Blood Flow Velocity
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In vivo measurement of changes in venous blood‐oxygenation with high resolution functional MRI at 0.95 Tesla by measuring changes in susceptibility and velocity Journal Articles
A CT method to measure hemodynamics in brain tumors: validation and application of cerebral blood flow maps. Journal Articles
A Microvascular Wall Shear Rate Function Derived From In Vivo Hemodynamic and Geometric Parameters in Continuously Branching Arterioles Journal Articles
A Numerical Study of Blood Flow in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Side-to-Side Anastomoses Journal Articles
A Simple “Streak Length Method” for Quantifying and Characterizing Red Blood Cell Velocity Profiles and Blood Flow in Rat Skeletal Muscle Arterioles Journal Articles
A fully flow-compensated multiecho susceptibility-weighted imaging sequence: The effects of acceleration and background field on flow compensation Journal Articles
A new approach for the evaluation of the severity of coarctation of the aorta using Doppler velocity index and effective orifice area: In vitro validation and clinical implications Journal Articles
A simulation model to study the role of the extracranial venous drainage pathways in intracranial hemodynamics Conferences
A systematic characterization of the factors influencing polymerization and dynamic behavior of n-butyl cyanoacrylate Journal Articles
Accuracy and Prognostic Consequences of Ultrasonography in Identifying Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis Journal Articles
Accuracy of T1 measurements at high temporal resolution: Feasibility of dynamic measurement of blood T1 after contrast administration Journal Articles
Acute Cardiac Functional and Morphological Changes After Anthracycline Infusions in Children Journal Articles
Adjuvant Prostanoid Treatment During Femorodistal Reconstruction Journal Articles
Age differences in arterial and venous extra-cerebral blood flow in healthy adults: contributions of vascular risk factors and genetic variants Journal Articles
Alveolar Oxygen Uptake and Blood Flow Dynamics in Knee Extension Ergometry Journal Articles
An ultrasound-guided no incision banding method for the treatment of arteriovenous fistula high-flow in hemodialysis Journal Articles
Arterial stiffness and peripheral arterial disease in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus Journal Articles
Arterial stiffness and pharmacological interventions--the TRanscend arterial stiffNess Substudy (TRANS study). Journal Articles
Assessment of Variation in Bulbar Conjunctival Redness, Temperature, and Blood Flow Journal Articles
Associations between carotid artery longitudinal wall motion and arterial stiffness indicators in young children Journal Articles
Blood flow reprograms lymphatic vessels to blood vessels Journal Articles
Blood flow velocity but not tendon mechanics relates to nerve function in carpal tunnel syndrome patients Journal Articles
Brachial artery endothelial function is stable across a menstrual and oral contraceptive pill cycle but lower in premenopausal women than in age-matched men Journal Articles
CFD analysis of unsteady flow through conjoining Aorta and aortic isthmus Conferences
CT Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion: Experimental Validation and Initial Clinical Experience Journal Articles
Carbohydrate metabolism during prolonged exercise and recovery: interactions between pyruvate dehydrogenase, fatty acids, and amino acids Journal Articles
Cardiovascular aging and the microcirculation of skeletal muscle: using contrast-enhanced ultrasound Journal Articles
Carotid artery longitudinal wall motion is associated with local blood velocity and left ventricular rotational, but not longitudinal, mechanics Journal Articles
Carotid bifurcation: MR imaging. Work in progress. Journal Articles
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations: flow quantitation by means of two-dimensional cardiac-gated phase-contrast MR imaging. Journal Articles
Cerebrovascular reactivity predicts stroke in high-grade carotid artery disease Journal Articles
Characterization of 3-Dimensional PET Systems for Accurate Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow Journal Articles
Citrulline does not enhance blood flow, microvascular circulation, or myofibrillar protein synthesis in elderly men at rest or following exercise Journal Articles
Commentaries on Viewpoint: Pick your Poiseuille: Normalizing the shear stimulus in studies of flow-mediated dilation Journal Articles
Commentaries on viewpoint: pick your Poiseuille: normalizing the shear stimulus in studies of flow-mediated dilation. Journal Articles
Comparative analysis of 2‐year outcomes in GRIT and TRUFFLE trials Journal Articles
Comparison of volume of blood processed on haemodialysis adequacy measurement sessions vs regular non-adequacy sessions Journal Articles
Concurrent Multivessel Stenting in a Patient With Multifocal Arterial Disease Journal Articles
Correlation of pain with temperature and blood-flow changes in the lower limb following chemical lumbar sympathectomy in reflex sympathetic dystrophy. A case report. Journal Articles
Cross-sectional evaluation of brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation and C-reactive protein in healthy individuals Journal Articles
Diagnostic Performance of Transluminal Attenuation Gradient and Noninvasive Fractional Flow Reserve Derived from 320–Detector Row CT Angiography to Diagnose Hemodynamically Significant Coronary Stenosis: An NXT Substudy Journal Articles
Differential diagnosis of solid breast lesions: contribution of Doppler studies to mammography and gray scale imaging. Journal Articles
Does vascular stiffness predict white matter hyperintensity burden in ischemic heart disease with preserved ejection fraction? Journal Articles
Dual-Imaging Modality Approach to Evaluate Cerebral Hemodynamics in Growth-Restricted Fetuses: Oxygenation and Perfusion Journal Articles
Effect of acute sprint interval exercise on central and peripheral artery distensibility in young healthy males Journal Articles
Effect of extraluminal ATP application on vascular tone and blood flow in skeletal muscle: implications for exercise hyperemia Journal Articles
Effect of unilateral resistance training on arterial compliance in elderly men Journal Articles
Effects of Wrist Posture and Fingertip Force on Median Nerve Blood Flow Velocity Journal Articles
Effects of exercise during water immersion on arterial function in humans Journal Articles
Effects of hypercapnia, hypocapnia, and hyperoxemia on brain morphometrics determined by use of T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs Journal Articles
Effects of single and bilateral limb immersion on systemic and cerebral hemodynamic responses to the cold pressor test Journal Articles
Electrical Foot Stimulation and Implications for the Prevention of Venous Thromboembolic Disease Journal Articles
Electrical Foot Stimulation: A Potential New Method of Deep Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis Journal Articles
Elimination of Transcoarctation Pressure Gradients Has No Impact on Left Ventricular Function or Aortic Shear Stress After Intervention in Patients With Mild Coarctation Journal Articles
Endothelial function of young healthy males following whole body resistance training Journal Articles
Erythrocyte deformability is a nitric oxide-mediated factor in decreased capillary density during sepsis Journal Articles
Estimating Blood Flow in Skeletal Muscle Arteriolar Trees Reconstructed from In Vivo Data Conferences
Estimating blood flow in skeletal muscle arteriolar trees reconstructed from in vivo data using the Fry approach Journal Articles
Factors Associated with Low Flow in Aortic Valve Stenosis Journal Articles
Flow-Mediated Dilation Is Acutely Improved after High-Intensity Interval Exercise Journal Articles
Flux Through the Hexosamine Pathway Is a Determinant of Nuclear Factor κB– Dependent Promoter Activation Journal Articles
Functional MR imaging of the porcine kidney: physiologic changes of prolonged pneumoperitoneum. Journal Articles
Identification of Penumbra and Infarct in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Computed Tomography Perfusion–Derived Blood Flow and Blood Volume Measurements Journal Articles
Impact of Successive Sets of High-Intensity Leg Press on Cerebral Hemodynamics Across Menstrual Cycle Phases Journal Articles
Impact of shear rate pattern on upper and lower limb conduit artery endothelial function in both spinal cord‐injured and able‐bodied men Journal Articles
Impaired dynamic cerebral autoregulation in trained breath-hold divers Journal Articles
In vivo measurement of tissue damage, oxygen saturation changes and blood flow changes after experimental traumatic brain injury in rats using susceptibility weighted imaging Journal Articles
Influence of alternate sources of blood flow on the reactive hyperemia response in aorta-coronary saphenous vein bypass grafts in man Journal Articles
Influence of arterial disease, age and active ulceration on venous refilling time measured by photoplethysmography. Journal Articles
Intensity of Lipid Lowering With Statins and Brachial Artery Vascular Endothelium Reactivity After Acute Coronary Syndromes (from the BRAVER Trial) Journal Articles
Intermittent compression of the calf muscle as a countermeasure to protect blood pressure and brain blood flow in upright posture in older adults Journal Articles
Isometric handgrip training improves local flow-mediated dilation in medicated hypertensives Journal Articles
Jugular Venous Flow Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Compared to Normal Controls Journal Articles
Magnetic resonance angiography of fetal vasculature at 3.0 T Journal Articles
Mathematical, numerical and experimental study in the human aorta with coexisting models of bicuspid aortic stenosis and coarctation of the aorta Conferences
Microangiopathic Haemolytic Anaemia: Mechanisms of Red‐Cell Fragmentation: in Vitro Studies Journal Articles
Microvascular Function Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Primary Prevention Journal Articles
Modeling the impact of concomitant aortic stenosis and coarctation of the aorta on left ventricular workload Journal Articles
Myocardial signal response to dipyridamole and dobutamine: Demonstration of the BOLD effect using a double‐echo gradient‐echo sequence Journal Articles
Neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants born before 30 weeks of gestation with absent or reversed end-diastolic flow velocities in the umbilical artery Journal Articles
No influence of steady-state postural changes on cerebrovascular compliance in humans Journal Articles
Non-Invasive Determination of Left Ventricular Workload in Patients with Aortic Stenosis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Doppler Echocardiography Journal Articles
Optimizing blood vessel contrast in fast three‐dimensional MRI Conferences
Oscillometric measurement of the ankle-brachial index Journal Articles
Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis Journal Articles
Patients with Multiple Sclerosis with Structural Venous Abnormalities on MR Imaging Exhibit an Abnormal Flow Distribution of the Internal Jugular Veins Journal Articles
Perfusion Mapping Using Computed Tomography Allows Accurate Prediction of Cerebral Infarction in Experimental Brain Ischemia Conferences
Peripheral artery endothelial function responses to altered shear stress patterns in humans Journal Articles
Pharmacological manipulation of peripheral resistance during distal vascular reconstruction Conferences
Pharmacological manipulation of peripheral resistance during distal vascular reconstruction. Journal Articles
Progression of internal carotid artery stenosis in patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease Journal Articles
Protocol-dependence of middle cerebral artery dilation to modest hypercapnia Journal Articles
Pulmonary O2 uptake and leg blood flow kinetics during moderate exercise are slowed by hyperventilation-induced hypocapnic alkalosis Journal Articles
Pulmonary pressures at high flows in the intact pulsatile flow perfused lung. Journal Articles
Quantifying effective magnetic moments of narrow cylindrical objects in MRI Journal Articles
Quantifying errors in flow measurement using phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging: comparison of several boundary detection methods Journal Articles
Quantitative Flow Imaging in Human Umbilical Vessels In Utero Using Nongated 2D Phase Contrast MRI Journal Articles
Quantitative measurements of regional cerebral blood volume using MRI in rats: Effects of arterial carbon dioxide tension and mannitol Journal Articles
Randomized Study of Temporary Hemodialysis Catheters Journal Articles
Reactivity of larger intracranial arteries using 7 T MRI in young adults Journal Articles
Real-Time Quantitative Measurements of Foot Perfusion in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia Journal Articles
Recovery rates of regional sympathetic reinnervation and myocardial blood flow after acute myocardial infarction Journal Articles
Resistance exercise order does not determine postexercise delivery of testosterone, growth hormone, and IGF-1 to skeletal muscle Journal Articles
Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Associated With Increased Aortic Pulse-Wave Velocity, Which Is Reduced by Anti–Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Therapy Journal Articles
Risk factors for increased variability in dialysis delivery in haemodialysis patients Journal Articles
Sensitivity and specificity of color duplex ultrasound measurement in the estimation of internal carotid artery stenosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Short-term unilateral leg immobilization alters peripheral but not central arterial structure and function in healthy young humans Journal Articles
Sodium nitroglycerin induces middle cerebral artery vasodilatation in young, healthy adults Journal Articles
Symposium on Myocardial Blood Flow in Man--Methods and Significance in Myocardial Disease: Pisa, Italy; June 10-12, 1971. Report of the session on acute hypoxia. Journal Articles
Technologic advances in magnetic resonance angiography. Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial distributions of red cell velocity in capillaries of resting skeletal muscle, including estimates of red cell transit times Journal Articles
The Ankle Brachial Index Independently Predicts Walking Velocity and Walking Endurance in Peripheral Arterial Disease Conferences
The Clinical Utility of Doppler Ultrasound Prior to Arteriovenous Fistula Creation Journal Articles
The Vroman effect i.n tube geometry: the influence of flow on protein adsorption measurements Journal Articles
The acute effect of methylphenidate on cerebral blood flow in boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Journal Articles
The effects of water temperature on cerebral blood flow during aquatic exercise Journal Articles
The fetal cardiovascular response to antenatal steroids in severe early-onset intrauterine growth restriction Journal Articles
The progression and correction of duplex detected velocity shifts in angiographically normal vein grafts Journal Articles
The relative merits of Doppler sonography in the evaluation of patients with clinically and scintigraphically suspected testicular torsion. Journal Articles
Tissue Oxygenation by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Muscle Blood Flow During Isometric Contractions of the Forearm Journal Articles
Tissue similarity maps (TSMs): A new means of mapping vascular behavior and calculating relative blood volume in perfusion weighted imaging Journal Articles
Transluminal Attenuation Gradient in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography Is a Novel Noninvasive Approach to the Identification of Functionally Significant Coronary Artery Stenosis Journal Articles
Ultrasound examination predicts 6‐month progression in carpal tunnel syndrome patients Journal Articles
Use of Doppler velocimetry in diagnosis and prognosis of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR): A Review Journal Articles
Usefulness of (Tc 99m) HM-PAO scan in supporting clinical brain death in children: uncoupling flow and function Journal Articles
Validation of a new noninvasive method (contrast-enhanced transthoracic second harmonic echo Doppler) for the evaluation of coronary flow reserve Journal Articles
Vascular and Autonomic Function in Preschool-aged Children with Congenital Heart Disease Journal Articles
Vasomodulation of skeletal muscle BOLD signal Journal Articles
Velocity quantification in magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
When it matters that a ‘Stroke’ is not a stroke Journal Articles
White Matter Thresholds for Ischemic Penumbra and Infarct Core in Patients with Acute Stroke: CT Perfusion Study Journal Articles