selected scholarly activity
- Integrated land use and transport models. 80-98. 2024
- Factors Influencing Journey-to-Work by Public Transit in Mega Canadian Cities. 167-186. 2019
- The Impact of Public Transport Infrastructure on Residential Land Value: Using Spatial Analysis to Uncover Policy-Relevant Processes. 275-293. 2019
- Regional economic impacts of a transportation infrastructure project: the Herb Gray Parkway. 24-46. 2018
- The status of transportation in the West Bank. 259-272. 2017
- Modelling Firm Failure: Towards Building a Firmographic Microsimulation Model. Advances in Spatial Science. 243-261. 2013
- Expansion of a GPS truck trip sample to remove bias and obtain representative flows for Ontario. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Journey-to-work by public transit: Recent evidence from the four largest urban centres in Canada. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Microsimulating the spatial distribution of commercial vehicles by the location of their owned establishments. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Simulating the impacts of RFID lanes at the Canada-us border: An application to the windsor- detroit corridor. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Simulating transportation and environmental outcomes of electric vehicle adoption scenarios: An application to the windsor census metropolitan area. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Smartplans: Simulation model for assessing the ramifications of transportation policies and land use scenarios. Joint Annual Conference of Canadian Transportation Research Forum and US Transportation Research Forum: North American Transport Challenges in an Era of Change, CTRF-TRF 2016. 2020
- Big data analysis to measure delays of long-haul truck trips. 2016 Transportation Association of Canada's Conference and Exhibition, TAC 2016. 2016
- Modeling the demand for renting electric vehicles in Canada: A stated preference choice approach. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 225-236. 2016
- Simulating the impacts of RFID enabled lanes at the Canada-us border: An application to the ambassador bridge. 2016 Transportation Association of Canada's Conference and Exhibition, TAC 2016. 2016
- Logistics land use and the city: A spatial–temporal modeling approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 277-297. 2008
- Geographic clustering of firms and urban form: a multivariate analysis. Journal of Geographical Systems. 29-52. 2007
journal articles
- Development and application of an optimization model to evaluate future charging demand for long-haul electric vehicles in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 122. 2025
- Evaluating the impacts of infrastructure improvements based on link criticality and network performance: A case study of the trucking industry in the province of Ontario, Canada. Canadian Geographer. 69. 2025
- Investigating the impacts of connected vehicle technology on the flow of trucks at the busiest Canada-U.S. border crossings. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 29. 2025
- The impact of heavy truck electrification on greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario, Canada. Transportation Engineering. 16:100246-100246. 2024
- Beyond perception: Spatial analysis of detached ADU potential on residential lots in Windsor, Ontario. Canadian Geographer. 67:525-536. 2023
- An archetypal routing network model to help identify potential charging locations for long-haul electric vehicles in Ontario, Canada. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 19:100825-100825. 2023
- Characterizing the Nature of a Multi-Regional Trucking Network Using the Network Robustness Index: An Application to Ontario, Canada. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 16:383-407. 2023
- A cluster-driven classification approach to truck stop location identification using passive GPS data. Journal of Geographical Systems. 24:657-677. 2022
- Investigating attitudes towards fleet electrification – An exploratory analysis approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 162:188-205. 2022
- Modeling the criticality of a regional trucking network at the industry level: Evidence from the province of Ontario, Canada. Research in Transportation Business and Management. 43:100732-100732. 2022
- Battery electric vehicle acquisition timeframes in Canadian fleets. Transportation Planning and Technology. 44:807-826. 2021
- Modeling commercial vehicle trip generation at the business-establishment level. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 48:669-680. 2021
- Studying border crossing choice behavior of trucks moving between Ontario, Canada and the United States. Journal of Transport Geography. 91:102992-102992. 2021
- The Impact of COVID-19 on the Movement of Trucks Between Canada and the US: Evidence from the Ambassador Bridge. Transport Findings. 2021. 2021
- The demand for electrification in Canadian fleets: A latent class modeling approach. Transportation Research. 90:102653-102653. 2021
- Examining the robustness of the Ontario truck road network. Journal of Geographical Systems. 22:309-333. 2020
- On the Electrification of Canada's Vehicular Fleets: National-scale analysis shows that mindsets matter. IEEE Electrification Magazine. 7:55-65. 2019
- Factors affecting mode choice for the home–elementary school journey: Evidence from Halifax, Canada. Canadian Geographer. 63:254-266. 2019
- Cross‐border freight movements in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Region, with insights from passive GPS data. Canadian Geographer. 63:69-83. 2019
- Modeling the Purpose for Renting Passenger Vehicles. Transport Findings. 2019. 2019
- The role of airport proximity on warehouse location and associated truck trips: Evidence from Toronto, Ontario. Journal of Transport Geography. 74:97-109. 2019
- Modeling the demand for electric mobility in the Canadian rental vehicle market. Transportation Research. 65:138-150. 2018
- Use of Integrated Urban Models to Assess Urban Sustainability and Health Impacts of Future Growth Policies in Canadian Cities. ISEE Conference Abstracts. 2018. 2018
- Examining the Variability of Crossing Times for Canadian Trucks at the Three Major Canada–U.S. Border Crossings. Professional Geographer. 70:350-362. 2018
- The spatial distribution of hybrid electric vehicles in a sprawled mid-size Canadian city: Evidence from Windsor, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 60:59-67. 2017
- Quantifying the Criticality of Highway Infrastructure for Freight Transportation. Transportation Research Record. 2610:10-18. 2017
- A Tribute in memory of Professor Pavlos S. Kanaroglou. Journal of Transport Geography. 55:iv-vi. 2016
- Calibrating the Wiedemann’s vehicle-following model using mixed vehicle-pair interactions. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. 67:227-242. 2016
- Truck movement across the Canada–US border: The effects of 9/11 and other factors. Journal of Transport Geography. 53:12-21. 2016
- Toward sustainable urban mobility: Investigating nonwork travel behavior in a sprawled Canadian city. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 10:321-331. 2016
- Classifying the purpose of stopped truck events: An application of entropy to GPS data. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. 64:17-27. 2016
- Short-term prediction of border crossing time and traffic volume for commercial trucks: A case study for the Ambassador Bridge. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. 63:182-194. 2016
- Characterization of International Origin–Destination Truck Movements Across Two Major U.S.–Canadian Border Crossings. Transportation Research Record. 2547:1-10. 2016
- Modeling the Demand for Renting Electric Vehicles in Canada: A Stated Preference Choice Approach. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 8:225-236. 2016
- Choice of Land Use Development Type within Commercial and Industrial Zoning. Journal of the Urban Planning and Development Division, ASCE. 141. 2015
- Emissions and built form – an analysis of six Canadian cities. Transportation Letters. 7:80-91. 2015
- Border Crossing Choice Behavior of Trucks along Trade Corridor between Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and Chicago, Illinois. Transportation Research Record. 2477:85-92. 2015
- Passenger car flows across the Canada–US border: The effect of 9/11. Transport Policy. 35:50-56. 2014
- Factors influencing modal split of commuting journeys in medium-size European cities. Journal of Transport Geography. 30:127-137. 2013
- Location and Transportation Effects on Nonresidential Real Estate Price Regressions in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Transportation Research Record. 2397:99-107. 2013
- Determinants of normal and extreme commute distance in a sprawled midsize Canadian city: evidence from Windsor, Canada. Journal of Transport Geography. 25:50-57. 2012
- Transferability and enhancement of a microsimulation model for estimating urban commercial vehicle movements. Journal of Transport Geography. 24:358-369. 2012
- Simulating Sustainable Urban Gateway Development. Transportation Research Record. 2269:135-144. 2012
- Exploring and modeling the level of service of urban public transit: the case of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada. Transportation Letters. 3:77-89. 2011
- Exploring the land development process and its impact on urban form in Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Geographer. 54:68-86. 2010
- IMPACT: An integrated GIS-based model for simulating the consequences of demographic changes and population ageing on transportation. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 33:200-210. 2009
- A Demographic Model for Small Area Population Projections: An Application to the Census Metropolitan Area of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 41:964-979. 2009
- Population Synthesis: Comparing the Major Techniques Using a Small, Complete Population of Firms. Geographical Analysis. 41:181-203. 2009
- An exploration of issues related to the study of generated traffic and other impacts arising from highway improvements. Environment and planning. B: Urban analytics and city science. 36:67-85. 2009
- Intrametropolitan Location of Business Establishments. Transportation Research Record. 2133:33-45. 2009
- Smart growth strategies, transportation and urban sprawl: simulated futures for Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Geographer. 52:291-308. 2008
- Simulation Framework for Analysis of Elderly Mobility Policies. Transportation Research Record. 2078:62-71. 2008
- Simulation Model for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Transportation and the Economy in Canada. Transportation Research Record. 2067:84-92. 2008
- Business establishment mobility behavior in urban areas: a microanalytical model for the City of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Geographical Systems. 9:229-252. 2007
- A tool for evaluating urban sustainability via integrated transportation and land use simulation models. Environnement Urbain. 3:28-46.
- Modeling the Feasibility of Fueling CNG Heavy-Duty Trucks in Toronto, Canada. Transport Findings.