selected scholarly activity
- Water-Food Equation in Central and South Asia. 61-77. 2024
- Five Unusual Technologies for Harvesting Water in Dry Areas. 66-70. 2023
- Trade-offs of wastewater irrigation. 277-287. 2023
- Trade-offs of wastewater irrigation. V3-277-V3-287. 2023
- Trade-offs of wastewater irrigation. V3-277-V3-287. 2023
- Chapter 13 Potential of municipal wastewater for resource recovery and reuse. 263-271. 2022
- Global Water Scarcity and Unconventional Water Resources. 3-17. 2022
- Potential of municipal wastewater for resource recovery and reuse. 263-271. 2022
- The Future of Unconventional Water Resources. 299-309. 2022
- Water Transportation via Icebergs Towing. 199-212. 2022
- Wastewater Use in Agriculture. 701-708. 2020
- NBS for managing water-related risks, variability and change. 63-78. 2019
- Introduction. 1-7. 2019
- Use of Poor-quality Water for Agricultural Production. 769-783. 2019
- Water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. 257-299. 2019
- The Ebb and Flow of Water Conflicts: A Case Study of India and Pakistan. 49-66. 2017
- Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 in the Zambezi River Basin. 234-248. 2017
- Transforming Urban Wastewater into an Economic Asset: Opportunities and Challenges. 271-278. 2015
- Transforming Urban Wastewater into an Economic Asset: Opportunities and Challenges. 271-278. 2015
- Costs and Benefits of Using Wastewater for Aquifer Recharge. 153-167. 2015
- Policy and Institutional Determinants of Wastewater Use in Agriculture. 93-112. 2015
- Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Challenges in Assessing Costs and Benefits. 139-152. 2015
- Wastewater: Economic Asset in an Urbanizing World. 3-14. 2015
- Enhancing the productivity of high-magnesium soil and water resources in Central Asia. Environmental Science and Engineering. 465-474. 2014
- Land and water resources of Central Asia, their utilisation and ecological status. Environmental Science and Engineering. 3-59. 2014
- Productivity potentials of the global land resource for cropping and grazing. Environmental Science and Engineering. 115-142. 2014
- Enhancing the Productivity of High-Magnesium Soil and Water Resources in Central Asia. Environmental Science and Engineering. 465-474. 2013
- Phytotoxic Substances in Soils 2013
- Marginal-Quality Water Use as an Ameliorant for Tile-Drained Saline-Sodic Soils in a Rice-Wheat Production System. 295-311. 2013
- Water for Food Water for Life. 425-458. 2013
- Wastewater Production, Treatment and Reuse Around the Mediterranean Region: Current Status and Main Drivers. 139-174. 2012
- Management practices for improving water productivity in the DAasht-e-Azadegan. 19-38. 2010
- Non-Pathogenic trade-offs of wastewater irrigation. 101-126. 2009
- Wastewater Irrigation and Health. 210-238. 2009
- Wastewater, sludge and excreta use in developing countries: An overview. 3-27. 2009
- Phytoremediation of Sodic and Saline‐Sodic Soils. Advances in Agronomy. 197-247. 2007
- Land and Water Resources of Central Asia, Their Utilisation and Ecological Status. Environmental Science and Engineering. 3-59. 2014
- Productivity Potentials of the Global Land Resource for Cropping and Grazing. Environmental Science and Engineering. 115-142. 2014
- Water Productivity in the salt-prone areas of Lower Karkheh River Basin, Iran 2008
- Vegetative bioremediation of sodic and saline-sodic soils for productivity enhancement and environment conservation. BIOSALINE AGRICULTURE AND SALINITY TOLERANCE IN PLANTS. 137-146. 2006
- Qadir, M., A.D. Noble, S. Schubert, and A. Ghafoor. 2005. Phytoremediation of sodic and saline-sodic soils. p. 338-386. In: Proceedings of the Int. Salinity Forum - Managing Saline Soils and Water: Science, Technology, and Social Issues, 25-27 April 2005, Riverside, California, USA 2005
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza and Z. Ahmad. 2000. Growing vegetables with untreated city effluent on urban soils: Evidence of cadmium contamination. Presented at the 1st Int. Conf. on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic and mining Areas. July 12-18, 2000. Essen, Germany. 2000
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza, M. Sadiq and M.K. Rasheed. 1998. Copper concentration in city effluent irrigated soils and vegetables. Presented at 7th Int. Congr. Soil Sci. December 9-12, 1998. Univ. Agri., Faisalabad, Pakistan. 1998
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza and S. Farid. 1998. Lead concentration in vegetables and soils irrigated with city effluent. p. 93-96 In: Proc. Int. Symp. on Agro-Environmental Issues and Future Strategies Towards 21st Century. May 25-30, 1998. Univ. Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan 1998
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, S.I. Hussain, G. Murtaza and T. Mahmood. 1997. Metal ion contamination in vegetables and soils irrigated with city effluent. p. 89-92. Proc. NSMTCC 97 on "Environmental Pollution". 3rd Natl. Symp. on Modern Trends in Contemporary Chemistry. February 24-26, 1997, Islamabad, Pakistan. 1997
- Qadir, M., I. Ahmad and A. Ghafoor. 1992. Availability of applied copper and zinc to rice and their concentration in soil after crop harvest. p. 169-172. Proc. Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients. 4th Natl. Congr. of Soil Sci. May 24-26, 1992. Islamabad, Pakistan. 1992
journal articles
- Assessing Soil Erosion Risk in Kazakhstan: A RUSLE-Based Approach for Land Rehabilitation. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 34:3187-3198. 2025
- Agroclimate‐centric irrigation water quality guidelines. Irrigation and Drainage. 73:1592-1605. 2024
- Quantifying women in the water workforce. nature water. 2:805-806. 2024
- The challenge of supporting and monitoring safe wastewater use in agriculture in LMIC. npj Clean Water. 7. 2024
- Small-scale desalination and atmospheric water provisioning systems in water-scarce vulnerable communities: status and perspectives. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 40:686-717. 2024
- Water quality, WASH, and gender: differential impacts on health and well-being in Abeokuta City, Nigeria. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 195:1255. 2023
- Water reuse to free up freshwater for higher‐value use and increase climate resilience and water productivity. Irrigation and Drainage. 71:100-109. 2022
- Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities. One Earth. 5:739-744. 2022
- A Rapid Review of Environmental Health Gaps in Antimicrobial Resistance and Water-Related Research from 1990–2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:6549-6549. 2022
- The WHO Guidelines for Safe Wastewater Use in Agriculture: A Review of Implementation Challenges and Possible Solutions in the Global South. Water (Switzerland). 14:864-864. 2022
- Freshwater availability status across countries for human and ecosystem needs. Science of the Total Environment. 792:148230-148230. 2021
- High residual sodium carbonate water in the Indian subcontinent: concerns, challenges and remediation. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 18:3257-3272. 2021
- Reassessing irrigation water quality guidelines for sodicity hazard. Agricultural Water Management. 255:107054-107054. 2021
- Research History and Functional Systems of Fog Water Harvesting. Frontiers in Water. 3. 2021
- Country-level and gridded estimates of wastewater production, collection, treatment and reuse. Earth System Science Data. 13:237-254. 2021
- Time to reverse 'unthinkable' waste of municipal water resources. SA Waterbulletin. 20:12-16. 2021
- Global and regional potential of wastewater as a water, nutrient and energy source. Natural Resources Forum. 44:40-51. 2020
- Groundwater irrigation induced soil sodification and response options. Agricultural Water Management. 215:74-85. 2019
- Sustainable development goal 6: two gaps in the race for indicators. Sustainability Science. 14:501-513. 2019
- The state of desalination and brine production: A global outlook. Science of the Total Environment. 657:1343-1356. 2019
- Agricultural water pollution: key knowledge gaps and research needs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 36:20-27. 2019
- High‑magnesium waters and soils: Emerging environmental and food security constraints. Science of the Total Environment. 642:1108-1117. 2018
- Gender and Community Mainstreaming in Fog Water Collection Systems. Water (Switzerland). 10:1472-1472. 2018
- Fog Water Collection: Challenges beyond Technology. Water (Switzerland). 10:372-372. 2018
- Policy Note: "Addressing Trade-offs to Promote Safely Managed Wastewater in Developing Countries". Water Economics and Policy. 04:1871002-1871002. 2018
- Soil-applied zinc and copper suppress cadmium uptake and improve the performance of cereals and legumes. Teaching Education. 19:199-206. 2017
- A Review of Health Risks and Pathways for Exposure to Wastewater Use in Agriculture. Environmental Health Perspectives. 124:900-909. 2016
- Policy Note: Reversing Salt-Induced Land Degradation Requires Integrated Measures. Water Economics and Policy. 02:1671001-1671001. 2016
- Tolerance Of Faba Bean, Chickpea And Lentil To Salinity: Accessions' Salinity Response Functions. Irrigation and Drainage. 65:49-60. 2016
- Achieving sustainable irrigation requires effective management of salts, soil salinity, and shallow groundwater. Agricultural Water Management. 157:31-38. 2015
- Spreading of Bio-wastes onto Soil Surfaces to Control Pathogens: Human Health and Environmental Consequences. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 17:671-680. 2015
- Evaluating the Productivity Potential of Chickpea, Lentil and Faba Bean Under Saline Water Irrigation Systems. Irrigation and Drainage. 65:19-28. 2015
- CRPS-2011, Wakeel, Potassium substitution by sodium 2015
- Economics of salt‐induced land degradation and restoration. Natural Resources Forum. 38:282-295. 2014
How Can We Improve
M editerranean Cropping Systems?. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 200:325-332. 2014 - Quinoa's Potential in the Mediterranean Region. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 200:344-360. 2014
- Long-Term Effects of Wastewater Irrigation on Soil Heavy Metal Contamination in Peri-urban Areas of Aleppo, Syria. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 16:1153-1158. 2014
- Global, regional, and country level need for data on wastewater generation, treatment, and use. Agricultural Water Management. 130:1-13. 2013
- 世界の都市下水生成量および処理量の推定. 中国循证医学杂志. 57:126-147. 2013
- Health Implications for Children in Wastewater-Irrigated Peri-Urban Aleppo, Syria. Exposure and Health. 4:187-195. 2012
- 22-19 シリア北西部乾燥地、長期都市下水權漑農地における選択溶解法による重金属の抽出特性(22.環境保全,2012年度鳥取大会) 2012
- Water Quality: Assessment of the Current Situation in Asia. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 28:195-216. 2012
- Comparison of transient state models that include salinity and matric stress effects on plant yield. Agricultural Water Management. 103:167-175. 2012
- Potassium Substitution by Sodium in Plants. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 30:401-413. 2011
- Cadmium Contamination of Soils and Crops by Long Term Use of Raw Effluent, Ground and Canal Waters in Agricultural Lands. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 12:851-856. 2010
- Implication of groundwater fluctuation on the seasonal salt dynamic in the Harran Plain, south‐eastern Turkey. Irrigation and Drainage. 59:465-476. 2010
- 22-20 シリア・アレッポ地域における都市排水の灌漑利用が土壌-植物系に及ぼす影響(22.環境保全,2010年度北海道大会) 2010
- Optimizing the rate and timing of phosphogypsum application to magnesium-affected soils for crop yield and water productivity enhancement. Agricultural Water Management. 97:1277-1286. 2010
- Mulching and water quality effects on soil salinity and sodicity dynamics and cotton productivity in Central Asia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 138:95-102. 2010
- Wastewater production, treatment, and irrigation in Middle East and North Africa. Irrigation and Drainage Systems. 24:37-51. 2010
- The challenges of wastewater irrigation in developing countries. Agricultural Water Management. 97:561-568. 2010
- Managing salts while irrigating with wastewater.. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 5:1-11. 2010
- Disposal and Use of Sewage on Agricultural Lands in Pakistan: A Review. Pedosphere. 20:23-34. 2010
- Development of Magnesium-Dominant Soils Under Irrigated Agriculture in Southern Kazakhstan. Pedosphere. 19:331-343. 2009
- Salt‐induced land and water degradation in the Aral Sea basin: A challenge to sustainable agriculture in Central Asia. Natural Resources Forum. 33:134-149. 2009
- Environmental and Economic Benefits of Saline‐Sodic Soil Reclamation Using Low‐quality Water and Soil Amendments in Conjunction with a Rice–Wheat Cropping System. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 195:124-136. 2009
- LEAD PHYTOEXTRACTION BY WHEAT IN RESPONSE TO THE EDTA APPLICATION METHOD. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 11:268-282. 2009
- EDTA-assisted Pb phytoextraction. Chemosphere. 74:1279-1291. 2009
- Productivity enhancement of salt‐affected environments through crop diversification. Land Degradation and Development. 19:429-453. 2008
- Extent and characterisation of salt‐affected soils in Iran and strategies for their amelioration and management. Land Degradation and Development. 19:214-227. 2008
- Accumulation and implications of cadmium, cobalt and manganese in soils and vegetables irrigated with city effluent. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 88:100-107. 2008
- Enhancing the productivity of high‐magnesium soil and water resources in Central Asia through the application of phosphogypsum. Land Degradation and Development. 19:45-56. 2008
- Managing salinity and waterlogging in the Indus Basin of Pakistan. Agricultural Water Management. 95:1-10. 2008
- Low cost technology boosts farm incomes in Kazakhstan. Appropriate Technology. 34:18-19. 2007
- Amelioration and nutrient management strategies for sodic and alkali soils.. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 2. 2007
- Non-conventional water resources and opportunities for water augmentation to achieve food security in water scarce countries. Agricultural Water Management. 87:2-22. 2007
- Amelioration strategies for salinity-induced land degradation.. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 1. 2006
- Crop diversification through halophyte production on salt-prone land resources.. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 1. 2006
- Sodicity‐induced land degradation and its sustainable management: problems and prospects. Land Degradation and Development. 17:661-676. 2006
- Nutrient Monitoring of Sewage Water Irrigation: Impacts for Soil Quality and Crop Nutrition. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 37:2513-2521. 2006
- Irrigation and soil management strategies for using saline-sodic water in a cotton–wheat rotation. Agricultural Water Management. 81:98-114. 2006
- Driving forces for sodium removal during phytoremediation of calcareous sodic and saline–sodic soils: a review. Soil Use and Management. 21:173-180. 2005
- Crop and irrigation management strategies for saline-sodic soils and waters aimed at environmentally sustainable agriculture. Science of the Total Environment. 323:1-19. 2004
- Agricultural water management in water-starved countries: challenges and opportunities. Agricultural Water Management. 62:165-185. 2003
- Effect of Phytoremediation on Chemical Characteristics of a Calcareous Saline-sodic Soil. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences. 6:1159-1162. 2003
- Sodium removal from a calcareous saline–sodic soil through leaching and plant uptake during phytoremediation. Land Degradation and Development. 14:301-307. 2003
- Proton release by N2‐fixing plant roots: A possible contribution to phytoremediation of calcareous sodic soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 166:14-22. 2003
- Amelioration of calcareous saline sodic soils through phytoremediation and chemical strategies. Soil Use and Management. 18:381-385. 2002
- Amelioration of calcareous saline sodic soils through phytoremediation and chemical strategies. Soil Use and Management. 18:381-385. 2002
- Degradation processes and nutrient constraints in sodic soils. Land Degradation and Development. 13:275-294. 2002
- Vegetative bioremediation of calcareous sodic soils: history, mechanisms, and evaluation. Irrigation Science. 21:91-101. 2002
- Use of saline–sodic waters through phytoremediation of calcareous saline–sodic soils. Agricultural Water Management. 50:197-210. 2001
- Amelioration strategies for sodic soils: a review. Land Degradation and Development. 12:357-386. 2001
- Cadmium concentration in vegetables grown on urban soils irrigated with untreated municipal sewage. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2:11-19. 2000
- Amelioration strategies for saline soils: a review. Land Degradation and Development. 11:501-521. 2000
- Cadmium Concentration in Vegetables Grown on Urban Soils Irrigated with Untreated Municipal Sewage. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2:13-21. 2000
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza, M. Sadiq and M.K. Rasheed. 1999. Copper concentration in city effluent irrigated soils and vegetables. Pakistan J. Soil Sci. 17(3-4):97-102.. European Journal of Soil Science. 17:97-102. 2000
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor and G. Murtaza. 1999. Review - Irrigation with city effluent for growing vegetables: A silent epidemic of metal poisoning. Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 36(2):217-222. Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 36:217-22. 1999
- Irrigation with City Effluent For Growing Vegetables-A silent epidemic of metal poisoning. 1999 M. Qadir and A. ghafoor. Pakistan Academy of Sci.. 2:217-222. 1999
- Irrigation with City Effluent For Growing Vegetables-A silent epidemic of metal poisoning. 1999 M. Qadir and A. ghafoor. Pakistan Academy of Sci.. 2:217-222. 1999
- Horizontal flushing: a promising ameliorative technology for hard saline-sodic and sodic soils. Soil and Tillage Research. 45:119-131. 1998
- Nutrient availability in a calcareous saline‐sodic soil during vegetative bioremediation. Arid Land Research and Management. 11:343-352. 1997
- Some Agronomic and Physiological Aspects of Salt Tolerance in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 179:101-106. 1997
- Chemical changes in a saline-sodic soil after gypsum application and cropping. Soil and Tillage Research. 10:247-260. 1997
- Reclamation of a saline-sodic soil by gypsum and Leptochloa fusca. Geoderma. 74:207-217. 1996
- Salt-tolerant forage cultivation on a saline-sodic field for biomass production and soil reclamation. Land Degradation and Development. 7:11-18. 1996
- Amelioration of a calcareous saline‐sodic soil by gypsum and forage plants. Land Degradation and Development. 2:277-284. 1990
- Driving forces for sodium removal during phytoremediation of calcareous sodic and saline-sodic soils: a review. Soil Use and Management. 21:173-180.
- Potential business opportunities from saline water and salt-affected land resources. Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2016
- Environmental Risks and Cost-Effective Risk Management of Wastewater \textbar Request PDF. 55-72. 2015
- (169 KB) PDF \textbar Request PDF
- (PDF) Agricultural use of marginal-quality water— opportunities and challenges
- (PDF) Catalysing Water for Sustainable...
- (PDF) Catalysing Water for Sustainable...
- (PDF) Catalyzing-Water-Continuum
- (PDF) Determination and evaluation of water...
- (PDF) Evaluation of the best management practices for improving water productivity in the salt-prone areas of lower KRB
- (PDF) Increasing the Resilience of Dryland Agro-Ecosystems to Climate Change
- (PDF) Land and Water Resources of Central Asia,...
- (PDF) Potential Business Opportunities from Saline Water and Salt-affected Land Resources
- (PDF) Present status of salt-affected and waterlogged soils in Dasht-e-Azadegan and management strategies for their sustainable utilization
- (PDF) “Water Security and the Global Water Agenda”, Policy Brief, 01/2013. United Nations University
- Costs and Benefits of Using Wastewater for Aquifer Recharge \textbar Request PDF
- Policy Note: Reversing Salt-Induced Land Degradation Requires Integrated Measures \textbar Water Economics and Policy
- Productivity Potentials of the Global Land Resource for Cropping and Grazing \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor and G. Murtaza. 1998. Irrigation with city effluent for growing vegetables: A silent epidemic of metal poisoning. Seminar "Emerging Environmental Issues in Pakistan”. Dec. 05-07, 1998. Islamabad, Pakistan. Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 36 (2):217-222. \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza and H.R. Ahmad. 1997. Cycling tile drain water for crop production and reclamation of Aquic Haplargid soil. Int. Conf. Desert Technology IV. 22-26 Sept. 1997. Kalgoorlie, WA 6430, Australia \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza and H.R. Ahmad. 1998. Cycling tile drain water for crop production and reclamation of Aquic Haplargid soil. J. Arid Land Studies. 7S:179-182 \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., A. Ghafoor, G. Murtaza, H.R. Ahmad and M.R. Chaudhry.1996. Drainage water usage for crop production and reclamation of saline-sodic soil. Presented at “Soil Care for Environmental Protection”. 6th Natl. Congr. Soil Sci. Dec. 2-4, 1996, Lahore, Pakistan. \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., G. Murtaza and A. Ghafoor. 1994. Use of agricultural drainage water for crop production .Presented at " Presented at Pakistan Soils: Problems and Management. 5th Natl. Congr. of Soil Sci. Oct. 23-25, 1994. NWFP Agri. Univ. Peshawar, Pakistan \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., G. Murtaza and A. Ghafoor. 1996. Use of agricultural drainage water for crop production in the 4th Drainage Project Area, Faisalabad. Pakistan J. Soil Sci. 11 (1-2):22-26. \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., G. Murtaza and A. Ghafoor. 1996. Use of drainage water for amelioration of an Aquic Haplargid soil under rice-wheat crop rotation. p. 605-613. In: Proc. 6th Int. Drainage Workshop "Drainage and the Environment". April 22-29, 1996 Ljubljana, Slovenia \textbar Request PDF
- Qadir, M., S. Schubert, A. Ghafoor and G. Murtaza. 2001. Amelioration strategies for sodic soils: A review. Land Degrad. Develop. 12(4):357-386 \textbar Request PDF
- Wastewater: Economic Asset in an Urbanizing World \textbar Request PDF
- Domestic wastewater generation, treatment, and agricultural reuse 2024
- Water quality and gender intersections: Assessing differential impacts on health and well-being in Abeokuta, Nigeria 2023
- Multi-scenario multi-objective analysis of downscaled shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) for robust policy development in coupled human-water systems 2022
- Spatially-explicit estimates of global wastewater production, collection, treatment and re-use 2020