Thymus Gland
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A barbed end interference mechanism reveals how capping protein promotes nucleation in branched actin networks Journal Articles
A novel T-lymphocyte molecule that may function in the induction of self-tolerance and MHC-restriction within the human thymic microenvironment. Journal Articles
ATM deficiency disrupts Tcra locus integrity and the maturation of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes Journal Articles
Age-dependent separation of class-specific suppressor cells in thymus of SJL/J mice Journal Articles
Age-related loss of intestinal barrier integrity plays an integral role in thymic involution and T cell ageing. Journal Articles
Analysis of the fine distribution of thymic epithelial microenvironmental molecules by immuno-electron microscopy. Journal Articles
Antigen-Presenting Cells in the Female Reproductive Tract: Influence of Estradiol on Antigen Presentation by Vaginal Cells Journal Articles
Antigen-Presenting Cells in the Female Reproductive Tract: Influence of Estradiol on Antigen Presentation by Vaginal Cells1 Journal Articles
Bronchial lymphoid tissue. II. Functional characterisitics. Journal Articles
Death of a Child From Topical Diphenhydramine Journal Articles
Degradation of nuclear matrix and DNA cleavage in apoptotic thymocytes Journal Articles
Demonstration of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase in single cells by indirect immunofluorescence — A methodological reappraisal Journal Articles
Developmental T cell receptor gene rearrangements: Relatedness of the α/β and γ/δ T cell precursor Journal Articles
Differences in lymphocyte responsiveness to lymphokines in two inbred strains of Syrian hamster. Journal Articles
Effect of deoxynivalenol on the porcine acquired immune response and potential remediation by a novel modified HSCAS adsorbent Journal Articles
Environmental and allele‐specific influences on T cell receptor gene rearrangement: skewed α, δ and γ gene rearrangement patterns in chimeric mice Journal Articles
Environmental influence on T cell receptor α gene rearrangement and expression in vitro Journal Articles
Fetal thymocyte potential for T cell receptor Vγ3‐Jγ1 junctional modification Journal Articles
IL-33, but not thymic stromal lymphopoietin or IL-25, is central to mite and peanut allergic sensitization Journal Articles
Identification of a novel Wee1 isoform Journal Articles
In myasthenia gravis, clinical and immunological improvement post-thymectomy segregate with results of in vitro antibody secretion by immunocytes Journal Articles
Intraglandular colloid induced nuclear proliferation of murine thymic cells as determined by flow cytometry. Journal Articles
Intrathymic implants of genetically modified fibroblasts Journal Articles
Lectin‐binding patterns of small lymphocytes in bone marrow, thymus and spleen: demonstration of lymphocyte subsets by quantitative radioautography Journal Articles
Lymphoid tissues induce NGF‐dependent and NGF‐independent neurite outgrowth from rat superior cervical ganglia explants in culture Journal Articles
Melatonin and Cortisol “Switches” during Mania, Depression, and Euthymia in a Drug-Free Bipolar Patient Journal Articles
MicroRNA expression profiling of thymic epithelial tumors Journal Articles
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of a series of 23 DiGeorge syndrome patients by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Journal Articles
Myasthenia gravis thymus: Clinical, histological and culture correlations Journal Articles
Neurite Outgrowth Induced by Rat Lymphoid Tissues In Vitro Journal Articles
Nippostrongylus brasiliensis: Mast cells and histamine levels in tissues of infected and normal rats Journal Articles
Preferential Proliferation and Differentiation of Double-Positive Thymocytes into CD8+ Single-Positive Thymocytes in a Novel Cell Culture Medium Journal Articles
Purification and characterization of an endonuclease from calf thymus acting on irradiated DNA Journal Articles
Rearrangement of TCR gamma chain gene involving JP1 suggests early thymocyte origin of peripheral T‐cell lymphoma Journal Articles
Role of proteolysis in apoptosis: involvement of serine proteases in internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in immature thymocytes Journal Articles
Spindle epithelial tumor with thymus-like elements of the thyroid: a multi-institutional case series and review of the literature Journal Articles
Strain-dependence and cellular aspects of the acceleration of age-dependent shift in class-specific helper and suppressor activity in the thymus of MRL/Mp mice by the LPR gene Journal Articles
Studies on DNA Repair in Mammalian Cells: An Endonuclease Which Recognizes Lesions in DNA Journal Articles
Synthesis of IgG, IgA, IgM by Chicken Tissues: Immunofluorescent and 14C Amino Acid Incorporation Studies Journal Articles
T and B cell ontogeny and phylogeny Journal Articles
Targeted Deletion of fgl2 Leads to Impaired Regulatory T Cell Activity and Development of Autoimmune Glomerulonephritis Journal Articles
Targeted Expression of Human CD1d in Transgenic Mice Reveals Independent Roles for Thymocytes and Thymic APCs in Positive and Negative Selection of Vα14i NKT Cells Journal Articles
The role of iron in the toxicity of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-(p)-dioxin (TCDD) Journal Articles
Thymic CD45 tyrosine phosphatase regulates apoptosis and MHC-restricted negative selection. Journal Articles
Thymic mast cell deficiency in avian muscular dystrophy. Journal Articles
Two-stage Cell Shrinkage and the OER for Radiation-induced Apoptosis of Rat Thymocytes Journal Articles
Two-stage cell shrinkage and the OER for radiation-induced apoptosis of rat thymocytes. Journal Articles
p145-MR6: A Novel T Cell Surface Molecule with a Role in Tolerance to Self Journal Articles