publication venue for
- Maximizing atmospheric-disturbed fiber coupling efficiency with speckle-based phase retrieval and a single-pixel camera. 62:G43-G43. 2023
- Development of a mechanism for reconstruction of terahertz single-frequency images of biological samples. 61:10345-10345. 2022
- Polarimetric photoluminescence microscope for strain imaging on semiconductor devices. 61:1307-1307. 2022
- Fiber Fabry–Perot astrophotonic correlation spectroscopy for remote gas identification and radial velocity measurements. 60:10252-10252. 2021
- Degree of polarization of photoluminescence from facets of InP as a function of strain: some experimental evidence. 60:4502-4502. 2021
- Optical model of light propagation in total internal reflection fluorescence sensors. 59:10651-10651. 2020
- Comparison of nonlinear filtering techniques for photonic systems with blackbody radiation. 59:9303-9303. 2020
- Degree of polarization of luminescence from GaAs and InP as a function of strain: a theoretical investigation. 59:5506-5506. 2020
- Hybrid two-level MPPM–MDPSK modulation for high-speed optical communication networks. 58:9757-9757. 2019
- Investigation of impact and spreading of molten nanosized gold droplets on solid surfaces. 57:2080-2080. 2018
- Controlling photoluminescent emission from polymer membranes through the creation of local deformation zones. 55:576-576. 2016
- Electro-optical phase-change 2 × 2 switching using three- and four-waveguide directional couplers. 54:5897-5897. 2015
- Assembly of silver nanoparticles on nanowires into ordered nanostructures with femtosecond laser radiation. 54:2524-2524. 2015
- Rotation of principal axes and birefringence in III-V lasers owing to bonding strain. 52:6258-6258. 2013
- Femtosecond laser-induced microwelding of silver and copper. 52:1211-1211. 2013
- Simulation of atmospheric turbulence for optical systems with extended sources. 51:7509-7509. 2012
- Design of a flat field concave-grating-based micro-Raman spectrometer for environmental applications. 51:6855-6855. 2012
- Ultrabroadband flattop wavelength conversion based on cascaded sum frequency generation and difference frequency generation using pump detuning in quasi-phase-matched lithium niobate waveguides. 50:E108-E108. 2011
- Analysis of broadly tunable coupled-cavity semiconductor lasers. 50:4834-4834. 2011
- Gain flattening coatings for improved spectral performance of asymmetric multiple quantum well lasers. 50:975-975. 2011
- Widely tunable coupled-cavity semiconductor laser. 48:3809-3809. 2009
- Optical phase and intensity modulation from a rotating optical flat: effect on noise in degree of polarization measurements. 48:1697-1697. 2009
- Multiple path interference and differential modal delay reduction using spatial filters in a 4F system. 47:2290-2290. 2008
- Accurate sensitivity analysis of photonic devices that exploit the finite-difference time-domain central adjoint variable method. 46:1492-1492. 2007
- Modeling of the generic spatial heterodyne spectrometer and comparison with conventional spectrometer. 45:9079-9079. 2006
- Analysis and comparison of impairments in differential phase-shift keying and on-off keying transmission systems based on the error probability. 45:6812-6812. 2006
- Long-period grating refractive index sensor with a modified cladding structure for large operational range and high sensitivity. 45:6142-6142. 2006
- Picosecond-pulse wavelength conversion based on cascaded second-harmonic generation-difference frequency generation in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide. 45:5391-5391. 2006
- Modeling and optimization of Q-switched double-clad fiber lasers. 45:2058-2058. 2006
- Optically reconfigurable azobenzene polymer-based fiber Bragg filter. 44:7039-7039. 2005
- Effects of fiber-optic probe design and probe-to-target distance on diffuse reflectance measurements of turbid media: an experimental and computational study at 337 nm. 43:2846-2846. 2004
- Strain mapping by measurement of the degree of polarization of photoluminescence. 43:1811-1811. 2004
- Photoelastic effect from die bonding of diode lasers. 43:160-160. 2004
- Possibility of an optical focal shift with polarization masks. 42:3819-3819. 2003
- Quantification of fluorophore concentration in tissue-simulating media by fluorescence measurements with a single optical fiber. 42:2436-2436. 2003
- Digital recording and numerical reconstruction of holograms: an optical diagnostic for combustion. 41:3890-3890. 2002
- Temperature measurements in steady axisymmetric partially premixed flames by use of rainbow schlieren deflectometry. 41:1922-1922. 2002
- Sensitive absorption spectroscopy by use of an asymmetric multiple-quantum-well diode laser in an external cavity. 40:6719-6719. 2001
- Noninvasive measurement of fluorophore concentration in turbid media with a simple fluorescence/reflectance ratio technique. 40:6389-6389. 2001
- Determination of the optical properties of two-layer turbid media by use of a frequency-domain hybrid Monte Carlo diffusion model. 40:3810-3810. 2001
- Systematic approach based on holographic interferometry measurements to characterize the flame structure of partially premixed flames. 40:731-731. 2001
- Monte Carlo diffusion hybrid model for photon migration in a two-layer turbid medium in the frequency domain. 39:2235-2235. 2000
- Application of in situ ellipsometry in the fabrication of thin-film optical coatings on semiconductors. 39:1053-1053. 2000
- Accuracy of the diffusion approximation in determining the optical properties of a two-layer turbid medium. 37:7401-7401. 1998
- Modeling of photosensitizer fluorescence emission and photobleaching for photodynamic therapy dosimetry. 37:7168-7168. 1998
- Influence of layered tissue architecture on estimates of tissue optical properties obtained from spatially resolved diffuse reflectometry. 37:1958-1958. 1998
- Noninvasive determination of the optical properties of two-layered turbid media. 37:779-779. 1998
- Absorbed photodynamic dose from pulsed versus continuous wave light examined with tissue-simulating dosimeters. 36:7257-7257. 1997
- Frequency-domain optical image reconstruction in turbid media: an experimental study of single-target detectability: erratum. 36:2995-2995. 1997
- Imaging of fluorescent yield and lifetime from multiply scattered light reemitted from random media. 36:2260-2260. 1997
- Frequency-domain optical image reconstruction in turbid media: an experimental study of single-target detectability. 36:52-52. 1997
- Multipage storage in a LiNbO_3:Fe crystal sheet using the photorefractive light-climbing effect. 35:6744-6744. 1996
- 4 × 4 vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and metal–semiconductor–metal (MSM) optical backplane demonstrator system. 35:6365-6365. 1996
- Liquid detection with InGaAsP semiconductor lasers having multiple short external cavities. 35:4689-4689. 1996
- Determination of the scattering coefficient and the anisotropy factor from laser Doppler spectra of liquids including blood. 35:3404-3404. 1996
- Spatially resolved absolute diffuse reflectance measurements for noninvasive determination of the optical scattering and absorption coefficients of biological tissue. 35:2304-2304. 1996
- Why do veins appear blue? A new look at an old question. 35:1151-1151. 1996
- Electronic subtracter for trace-gas detection with InGaAsP diode lasers. 34:8303-8303. 1995
- Plant canopy gap-size analysis theory for improving optical measurements of leaf-area index. 34:6211-6211. 1995
- Technique for mapping the spectral uniformity of luminescent semiconducting material. 34:4794-4794. 1995
- Absorption spectroscopy in tissue-simulating materials: a theoretical and experimental study of photon paths. 34:22-22. 1995
- Mathematical model for time-resolved and frequency-domain fluorescence spectroscopy in biological tissues. 33:1963-1963. 1994
- Soft-x-ray projection imaging with a 1:1 ring-field optic. 32:7072-7072. 1993
- Interference fringes in the far field of short-external-cavity InGaAsP diode lasers: a method for longitudinal mode control. 32:6620-6620. 1993
- Efficient NH_3 laser operation in the 16- to 21-μm region. 32:2053-2053. 1993
- Temporal averaging of phase measurements in the presence of spurious phase drift: application to phase-stepped real-time holographic interferometry. 32:1087-1087. 1993
- Temporal averaging of phase measurements in the presence of spurious phase drift: application to phase-stepped real-time holographic interferometry. 32:147-147. 1993
- Experimental tests of a simple diffusion model for the estimation of scattering and absorption coefficients of turbid media from time-resolved diffuse reflectance measurements. 31:3509-3509. 1992
- Frequency-domain reflectance for the determination of the scattering and absorption properties of tissue. 30:4474-4474. 1991
- Strain and scattering related spectral output of 13-μm InGaAsP semiconductor diode lasers. 30:1036-1036. 1991
- Optical waveguide laser using an rf sputtered Nd:glass film. 30:276-276. 1991
- Operating characteristics of a tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer using short-external-cavity and DFB laser diodes. 29:5007-5007. 1990
- Detection of oxygen using short external cavity GaAs semiconductor diode lasers. 29:1327-1327. 1990
- Similarity relations for the interaction parameters in radiation transport. 28:5243-5243. 1989
- Alignment tolerances of short-external-cavity InGaAsP diode lasers for use as tunable single-mode sources. 28:4622-4622. 1989
- Waveguide–detector couplers for integrated optics and monolithic optoelectronic switching arrays. 28:4629-4629. 1989
- Spatially and polarization resolved electroluminescence of 13-μm InGaAsP semiconductor diode lasers. 28:3744-3744. 1989
- Time resolved reflectance and transmittance for the noninvasive measurement of tissue optical properties. 28:2331-2331. 1989
- Design and simulated performance of a CARS spectrometer for dynamic temperature measurements using electronic heterodyning. 28:1409-1409. 1989
- Trace gas detection with short-external-cavity InGaAsP diode laser transmitter modules operating at 158 μm. 27:2688-2688. 1988
- Technique for monolithic fabrication of microlens arrays. 27:1281-1281. 1988
- Trace gas detection using 13–μm InGaAsP diode laser transmitter modules. 27:610-610. 1988
- Optokinetic technique for measuring infants’ responses to color. 26:1510-1510. 1987
- CORRECTION. 25:328-328. 1986
- Wavelength-dependent transmission of monomode optical fiber tapers: errata. 25:328-328. 1986
- Wavelength-dependent transmission of monomode optical fiber tapers. 24:945-945. 1985
- Differential quantum efficiency of a homogeneously broadened injection laser. 23:2870-2870. 1984
- Influence on the steady-state oscillation spectrum of a diode laser for feedback of light interacting coherently and incoherently with the field established in the laser cavity. 23:2070-2070. 1984
- Investigation of cw optically pumped 12-μm NH_3 lasers using a tunable diode laser. 23:87-87. 1984
- Photoinduced grating filters in GeO_2 thin-film waveguides. 22:4088-4088. 1983
- Comparison of rate-equation and Fabry-Perot approaches to modeling a diode laser. 22:3321-3321. 1983
- Linewidth measurements of tunable diode lasers using heterodyne and etalon techniques. 21:3961-3961. 1982
- High-sensitivity detection of trace gases using sweep integration and tunable diode lasers. 21:2527-2527. 1982
- Atmospheric pressure monitoring of trace gases using tunable diode lasers. 21:1185-1185. 1982
- Field distribution of a 1-D imaging element. 20:1894-1894. 1981
- Sensitivity limits of a tunable diode laser spectrometer, with application to the detection of NO_2 at the 100-ppt level. 19:3349-3349. 1980
- Optical processor for search and rescue. 19:2490-2490. 1980
- High sensitivity point monitoring of ozone, and high resolution spectroscopy of the ν_3 band of ozone using a tunable semiconductor diode laser. 18:1198-1198. 1979
- High sensitivity point monitoring of atmospheric gases employing tunable diode lasers. 17:1806-1806. 1978
- High sensitivity pollution detection employing tunable diode lasers. 17:300-300. 1978
- SNR in optical velocimeters: effect of detection angle. 16:674-674. 1977
- Resonance absorption measurements of NO with a line-tunable CO laser: spectroscopic data for pollution monitoring. 16:398-398. 1977
- Pollution monitoring systems based on resonance absorption measurements of ozone with a “tunable” CO_2 laser: some criteria. 15:340-340. 1976
- SNR in optical velocimeters: effect of particle number density. 14:1839-1839. 1975
- Application of Fourier Images to the Measurement of Particle Velocities. 13:234-234. 1974
- Fringe Image Technique for the Measurement of Flow Velocities. 12:2607-2607. 1973
- Electrostatically Scanned Reflectors for Interferometer and Laser Applications. 11:125-125. 1972
- Area and Wavelength Sensitivity of a Photomultiplier. 10:689-689. 1971
- Evaluation of Absorption and Gain from Spontaneous Emission Profiles. 5:1858_1-1858_1. 1966
- The Response of Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometers to Atomic Transition Profiles. 5:170_1-170_1. 1966