selected scholarly activity
- Diagnosing Suicidal Ideation from Resting State EEG Data Using a Machine Learning Algorithm. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1-6. 2024
- Diagnosis of schizophrenia using an extended multivariate autoregressive model for EEGs. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 1-6. 2024
- An Improved Machine Learning Based Biomarker for Characterizing Disorders of Consciousness. Brain Injury. 108-109. 2022
- Multivariate Decoding of Auditory Event-Related Potentials to Track Coma Progression. Brain Injury. 114-114. 2022
- Using Event-related Potentials to Track Fluctuations in Responsiveness in Disorders of Consciousness: A Case Study of Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome. Brain Injury. 118-119. 2022
- Impact of Physiological Sensor Variance on Machine Learning Algorithms. Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. 241-247. 2020
- Modeling severity of postpartum depression using objective and subjective sleep and biological rhythms: A machine learning approach. Bipolar Disorders. 95-95. 2020
- Detection of Suicidal Ideation in Depressed Subjects Using Resting Electroencephalography Features Identified by Machine Learning Algorithms. Biological Psychiatry. S380-S381. 2020
- Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Enhance the Management of Suicide Ideation. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 4936-4939. 2018
- Machine learning based framework for EEG/ERP analysis. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 105-105. 2016
- Vigilance lapse identification using sparse EEG electrode arrays. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 1-4. 2016
- A Machine Learning Approach to Personalized Psychiatric Care: Prediction of Antidepressant Response to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Using Smart Algorithms that Analyze Brain Electrical Activity Patterns. Biological Psychiatry. 2015
- Classification based on local feature selection via linear programming. IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, MLSP. 1-6. 2013
- Latent Variable Dimensionality Reduction Using a Kullback-Leibler Criterion and Its Application to Predict Antidepressant Treatment Response. ... International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging. International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging. 148-151. 2013
- A Machine Learning Approach Using P300 Responses to Investigate Effect of Clozapine Therapy. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 5911-5914. 2012
- Brain source localization based on fast fully adaptive approach. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 5222-5. 2012
- Automatic threshold estimation for Iterative Shrinkage Algorithms used with compressed sensing. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2721-2724. 2012
- A personalized approach using machine learning methods to predict response to rTMS treatment for major depression. Biological Psychiatry. 90S-90S. 2011
- A pilot study employing machine learning analysis of EEG data to build an automated diagnosis system for psychiatric disorders. Biological Psychiatry. 89S-90S. 2011
- Estimation of multiple surface cracks parameters using MFL testing. 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory. 891-894. 2010
- Predicting Response to SSRI Treatment for MDD: A Pilot Study Using Machine Learning Analysis of EEG Data. Biological Psychiatry. 234S-234S. 2010
- Blind extraction of sparse sources. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2666-2669. 2010
- Modified hierarchical clustering for sparse component analysis. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2674-2677. 2010
- Temporally constrained SCA with applications to EEG data. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 4138-4141. 2010
- ℓP minimization for sparse vector reconstruction. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 3345-3348. 2009
- Three-dimensional defect reconstruction from MFL signals using space mapping optimization.. 2009 13th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the Canadian Radio Science Meeting. 261-+. 2009
- Iterative Enhancement of Event Related Potentials Through Sparsity Constraints. European Signal Processing Conference. 2008
- Distributed Estimation; Three Theorems. 2007 IEEE Information Theory Workshop. 517-522. 2007
- Distributed Parameter Estimation with Side Information: A Factor Graph Approach. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 2556-2560. 2007
- A Simple and Fast Algorithm for Automatic Suppression of High-Amplitude Artifacts in EEG Data. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - ICASSP '07. I-393. 2007
- A simple and fast algorithm for automatic suppression of high-amplitude artifacts in EEG data. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 393-+. 2007
- A coding theorem for multiterminal estimation. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 697-+. 2006
- A coding theorem for multiterminal estimation. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 4367-4370. 2006
- SVM Classifier Approach to Enumerate Directional Signals Impinging on an Array of Sensors. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2190-2193. 2006
- SVM classifier approach to enumerate directional signals impinging on an array of sensors. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2266-+. 2006
- Approximate conditional mean particle filter. 2005 IEEE/SP 13TH WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (SSP), VOLS 1 AND 2. 368-372. 2005
- Approximate conditional mean particle filter. IEEE/SP 13th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2005. 405-410. 2005
- Blind particle filtering for detection in a time-varying frequency selective channel with non-Gaussian noise. IEEE 6th Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 2005.. 925-929. 2005
- Channel Equalization and Phase Noise Suppression For OFDM Systems in a Time-Varying Frequency Selective Channel Using Particle Filtering. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 777-780. 2005
- PHD filtering for tracking an unknown number of sources using an array of sensors. IEEE/SP 13th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2005. 43-48. 2005
- Phd filtering for tracking an unknown number of sources using an array of sensors. 2005 IEEE/SP 13TH WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (SSP), VOLS 1 AND 2. 33-38. 2005
- Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering for blind system identification. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. iv/321-iv/324 Vol. 4. 2005
- An iterative algorithm converging to the principal subspace projection operator with applications. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. 140-143 Vol.1. 2004
- A Bayesian approach to blind source recovery. Conference Record of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. 989-993. 2004
- An information geometric approach to channel identification. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 877-880. 2004
- Blind deconvolution using Bayesian methods with application to the dereverberation of speech. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 1009-1012. 2004
- Information geometric approach to channel identification: a comparison with EM-MCMC algorithm. Conference Record - International Conference on Communications. 2452-2456. 2004
- <title>Stochastic EM algorithm for nonlinear state estimation with model uncertainties</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 293-304. 2003
- A bayesian approach to tracking wideband targets using sensor arrays and particle filters. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2003. 510-513. 2003
- A new fast-converging method for blind source separation of speech signals in acoustic environments. 2003 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (IEEE Cat. No.03TH8684). 21-24. 2003
- Application of particle filters for tracking moving receivers in wireless communication systems. 2003 4th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications - SPAWC 2003 (IEEE Cat. No.03EX689). 575-579. 2003
- Channel identification and tracking using alternating projections. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 2003. 430-433. 2003
- Efficient design of oversampled NPR GDFT filter banks. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 489-492. 2003
- Wideband array signal processing using MCMC methods. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 189-192. 2003
- A frequency domain approach to blind identification of MIMO FIR channels driven by non-stationary sources. Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. 293-297. 2002
- Sequential MCMC for spatial signal separation and restoration from an array of sensors. AIP Conference Proceedings. 89-108. 2002
- Wideband array signal processing using MCMC methods. Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop. 350-354. 2002
- Blind source separation of convolved sources by joint approximate diagonalization of cross-spectral density matrices. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2745-2748. 2001
- On The Implementation Of Particle Filters For Doa Tracking. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2821-2824. 2001
- Wide band channel characterisation in coloured noise using the reversible jump MCMC. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2513-2516. 2001
- Application of the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method to real-life propagation measurements. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 3184-3187. 2000
- The Iterative Deconvolution Of Linearly Blurred Images Using Non-Parametric Stabilizing Functions. Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP. 770-773. 2000
- The decomposition of large problems using single-sided subbanding. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 588-591. 2000
- A simplified informax approach for blind signal separation. ISSPA '99. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (IEEE Cat. No.99EX359). 43-46 vol.1. 1999
- Blind signal separation for convolutive mixing environments using spatial-temporal processing. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 1437-1440. 1999
- Blind separation and restoration of signals mixed in convolutive environment. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 1327-1330. 1997
- Exponentially decaying time-recursive blind deconvolution algorithm for speech dereverberation. Proceedings of 1995 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Accoustics. 127-130. 1995
- A computationally efficient self-calibrating direction-of-arrival estimator. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. IV/201-IV/204. 1994
- An Efficient Self-Calibrating Direction-of-Arrival Estimator. IEEE Seventh SP Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. 129-132. 1994
- A NEURAL STRUCTURE FOR DIRECTION FINDING WITH SENSOR ARRAY UNCERTAINTIES. Proceedings - ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. A477-A480. 1993
- Optimal array signal processing in unknown noise environments via parametric approaches. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 243-254. 1992
- Optimal array signal processing in unknown noise environments via eigendecomposition approaches. 1992 Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics. 721-727. 1992
- A neural network for direction finding in array processing. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. B313-B316. 1992
- Detection of the number of signals in noise with unknown, non-white covariance matrices. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. E377-E380. 1992
- Maximum likelihood estimation for array processing in unknown noise environments. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. E241-E244. 1992
- Optimal array signal processing in unknown noise environments via parametric approaches. [1992] IEEE Sixth SP Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing. 504-507. 1992
- <title>Application of canonical correlation analysis in detection in presence of spatially correlated noise</title>. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 464-475. 1991
- Detection of the number of signals in the presence of noise with an unknown, banded structured covariance matrix. [1991] IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing Conference Proceedings. 128-131. 1991
- Extension of ESPRIT method to unknown noise environments. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 3365-3368 vol.5. 1991
- Generalized parametric estimator for multiple-wideband signals. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 301-311. 1990
- Maximum likelihood estimation for direction of arrival using a nonlinear optimising neural network. 1990 IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 253-258. 1990
- The MAP method of estimating the directions of signals in unknown correlated noise. Fifth ASSP Workshop on Spectrum Estimation and Modeling. 342-346. 1990
- Direction Of Arrival Estimation In The Presence Of Noise With Unknown, Arbitrary Covariance Matrices. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2609-2612 vol.4. 1989
- A Fast QR-Based Array-Processing Algorithm. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 36-47. 1988
- A New Criterion For The Determination Of The Number Of Signals In High-Resolution Array Processing. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2769-2772 vol.5. 1988
- Very low-level propagation studies using superresolution and synthetic-aperture antenna techniques. AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society). 448-451. 1987
- An experimental study of the MEM applied to array antennas in the presence of multipath. ICASSP '80. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 120-123. 1980
- Nonlinear least squares techniques for solving array antenna processing problems. AP-S International Symposium (Digest) (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society). 362-365. 1980
- A Coding Theorem for Multiterminal Estimation. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings. IV-IV.
- An information geometric approach to channel identification. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. iv-877.
- Blind deconvolution using Bayesian methods with application to the dereverberation of speech. 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. ii-1009.
- Efficient design of oversampled NPR GDFT filter banks. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03).. VI-489.
journal articles
- MEMS and ECM Sensor Technologies for Cardiorespiratory Sound Monitoring-A Comprehensive Review.. Sensors. 24:7036. 2024
- Gray matter volume drives the brain age gap in schizophrenia: a SHAP study. Schizophrenia. 9:3. 2023
- Tracking auditory mismatch negativity responses during full conscious state and coma. Frontiers in Neurology. 14:1111691. 2023
- Predicting criminal and violent outcomes in psychiatry: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy. Translational Psychiatry. 12:470. 2022
- Predicting treatment response using EEG in major depressive disorder: A machine-learning meta-analysis. Translational Psychiatry. 12:332. 2022
- The sound of silence: Predictive error responses to unexpected sound omission in adults. European Journal of Neuroscience. 55:1972-1985. 2022
- A machine learning approach to identification of self-harm and suicidal ideation among military and police Veterans. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health. 8:56-67. 2022
- Longitudinal Changes in Sleep, Biological Rhythms, and Light Exposure From Late Pregnancy to Postpartum and Their Impact on Peripartum Mood and Anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 83:21m13991. 2022
- Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Characterization of Schizophrenia. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 68:1123-1130. 2021
- A Machine Learning Approach Using Effective Connectivity to Predict Response to Clozapine Treatment. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering. 28:2598-2607. 2020
- On the time-course of functional connectivity: theory of a dynamic progression of concussion effects. Brain Communications. 2:fcaa063. 2020
- Neurophysiological Correlates of Concussion: Deep Learning for Clinical Assessment. Scientific Reports. 9:17341. 2019
- Capturing the Forest but Missing the Trees: Microstates Inadequate for Characterizing Shorter-Scale EEG Dynamics. Neural Computation. 31:2177-2211. 2019
- A Machine Learning Framework for Automatic and Continuous MMN Detection With Preliminary Results for Coma Outcome Prediction. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 23:1794-1804. 2019
- Development of a point of care system for automated coma prognosis: a prospective cohort study protocol. BMJ Open. 9:e029621-e029621. 2019
- Estimating neural sources using a worst-case robust adaptive beamforming approach. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 52:330-340. 2019
- From Group-Level Statistics to Single-Subject Prediction: Machine Learning Detection of Concussion in Retired Athletes. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering. 27:1492-1501. 2019
- Wavelet-Based Muscle Artefact Noise Reduction for Short Latency rTMS Evoked Potentials. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering. 27:1449-1457. 2019
- Logistic Localized Modeling of the Sample Space for Feature Selection and Classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 29:1396-1413. 2018
- EEG and fMRI agree: Mental arithmetic is the easiest form of imagery to detect. Consciousness and Cognition. 48:104-116. 2017
- Majorization–minimization for blind source separation of sparse sources. Signal Processing. 131:120-133. 2017
- Automatic and Continuous Assessment of ERPs for Mismatch Negativity Detection. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2016:969-972. 2016
- Local Feature Selection for Data Classification. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 38:1217-1227. 2016
- A machine learning approach using auditory odd-ball responses to investigate the effect of Clozapine therapy. Clinical Neurophysiology. 126:721-730. 2015
- Constrained kernelized partial least squares. Journal of Chemometrics. 28:762-772. 2014
- Recursive hidden input estimation in nonlinear dynamic systems with varying amounts of a priori knowledge. Signal Processing. 99:171-184. 2014
- Minimum Variance Brain Source Localization for Short Data Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 61:535-546. 2014
- Ballistocardiogram Correction in Simultaneous EEG/ fMRI Recordings: A Comparison of Average Artifact Subtraction and Optimal Basis Set Methods Using Two Popular Software Tools. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 42:95-107. 2014
- A machine learning approach using EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for major depressive disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology. 124:1975-1985. 2013
- Attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help among Chinese students at a UK university. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 12:287-293. 2012
- A machine learning approach for distinguishing age of infants using auditory evoked potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology. 122:2139-2150. 2011
- Using pre-treatment electroencephalography data to predict response to transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy for major depression. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2011:6418-6421. 2011
- Attachment style and its relationship to working alliance in the supervision of British clinical psychology trainees. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 18:322-330. 2011
- Mean-Square Error in Periodogram Approaches With Adaptive Windowing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 59:923-935. 2011
- A pilot study to determine whether machine learning methodologies using pre-treatment electroencephalography can predict the symptomatic response to clozapine therapy. Clinical Neurophysiology. 121:1998-2006. 2010
- Diagnosis of psychiatric disorders using EEG data and employing a statistical decision model. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2010:4006-4009. 2010
- Using pre-treatment EEG data to predict response to SSRI treatment for MDD. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 2010:6103-6106. 2010
- Minimizing Nonconvex Functions for Sparse Vector Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 58:3485-3496. 2010
- Sizing of 3-D Arbitrary Defects Using Magnetic Flux Leakage Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 46:1024-1033. 2010
- Sizing of multiple cracks using magnetic flux leakage measurements. IET Science, Measurement and Technology. 4:1-11. 2010
- Machine Learning Techniques for the Analysis of Magnetic Flux Leakage Images in Pipeline Inspection. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 45:3073-3084. 2009
- Approximate Conditional Mean Particle Filtering for Linear/Nonlinear Dynamic State Space Models. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 56:5790-5803. 2008
- Axial crack detection and sizing: The challenges and solutions to the detection and accurate sizing of axially-oriented cracks. 20th International Pipeline Pigging and Integrity Management - Conference. 2008
- A Space Mapping Methodology for Defect Characterization From Magnetic Flux Leakage Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 44:2058-2065. 2008
- Characterization of Surface-Breaking Cracks Using One Tangential Component of Magnetic Leakage Field Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 44:516-524. 2008
- An EM Algorithm for Nonlinear State Estimation With Model Uncertainties. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 56:921-936. 2008
- A Blind Sequential Monte Carlo Detector for OFDM Systems in the Presence of Phase Noise, Multipath Fading, and Channel Order Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 55:4581-4598. 2007
- An Information Geometric Approach to ML Estimation With Incomplete Data: Application to Semiblind MIMO Channel Identification. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 55:3975-3986. 2007
- Marginalized Particle Filtering for Blind System Identification. 13th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2005. 882-885. 2005
- A frequency domain method for blind source separation of convolutive audio mixtures. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP). 13:832-844. 2005
- Wideband array signal processing using MCMC methods. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 53:411-426. 2005
- Efficient Design of Oversampled NPR GDFT Filterbanks. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 52:1947-1963. 2004
- Blind Identification of MIMO FIR Systems Driven by Quasistationary Sources Using Second-Order Statistics: A Frequency Domain Approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 52:406-417. 2004
- Particle filters for tracking an unknown number of sources. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 50:2926-2937. 2002
- The complex subband decomposition and its application to the decimation of large adaptive filtering problems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 50:2730-2743. 2002
- A frequency domain approach to blind identification of MIMO FIR systems driven by quasi-stationary signals. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 2:1717-1720. 2002
- Reversible jump MCMC for joint detection and estimation of sources in colored noise. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 50:231-240. 2002
- Chronic Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Programs. Spine. 22:2246-51; discussion 2252. 1997
- Detection of the number of signals in noise with banded covariance matrices. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation. 143:289-289. 1996
- A Comparative Analysis of Psychological and Physical Models of Low Back Pain Experience. Physiotherapy. 81:710-716. 1995
- Real-time analog global optimization with constraints: application to the direction of arrival estimation problem. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 42:233-244. 1995
- The Prediction of Chronicity in Patients With an Acute Attack of Low Back Pain in a General Practice Setting. Spine. 20:478-484. 1995
- Maximum likelihood direction-finding in unknown noise environments. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 42:980-983. 1994
- Estimation of the directions of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. I. The MAP approach and its implementation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 40:2007-2017. 1992
- Estimation of the directions of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. II. Asymptotic behavior and performance of the MAP approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 40:2018-2028. 1992
- Some aspects of array signal processing. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation. 139:1-1. 1992
- Detection of the number of signals: a predicted eigen-threshold approach. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 39:1088-1098. 1991
- Optimal design of linear array of sensors. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings. 0:1405-1408. 1991
- On information theoretic criteria for determining the number of signals in high resolution array processing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 38:1959-1971. 1990
- A fast high-performance array processing technique for angle-of-arrival estimation and detection of the number of incident signals. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 14:38-45. 1989
- Statistical analysis of the performance of information theoretic criteria in the detection of the number of signals in array processing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 37:1557-1567. 1989
- Threshold extension of the modified FBLP algorithm. Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 14:46-54. 1989
- A New Criterion For The Determination Of The Number Of Signals In High-Resolution Array Processing. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 975:352-357. 1988
- New angle-of-arrival estimator: comparative evaluation applied to the low-angle tracking radar problem. IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing. 135:408-408. 1988
- A real-time high-resolution technique for angle-of-arrival estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE. 75:1692-1694. 1987
- Systolic array evaluation of polynomials with application to nonlinear spectrum estimation. Electronics Letters. 22:1300-1300. 1986
- Maximum-likelihood receiver for low-angle tracking radar. Part 1: The symmetric case. IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing. 129:261-261. 1982
- Maximum-likelihood receiver for low-angle tracking radar. Part 2: The nonsymmetric case. IEE Proceedings, Part F: Communications, Radar and Signal Processing. 129:331-331. 1982
- Nonlinear array processing techniques with applications to correlated multipath [microform] / 1981
- SAW Bandpass Filter Design Using Hermitian Function Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 27:90-92. 1980
- Mixed autoregressive-moving average modeling of the response of a linear array antenna to incident plane waves. Proceedings of the IEEE. 68:622-623. 1980
- New realisation of maximum likelihood receiver for low-angle tracking radar. Electronics Letters. 16:288-288. 1980
- The Design of SAW Bandpass Filters Exhibiting Arbitrary Phase and Amplitude Response Characteristics. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 24:301-304. 1977
- Blind Signal Separation For Convolutive Mixing Environments Using
- Derivation of the importance sampling function for Wideband Array Signal Processing Using Sequential MC Methods
- Geometric Optimization Methods for Blind Source Separation of Signals
- Particle Filtering for Waveform Recovery of an Unknown Number of Sources Using an Array of Sensors
- Realization of arbitrary frequency responses using surface acoustic wave devices
- Wide band Channel Characterization in Coloured Noise using the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm
- Wideband Array Signal Processing Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
- Manikin-Recorded Cardiopulmonary Sounds Dataset Using Digital Stethoscope 2024
- Exploring Sensing Devices for Heart and Lung Sound Monitoring 2024
- A New Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach for Blind Source Separation of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sound Based on the Periodicity of Heart and Lung Function 2023