selected scholarly activity
- Paradigms of Concurrency. Ed. 1020. 2022
- Preface by Editor-in-Chief. Ed. 13220 LNCS. 2022
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 12530 LNCS. 2021
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 11790 LNCS. 2019
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 11090 LNCS. 2018
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 10470 LNCS. 2017
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 9930 LNCS. 2016
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 8910. 2014
- Preface by editor-in-chief. Ed. 8100 LNCS. 2013
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface. Ed. 7454 LNCS. 2012
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface by guest editors. Ed. 5800 LNCS. 2009
- Petri Net Algebra 2001
- Preface. Ed. 2075. 2001
- Preface. Ed. 1020. 1990
- Confusion-Tolerant Computation of Probability in Acyclic Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 212-245. 2024
- Relational Structures for Interval Order Semantics of Concurrent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 153-174. 2024
- Interval Traces with Mutex Relation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 145-166. 2023
- Conclusions. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 313-317. 2022
- Concurrency Paradigms. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 137-145. 2022
- Concurrency Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 77-99. 2022
- Elementary Net Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 101-135. 2022
- Elementary Net Systems with Activator and Mutex Arcs. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 243-275. 2022
- General Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 147-209. 2022
- Introduction. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 1-11. 2022
- Preliminaries. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 13-35. 2022
- Semantical Domains. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 37-75. 2022
- Step Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 211-241. 2022
- Subclasses of Step Traces. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 277-312. 2022
- Correction to: Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency XV. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. C1-C1. 2021
- Petri Nets and Petri’s Nets: A Personal Perspective. 93-95. 2019
- Reaction Systems, Transition Systems, and Equivalences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 63-84. 2018
- Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of a Model for Processes Inspired by the Functioning of the Living Cell. 303-321. 2012
- Quotient Monoids and Concurrent Behaviours. 313-385. 2010
- Compositional Development in the Event of Interface Difference. 3-22. 2002
- A Unified Model for Nets and Process Algebras. 873-944. 2001
- Petri nets, process algebras and concurrent programming languages. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1-84. 1998
- On compositionality and Petri nets in protocol engineering. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 71-86. 1996
- Operational semantics for the Petri Box Calculus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 210-225. 1994
- Invariants and Paradigms of Concurrency Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 481-496. 1991
- Synthesising ENI-Systems with Interval Order Semantics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 33-52. 2024
- Improving placement of CSA-nets. 2023 International Conference on Smart Computing and Application (ICSCA). 1-8. 2023
- Synthesising Elementary Net Systems with Interval Order Semantics. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023
- Slimming down Petri Boxes: Compact Petri Net Models of Control Flows. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. 2022
- Avoiding Exponential Explosion in Petri Net Models of Control Flows. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 261-277. 2022
- Verification of communication structured acyclic nets using SAT. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 175-194. 2021
- Preface by the PNSE'2020 organisers. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2020
- A Cost-Efficient Multi-cloud Orchestrator for Benchmarking Containerized Web-Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 407-423. 2019
- Domain Name System (DNS) tunnelling detection using Structured Occurrence Nets (SONs). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 93-108. 2019
- Reversing Steps in Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 171-191. 2019
- SONCraft: A Tool for Construction, Simulation, and Analysis of Structured Occurrence Nets. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 70-75. 2018
- An Efficient Characterization of Petri Net Solvable Binary Words. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 207-226. 2018
- Reaction Mining for Reaction Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 131-144. 2018
- Visualising data sets in structured occurrence nets. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 121-132. 2018
- Applying regions. Theoretical Computer Science. 205-215. 2017
- Transactions on petri nets and other models of concurrency XII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. IV-V. 2017
- From Petri Nets with Shared Variables to ITL. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 11-18. 2016
- Reversible Computation vs. Reversibility in Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 105-118. 2016
- Synthesis of Petri Nets with Whole-Place Operations and Localities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 103-120. 2016
- Towards Quantitative Verification of Reaction Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 142-154. 2016
- Opacity in Internet of Things with Cloud Computing (Short Paper). 2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). 201-207. 2015
- Non-atomic Transition Firing in Contextual Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 117-136. 2015
- Order Structures for Subclasses of Generalised Traces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 689-700. 2015
- Persistent and Nonviolent Steps and the Design of GALS Systems. Fundamenta Informaticae. 143-170. 2015
- Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2015
- Unfolding CSPT-nets. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 207-226. 2015
- Verifying Secure Information Flow in Federated Clouds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, CloudCom. 78-85. 2014
- Data Resources in Dynamic Environments. 2014 Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference. 185-192. 2014
- Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Enterprise Information Security Technologies. Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, CIT 2014. 504-511. 2014
- Interval Temporal Logic Semantics of Box Algebra. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 441-452. 2014
- Tissue Systems and Petri Net Synthesis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 124-146. 2014
- Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IX. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2014
- A Taxonomy of Persistent and Nonviolent Steps. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 210-229. 2013
- Causal structures for general concurrent behaviours. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 193-205. 2013
- Cost-benefit analysis of Digital Rights Management products using stochastic models. 46TH ANNUAL SIMULATION SYMPOSIUM (ANSS 2013) - 2013 SPRING SIMULATION MULTICONFERENCE (SPRINGSIM'13). 1-10. 2013
- Hybrid Power Line Model based on Frequency and Time-Variant System. 2013 GLOBAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE SYMPOSIUM. 2013
- Step Persistence in the Design of GALS Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 190-209. 2013
- Towards Quantitative Analysis of Opacity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 145-163. 2013
- Hasse Diagrams of Combined Traces. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 92-101. 2012
- Minimal Reaction Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 102-122. 2012
- Modelling Provenance Using Structured Occurrence Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 183-197. 2012
- Synthesis Problem for Petri Nets with Localities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 160-180. 2012
- Message from the Conference Chairs. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 8. 2011
- Causality in Structured Occurrence Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 283-297. 2011
- The Mutex Paradigm of Concurrency. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 228-247. 2011
- Timed Migration and Interaction with Access Permissions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 293-307. 2011
- Modelling gradients using Petri nets. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 39-53. 2010
- Synthesis of general Petri nets with localities. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 161-174. 2010
- Applying Step Coverability Trees to Communicating Component-Based Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 178-193. 2010
- Optimized implementation of FMT modulation on DSP. ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS, SYSTEMS, CIRCUITS AND DEVICES. 268-+. 2010
- Petri Nets with Localities and Testing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 19-38. 2010
- An approach to state space reduction for systems with dynamic process creation. 2009 24TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES. 543-548. 2009
- An Approach to State Space Reduction for Systems with Dynamic Process Creation. 2009 24TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES. 541-+. 2009
- Synthesis of Nets with Step Firing Policies. Fundamenta Informaticae. 275-303. 2009
- A method and tool for design of multi-agent systems. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, SE 2008. 131-136. 2008
- Processes of membrane systems with promoters and inhibitors. Theoretical Computer Science. 112-126. 2008
- 2008 8th international conference on application of concurrency to system design proceedings June 23’27, 2008 Xi’an, China. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. i-vi. 2008
- Modelling and Verification of Timed Interaction and Migration. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 215-229. 2008
- Synthesis of Elementary Net Systems with Context Arcs and Localities. Fundamenta Informaticae. 307-328. 2008
- Synthesis of Nets with Step Firing Policies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 112-131. 2008
- Towards Efficient Verification of Systems with Dynamic Process Creation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 186-200. 2008
- Modelling Mobility in High-level Petri Nets. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 110-+. 2007
- Failures: Their Definition, Modelling and Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 260-274. 2007
- Synthesis of Elementary Net Systems with Context Arcs and Localities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 281-300. 2007
- Towards an Algebra of Abstractions for Communicating Processes. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 239-248. 2006
- Logic synthesis for asynchronous circuits based on STG unfoldings and incremental SAT. Fundamenta Informaticae. 49-73. 2006
- A Petri Net Translation of π-Calculus Terms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 138-152. 2006
- Infinite Process Semantics of Inhibitor Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 282-301. 2006
- On Specification and Verification of Location-Based Fault Tolerant Mobile Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 168-188. 2006
- Opacity Generalised to Transition Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 81-95. 2006
- Synchrony and Asynchrony in Membrane Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 66-85. 2006
- Towards a Petri Net Semantics for Membrane Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 292-309. 2006
- Transition Systems of Elementary Net Systems with Localities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 173-187. 2006
- Modelling Opacity Using Petri Nets. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 101-115. 2005
- Merged Processes — A New Condensed Representation of Petri Net Behaviour. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 338-352. 2005
- Modelling Dynamic Opacity Using Petri Nets with Silent Actions. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 159-172. 2005
- Semantics of Framed Temporal Logic Programs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 356-370. 2005
- Detecting state encoding conflicts in STG unfoldings using SAT. Fundamenta Informaticae. 221-241. 2004
- Context-based process algebras for mobility. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2004. ACSD 2004.. 79-88. 2004
- Logic synthesis for asynchronous circuits based on Petri net unfoldings and incremental SAT. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2004. ACSD 2004.. 16-25. 2004
- Petri Net Semantics of the Finite π-Calculus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 309-325. 2004
- Process Algebra. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 180-209. 2004
- Branching Processes of High-Level Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 458-472. 2003
- Detecting state coding conflicts in STG unfoldings using SAT. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 51-60. 2003
- An Algebra of Non-safe Petri Boxes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 192-207. 2002
- Canonical Prefixes of Petri Net Unfoldings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 582-595. 2002
- Causality Semantics of Petri Nets with Weighted Inhibitor Arcs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 531-546. 2002
- Detecting state coding conflicts in STGs using integer programming. Proceedings -Design, Automation and Test in Europe, DATE. 338-345. 2002
- Parallelisation of the Petri Net Unfolding Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 371-385. 2002
- Visualisation of partial order models in VLSI design flow. Proceedings 2002 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition. 1089-1089. 2002
- Modelling and verification of an atomic action protocol implemented in Ada. Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 173-182. 2001
- Implementing communicating processes in the event of interface difference. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 87-96. 2001
- On developing and verifying design abstractions for reliable concurrent programming in Ada. Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference; SIGAda. 48-55. 2001
- Towards an Efficient Algorithm for Unfolding Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 366-380. 2001
- Verifying Implementation Relations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 364-383. 2001
- A Compositional Model of Time Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 303-322. 2000
- LP Deadlock Checking Using Partial Order Dependencies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 410-425. 2000
- Process Semantics of P/T-Nets with Inhibitor Arcs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 261-281. 2000
- A Model of Behaviour Abstraction for Communicating Processes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 313-322. 1999
- The Box Algebra —; A Model of Nets and Process Expressions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 344-363. 1999
- An Axiomatisation of Duplication Equivalence in the Petri Box Calculus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 165-184. 1998
- Recursive nets in the box algebra. Proceedings - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, ACSD. 239-249. 1998
- A refined view of the box algebra. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1-20. 1995
- Solving recursive net equations. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 605-623. 1995
- Deriving histories of nets with priority relation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 623-634. 1994
- Operational Semantics for the Petri Box Calculus. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 210-225. 1994
- Partial order semantics of Box expressions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 318-337. 1994
- Projection in temporal logic programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 333-344. 1994
- Modelling replicated processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 672-675. 1993
- Order structures and generalisations of Szpilrajn's theorem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 348-357. 1993
- Formalising replicated distributed processing. [1991] Proceedings Tenth Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems. 108-117. 1991
- Invariant semantics of nets with inhibitor arcs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 317-331. 1991
- Invariants and paradigms of concurrency theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 59-74. 1991
- Optimal simulations, nets and reachability graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 205-226. 1991
- A Formal Model for Safety-Critical Computing Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 1-6. 1990
- MODELLING DYNAMIC DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS.. Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software & Applications Conference. 514-520. 1987
- Formal specification of N-modular redundancy. Proceedings of the 1986 ACM fourteenth annual conference on Computer science - CSC '86. 199-204. 1986
journal articles
- Reaction mining for reaction systems. Natural Computing. 23:323-343. 2024
- GeoDeploy: Geo-Distributed Application Deployment Using Benchmarking. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 35:2361-2374. 2024
- Preface by Editor-in-Chief. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 14150 LNCS:v. 2024
- Synthesising elementary net systems with localities. Theoretical Computer Science. 908:123-140. 2022
- Investigating Reversibility of Steps in Petri Nets. Fundamenta Informaticae. 183:67-96. 2022
- Asynchrony and persistence in reaction systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 881:97-110. 2021
- Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-based IoT Applications. ACM Computing Surveys. 53:1-47. 2021
- Quantitative Analysis of Opacity in Cloud Computing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. 9:1210-1219. 2021
- Relational structures for concurrent behaviours. Theoretical Computer Science. 862:174-192. 2021
- Preface. Fundamenta Informaticae. 175:v-viii. 2020
- Plug-in context providers for reaction systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 834:26-42. 2020
- Modelling and analysis of corporate efficiency and productivity loss associated with enterprise information security technologies. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 49:102385-102385. 2019
- Reaction Systems and Enabling Equivalence. Fundamenta Informaticae. 171:261-277. 2019
- Operational Semantics, Interval Orders and Sequences of Antichains. Fundamenta Informaticae. 169:31-55. 2019
- Classifying invariant structures of step traces. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 104:297-322. 2019
- From Box Algebra to Interval Temporal Logic. Fundamenta Informaticae. 167:323-354. 2019
- Reversing Transitions in Bounded Petri Nets. Fundamenta Informaticae. 157:341-357. 2018
- Reversible computation vs. reversibility in Petri nets. Science of Computer Programming. 151:48-60. 2018
- Signal set tissue systems and overlapping localities. Theoretical Computer Science. 701:132-145. 2017
- Invariant Structures and Dependence Relations. Fundamenta Informaticae. 155:1-29. 2017
- Alphabets of Acyclic Invariant Structures. Fundamenta Informaticae. 154:207-224. 2017
- Verification of Linear-Time Temporal Properties for Reaction Systems with Discrete Concentrations. Fundamenta Informaticae. 154:289-306. 2017
- An extension of the taxonomy of persistent and nonviolent steps. Information Sciences. 394-395:299-314. 2017
- Methods for Distributed and Concurrent Systems: Special Issue on the occasion of the 60th Birthday of Professor Gabriel Ciobanu. Fundamenta Informaticae. 153:v-vi. 2017
- Evolving reaction systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 682:79-99. 2017
- Adding A/Sync Places to the Synthesis Procedure for Whole-Place Operations Nets with Localities. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 27:177-212. 2017
- Modeling biological gradient formation: combining partial differential equations and Petri nets. Natural Computing. 15:665-675. 2016
- Formal verification of secure information flow in cloud computing. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 27-28:103-116. 2016
- Step traces. Acta Informatica. 53:35-65. 2016
- Characterising Concurrent Histories. Fundamenta Informaticae. 139:21-42. 2015
- PerTiMo: A Model of Spatial Migration with Safe Access Permissions. Computer Journal. 58:1041-1060. 2015
- Strategy based semantics for mobility with time and access permissions. Formal Aspects of Computing. 27:525-549. 2015
- A Flow Sensitive Security Model for Cloud Computing Systems 2014
- Folded Hasse diagrams of combined traces. Information Processing Letters. 114:208-216. 2014
- Preface. Biologia (Poland). 68:1015-1015. 2013
- A complete proof system for propositional projection temporal logic. Theoretical Computer Science. 497:84-107. 2013
- ITL semantics of composite Petri nets. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 82:95-110. 2013
- Step semantics of boolean nets. Acta Informatica. 50:15-39. 2013
- Causality in Extensions of Petri Nets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7480 LNCS:225-254. 2013
- Mutex Causality in Processes and Traces of General Elementary Nets. Fundamenta Informaticae. 122:119-146. 2013
- Reaction Systems: A Natural Computing Approach to the Functioning of Living Cells. A Computable Universe: Understanding and Exploring Nature As Computation. 189-208. 2012
- Membrane Systems and Petri Net Synthesis. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 100:1-13. 2012
- Regions of Petri nets with a/sync connections. Theoretical Computer Science. 454:189-198. 2012
- Step coverability algorithms for communicating systems. Science of Computer Programming. 77:955-967. 2012
- Modelling and analysis of biological systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 431:2-3. 2012
- Localities in systems with a/sync communication. Theoretical Computer Science. 429:185-192. 2012
- A Timed Mobility Semantics Based on Rewriting Strategies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7504:141-155. 2012
- Behavioural Equivalences over Migrating Processes with Timers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7273:52-66. 2012
- Relevance of Entities in Reaction Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7300:44-55. 2012
- Relevance of entities in reaction systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7300 LNAI:44-55. 2012
- Classifying Boolean Nets for Region-based Synthesis. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 725:5-21. 2011
- Timed Mobility in process algebra and Petri nets. The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming. 80:377-391. 2011
- Petri Nets and Bio-Modelling - and how to benefit from their synergy 2011
- Membrane Systems with Qualitative Evolution Rules. Fundamenta Informaticae. 110:217-230. 2011
- Petri Nets for Biologically Motivated Computing. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 21:199-225. 2011
- Preface. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 40. 2010
- Minimal Regions of ENL-Transition Systems. Fundamenta Informaticae. 101:45-58. 2010
- State Space Reduction for Dynamic Process Creation. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 20:131-157. 2010
- A Petri net model for membrane systems with dynamic structure. Natural Computing. 8:781-796. 2009
- Application of Concurrency to System Design, the Seventh Special Issue. Fundamenta Informaticae. 95:i-iv. 2009
- Structured Occurrence Nets: A Formalism for Aiding System Failure Prevention and Analysis Techniques. Fundamenta Informaticae. 97:41-91. 2009
- Synthesis of Petri nets with localities. Scientific Annals of Computer Science. 19:1-23. 2009
- Opacity generalised to transition systems. International Journal of Information Security. 7:421-435. 2008
- A compositional Petri net translation of general π -calculus terms. Formal Aspects of Computing. 20:429-450. 2008
- Formal Languages and Concurrent Behaviours. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 113:125-182. 2008
- Framed temporal logic programming. Science of Computer Programming. 70:31-61. 2008
- Processes of Petri nets with range testing. Fundamenta Informaticae. 80:199-219. 2007
- Verification of bounded Petri nets using integer programming. Formal methods in system design. 30:143-176. 2007
- Merged processes: a new condensed representation of Petri net behaviour. Acta Informatica. 43:307-330. 2006
- A Petri Net Semantics of a Simple Process Algebra for Mobility. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 154:71-94. 2006
- Petri net semantics of the finite pi-calculus terms. Fundamenta Informaticae. 70:203-226. 2006
- A framed temporal logic programming language. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 19:341-351. 2004
- Process semantics of general inhibitor nets. Information and Computation. 190:18-69. 2004
- Relating communicating processes with different interfaces. Fundamenta Informaticae. 59:1-37. 2004
- Canonical prefixes of Petri net unfoldings. Acta Informatica. 40:95-118. 2003
- Asynchronous box calculus. Fundamenta Informaticae. 54:295-344. 2003
- The Box Algebra=Petri Nets+Process Expressions. Information and Computation. 178:44-100. 2002
- The Box Algebra=Petri Nets+Process Expressions. Information and Computation. 178:44-100. 2002
- Behaviour abstraction for communicating sequential processes. Fundamenta Informaticae. 48:21-54. 2001
- Recursion and Petri nets. Acta Informatica. 37:781-829. 2001
- On developing and verifying design abstractions for reliable concurrent programming in Ada. Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference; SIGAda. XXI:48-55. 2001
- On Causality Semantics of Nets with Priorities. Fundamenta Informaticae. 38:223-255. 1999
- Operational and denotational semantics for the box algebra. Theoretical Computer Science. 211:1-83. 1999
- Peter Lauer and COSY. Fundamenta Informaticae. 40:103-107. 1999
- Fundamentals of modelling concurrency using discrete relational structures. Acta Informatica. 34:367-388. 1997
- Two implementation relations and the correctness of communicating replicated processes. Formal Aspects of Computing. 9:119-148. 1997
- Tutorial review. Future prospects for the analysis of complex biological systems using micro-column liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. The Analyst. 121:65R-76R. 1996
- Semantics of Inhibitor Nets. Information and Computation. 123:1-16. 1995
- Using Net Refinement to Compute the Fixpoint of a Recursive Expression. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 2:27-28. 1995
- Structure of concurrency. Theoretical Computer Science. 112:5-52. 1993
- Invariants and paradigms of concurrency theory. Future generations computer systems. 8:423-435. 1992
- Petri net semantics of priority systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 96:175-215. 1992
- Adequacy-preserving transformations of COSY path programs. Theoretical Computer Science. 94:141-158. 1992
- Modelling systems with dynamic priorities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 609:251-266. 1992
- Axiom System Induced by CTL* Logic. Fundamenta Informaticae. 14:235-253. 1991
- INVARIANT SEMANTICS OF NETS WITH INHIBITOR ARCS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 527:317-331. 1991
- INVARIANTS AND PARADIGMS OF CONCURRENCY THEORY. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 506:59-74. 1991
- OPTIMAL SIMULATIONS, NETS AND REACHABILITY GRAPHS. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 524:205-226. 1991
- Using optimal simulations to reduce reachability graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 531:166-175. 1991
- Synchronizing events in replicated systems. Journal of Systems and Software. 9:183-190. 1989
- Towards a theory of simulation for verification of concurrent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 366:73-88. 1989
- Adequacy-preserving transformations of COSY path programs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 335:368-379. 1988
- On equivalent execution semantics of concurrent systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 266:89-103. 1987
- The Merlin-Randell problem of train journeys. Acta Informatica. 23:429-463. 1986
- Concurrent and maximally concurrent evolution of nonsequential systems. Theoretical Computer Science. 43:213-238. 1986
- On the Merlin-Randell problem of train journeys. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 167:179-190. 1984
- Petri nets and membrane computing
- Proceedings Fourth Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi 2010. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 40.
- Steps and Coverability in Inhibitor Nets
- columns in various jounals. FOAR 2012, misc jounals.
- Quasi-stratified Order Semantics of Concurrency 2024
- Structured Acyclic Nets 2024
- Reaction Mining for Reaction Systems 2023
- Investigating Reversibility of Steps in Petri Nets 2021
- Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-Based IoT Applications: A Taxonomy and Survey 2019
- Membrane Systems and Petri Net Synthesis 2012
- Proceedings Fourth Workshop on Membrane Computing and Biologically Inspired Process Calculi 2010 2010