selected scholarly activity
journal articles
- Academic leadership in nursing: A concept analysis.. Nurse Education Today. 141:106338. 2024
- Shifting paradigms: A collective and structural strategy for addressing healthcare inequity. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 30:887-893. 2024
- Chronicling the transition to competency-based medical education in a small subspeciality program. Journal of graduate medical education. 16:312-317. 2024
- Learner experiences of preceptor self-disclosure of personal illness in medical education. Academic Medicine. 99:296-303. 2023
- The McMaster Narrative Comment Rating Tool: Development and initial validity evidence. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 37:1-13. 2023
- Evaluation of the online component of a blended learning electroconvulsive therapy curriculum for psychiatry residents to treat depression in older adults. Academic Psychiatry. 48:36-40. 2023
- A qualitative investigation of burnout and well-being among faculty and residents in a Canadian psychiatry department. Academic Psychiatry. 47:159-163. 2023
- The role of groups in assessing learners with specific learning difficulties. Medical Education. 57:498-501. 2023
- Indigenous cultural safety in recognizing and responding to family violence: A systematic scoping review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:16967-16967. 2022
- Indigenous service provider perspectives of an online education module to support safe clinical encounters about family violence in Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:16061-16061. 2022
- Perspectives on mental health services for medical students at a Ugandan medical school. BMC Medical Education. 22:734. 2022
- The effect of gender dyads on the quality of narrative assessments of general surgery trainees. American Journal of Surgery. 224:179-184. 2022
- A qualitative description of resident physicians’ understanding of child maltreatment: Impacts, recognition, and response. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:3319-3319. 2022
- An iterative approach to promoting departmental wellbeing during COVID‐19. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 28:57-62. 2022
- Mind the (gender) gap: Engaging students as partners to promote gender equity in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education. 27:1-21. 2022
- Commentary on Barradell and Bell (2021)-Applying a critical lens to the role of students as partners in health professions education: challenges, risks, and potential. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 28:967-972. 2022
- Patients’ perspectives on the experience of absconding from a psychiatric hospital: A qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry. 21:371. 2021
- Competence committees: The steep climb from concept to implementation. Medical Education. 55:1067-1077. 2021
- Comparing the quality of narrative comments by rotation setting. Journal of Surgical Education. 78:2070-2077. 2021
- LIVES for families psychological first aid training programme to address COVID-19 psychological distress: A mixed methods acceptability and feasibility protocol. BMJ Open. 11:e049995-e049995. 2021
- One Room Schoolhouse: A novel intervention for inspired academic half-day learning in distributed campus settings. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. 8:1-9. 2021
- The teacher, the assessor, and the patient protector: A conceptual model describing how context interfaces with the supervisory roles of academic emergency physicians. AEM Education and Training. 5:52-62. 2021
- The role of gender in the decision to pursue a surgical career: A qualitative, interview-based study. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 11:e51-e61. 2020
- Use of the theoretical domains framework and behaviour change wheel to develop a novel intervention to improve the quality of multidisciplinary cancer conference decision-making. BMC Health Services Research. 20:578. 2020
- Individualized pattern recognition for detecting mind wandering from EEG during live lectures. PLoS ONE. 14:e0222276-e0222276. 2019
- Enhancing formative feedback in orthopaedic training: Development and implementation of a competency-based assessment framework. Journal of Surgical Education. 76:1376-1401. 2019
- Attending emergency physicians’ perceptions of a programmatic workplace-based assessment system: The McMaster Modular Assessment Program (McMAP). Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 31:434-444. 2019
- Reflecting gendered experiences of student-staff partnership: A student standpoint using poetic transcription. Teaching in Higher Education. 24:809-818. 2019
- Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development. 24:246-259. 2019
- Author response to “The road to gender equity in surgery is long”. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 62:E4-E5. 2019
- Toward theories of partnership praxis: An analysis of interpretive framing in literature on students as partners in teaching and learning. Higher Education Research and Development. 38:280-293. 2019
- Measuring school–family conflict and enrichment in university student parents: A measurement validation study. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 48:98-124. 2018
- The 3M National Teaching Fellowship: A high impact community of practice in higher education. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal. 6:50-66. 2018
- Getting with the times: A narrative review of the literature on group decision making in virtual environments and implications for promotions committees. Perspectives on Medical Education. 7:147-155. 2018
- A solution to gender inequity in surgery? Better caregiving policies. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 61:6-7. 2018
- Success in student-faculty/staff SoTL partnerships: Motivations, challenges, power, and definitions. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 8. 2017
- Reflections on an international “Change Institute” for students as partners: A student perspective. International Journal for Students as Partners. 1. 2017
- Using art for the development of teamwork and communication skills among health professionals: A literature review. Arts and Health. 9:60-72. 2017
- ‘It's not the form; it's the process’: A phenomenological study on the use of creative professional development workshops to improve teamwork and communication skills. Medical Humanities. 42:173-180. 2016
- The mind that wanders: Challenges and potential benefits of mind wandering in education. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. 2:134-146. 2016
- A comparison of factors related to university students’ learning: College-transfer and direct-entry from high school students. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 45:168-192. 2015
- Genetic screening: A cautionary tale for the public and a need for greater public education. Health Science Inquiry. 6:27-page 28. 2015
- 2013 3M Student Fellows feature article - Exploring the role of the university student as an experiential learner: Thoughts and reflections from the 2013 cohort of 3M National Student Fellows. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching. 7:83-83. 2014
- Student use and pedagogical impact of a mobile learning application. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 42:121-135. 2014
- Diversifying students-as-partners participants and practices. International Journal for Students as Partners. 5:146-159.
- How can students-as-partners work inform assessment?. International Journal for Students as Partners. 7:218-234.
- Survey of perspectives on parental leave policies in Canadian surgical training programs. Global Surgical Education - Journal of the Association for Surgical Education. 3:32.