selected scholarly activity
- COVID-19 and Similar Futures Pandemic Geographies 2021
- Place and Professional Practice 2021
- An Introduction to Mental Health and Illness Critical Perspectives 2020
- Non-Representational Theory & Health 2018
- Routledge Handbook of Health Geography 2018
- Geographical Gerontology Concepts and Approaches 2017
- Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine An International Reader 2017
- Health Geographies A Critical Introduction 2017
- Health and Society Critical Perspectives 2016
- Soundscapes of Wellbeing in Popular Music 2016
- Sociology of Ageing A Reader 2009
- Primary health care: People, practice, place 2008
- Ageing and Place 2004
- Spatial Health Research in Africa A Review of the Recent Literature 1998
- Geographical gerontology: Knowing place in five ways. 15-36. 2024
- A sense of community within a site of amplified stigma: The strange case of Spookers 2023
- Friendly visiting programs for older people experiencing social isolation: A realist review of what works, for whom, and under what conditions 2023
- Older age. 231-235. 2023
- Pandemic Geographies 2023
- What Role for More-Than-Representational, More-Than-Human Inquiry?. 381-394. 2022
- Stress Was Yesterday! Revitalising Care Is Today, by the Adoption of HeartMath® Interventions in Nursing within the National Health Service (NHS) UK: Facing the challenges. 157-166. 2022
- Place in health, illness, and healthcare. 302-311. 2021
- Correction to: COVID-19 and Similar Futures: Pandemic Geographies. C1-C2. 2021
- Death, Devastation, and Failure in Long-Term Care: The Need for a Geographical Reengagement with the Sector. 233-240. 2021
- Posthumanist traditions and their possibilities for rural gerontology. 237-248. 2021
- The Geographical Origins of Geographical Thinking on Health Care Work. 3-30. 2021
- The Geographical Turn in Contemporary Health Professional Research: Contexts, Motivators, Current and Emerging Perspectives. 31-65. 2021
- Towards a Research Agenda That Progresses Key Debates: Example II—Animating Emerging ‘Skilling Space’. 155-178. 2021
- Towards a Research Agenda That Progresses Key Debates: Example I—Unpacking More-Than-Human Assemblages of Person-Centred Care. 135-154. 2021
- Aging and Health. 67-71. 2020
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 351-355. 2020
- Sensing Health and Wellbeing Through Oral Histories: The ‘Tip and Run’ Air Attacks on a British Coastal Town 1939–1944. 23-38. 2020
- Sport. 451-455. 2020
- Receiving Money for Medicine: Some Tensions and Resolutions for Community Based Private Complementary Therapists. 145-156. 2019
- Small Business Complementary Medicine: A Profile of Therapists and Their Pathways to Practice. 157-167. 2019
- Animating the 'happening' of complementary and integrative medicine The potential of non-representational theory and some examples through older females' use. 113-127. 2019
- Placing Narrative and Metaphor in the Flow of Contemporary Music: PJ Harvey’s Community of Hope. 183-199. 2019
- After posthumanism. 138-143. 2018
- Food in health geography. 67-73. 2018
- Non-representational geographies of health. 144-152. 2018
- Qualitative health geography reaches the mainstream. 301-310. 2018
- Researching migration and health. 59-66. 2018
- Risk and resilience. 52-58. 2018
- “This place is getting to me”. 216-224. 2018
- A mode of health transmission Affective health geographies. 62-74. 2018
- Characteristic styles and priorities of more-than-representational health geographies. 75-97. 2018
- Groups and peoples INTRODUCING SECTION 3. 155-158. 2018
- Key conceptualizations in more-than-representational health geographies. 39-61. 2018
- New intellectual energies The emergence and basis of non-representational theory. 1-18. 2018
- Perspectives and debates INTRODUCING SECTION 1. 11-13. 2018
- Qualities of movement-spaces in more-than-representational health geographies. 111-138. 2018
- Research practices and future directions. 139-157. 2018
- Rethinking health From what it means to how it becomes. 19-38. 2018
- Rethinking movement in health geography From a change of location to movement-space. 98-110. 2018
- Theories and concepts INTRODUCING SECTION 2. 85-87. 2018
- Why now and how? Preface and plan. IX-+. 2018
- Geographical gerontology: Progress and possibilities. 313-319. 2017
- Space and place in geographical gerontology: Theoretical traditions, formations of hope. 11-28. 2017
- Gay Bathhouses: The Transgression of Health in Therapeutic Places. 221-232. 2017
- Geographical perspectives on health care: Ideas, disciplines, progress. 21-39. 2016
- The geographies of primary health care: A summary and agenda. 261-273. 2016
- The place of nursing in primary health care. 131-148. 2016
- Thinking geographically about primary health care. 1-20. 2016
- Disciplinarity in Health Studies 2016
- Introduction to Critical Health Studies 2016
- From ‘The pump’ to ‘Senescence’: Two musical acts of more-than-representational ‘acting into’ and ‘building new’ life. 211-228. 2016
- ‘Gonna Live Forever’: Noel Gallagher’s Spaces of Wellbeing. 49-62. 2016
- Aging and Older People, Geography of. 407-412. 2015
- Health Geography. 949-954. 2014
- Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Aging and Chronic Illness: Towards an Interprofessional Approach in Primary Health Care. 35-49. 2013
- The geography of complementary and alternative medicine. 231-236. 2012
- The profile of complementary and alternative medicine users and reasons for complementary and alternative medicine use. 11-17. 2012
- Geographies of wellbeing. 309-328. 2010
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): Production, Consumption, Research. 587-603. 2009
- Ageing and Health. 31-35. 2009
- Ageing and Health. V1-31-V1-35. 2009
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine. V2-234-V2-238. 2009
- Geographical perspectives on health care: Ideas, disciplines, progress. 21-39. 2008
- The geographies of primary health care: A summary and Agenda. 261-273. 2008
- The place of nursing in primary health care. 131-148. 2008
- Thinking geographically about primary health care. 1-20. 2008
- Geographical studies in ageing: Progress and connections to social gerontology. 7-12. 2004
- Placing ageing: Positionings in the study of older people. 13-23. 2004
- Residential homes: From distributions in space to the elements of place. 61-78. 2004
- N052 The Transition From Acute Care to Home: A Review of Issues in Discharge Teaching and a Framework for Better Practice. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. S436-S436. 2012
- (Re)thinking the dynamics between healthcare and place: therapeutic geographies in treatment and care practices. Area. 307-318. 2004
- ISOLATION OF A RIGID BODY ON RESILIENT SUPPORTS FROM A VIBRATION ENVIRONMENT. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1578-1578. 1959
journal articles
- An ‘all-world ageing’ perspective and its wider ethics of care: An empirical illustration. Social Science and Medicine. 357:117178-117178. 2024
- Speed as an expression and texture of space: Theory at play in a movement activity. Environment and Planning F. 3:134-161. 2024
- Björk to Morton to Aphex Twin: Music as a positive hyperobject. New Zealand Geographer. 80:117-122. 2024
- Friendly Visiting Programs for Older People Experiencing Social Isolation: A Realist Review of what Works, for whom, and under what Conditions. Canadian Journal on Aging. 42:538-550. 2023
- Geography, health and wellbeing: a close relationship, from past times to COVID-19. Geography Review. 2023
- New theoretical terrains in geographies of wellbeing: Key questions of the posthumanist turn. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 4:100130-100130. 2023
- Writing as/about Leisure: Connecting with Oneself and Others through Creative Practice. Leisure Sciences. 44:862-880. 2022
- Opening out ageing: On the entropy of all things. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 47:666-681. 2022
- All‐world aging: A gero of all things under the material press in time. Canadian Geographer. 66:52-59. 2022
- Speed and space: Rates of motion in health and wellbeing. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 3:100112-100112. 2022
- What role for more-than-representational, more-than-human inquiry. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 47:666-681. 2022
- Living with embodied vibrations: Sensory experiences following a traumatic brain injury. Social Science and Medicine. 284:114233-114233. 2021
- Re-imagining world: From human health in the world to ‘all-world health’. Health & Place. 71:102620-102620. 2021
- Bios and arrows: On time in health geographies. Geography Compass. 15. 2021
- The understated turn: Emerging interests and themes in Canadian posthumanist geography. Canadian Geographer. 64:551-563. 2020
- ‘Whole onflow’, the productive event: an articulation through health. Social Science and Medicine. 265:113498-113498. 2020
- Health geographies III: More-than-representational pushes and expressions. Progress in Human Geography. 44:991-1003. 2020
- Enrolling bodies, feasting on space: How wellbeing serves the forms and flows of a new capitalism. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 1:100004-100004. 2020
- The Meanings and Materialities of "Home" for Older People. Generations. 44. 2020
- Working social assemblages: Towards a new geography of social work. Geography Compass. 14. 2020
- Health geographies II: The posthuman turn. Progress in Human Geography. 43:1109-1119. 2019
- Meanings and feelings of (Im)mobility in later life: Case study insights from a ‘New Mobilities’ perspective. Journal of Aging Studies. 51:100819-100819. 2019
- The folding of sport space into carceral space: On the making of prisoners’ experiences and lives. Canadian Geographer. 63:453-465. 2019
- Maintain Your Brain: Protocol of a 3-Year Randomized Controlled Trial of a Personalized Multi-Modal Digital Health Intervention to Prevent Cognitive Decline Among Community Dwelling 55 to 77 Year Olds. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 70:S221-S237. 2019
- Spinning, hurting, still, afraid: Living life spaces with Type I Chiari Malformation. Social Science and Medicine. 231:13-21. 2019
- Understanding the vital emergence and expression of aging: How matter comes to matter in gerontology's posthumanist turn. Journal of Aging Studies. 49:46-55. 2019
- ‘Hopeful adaptation’ in health geographies: Seeking health and wellbeing in times of adversity. Social Science and Medicine. 231:1-5. 2019
- Matter beginning to matter: On posthumanist understandings of the vital emergence of health. Social Science and Medicine. 226:123-134. 2019
- Health geographies I. Progress in Human Geography. 42:789-798. 2018
- Care Challenges in the Bathroom: The Views of Professional Care Providers Working in Clients’ Homes. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 37:493-515. 2018
- From post-game to play-by-play. Progress in Human Geography. 41:766-794. 2017
- Ageing Resource Communities: New Frontiers of Rural Population Change, Community Development and Voluntarism edited by MarkSkinner and NeilHanlon, Routledge, Oxford, 2016, 220 pp., cloth US$145.00 (ISBN 978‐1138845268). Canadian Geographer. 61:E27-E28. 2017
- Geographical thinking in nursing inquiry, part two: performance, possibility, and non‐representational theory. Nursing Philosophy. 18. 2017
- The relational making of people and place: the case of the Teignmouth World War II homefront. Ageing and Society. 37:725-752. 2017
- ‘Running hot’: Placing health in the life and course of the vital city. Social Science and Medicine. 175:209-214. 2017
- Patterns of health service utilization following the Tsunami in Thailand. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 20:14-18. 2016
- Extending the field of play: Revealing the dynamics between sports, health and place. Social Science and Medicine. 168:1-6. 2016
- Transfusing our lifeblood: Reframing research impact through inter-disciplinary collaboration between health geography and nurse education. Social Science and Medicine. 168:257-264. 2016
- Bodies across Borders: The Global Circulation of Body Parts, Medical Tourists and Professionals. Cultural Geographies. 23:750-750. 2016
- Geographical thinking in nursing inquiry, part one: locations, contents, meanings. Nursing Philosophy. 17:262-281. 2016
- Reinventing qualitative research. The BMJ. 352:i1468-i1468. 2016
- Geographies of ageing. Progress in Human Geography. 39:776-799. 2015
- The lively challenges and opportunities of non-representational theory: A reply to Hanlon and Kearns. Social Science and Medicine. 128:338-341. 2015
- Co-creating health’s lively, moving frontiers: Brief observations on the facets and possibilities of non-representational theory. Health & Place. 30:165-170. 2014
- The ‘taking place’ of health and wellbeing: Towards non-representational theory. Social Science and Medicine. 108:210-222. 2014
- Re-spacing and re-placing gerontology: relationality and affect. Ageing and Society. 33:1339-1373. 2013
- Two years post-tsunami in Thailand: who still needs assistance?. International Health. 5:106-118. 2013
- Factors That Influence Career Decisions in Canada’s Nurses. Nursing Leadership. 26:61-69. 2013
- I Was Never Recruited: Challenges in Cross-Canada Nurse Mobility. Nursing Leadership. 26:29-40. 2013
- LPN Perspectives of Factors that Affect Nurse Mobility in Canada. Nursing Leadership. 26:70-78. 2013
- Mapping Nurse Mobility in Canada with GIS: Career Movements from Two Canadian Provinces. Nursing Leadership. 26:41-49. 2013
- Support and Access for Nursing Continuing Education in Canadian Work Environments. Nursing Leadership. 26:51-60. 2013
- ‘Creating the right therapy vibe’: Relational performances in holistic medicine. Social Science and Medicine. 83:99-109. 2013
- Book review. Journal of Transport Geography. 27:76-76. 2013
- The transition from acute care to home: a review of issues in discharge teaching and a framework for better practice.. Canadian journal of cardiovascular nursing = Journal canadien en soins infirmiers cardio-vasculaires. 23:18-24. 2013
- Moving beyond walkability: On the potential of health geography. Social Science and Medicine. 75:1925-1932. 2012
- Toronto's 2-1-1 Healthcare Services for Immigrant Populations. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 43:S475-S482. 2012
- Review: Professorial roles: a study of the professorial populations within nursing and midwifery, social work and allied health professions. Journal of Research in Nursing. 17:412-413. 2012
- Arguments in Health Geography: On Sub‐Disciplinary Progress, Observation, Translation. Geography Compass. 6:351-383. 2012
- Age, sex, disease, ethnicity et al – Are complementary therapies reaching the parts?. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 18:2-3. 2012
- Place visualization: Conventional or unconventional practice?. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 18:43-48. 2012
- Guest Editorial: Beyond knowledge translation, towards the ‘public scholar’. International journal of older people nursing. 6:249-250. 2011
- Implementing health research through academic and clinical partnerships: a realistic evaluation of the Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC). Implementation Science. 6:74. 2011
- ‘I had to go to the hospital and it was freaking me out’: Needle phobic encounter space. Health & Place. 17:875-884. 2011
- Institutional geographies in dying: Nurses’ actions and observations on dying spaces inside and outside intensive care units. Health & Place. 17:814-821. 2011
- Health geography in ‘Steel City’: Selected papers from the XIII International Medical Geography Symposium, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, July 2009. Social Science and Medicine. 72:317-318. 2011
- Cool aid? Health, wellbeing and place in the work of Bono and U2. Health & Place. 17:185-194. 2011
- Displacement and tuberculosis: recognition in nursing care. Health & Place. 16:1069-1076. 2010
- “So we started talking about a beach in Barbados”: Visualization practices and needle phobia. Social Science and Medicine. 71:1804-1810. 2010
- Rethinking the Applied: Public Gerontology, Global Responsibility. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 29:143-154. 2010
- Geographical Gerontology: Mapping a Disciplinary Intersection. Geography Compass. 3:1641-1659. 2009
- Gerontology in Canada: History, Challenges, Research. Ageing International. 34:136-153. 2009
- Community, equity, access: core geographic concepts in primary health care. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 10:270-270. 2009
- Climate change and health: Priorities for the CAM community. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 15:1-4. 2009
- Selected research from the XII International Symposium in Medical Geography, Bonn, July 2007: Introduction to the Special Issue. Social Science and Medicine. 68:591-592. 2009
- Geographical reflections on Sir Edmund Hillary (1919–2008). New Zealand Geographer. 64:177-180. 2008
- Understanding the reproduction of health care: towards geographies in health care work. Progress in Human Geography. 32:759-780. 2008
- Clinical geography: nursing practice and the (re)making of institutional space. Journal of Nursing Management. 16:463-473. 2008
- Introduction. Eighteenth Century Life. 32:1-2. 2008
- Spaces of dizziness and dread: navigating acrophobia. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography. 89:307-317. 2007
- Enhancing chronic disease management: A review of key issues and strategies. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 13:232-239. 2007
- Designing a better place for patients: Professional struggles surrounding satellite and mobile dialysis units. Social Science and Medicine. 65:1536-1548. 2007
- Geographical Gerontology: The constitution of a discipline. Social Science and Medicine. 65:151-168. 2007
- WITHDRAWN: Connecting pop music and health: From celebrity diplomacy to medicinal melodies. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 2007
- The ‘Plaice’ of Language. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 13:1-3. 2007
- Career Intentions of Nursing Students and New Nurse Graduates: A Review of the Literature. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 3:Article26. 2006
- Geography: Research and teaching in nurse education. Nurse Education Today. 26:545-554. 2006
- Professional roles and communications in clinical placements: A qualitative study of nursing students’ perceptions and some models for practice. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43:861-874. 2006
- Writing place: a comparison of nursing research and health geography. Nursing Inquiry. 13:203-219. 2006
- The production of tyrannical space. Children's Geographies. 4:239-250. 2006
- Guest editorial: Health and social care for environmental health - realigning geographical traditions. Health and Social Care in the Community. 14:281-283. 2006
- Placing sexuality in health policies: feminist geographies and public health nursing. GeoJournal. 65:349-364. 2006
- Managing challenging behaviour in dementia. The BMJ. 332:741-741. 2006
- ‘Their finest hour’: older people, oral histories, and the historical geography of social life. Social & Cultural Geography. 7:153-177. 2006
- Geographies of health in nursing. Health & Place. 12:110-118. 2006
- Moral Geographies of Restraint in Nursing Homes. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 3:2-7. 2006
- Encouraging additional research capacity as an intellectual enterprise: Extending Ernst's engagement. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 12:13-17. 2006
- Geography and nursing: convergence in cyberspace?. Nursing Inquiry. 12:316-324. 2005
- The potential of public health to enhance chronic disease management. Public Health. 119:1130-1132. 2005
- Addressing efficiency: Economic evaluation and the agenda for CAM researchers. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 11:253-261. 2005
- Life chance characteristics of older users of Swedish massage. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 11:232-241. 2005
- Working in London hospitals: Perceptions of place in nursing students’ employment considerations. Social Science and Medicine. 61:1867-1881. 2005
- Editorial: The importance of place in older people's care: three papers developing the geographies of nursing work. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). 14:98-99. 2005
- Space, Place, and the Evidence Base: Part II—Rereading Nursing Environment Through Geographical Research. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 2:142-156. 2005
- ‘Airplanes are flying nursing homes’: geographies in the concepts and locales of gerontological nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). 14:109-120. 2005
- Improving first-destination recruitment: nursing students' perceptions of three initiatives in London, England. Journal of Nursing Management. 13:345-355. 2005
- Everyday health histories and the making of place: the case of an English coastal town. Social Science and Medicine. 60:2697-2713. 2005
- Place(ment) matters: students’ clinical experiences and their preferences for first employers. International Nursing Review. 52:142-153. 2005
- Space, Place, and the Evidence Base: Part I—An Introduction to Health Geography. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 2:55-62. 2005
- Petit bourgeois health care? The big small-business of private complementary medical practice. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 11:87-104. 2005
- How place matters: unpacking technology and power in health and social care. Health and Social Care in the Community. 13:170-180. 2005
- CAM in Canada: places, practices, research. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 11:21-27. 2005
- Towards a geography of fitness: an ethnographic case study of the gym in British bodybuilding culture. Social Science and Medicine. 60:877-891. 2005
- The importance of place in older people's care: Three papers developing the geographies of nursing work. Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN). 14:98-99. 2005
- Sharing the spirit of the policy agenda? Private complementary therapists’ attitudes towards practising in the British NHS. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 10:217-228. 2004
- Perceptions of nursing: confirmation, change and the student experience. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 41:721-733. 2004
- The geography of complementary medicine: perspectives and prospects. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 10:175-185. 2004
- BOOK REVIEW. Nursing Inquiry. 11:124-125. 2004
- Therapeutic landscapes of the mind: theorizing some intersections between health geography, health promotion and immigration studies. Critical Public Health. 14:157-176. 2004
- Complementary medicine and older people: past research and future directions. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 10:80-91. 2004
- The urban geography of SARS: paradoxes and dilemmas in Toronto's health care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 45:568-578. 2004
- Small business complementary medicine: a profile of British therapists and their pathways to practice. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 5:40-51. 2004
- Nightingale's geography. Nursing Inquiry. 10:270-274. 2003
- Placing the consumption of private complementary medicine: everyday geographies of older peoples’ use. Health & Place. 9:337-349. 2003
- Locating a geography of nursing: space, place and the progress of geographical thought. Nursing Philosophy. 4:231-248. 2003
- Concept development for kindergarten children through a health simulation. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 19:209-219. 2003
- Assisting friendships, combating loneliness: users' views on a ‘befriending’ scheme. Ageing and Society. 23:349-362. 2003
- Receiving money for medicine: some tensions and resolutions for community-based private complementary therapists. Health and Social Care in the Community. 11:155-167. 2003
- Life in a secure unit: the rehabilitation of young people through the use of sport. Social Science and Medicine. 56:531-550. 2003
- Nurses who left the British NHS for private complementary medical practice: why did they leave? Would they return?. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 41:403-415. 2003
- Towards a more place‐sensitive nursing research: an invitation to medical and health geography. Nursing Inquiry. 9:221-238. 2002
- Changing local geographies of private residential care for older people 1983–1999: lessons for social policy in England and Wales. Social Science and Medicine. 55:63-78. 2002
- Liminality and breastfeeding: women negotiating space and two bodies. Health & Place. 8:61-76. 2002
- Private complementary medicine and older people: service use and user empowerment. Ageing and Society. 22:343-368. 2002
- Research. Working with Older People. 5:31-34. 2001
- Moral dilemmas and the management of private residential homes: the impact of care in the community reforms in the UK. Ageing and Society. 20:599-622. 2000
- Private Residential Care for Older Persons: Local Impacts of Care in the Community Reforms in England and Wales. Social Policy and Administration. 34:206-222. 2000
- Dreams that lie in tatters: the changing fortunes of nurses who left the British NHS to own and run residential homes for elderly people. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 31:900-908. 2000
- VIBRATION ISOLATION OF A RIGID BODY ON RESILIENT SUPPORTS. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 32:995-1001. 1960
- Integrating Complementary and Alternative Medicine With Primary Health Care Through Public Health To Improve Chronic Disease Management. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. 2.