Scoping Reviews As Topic
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A protocol for a scoping review of equity measurement in mental health care for children and youth Journal Articles
Additional published study for the scoping review on venous thromboembolism in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease Journal Articles
Addressing Challenges When Applying GRADE to Public Health Guidelines: A Scoping Review Protocol and Pilot Analysis Journal Articles
Advanced practice nursing roles in Arab countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
African Canadian nurses in the nursing profession in Canada: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Ageism and Artificial Intelligence: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Appraising Indigenous cultural safety within healthcare: Protocol of a scoping review of reviews Journal Articles
Assessing the impact of mental health difficulties on young people’s daily lives: protocol for a scoping umbrella review of measurement instruments Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes: a scoping review protocol. Journal Articles
Association between postsurgical pain and heart rate variability: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Barriers to HIV care among Francophone African, Caribbean and Black immigrant people living with HIV in Canada: a protocol for a scoping systematic review Journal Articles
Can routinely collected administrative data effectively be used to evaluate and validate endpoints used in breast cancer clinical trials? Protocol for a scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Considering planetary health in health guidelines and health technology assessments: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Coproduction in Social Prescribing Initiatives: Protocol for a Scoping Review. Journal Articles
Cranial Nerve Noninvasive Neuromodulation in Adults With Neurological Conditions: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Decolonization in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research Methods: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Decolonizing Scoping Review Methodologies for Literature With, for, and by Indigenous Peoples and the African Diaspora: Dialoguing With the Tensions Journal Articles
Defining clinically important perioperative blood loss and transfusion for the Standardised Endpoints for Perioperative Medicine (StEP) collaborative: a protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Development and delivery of justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-oppression concepts in entry-level health professional education: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Digital Game Interventions for Youth Mental Health Services (Gaming My Way to Recovery): Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Driving performance assessments for benzodiazepine receptor agonist–related impairment: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Economic evaluations of treatment of depressive disorders in adolescents: Protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Educators’ strategies for engaging diverse students in undergraduate nursing education programs: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Effects of medical and non-medical cannabis use in older adults: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Entry-to-practice competency expectations for health justice in Canadian physiotherapy curricula: A scoping review protocol. Journal Articles
Ethical challenges related to assistive product access for older adults and adults living with a disability: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Evidence related to a vegetarian diet and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Fatherhood and men's participation in antenatal care in rural sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review protocol. Journal Articles
Global evidence of gender inequity in academic health research: a living scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Guidance relevant to the reporting of health equity in observational research: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
HIV and Black People in Canada: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
HIV prevention and treatment interventions for black men who have sex with men in Canada: a protocol for a scoping systematic review Journal Articles
How have predictors, moderators, mediators, treatment response, remission and resistance been defined and measured in randomised controlled trials for adolescent depression? A scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Human immunodeficiency virus testing and psychosocial outcomes: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Identifying and understanding the health and social care needs of older adults with multiple chronic conditions and their caregivers: a protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Identifying candidate quality indicators of tools that support the practice of knowledge translation: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Identifying non-traditional electronic datasets for population-level surveillance and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Identifying process and outcome indicators of successful transitions from child to adult mental health services: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Impact of restricted visitation policies in hospitals on patients, family members and healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Implementation strategies to address barriers to evidence-informed symptom management among outpatient oncology nurses: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Implementing digital respiratory technologies for people with respiratory conditions: A protocol for a scoping review. Journal Articles
Interventions to prevent or reduce the level of frailty in community-dwelling older adults: a protocol for a scoping review of the literature and international policies Journal Articles
Investigating and addressing the immediate and long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with substance use disorders: a scoping review and evidence map protocol Journal Articles
Medical assistance in dying: implications for health systems from a scoping review of the literature. Journal Articles
Methods and guidance on conducting, reporting, publishing and appraising living systematic reviews: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Methods, applications, interpretations and challenges of interrupted time series (ITS) data: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Methods, strategies and technologies used to conduct a scoping literature review of collaboration between primary care and public health Journal Articles
Multimorbidity in children and youth: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Nurse practitioner/physician collaborative models of care: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Out-of-pocket expenses related to aging in place for frail older people: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Outcomes after corrective surgery for congenital dextro-transposition of the great arteries using the arterial switch technique: a protocol for a scoping systematic review Journal Articles
Outcomes reported in randomised clinical trials of major depressive disorder treatments in adolescents: a systematic scoping review protocol Journal Articles
PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): checklist and explanation Journal Articles
Patient, caregiver and other knowledge user engagement in consensus-building healthcare initiatives: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Patient-Reported Benefits and Limitations of Mobile Health Technologies for Diabetes in Pregnancy: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Pedagogical strategies in teaching invasive prenatal procedures: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Pediatric Chronic Critical Illness: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Personalised immunotherapy in sepsis: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Programmes to prepare siblings for future roles to support their brother or sister with a neurodisability: protocol of a scoping review Journal Articles
Protocol for a scoping review about ethics in transition programmes for adolescents and young adults with neurodisabilities Journal Articles
Protocol for a scoping review of outcomes in clinical studies of interventions for venous thromboembolism in adults Journal Articles
Protocol for a scoping review of sepsis epidemiology Journal Articles
Protocol for a scoping review to support development of a CONSORT extension for randomised controlled trials using cohorts and routinely collected health data Journal Articles
Protocol for an extended scoping review on the use of virtual nominal group technique in research Journal Articles
Psychometric properties of clinician-reported and performance-based outcomes cited in a scoping review on spinal manipulation and mobilization for pediatric populations with diverse medical conditions: a systematic review Journal Articles
Psychosocial and pharmacologic interventions for methamphetamine addiction: protocol for a scoping review of the literature. Journal Articles
Psychosocial interventions addressing suicidality in inpatient psychiatry: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Quantitative Sensory Testing Protocols to Evaluate Central and Peripheral Sensitization in Knee OA: A Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
Risk-taking behaviors and falls in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Scoping review and systematic reviews are both valuable, but serve different purposes Journal Articles
Scoping review of physical rehabilitation interventions in long-term care: protocol for tools, models of delivery, outcomes and quality indicators Journal Articles
Scoping reviews: reinforcing and advancing the methodology and application Journal Articles
Sepsis policy, guidelines and standards in Canada: a jurisdictional scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Sleep duration and eating behaviours in youth: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Social determinants of health associated with the development of sepsis in adults: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
State of reporting of primary biomedical research: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Strategies to increase accessibility for students with disabilities in health professional programs: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Supported decision-making with persons with dementia: a scoping review protocol in partnership with lived experts Journal Articles
Systematic scoping review protocol of Stroke Patient and Stakeholder Engagement (SPSE) Journal Articles
Systematic scoping review protocol of methodologies of chronic respiratory disease surveys in low/middle-income countries Journal Articles
The Role of Occupational Therapy in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs: Protocol for a Scoping Review Journal Articles
The current status of non-radiologist-performed abdominal ultrasonography in paediatrics – a scoping literature review protocol Journal Articles
The provision of medical assistance in dying: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
The role of scoping reviews in guideline development Journal Articles
The scoping review: A flexible, inclusive, and iterative approach to knowledge synthesis Journal Articles
The use of co-design in developing physical activity interventions for older adults: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Thrombin generation, bleeding and hemostasis in humans: Protocol for a scoping review of the literature Journal Articles
Trajectory research in children on the autism spectrum: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Treatment goal setting for complex patients: protocol for a scoping review Journal Articles
Understanding discrimination towards persons experiencing homelessness: A scoping review protocol Journal Articles
Unsettling Knowledge Synthesis Methods Using Institutional Ethnography: Reflections on the Scoping Review as a Critical Knowledge Synthesis Tool Journal Articles
Use of implementation science in tobacco control intervention studies in the USA between 2000 and 2020: a scoping review protocol Journal Articles