Creatine and Exercise on Skeletal Muscle of FRG1-Transgenic Mice Journal Articles
Effects of Isometric Handgrip Protocol on Blood Pressure and Neurocardiac Modulation Journal Articles
Effects of Mental Fatigue on Physical Endurance Performance and Muscle Activation Are Attenuated by Monetary Incentives Journal Articles
Effects of Self-Selected Exercise on Strength in Charcot–Marie–Tooth Disease Subtypes Journal Articles
Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness in adolescents with obesity: the HEARTY trial Journal Articles
Effects of isometric handgrip training among people medicated for hypertension: a multilevel analysis Journal Articles
Effects of self‐regulatory strength depletion on muscular performance and EMG activation Journal Articles
Effects of task instructions and oscillation frequency on bimanual coordination Journal Articles
Endoscopic versus open carpal tunnel release: A randomized trial Conferences
Evaluation of individual finger forces during activities of daily living in healthy individuals and those with hand arthritis Journal Articles
External Fixation Versus Internal Fixation for Unstable Distal Radius Fractures Journal Articles
Fibromyalgia: can one distinguish it from simulation? An observer-blind controlled study. Journal Articles
Fitness and physical activity in youth with type 1 diabetes mellitus in good or poor glycemic control Journal Articles
Force, frequency and gripping alter upper extremity muscle activity during a cyclic push task Journal Articles
Forearm posture and grip effects during push and pull tasks Journal Articles
Frailty and outcomes in heart failure patients from high-, middle-, and low-income countries Journal Articles
Frailty prevalence and efficient screening in primary care-based memory clinics Journal Articles
Frailty screening in older adults: is annual screening necessary in primary care? Journal Articles
Functional Impairment in Patients with Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis Journal Articles
Functional ability in younger and older elderlies after discharge from the intensive care unit. A prospective cohort Journal Articles
Functional, motor, and sensory assessment instruments upon nerve repair in adult hands: systematic review of psychometric properties Journal Articles
Gaze, goals and growing up: Effects on imitative grasping Journal Articles
Grasping behavior in schizophrenia suggests selective impairment in the dorsal visual pathway. Conferences
Grip strength is lower in adults born with extremely low birth weight compared to term-born controls Journal Articles
Hand Therapist Management of the Lateral Epicondylosis: A Survey of Expert Opinion and Practice Patterns Journal Articles
Handgrip Strength in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Handgrip Strength, but Not 5‐Meter Walk, Adds Value to a Clinical Nutrition Assessment Journal Articles
Handgrip strength predicts length of stay and quality of life in and out of hospital Journal Articles
Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Palmar Fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s Disease Journal Articles
Health-related physical fitness assessment in a community-based cancer rehabilitation setting Journal Articles
How regional versus global thresholds for physical activity and grip strength influence physical frailty prevalence and mortality estimates in PURE: a prospective multinational cohort study of community-dwelling adults Journal Articles
Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions Journal Articles
Human parietal and primary motor cortical interactions are selectively modulated during the transport and grip formation of goal-directed hand actions Journal Articles
Impact of Habitual Exercise on the Strength of Individuals with Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Journal Articles
Independence and control of the fingers depend on direction and contraction mode Journal Articles
Individual finger strength: Journal Articles
Individual susceptibility to hypoperfusion and reductions in exercise performance when perfusion pressure is reduced: evidence for vasodilator phenotypes Journal Articles
Inter-instrument reliability of pinch strength scores Journal Articles
Interactions between Cold Ambient Temperature and Older Age on Haptic Acuity and Manual Performance Journal Articles
Interfering effects of multitasking on muscle activity in the upper extremity Journal Articles
Interfering effects of the task demands of grip force and mental processing on isometric shoulder strength and muscle activity Journal Articles
Intermittent Vision and One-Handed Catching: The Temporal Limits of Binocular and Monocular Integration Journal Articles
Intramuscular Hand Neuroprosthesis for Chronic Stroke Survivors Journal Articles
Intramuscular hand neuroprosthesis for chronic stroke survivors. Journal Articles
Isometric Training Lowers Resting Blood Pressure and Modulates Autonomic Control Journal Articles
Isometric exercise and cognitive function: an investigation of acute dose–response effects during submaximal fatiguing contractions Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip exercise improves acute neurocardiac regulation Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip training does not improve flow-mediated dilation in subjects with normal blood pressure Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip training improves local flow-mediated dilation in medicated hypertensives Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip training improves local flow-mediated dilation in medicated hypertensives Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip training lowers blood pressure and increases heart rate complexity in medicated hypertensive patients Journal Articles
Isometric strength measurements in children with arthritis: Reliability and relation to function Journal Articles
It wears me out just imagining it! Mental imagery leads to muscle fatigue and diminished performance of isometric exercise Journal Articles
Kinematic Analysis of Early Online Control of Goal-Directed Reaches: A Novel Movement Perturbation Study Journal Articles
Large-scale GWAS identifies multiple loci for hand grip strength providing biological insights into muscular fitness Journal Articles
Long-term Aerobic Exercise Is Associated With Greater Muscle Strength Throughout the Life Span Journal Articles
Low Intensity Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation for Lateral Epicondylitis Conferences
Manual Asymmetries in Goal-Directed Movement: Examination of the Motor Output Hypothesis Journal Articles
Manual exploration and the perception of slipperiness Journal Articles
Mapping context of sedentary behaviour in older adults who are prefrail and frail: an analysis of secondary outcomes from a longitudinal study (MAPS-B). Journal Articles
Marijuana and Its Effects on Athletic Performance: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Matched hemiresection interposition arthroplasty of the distal radioulnar joint Journal Articles
Measurement Properties of the Hand Grip Strength Assessment: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Measurement of Health Outcomes Following Tendon and Nerve Repair Journal Articles
Medial femoral trochlea flap reconstruction: Clinical outcomes and perspectives Journal Articles
Modafinil reduces excessive somnolence and enhances mood in patients with myotonic dystrophy Journal Articles
Monocular and Binocular Vision in the Control of Goal-Directed Movement Journal Articles
Movement Trajectories in the Presence of a Distracting Stimulus: Evidence for a Response Activation Model of Selective Reaching Journal Articles
Muscle Activation during Hand Dexterity Tasks in Women with Hand Osteoarthritis and Control Subjects Journal Articles
Muscle Force and Range of Motion as Predictors of Standing Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy Chapters
Neuromechanical control of the forearm muscles during gripping with sudden flexion and extension wrist perturbations Journal Articles
No clear evidence for correlations between handgrip strength and sexually dimorphic acoustic properties of voices Journal Articles
Normative values for grip strength, gait speed, timed up and go, single leg balance, and chair rise derived from the Canadian longitudinal study on ageing Journal Articles
Norms for hand grip strength in children aged 6–12 years in Saudi Arabia Journal Articles
Nutrition and Exercise in Critical Illness Trial (NEXIS Trial): a protocol of a multicentred, randomised controlled trial of combined cycle ergometry and amino acid supplementation commenced early during critical illness Journal Articles
Open Reduction Internal Fixation Versus Percutaneous Pinning With External Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial Journal Articles
Orthotic use for CMC osteoarthritis: Variations among different health professionals in Brazil Journal Articles
Outcome After Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Capitellar and Trochlear Fractures Journal Articles
Paretic Upper-Limb Strength Best Explains Arm Activity in People With Stroke Journal Articles
Patient satisfaction after treatment of distal radial fractures in older adults Journal Articles
Patient-Centered Goal Setting in a Hospital-Based Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Center. Journal Articles
Performance-based outcome measures of dexterity and hand function in person with hands and wrist injuries: A scoping review of measured constructs Journal Articles
Peripheral artery endothelial function responses to altered shear stress patterns in humans Journal Articles
Peripheral circulatory factors limit rate of increase in muscle O2 uptake at onset of heavy exercise Journal Articles
Physical Therapy Management of the Subluxated Wrist in Children With Arthritis Journal Articles
Physiological and clinical responses to cycling 7850 km over 85 days in a physically active middle‐aged man with idiopathic Parkinson's disease Journal Articles
PoliFIT-INFOcus: A pilot study exploring how to promote physical activity in older people Journal Articles
Predicting cardiovascular disease from handgrip strength: the potential clinical implications Journal Articles
Prediction of forearm muscle activity during gripping Journal Articles
Predictors of Time Lost from Work Following a Distal Radius Fracture Journal Articles
Prevalence and burden of COPD misclassification in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Prevalence of sarcopenia indicators and sub-optimal protein intake among elective total joint replacement patients Journal Articles
Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study Journal Articles
Quality of life and physical function in adults treated with intensive chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia improve over time independent of age Journal Articles
Reference ranges of handgrip strength from 125,462 healthy adults in 21 countries: a prospective urban rural epidemiologic (PURE) study Journal Articles
Relationship of the Patient-Specific Functional Scale to commonly used clinical measures in hand osteoarthritis Journal Articles
Reliability, validity and responsiveness of composite finger flexion in patients with traumatic hand injuries: A clinical measurement study Journal Articles
Repetitive finger force production in predictable environments Journal Articles
Responsiveness of the short form-36, disability of the arm, shoulder, and hand questionnaire, patient-rated wrist evaluation, and physical impairment measurements in evaluating recovery after a distal radius fracture Journal Articles
Sarcopenia Definition and Outcomes Consortium 2020 Definition: Association and Discriminatory Accuracy of Sarcopenia With Disability in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Journal Articles
Sarcopenia and Physical Function: In Overweight Patients with Advanced Cancer Journal Articles
Sarcopenia: new definitions, same limitations Journal Articles
Screening for frailty in primary care: Accuracy of gait speed and hand-grip strength. Journal Articles
Self-control training leads to enhanced cardiovascular exercise performance Journal Articles
Sensory nerve action potentials and sensory perception in women with arthritis of the hand Journal Articles
Stability of the Gross Motor Function Classification System Journal Articles
Strength and pain measures associated with lateral epicondylitis bracing Journal Articles
Superior Aerobic Capacity and Indices of Skeletal Muscle Morphology in Chronically Trained Master Endurance Athletes Compared With Untrained Older Adults Journal Articles
Targeted gripping reduces shoulder muscle activity and variability Journal Articles
Task rotation effects on upper extremity and back muscle activity Journal Articles
The C5-75 Program: Meeting the Need for Efficient, Pragmatic Frailty Screening and Management in Primary Care Journal Articles
The Effectiveness of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization in Athletes, Participants Without Extremity or Spinal Conditions, and Individuals with Upper Extremity, Lower Extremity, and Spinal Conditions: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
The Effects of Intermittent Vision on Prehension under Binocular and Monocular Viewing Journal Articles
The Effects of Ulnar Styloid Fractures on Patients Sustaining Distal Radius Fractures Journal Articles
The Hypotensive Effects of Isometric Handgrip Training Using an Inexpensive Spring Handgrip Training Device Journal Articles
The Role of Partnership Status on Late-Life Physical Function Journal Articles
The association of grip strength with cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality in people with hypertension: Findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology China Study Journal Articles
The development and validation of equations to predict grip force in the workplace: contributions of muscle activity and posture Journal Articles
The development of a novel grip motion analysis technique using the Dartfish movement analysis software to evaluate hand movements during activities of daily living Journal Articles
The effect of diabetes on functional outcomes among individuals with distal radial fractures Journal Articles
The effectiveness of early mobilization after tendon transfers in the hand: A systematic review Journal Articles
The effectiveness of joint-protection programs on pain, hand function, and grip strength levels in patients with hand arthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
The effects of posture on forearm muscle loading during gripping Journal Articles
The immediate sensorimotor effects of elbow orthoses in patients with lateral elbow tendinopathy: a prospective crossover study Journal Articles
The impact of different diagnostic criteria on the association of sarcopenia with injurious falls in the CLSA Journal Articles
The prediction of Metabolic Syndrome alterations is improved by combining waist circumference and handgrip strength measurements compared to either alone Journal Articles
The relationship between the Patient-rated Ulnar Nerve Evaluation and the common impairment measures of grip strength, pinch strength, and sensation Journal Articles
The relationship between voluntary electromyogram, endurance time and intensity of effort in isometric handgrip exercise Journal Articles
Toward a realistic optoelectronic-based kinematic model of the hand: representing the transverse metacarpal arch reduces accessory rotations of the metacarpophalangeal joints Journal Articles
Transient inhibition of primary motor cortex suppresses hand muscle responses during a reactive reach to grasp Journal Articles
Trapezial arthroplasty with silicone rubber implantation for advanced osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint of the thumb. Journal Articles
Trends in physical fitness among Canadian children and youth. Journal Articles
Using an Evidence-Based Approach to Measure Outcomes in Clinical Practice Journal Articles
Utrophin A is essential in mediating the functional adaptations of mdx mouse muscle following chronic AMPK activation Journal Articles
What Are the Tradeoffs in Outcomes after Casting Versus Surgery for Closed Extraarticular Distal Radius Fractures in Older Patients? A Statistical Learning Model Journal Articles
Writing Forces Associated With Four Pencil Grasp Patterns in Grade 4 Children Journal Articles