subject area of
- Confronting Medicine’s Dichotomies: Older Adults’ Use of Interpretative Repertoires in Negotiating the Paradoxes of Polypharmacy and Deprescribing Journal Articles
- Employment contracts for South African doctors. Journal Articles
- Innovations in measuring peer conflict resolution knowledge in children with LI: Exploring the accessibility of a visual analogue rating scale Journal Articles
- Interprofessional Team Conflict Resolution: A Critical Literature Review Journal Articles
- Leadership training in a family medicine residency program Journal Articles
- Leadership training in a family medicine residency program: Cross-sectional quantitative survey to inform curriculum development. Journal Articles
- Liminality and breastfeeding: women negotiating space and two bodies Journal Articles
- Linking integrative medicine with interprofessional education and care initiatives: Challenges and opportunities for interprofessional collaboration Journal Articles
- Mediating complaints against nurses: a consumer-oriented educational approach. Journal Articles
- Medical student strategies for actively negotiating hierarchy in the clinical environment Journal Articles
- Negotiating Safety: Facilitation of Return to Work for Individuals Employed in High-Risk Occupations Journal Articles
- Negotiating expectations for therapy between mothers and service providers: a narrative analysis Journal Articles
- Negotiating for Change. The Healthcare Manager as Catalyst for Evidence-Based Practice: Changing the Healthcare Environment and Sharing Experience Journal Articles
- Nursing interventions for preventing alcohol-related harm Journal Articles
- Parental experience of child protection intervention: A qualitative study Journal Articles
- Power and resistance within the hospital's hierarchical system: the experiences of chronically ill patients Journal Articles
- Recruiting regional primary care leads for cancer care ontario. Journal Articles
- Renegotiating environments to achieve participation: A metasynthesis of qualitative chronic disease research: Restructurer les environnements pour favoriser la participation / Une métasynthèse de la recherche qualitative sur les maladies chroniques Journal Articles
- Residential immersive life skills programs for youth with disabilities: a case study of youth developmental trajectories of personal growth and caregiver perspectives Journal Articles
- Shared Decision Making in the Medical Encounter: Are We All Talking about the Same Thing? Journal Articles
- Taking Environmental Action: The Role of Local Composition, Context, and Collective Journal Articles
- The Effects of Primary Division, Student‐mediated Conflict Resolution Programs on Playground Aggression Journal Articles
- The experiences of chronically ill patients and registered nurses when they negotiate patient care in hospital settings: a feminist poststructural approach Journal Articles
- The interactive process of negotiating workplace accommodations for employees with mental health conditions Theses
- The relationship between peer conflict resolution knowledge and peer victimization in school-age children across the language continuum Journal Articles
- What Is Public Deliberation? Journal Articles
- Why and When Should We Use Public Deliberation? Journal Articles
- “I like to be an informed person but…” negotiating responsibility for treatment decisions in cancer care Journal Articles