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A Comparison of DNA-DNA Hybridization Kinetics in Complex Media on Planar and Nanostructured Electrodes. Journal Articles
A DNA Barcode‐Based Aptasensor Enables Rapid Testing of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Viruses in Swine Saliva Using Electrochemical Readout Journal Articles
A biomolecule-free electrochemical sensing approach based on a novel electrode modification technique: Detection of ultra-low concentration of Δ⁹-tetrahydrocannabinol in saliva by turning a sample analyte into a sensor analyte Journal Articles
A nasally administered trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine is well tolerated, stimulates both mucosal and systemic immunity, and potentially protects against influenza illness Journal Articles
A statistical method to calculate blood contamination in the measurement of salivary hormones in healthy women Journal Articles
A study of the salivary glycoprotein in cystic fibrosis patients and controls: fucose incorporation and protein pattern Journal Articles
Afternoon cortisol provides a link between self‐regulated anger and peer‐reported aggression in typically developing children in the school context Journal Articles
Antenatal Depression in a Multi-Ethnic, Community Sample of Canadian Immigrants: Psychosocial Correlates and Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function Journal Articles
Are Men’s Perceptions of Sexually Dimorphic Vocal Characteristics Related to Their Testosterone Levels? Journal Articles
Behavioral and neuroendocrine responses in shy children Conferences
Behavioral and psychophysiological correlates of self‐presentation in temperamentally shy children Journal Articles
Changes in Exhaled Nitric Oxide Related to Estrogen and Progesterone During the Menstrual Cycle Journal Articles
Changes in salivary estradiol predict changes in women's preferences for vocal masculinity Journal Articles
Characterization of Mucosal Immune Responses to Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Vaccine Antigens in a Human Challenge Model: Response Profiles after Primary Infection and Homologous Rechallenge with Strain H10407. Journal Articles
Characterizing the psychophysiological signature of boredom Journal Articles
Child depressive symptoms: Associations with salivary cortisol and alpha amylase in two distinct challenges Journal Articles
Cognitive control and cortisol response to stress in generalised anxiety disorder: a study of working memory capacity with negative and neutral distractors Journal Articles
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms Used for Translating Aptamer-Antigen Binding Kinetic Profiles to Diagnostic Decisions. Journal Articles
Correlates of Mucosal Immunity and Upper Respiratory Tract Infections in Girls Journal Articles
Cortisol Response to Stress in Female Youths Exposed to Childhood Maltreatment: Results of the Youth Mood Project Journal Articles
DRD2 and SLC6A3 moderate impact of maternal depressive symptoms on infant cortisol Journal Articles
Difficulties with emotion regulation moderate the association between childhood history of maltreatment and cortisol reactivity to psychosocial challenge in postpartum women Journal Articles
Dissolution of Lead Pellets in Saliva: A Source of Lead Exposure in Children Journal Articles
Distinguishing selective mutism and social anxiety in children: a multi-method study Journal Articles
Dysregulation of the cortisol diurnal rhythm following prenatal alcohol exposure and early life adversity Journal Articles
Early‐ and later‐developing shyness in children: An investigation of biological and behavioral correlates Journal Articles
Effects of motherhood on physiological and subjective responses to infant cries in teenage mothers: A comparison with non-mothers and adult mothers Journal Articles
Emotional memory in pregnant women at risk for postpartum depression Journal Articles
Enamel defects and salivary methylmalonate in methylmalonic acidemia Journal Articles
Enzyme Immunoassay of Testosterone, 17β-Estradiol, and Progesterone in Perspiration and Urine of Preadolescents and Young Adults: Exceptional Levels in Men's Axillary Perspiration Journal Articles
Evaluation of Salivary Antibodies to Detect Infection with Helicobacter pylori Journal Articles
Extremely low birth weight influences the relationship between stress and telomere length in adulthood Journal Articles
Fluoride levels in supernatant and sedimentary saliva are probably lower when using a fluoride bioactive glass dentifrice than an amine fluoride dentifrice after 2 hours Journal Articles
Frontal Electroencephalogram Asymmetry, Salivary Cortisol, and Internalizing Behavior Problems in Young Adults Who Were Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight Journal Articles
Frontal brain delta‐beta correlation, salivary cortisol, and social anxiety in children Journal Articles
Genetic biomarkers associated with changes in quality of life and pain following palliative radiotherapy in patients with bone metastases Journal Articles
Genetic biomarkers associated with pain flare and dexamethasone response following palliative radiotherapy in patients with painful bone metastases Journal Articles
Genetic biomarkers associated with response to palliative radiotherapy in patients with painful bone metastases Journal Articles
Healthy Foundations Study: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate biological embedding of early-life experiences Journal Articles
Higher Affinity Enables More Accurate Detection of SARS‐CoV‐2 in Human Saliva Using Aptamer‐based Litmus Test Journal Articles
High‐Affinity Dimeric Aptamers Enable the Rapid Electrochemical Detection of Wild‐Type and B.1.1.7 SARS‐CoV‐2 in Unprocessed Saliva Journal Articles
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Dysfunction and Illness Progression in Bipolar Disorder Journal Articles
Interaction between perceived maternal care, anxiety symptoms, and the neurobehavioral response to palatable foods in adolescents Journal Articles
Investigation of discordant SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR results using minimally processed saliva Journal Articles
Is prenatal arsenic exposure associated with salivary cortisol in infants in Arica, Chile? An exploratory cohort study Journal Articles
Linking extremely low birth weight and internalizing behaviors in adult survivors: Influences of neuroendocrine dysregulation Journal Articles
Localization of Powassan virus in Dermacentor andersoni ticks by immunofluorescence Journal Articles
Malignancies and Biosensors: A Focus on Oral Cancer Detection through Salivary Biomarkers Journal Articles
Markers of Biological Stress and Mucosal Immunity during a Week Leading to Competition in Adolescent Swimmers Journal Articles
Maternal Early Life Experiences and Parenting: The Mediating Role of Cortisol and Executive Function Journal Articles
Maternal sensitivity and infant and mother adrenocortical function across challenges Journal Articles
Measurement of D2O Concentrations at Tracer Levels in Small Samples Obtained from Paediatric Patients Journal Articles
Measurement of melatonin in body fluids: Standards, protocols and procedures Journal Articles
Measurement of saliva tacrolimus levels in pediatric renal transplant recipients Journal Articles
Men Respond Too: The Effects of a Social-Evaluative Body Image Threat on Shame and Cortisol in University Men Journal Articles
Men report stronger attraction to femininity in women's faces when their testosterone levels are high Journal Articles
Mother–infant cortisol attunement: Associations with mother–infant attachment disorganization Journal Articles
Mouth‐Watering Prospects for Helicobacter pylori Diagnosis? Journal Articles
Non-invasive detection of IgG antibodies from common pathogenic viruses using oral flocked swabs Journal Articles
Oral Disease Profiles in Chronic Graft versus Host Disease Journal Articles
Peer victimization, depressive symptoms, and high salivary cortisol predict poorer memory in children Journal Articles
Performance of AmpFire HPV assay on neck cervical lymph node aspirate and oropharyngeal samples Journal Articles
Performance of saliva compared with nasopharyngeal swab for diagnosis of COVID-19 by NAAT in cross-sectional studies: Systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Physiological stress reactivity in pediatric cancer survivors treated with chemotherapy Journal Articles
Physiological stress response in postpartum women with obsessive–compulsive disorder: A pilot study Journal Articles
Probiotic milk probably reduces the quantity of Streptococcus mutans in saliva and plaque, and its effects is probably sustained after discontinuation Journal Articles
Psychopathy and indirect aggression: The roles of cortisol, sex, and type of psychopathy Journal Articles
Quantitative Salivary Proteomic Differences in Oral Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease Journal Articles
Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces Journal Articles
Salivary DNA methylation derived estimates of biological aging, cellular frequency and protein expression as predictors of oral mucositis severity and survival in head and neck cancer patients. Journal Articles
Salivary Procalcitonin and Periodontitis in Diabetes Journal Articles
Salivary antibodies to Helicobacter pylori: screening dyspeptic patients before endoscopy Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol and pathogen disgust predict men's preferences for feminine shape cues in women's faces Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol during memory encoding in pregnancy predicts postpartum depressive symptoms: a longitudinal study Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol levels and infant temperament shape developmental trajectories in boys at risk for behavioral maladjustment Journal Articles
Salivary testing for SARS-CoV-2 in the pediatric population: a diagnostic accuracy study Journal Articles
Self-Collected Saline Gargle Samples as an Alternative to Health Care Worker-Collected Nasopharyngeal Swabs for COVID-19 Diagnosis in Outpatients Journal Articles
Self-collected oral flocked swabs to measure prevalence of Epstein-Barr Virus antibodies and DNA amongst university students Journal Articles
Shyness, hormones, and quality of life among adults with schizophrenia Journal Articles
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Taste Receptor Genes Are Associated with Snacking Patterns of Preschool-Aged Children in the Guelph Family Health Study: A Pilot Study Journal Articles
Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates Journal Articles
Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates Journal Articles
Stress response in postpartum women with and without obsessive–compulsive symptoms: an fMRI study Journal Articles
Structural Equation Modelling in the exploration and analysis of intrauterine environmental exposures with infant health effects Journal Articles
The Origin of Nocturnal Intragastric pH Rises in Healthy Subjects Journal Articles
The effect of depression, anxiety and early life trauma on the cortisol awakening response during pregnancy: Preliminary results Journal Articles
The impact of the amount of social evaluation on psychobiological responses to a body image threat Journal Articles
The other side of the curve: Examining the relationship between pre-stressor physiological responses and stress reactivity Journal Articles
The protective effect of inhaled chlorpheniramine and atropine on bronchoconstriction stimulated by airway cooling. Journal Articles
The relation between early life adversity, cortisol awakening response and diurnal salivary cortisol levels in postpartum women Journal Articles
The role of breastfeeding in the association between maternal and infant cortisol attunement in the first postpartum year Journal Articles
The stress–response-dampening effects of placebo Journal Articles
Trajectories of Social Anxiety in Children: Influence of Child Cortisol Reactivity and Parental Social Anxiety Journal Articles
Type a botulinum toxin in the management of spontaneous salivary otorrhea: A case report Journal Articles
Variation in hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity among bullied and non‐bullied children Journal Articles