selected scholarly activity
- Does bilingual exerciseenhance cognitive fitnessin traditional non-linguistic executive processing tasks?. 586-613. 2015
- Capturing Reading Processes in Connected Texts with Eye Movements and a Letter Detection Task. 99-110. 2015
- A new look at an old format: Eye tracking studies of shared book reading and the implications for ebooks and ebook research. 89-111. 2014
- An Eye for Print: Child and Adult Attention to Print During Shared Book Reading. 43-53. 2010
- Is Un Stylo Sharper Than Une Epee? Associations Netween Grammatical Gender and Shape. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 414-415. 2016
- Reading Ability and Syntactic Processing Revisited. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 409-409. 2016
- What a Simple Letter Detection Task Can Tell Us About Cognitive Processes in Reading and Listening. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 410-410. 2016
- Order Recall in Verbal Short-Term Memory is Influenced by Semantic Activation. International Journal of Psychology. 206-206. 2016
- Lexical Processing of Skipped Words in Reading. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 331-331. 2015
- Is it Possible to Learn More Than One Sequence With the Hebb Repetition Paradigm?. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 269-269. 2014
- Semantic Networks and Order Recall in Verbal Short-Term Memory. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci 2014. 1186-1191. 2014
- Strategies and Pseudoneglect on Luminance Judgments: An Eye-Tracking Investigation. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 284-284. 2013
- Word Length and Response Modality in Immediate Memory: New Insights on Retrieval Process. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 288-288. 2013
- The Effect of Predictability on Spatial Memory. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 282-282. 2012
- Assessing the effect of lexical variables in backward recall. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 313-313. 2011
- Functional equivalence of the letter detection and proofreading tasks. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 315-315. 2011
- The predictability of inter-stimulus intervals in immediate serial recall modulates eye movements and recall performance. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 310-311. 2011
- Taking a look at the effect of reading speed during shared book reading: An eye movement monitoring study. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 313-313. 2010
- Testing the specificity of the attentional beam in reading with the missing-color effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 304-304. 2010
- Do threatening words hold attention in reading connected texts? Evidence from the missing-letter effect. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 291-291. 2008
- Alphabet book reading by senior kindergarteners: Does their letter knowledge dictate their eye movements?. International Journal of Psychology. 492-492. 2008
- Similarity in memory for where and when: Killing two birds with one stone. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 352-352. 2007
- Functional similarities and dissimilarities between verbal and spatial information in short-term memory. International Journal of Psychology. 412-412. 2004
- The Influence of Long‐term Memory Factors on Immediate Serial Recall: An Item and Order Analysis. International Journal of Psychology. 347-352. 1999
journal articles
- An embedded computational framework of memory: Accounting for the influence of semantic information in verbal short-term memory. Journal of Memory and Language. 140. 2025
- Semantic similarity is not emotional: No effect of similarity defined by valence, arousal, and dominance on short-term ordered recall.. Memory and Cognition. 2025
- Relationship status-mental health concerns association: An examination of attachment and attention. Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee. 74. 2024
- The Interaction Between the Production Effect and Serial Position in Recognition and Recall.. Experimental Psychology. 2024
- Give me enough time to rehearse: presentation rate modulates the production effect. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 31:1603-1614. 2024
- Introduction to the Special Issue on “The Production Effect”. Experimental Psychology. 71:1-1. 2024
- The Production Effect Becomes Spatial. Experimental Psychology. 71:14-32. 2024
- Aural and written language elicit the same processes: Further evidence from the missing-phoneme effect.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 49:1844-1860. 2023
- Additional evidence that valence does not affect serial recall. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 76:1790-1796. 2023
- Individual differences in working memory capacity and visual search while reading. Memory and Cognition. 51:321-335. 2023
- Modeling verbal short-term memory: A walk around the neighborhood.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 49:198-215. 2023
- The production effect over the long term: Modeling distinctiveness using serial positions.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 48:1797-1820. 2022
- Call for Papers. Experimental Psychology. 69:352-353. 2022
- Phonological similarity in the serial recall task hinders item recall, not just order. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 113:1100-1120. 2022
- Backward recall and foreknowledge of recall direction: a test of the Encoding–Retrieval Matching Hypothesis. Memory. 30:1057-1072. 2022
- A curved honulo improves your short-term and long-term memory.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 76:201-209. 2022
- A multilingual preregistered replication of the semantic mismatch effect on serial recall.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 48:966-974. 2022
- Semantic Relatedness Effects in Serial Recall But Not in Serial Reconstruction of Order. Experimental Psychology. 69:196-209. 2022
- Arousal affects short-term serial recall.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 76:99-110. 2022
- Tradeoffs between item and order information in short-term memory. Journal of Memory and Language. 122:104300-104300. 2022
- Grouping effects in immediate reconstruction of order and the preconditions for long-term learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 75:70-97. 2022
- The Production Effect Interacts With Serial Positions. Experimental Psychology. 69:12-22. 2022
- The irrelevant speech effect in backward recall is modulated by foreknowledge of recall direction and response modality.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 75:245-260. 2021
- A model of the production effect over the short-term: The cost of relative distinctiveness. Journal of Memory and Language. 118:104219-104219. 2021
- Sex differences in verbal working memory: A systematic review and meta-analysis.. Psychological bulletin. 147:352-398. 2021
- Asymmetrical interference between item and order information in short-term memory.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 47:243-263. 2021
- The missing-colour effect: The attentional beam captures reading-relevant and reading-irrelevant information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73:1830-1840. 2020
- Sex differences in tests of mental rotation: Direct manipulation of strategies with eye-tracking.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 46:871-889. 2020
- To see or not to see: The roles of item properties and language knowledge in Chinese missing logographeme effect. Applied Psycholinguistics. 41:1113-1139. 2020
- A round Bouba is easier to remember than a curved Kiki: Sound-symbolism can support associative memory. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 27:776-782. 2020
- The word length effect in backward recall: the role of response modality. Memory. 28:692-700. 2020
- Visual similarity effects in immediate serial recall and (sometimes) in immediate serial recognition. Memory and Cognition. 48:411-425. 2020
- Forward and backward recall: Different visuospatial processes when you know what’s coming. Memory and Cognition. 48:111-126. 2020
- Predicting mindfulness facets: An examination of executive control, neuroticism, and impulsivity.. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 52:1-7. 2020
- Mechanisms of Mindfulness: the Mediating Roles of Adaptive and Maladaptive Cognitive Factors. Current Psychology. 38:846-854. 2019
- Short- and long-term memory tasks predict working memory performance, and vice versa.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73:79-93. 2019
- Dissociating visuo-spatial and verbal working memory: It’s all in the features. Memory and Cognition. 47:603-618. 2019
- Registered Reports.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 73:3-4. 2019
- Is un stylo sharper than une épée? Investigating the interaction of sound symbolism and grammatical gender in English and French speakers. PLoS ONE. 14:e0225623-e0225623. 2019
- The resilience of verbal sequence learning: Evidence from the Hebb repetition effect.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 45:17-25. 2019
- Overt language production plays a key role in the Hebb repetition effect. Memory and Cognition. 46:1389-1397. 2018
- Word length, set size, and lexical factors: Re-examining what causes the word length effect.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 44:1824-1844. 2018
- Does the relation between the control of attention and second language proficiency generalize from India to Canada?. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72:208-218. 2018
- Are lexical factors immune to response modality in backward recall? The effects of imageability and word frequency.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72:105-116. 2018
- The Hebb repetition effect as a laboratory analogue of language acquisition: Learning three lists at no cost.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72:2-8. 2018
- Does neighborhood size really cause the word length effect?. Memory and Cognition. 46:244-260. 2018
- Can ‘Hebb’ Be Distracted? Testing the Susceptibility of Sequence Learning to Auditory Distraction. Journal of Cognition. 2:4. 2018
- Supplemental Material for The Hebb Repetition Effect as a Laboratory Analogue of Language Acquisition: Learning Three Lists at No Cost. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 72:2-8. 2018
- The role of overt language production in the Hebb repetition effect. Memory and Cognition. 45:792-803. 2017
- Sex differences in visual-spatial working memory: A meta-analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 24:307-334. 2017
- The effect of lexical factors on recall from working memory: Generalizing the neighborhood size effect.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 71:23-31. 2017
- What a Simple Letter-Detection Task Can Tell Us About Cognitive Processes in Reading. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 25:417-424. 2016
- From the Bob/Kirk effect to the Benoit/Éric effect: Testing the mechanism of name sound symbolism in two languages. Acta Psychologica. 169:88-99. 2016
- The Missing-Phoneme Effect in Aural Prose Comprehension. Psychological Science. 27:1019-1026. 2016
- Executive control of married and cohabiting couples. Personality and Individual Differences. 78:58-62. 2015
- Order recall in verbal short-term memory: The role of semantic networks. Memory and Cognition. 43:489-499. 2015
- Are Letter Detection and Proofreading Tasks Equivalent?. Scientific Studies of Reading. 19:145-165. 2015
- Learning multiple lists at the same time in the Hebb repetition effect.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 69:89-94. 2015
- Phonological effects in forward and backward serial recall: Qualitative and quantitative differences.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 69:95-103. 2015
- Strategies and pseudoneglect on luminance judgments: An eye-tracking investigation.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 40:1789-1798. 2014
- The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading is modulated by the target word’s recency in memory. Memory and Cognition. 42:1155-1170. 2014
- Attention Deficits and Divorce. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 59:480-486. 2014
- Delineating the contribution of long-term associations to immediate recall. Memory. 22:360-373. 2014
- Vocabulary acquisition without adult explanations in repeated shared book reading: An eye movement study.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 105:596-608. 2013
- The impact of text repetition on content and function words during reading: Further evidence from eye movements.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 67:94-99. 2013
- Can skilled readers perform a second task in parallel? A functional connectivity MRI study. Brain and Language. 124:84-95. 2013
- The role of verbal memory in regressions during reading. Memory and Cognition. 41:122-136. 2013
- Assessing the influence of letter position in reading normal and transposed texts using a letter detection task.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66:227-238. 2012
- Sex differences in the missing-letter effect: A question of reading or visual–spatial skills?. Learning and Individual Differences. 22:664-672. 2012
- Revisiting backward recall and benchmark memory effects: a reply to Bireta et al. (2010). Memory and Cognition. 40:388-407. 2012
- Assessing the effect of lexical variables in backward recall.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 38:312-324. 2012
- Eye movements when reading: The importance of the word to the left of fixation. Visual Cognition. 20:328-355. 2012
- Is Familiarity the All-Purpose Reading Tool? The Case of the Missing-Letter Effect for Self-Generated Texts. Scientific Studies of Reading. 16:35-44. 2012
- The role of awareness in anticipation and recall performance in the Hebb repetition paradigm: implications for sequence learning. Memory and Cognition. 39:1012-1022. 2011
- Further evidence that similar principles govern recall from episodic and semantic memory: The Canadian prime ministerial serial position function.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 65:77-83. 2011
- De l’impossibilité d’un traitement syntaxique parafovéal à longue portée : une réplique à Foucambert (2008). Psychologie Francaise. 55:211-222. 2010
- The role of eye movements in the missing-letter effect revisited with the rapid serial visual presentation procedure.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 64:47-52. 2010
- Letter Names and Alphabet Book Reading by Senior Kindergarteners: An Eye Movement Study. Child Development. 80:1824-1841. 2009
- Solving the chicken-and-egg problem of letter detection and fixation duration in reading. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 71:1553-1562. 2009
- The processing of spatial information in short-term memory: Insights from eye tracking the path length effect. Acta Psychologica. 132:136-144. 2009
- Evidence of anticipatory eye movements in the spatial Hebb repetition effect: Insights for modeling sequence learning.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition. 35:1256-1265. 2009
- Review of La psychologie de A à Z: 500 mots pour comprendre.. Canadian Psychology. 50:50-51. 2009
- Short Article: Similarity and Binding in Memory: Bound to be Detrimental. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 62:26-32. 2009
- Sources de matériel en français pour l'élaboration d'épreuves de compétences en lecture et en écriture. Canadian Journal of Education. 31:305-326. 2008
- The Influence of Reading Skills on the Missing‐Letter Effect Among Elementary School Students. Reading Research Quarterly. 43:132-146. 2008
- Inter-lingual homograph letter detection in mixed language text: Persistent missing-letter effects and the effect of language switching. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 11:111-119. 2008
- Short Article: Visual Similarity in Short-Term Recall for Where and When. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 61:353-360. 2008
- Eye movements in shared book reading with children from kindergarten to Grade 4. Reading and writing. 20:909-931. 2007
- The influence of multiple readings on the missing-letter effect revisited. Memory and Cognition. 35:1578-1587. 2007
- Visual similarity effects on short-term memory for order: The case of verbally labeled pictorial stimuli. Memory and Cognition. 35:711-723. 2007
- Eye movements as direct tests of the GO model for the missing-letter effect. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 69:324-337. 2007
- Eye Movements and Serial Memory for Visual-Spatial Information. Experimental Psychology. 54:264-272. 2007
- Rehearsal in serial memory for visual-spatial information: Evidence from eye movements. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 13:452-457. 2006
- Short Article: The interaction of word frequency and word class: A test of the GO model's account of the missing-letter effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 59:38-45. 2006
- Word Frequency Effects in Immediate Serial Recall of Pure and Mixed Lists: Tests of the Associative Link Hypothesis.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 59:219-227. 2005
- What Children Are Looking at During Shared Storybook Reading. Psychological Science. 16:913-920. 2005
- Age changes in the missing-letter effect revisited. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 91:158-182. 2005
- Barriers to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Autopsies, California. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 11:775-776. 2005
- Word frequency effects in immediate serial recall: Item familiarity and item co‐occurrence have the same effect. Memory. 13:325-332. 2005
- Semantic similarity and immediate serial recall: Is there an effect on all trials. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 12:171-177. 2005
- Letter detection for homographs with different meanings in different language texts. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 7:241-253. 2004
- One Missing-Letter Effect: Two Methods of Assessment.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 58:61-66. 2004
- Direct Assessments of the Processing Time Hypothesis for the Missing-Letter Effect.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 29:1191-1210. 2003
- Work with the French School in 2001: Itanos (Eastern Crete). Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique. 126:577-587. 2002
- Influence of parafoveal processing on the missing-letter effect.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 27:318-334. 2001
- Immediate serial recall of words and nonwords: Tests of the retrieval-based hypothesis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 7:332-340. 2000
- Modulation of the Irrelevant Sound Effect by Organizational Factors: Further Evidence from Streaming by Location. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 52:545-554. 1999
- Semantic similarity and immediate serial recall: is there a detrimental effect on order information?. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology. 52:367-394. 1999
- The influence of long-term memory factors on immediate serial recall: An item and order analysis. International Journal of Psychology. 34:347-352. 1999
- The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: Further evidence from French. Memory and Cognition. 25:666-676. 1997
- The influence of word function in the missing-letter effect: further evidence from French.. Memory and Cognition. 25:665-676. 1997
- Immediate serial recall, word frequency, item identity and item position.. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. 50:408-412. 1996
- Memory for Related and Unrelated Words: Further Evidence on the Influence of Semantic Factors in Immediate Serial Recall. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology. 48:384-404. 1995
- A Replication of "Functional Equivalence of Verbal and Spatial Information in Serial Short-Term Memory (1995; Experiments 2 and 3)".. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology. 11:r4-r7.
- Word frequency effects in immediate serial recall: Item familiarity and item co-occurrence have the same effect. Memory. 13:325-332.