Early Detection of Cancer
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A Data Set and Deep Learning Algorithm for the Detection of Masses and Architectural Distortions in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Images Journal Articles
Accuracy of self-reports of Pap and mammography screening compared to medical record: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
An Automated Micro-Total Immunoassay System for Measuring Cancer-Associated α2,3-linked Sialyl N-Glycan-Carrying Prostate-Specific Antigen May Improve the Accuracy of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Journal Articles
An International Consensus on Actions to Improve Lung Cancer Survival: A Modified Delphi Method Among Clinical Experts in the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership Journal Articles
Analysis of Administrative Data Finds Endoscopist Quality Measures Associated With Postcolonoscopy Colorectal Cancer Journal Articles
Annual Mammographic Screening Reduces the Risk of Interval or Higher Stage Invasive Breast Cancers: Lessons for Today and Tomorrow Journal Articles
Approaches for triaging women who test positive for human papillomavirus in cervical cancer screening Journal Articles
Aptima HPV Assay versus Hybrid Capture® 2 HPV test for primary cervical cancer screening in the HPV FOCAL trial Journal Articles
Assessing the time dependence of prognostic values of cytology and human papillomavirus testing in cervical cancer screening Journal Articles
Author’s specialty and conflicts of interest contribute to conflicting guidelines for screening mammography Journal Articles
Barrett's Oesophagus Surveillance versus endoscopy at need Study (BOSS): protocol and analysis plan for a multicentre randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
Benefits and harms of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies in women living with HIV Journal Articles
Benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of cervical screening, triage and treatment strategies for women in the general population Journal Articles
Biennial lung cancer screening in Canada with smoking cessation—outcomes and cost-effectiveness Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis Journal Articles
Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis: A Synopsis of the European Breast Guidelines Journal Articles
Breathing Life Into Lung Cancer Screening Trials Journal Articles
British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines on the diagnosis and management of Barrett's oesophagus Journal Articles
Cancer screening practices of cancer survivors: population-based, longitudinal study. Journal Articles
Cervical Cancer Screening Access for Women Who Experience Imprisonment in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Cervical Cancer Screening in Low-Resource Settings Journal Articles
Cervical cancer screening in women over 65. PRO: Are we asking the right question? Journal Articles
Cervical screening Journal Articles
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevalence and prediction in a high-risk lung cancer screening population Journal Articles
Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Individuals With a Family History of Nonhereditary Colorectal Cancer or Adenoma: The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Banff Consensus Journal Articles
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Screening and Treatment of Precancerous Lesions for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Saudi Arabia Journal Articles
Clinical and endoscopist factors associated with post‐colonoscopy colorectal cancer in a population‐based sample Journal Articles
Clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of integrating smoking cessation into lung cancer screening: a microsimulation model Journal Articles
Colon Capsule Endoscopy for the Detection of Colorectal Polyps: An Economic Analysis. Journal Articles
ColonCancerCheck Primary Care Invitation Pilot project: family physician perceptions. Journal Articles
ColonCancerCheck primary care invitation pilot project: patient perceptions. Journal Articles
Colorectal cancer screening for patients with a family history of colorectal cancer or adenomas. Journal Articles
Colorectal cancer screening with faecal immunochemical testing, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: a clinical practice guideline Journal Articles
Colorectal cancer screening with faecal immunochemical testing, sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy: a microsimulation modelling study Journal Articles
Comparative performance of human papillomavirus messenger RNA versus DNA screening tests at baseline and 48 months in the HPV FOCAL trial Journal Articles
Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of five common tumour biomarkers and CA19-9 for pancreatic cancer: a protocol for a network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy Journal Articles
Comparison of CINtec PLUS cytology and cobas HPV test for triaging Canadian patients with LSIL cytology referred to colposcopy: A two-year prospective study Journal Articles
Computer Vision Tool and Technician as First Reader of Lung Cancer Screening CT Scans Journal Articles
Computerized clinical decision support systems for primary preventive care: A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review of effects on process of care and patient outcomes Journal Articles
Conditional Survival-Based “Abbreviated” Routine Cancer Surveillance for Pathologic Stage IB Melanoma Journal Articles
Consumer Preferences for Skin Cancer Screening Using Mobile Teledermoscopy: A Qualitative Study Journal Articles
Contextual differences considered in the Tunisian ADOLOPMENT of the European guidelines on breast cancer screening Journal Articles
Cost effectiveness of the addition of a comprehensive CT scan to the abdomen and pelvis for the detection of cancer after unprovoked venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
Cost-effectiveness analysis of colorectal cancer screening in a low incidence country: The case of Saudi Arabia Journal Articles
Cytology versus HPV testing for cervical cancer screening in the general population Journal Articles
Describing symptoms using the Symptom Screening in Pediatrics Tool in hospitalized children with cancer and hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients Journal Articles
Determinants of Cervical Cancer Screening Accuracy for Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) and Lugol’s Iodine (VILI) Performed by Nurse and Physician Journal Articles
Determinants of guideline-concordant breast cancer screening by family physicians for women aged 40–49 years: a qualitative analysis Journal Articles
Developing a Health Equity Impact Assessment ‘Indigenous Lens Tool’ to address challenges in providing equitable cancer screening for indigenous peoples Journal Articles
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Distance Learning and Telementoring Program for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Cameroon Journal Articles
Digital Rectal Examination for Prostate Cancer Screening in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Digital breast tomosynthesis for breast cancer detection: a diagnostic test accuracy systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Does routine symptom screening with ESAS decrease ED visits in breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy? Journal Articles
Dual NRASQ61R and BRAFV600E mutation-specific immunohistochemistry completes molecular screening in melanoma samples in a routine practice Journal Articles
Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: finding the balance between overtreatment and undertreatment Journal Articles
Effect of Patient Navigation on Breast Cancer Screening Among African American Medicare Beneficiaries: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal Articles
Effect of provider and patient reminders, deployment of nurse practitioners, and financial incentives on cervical and breast cancer screening rates. Journal Articles
Effect of vaginal self-sampling on cervical cancer screening rates: a community-based study in Newfoundland Journal Articles
Effective interventions to facilitate the uptake of breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening: an implementation guideline Journal Articles
Eligibility for low-dose computerized tomography screening among asbestos-exposed individuals Journal Articles
Enhancing Citizen Engagement in Cancer Screening Through Deliberative Democracy Journal Articles
Equity and practice issues in colorectal cancer screening: Mixed-methods study. Journal Articles
Equity and unmet need of non-communicable diseases services in Saudi Arabia using a National Household Survey (2019) Journal Articles
Establishing thresholds for important benefits considering the harms of screening interventions Journal Articles
Estimating the rate of overdiagnosis with prostate cancer screening: evidence from the Finnish component of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer Journal Articles
Estimation of screening sensitivity and sojourn time from an organized screening program Journal Articles
Estimation of the benefit and harms of including clinical breast examination in an organized breast screening program Journal Articles
Examining policy cohesion for cervical cancer worldwide: analysis of WHO country reports Journal Articles
Exploring factors associated with breast cancer screening among women aged 15 - 49 years in Lesotho Journal Articles
Fecal Occult Blood Testing as a Diagnostic Test in Symptomatic Patients is not Useful: A Retrospective Chart Review Journal Articles
Feeling scared or worried self-report in children receiving cancer treatments using the Symptom Screening in Pediatrics Tool (SSPedi) Journal Articles
Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 Journal Articles
Guideline for referral of patients with suspected lung cancer by family physicians and other primary care providers. Journal Articles
HPV DNA testing with cytology triage in cervical cancer screening: Influence of revealing HPV infection status Journal Articles
HPV Self-Sampling for Cervical Cancer Screening in Under-Screened Saskatchewan Populations: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
HPV genotype-specific distribution and attributable risk in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in a referral population with a history of LSIL. Journal Articles
Health-related quality of life and anxiety in the PAN-CAN lung cancer screening cohort Journal Articles
How do cancer screening guidelines trade off benefits versus harms and burdens of screening? A systematic survey Journal Articles
How much management is necessary? Sustaining the benefit of achieving a sustained virologic response to hepatitis C Journal Articles
Human papillomavirus testing versus cytology in primary cervical cancer screening: End‐of‐study and extended follow‐up results from the Canadian cervical cancer screening trial Journal Articles
Hybrid Loss-Constrained Lightweight Convolutional Neural Networks for Cervical Cell Classification Journal Articles
Impact of Fellow Participation During Colonoscopy on Adenoma Detection Rates Journal Articles
Impact of cause of death adjudication on the results of the European prostate cancer screening trial Journal Articles
Incidence of Brain Metastases in Nonmetastatic and Metastatic Breast Cancer: Is There a Role for Screening? Journal Articles
Increasing participation in colorectal cancer screening: Results from a cluster randomized trial of directly mailed gFOBT kits to previous nonresponders Journal Articles
Indigenous women’s experiences of cervical cancer screening: Incorporating Indigenous ways of knowing into a systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research Journal Articles
Individualizing Cancer Screening in Older Adults: A Narrative Review and Framework for Future Research Journal Articles
Inference on cancer screening exam accuracy using population‐level administrative data Journal Articles
Influence of previous experience with and beliefs regarding anal cancer screening on willingness to be screened among men living with HIV Journal Articles
Initial development of the Symptom Screening in Pediatrics Tool (SSPedi) Journal Articles
Integration of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) for personalized symptom management in “real-world” oncology practices: a population-based cohort comparison study of impact on healthcare utilization Journal Articles
Interim Analysis of a Trial Evaluating the Utility of Non-Targeted Biopsies for Colorectal Neoplasia Detection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Other
Introduction of molecular HPV testing as the primary technology in cervical cancer screening: Acting on evidence to change the current paradigm Journal Articles
Is the false-positive rate in mammography in North America too high? Journal Articles
JAK2V617F mutation for the early diagnosis of Ph− myeloproliferative neoplasms in patients with venous thromboembolism: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
Ko-Pamoja: the feasibility of a lay health educator-led breast and cervical screening program for Black women in Ontario, Canada (short report) Journal Articles
Low Prevalence of High-Grade Lesions Detected With Autofluorescence Bronchoscopy in the Setting of Lung Cancer Screening in the Pan-Canadian Lung Cancer Screening Study Journal Articles
Lung Cancer Screening, Cancer Treatment, and Addressing the Continuum of Health Risks Caused by Tobacco Journal Articles
Management ofHelicobacter pyloriinfection—the Maastricht V/Florence Consensus Report Journal Articles
Methodological issues identified during cognitive interviews in the development of a pediatric cancer symptom screening tool Journal Articles
Methods for Development of the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer Guidelines Journal Articles
MiRNA-513a-5p inhibits progesterone receptor expression and constitutes a risk factor for breast cancer: the hOrmone and Diet in the ETiology of breast cancer prospective study Journal Articles
Minimal-dose computed tomography is superior to chest x-ray for the follow-up and treatment of patients with resected lung cancer Journal Articles
Missed Opportunities for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Screening in an HIV/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Cohort Journal Articles
Monitoring and evaluation of breast cancer screening programmes: selecting candidate performance indicators Journal Articles
Mother-Child Approach to Cervical Cancer Prevention in a Low Resource Setting: The Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services Story. Journal Articles
National Guidelines for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Saudi Arabia with strength of recommendations and quality of evidence Journal Articles
Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes may serve as a potential marker for pancreatic cancer Journal Articles
Optimal allocation of participants for the estimation of selection, preference and treatment effects in the two‐stage randomised trial design Journal Articles
Outcomes and metrics Journal Articles
Participant selection for lung cancer screening by risk modelling (the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer [PanCan] study): a single-arm, prospective study Journal Articles
Patterns and Predictors of Screening for Breast and Cervical Cancer in Women with CKD Journal Articles
Percutaneous liver biopsy: retrospective study of primary and secondary hepatic lymphoma in twenty-one patients Journal Articles
Performance characteristics of a brief Family History Questionnaire to screen for Lynch syndrome in women with newly diagnosed endometrial cancer Journal Articles
Performance characteristics of screening strategies for Lynch syndrome in unselected women with newly diagnosed endometrial cancer who have undergone universal germline mutation testing Journal Articles
Performance of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, Synthetic Mammography, and Digital Mammography in Breast Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Performance of the McGill Interactive Pediatric OncoGenetic Guidelines for Identifying Cancer Predisposition Syndromes Journal Articles
Performance of the cancer risk management model lung cancer screening module Journal Articles
Policy Directives in Cancer, Organizational Responses, and the Need for Evaluation Journal Articles
Pooled analysis of the performance of liquid‐based cytology in population‐based cervical cancer screening studies in China Journal Articles
Predicting Malignancy Risk of Screen-Detected Lung Nodules–Mean Diameter or Volume Journal Articles
Prediction of lung cancer risk at follow-up screening with low-dose CT: a training and validation study of a deep learning method Journal Articles
Presentation and survival among patients with colorectal cancer before the age of screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Preventive care among primary care patients living with spinal cord injury Journal Articles
Preventive care for a 35-year-old woman with inflammatory bowel disease Journal Articles
Prognostic Implications of Treatment Delays in the Surgical Resection of Lung Cancer Journal Articles
Progression and Management of Duodenal Neoplasia in Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Journal Articles
Prostate cancer in young men: An emerging young adult and older adolescent challenge Journal Articles
Prostate cancer screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test: a clinical practice guideline Journal Articles
Prostate cancer screening with prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Race, healthcare access and physician trust among prostate cancer patients Journal Articles
Recommendations for Follow-up Care for Gynecologic Cancer Survivors Journal Articles
Recommendations on screening for cervical cancer Journal Articles
Recommendations on screening for prostate cancer with the prostate-specific antigen test Journal Articles
Rectal mucosal quantitative galactose oxidase-Schiff reaction as an early detection biomarker for colorectal cancer: Comparison to fecal occult stool blood test Journal Articles
Relationship between background parenchymal enhancement on high-risk screening MRI and future breast cancer risk Journal Articles
Relative Efficacies of Interventions to Improve the Quality of Screening-Related Colonoscopy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Resource Utilization and Costs during the Initial Years of Lung Cancer Screening with Computed Tomography in Canada Journal Articles
Risk factors predictive of occult cancer detection in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism Journal Articles
Risk-based lung cancer screening performance in a universal healthcare setting Journal Articles
Risks and benefits of screening asymptomatic women for ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Role of cervical screening in older women Journal Articles
Screening for Breast Cancer in Average-Risk Women Journal Articles
Screening for Breast Cancer in Average-Risk Women: A Guidance Statement From the American College of Physicians Journal Articles
Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Asymptomatic Average-Risk Adults Journal Articles
Screening for Colorectal Cancer in Asymptomatic Average-Risk Adults: A Guidance Statement From the American College of Physicians Journal Articles
Screening for Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Screening for Occult Cancer in Unprovoked Venous Thromboembolism Journal Articles
Screening for lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Screening for prostate cancer: protocol for updating multiple systematic reviews to inform a Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care guideline update Journal Articles
Screening history and risk of death from prostate cancer: a nested case–control study within the screening arm of the Finnish Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (FinRSPC) Journal Articles
Sensitivity of APTIMA HPV E6/E7 mRNA test in comparison with hybrid capture 2 HPV DNA test for detection of high risk oncogenic human papillomavirus in 396 biopsy confirmed cervical cancers Journal Articles
Sentinel lymph node mapping in cervical cancer: the future? Journal Articles
Shared decision making for prostate cancer screening: the results of a combined analysis of two practice-based randomized controlled trials Journal Articles
Signature Celebration of Gastroenterology , Colorectal Cancer Journal Articles
Sociodemographic factors associated with cervical cancer screening and follow-up of abnormal results. Journal Articles
Sociodemographic factors associated with cervical cancer screening coverage and follow-up of high grade abnormal results in a population-based cohort Journal Articles
Supplemental Breast Cancer Screening in Women with Dense Breasts and Negative Mammography: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Symptom Screening for Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal Articles
Systematic review of clinical features of suspected prostate cancer in primary care. Journal Articles
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the accuracy of HPV tests, visual inspection with acetic acid, cytology, and colposcopy Journal Articles
Testing the evolution process of prostate‐specific antigen in early stage prostate cancer: what is the proper underlying model? Journal Articles
The APTIMA HPV assay versus the hybrid capture 2 test in triage of women with ASC‐US or LSIL cervical cytology: A meta‐analysis of the diagnostic accuracy Journal Articles
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Colon Cancer Journal Articles
The Cost-Effectiveness of High-Risk Lung Cancer Screening and Drivers of Program Efficiency Journal Articles
The Interface of Primary and Oncology Specialty Care: From Diagnosis Through Primary Treatment Journal Articles
The Utility of Short-Interval Follow-Up for Baseline High-Risk Screening Breast MRI Journal Articles
The association between cervical cancer screening and mortality from cervical cancer: A population based case–control study Journal Articles
The future of colorectal cancer screening: Parentalism or shared decision-making? Journal Articles
The next Sub Saharan African epidemic? A case study of the determinants of cervical cancer knowledge and screening in Kenya Journal Articles
The role of cytology (Pap tests) and human papillomavirus testing in anal cancer screening Journal Articles
The trend and direct costs of screening and chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer in the new coronavirus pandemic: total and interrupted time series study Journal Articles
Timeliness of diagnosis and treatment: the challenge of childhood cancers Journal Articles
Treatment of first-void urine with Aptima Transfer Solution increases detection of high-risk HPV E6/E7 mRNA Journal Articles
Trial marketing in the Pan-Canadian Early Detection of Lung Cancer Study Journal Articles
Ulcerative colitis Journal Articles
Ulcerative colitis. Journal Articles
Uncertain times: A survey of Canadian women's perspectives toward mammography screening Journal Articles
Understanding Black Women's Perspectives and Experiences of Cervical Cancer Screening: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-synthesis Journal Articles
Up-to-date on cancer screening among Ontario patients seen by walk-in clinic physicians: A retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
Uptake of Colorectal Cancer Screening by Physicians Is Associated With Greater Uptake by Their Patients Journal Articles
Utility of a Cancer Predisposition Screening Tool for Predicting Subsequent Malignant Neoplasms in Childhood Cancer Survivors Journal Articles
Values and preferences of men for undergoing prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer: a systematic review Journal Articles
Virtual colonoscopy, optical colonoscopy, or fecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer screening: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial Journal Articles
What implementation interventions increase cancer screening rates? a systematic review Journal Articles
Women's Experiences of Inaccurate Breast Cancer Screening Results: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-synthesis. Journal Articles
Women’s preferences and experiences of cervical cancer screening in rural and remote areas: a systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis Journal Articles
World Health Organization Guidelines for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2-3 and screen-and-treat strategies to prevent cervical cancer Journal Articles
‘I just want to be able to make a choice’: Results from citizen deliberations about mammography screening in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles