selected scholarly activity
- Decision Making of Hotel Room Allocation: A Statistic Game. 2010 International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications. 1-4. 2010
- A single-period production model with uncertain output and demand. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 1733-1736. 1986
- Optimal Ordering Decisions for Multiple Substitutable Products with Stochastic Demands. 277-281. 1985
journal articles
- Disclosing Delivery Performance Information When Consumers Are Sensitive to Promised Delivery Time, Delivery Reliability, and Price. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 26:1918-1924. 2024
- Optimal pricing and donation policy for fresh goods. European Journal of Operational Research. 312:198-210. 2024
- Perils and Merits of Cross-Channel Returns. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 71:6257-6271. 2024
- Who Benefits from Government Tax-Subsidies for Corporate Charitable Food Donations? 2023
- Conservative Dynamic Pricing with Demand Learning 2023
- Model Development with Maple in PhD-Level Management Science Courses: A Personal Account. Operations Research Forum. 4:17. 2023
- A review of bricks-and-clicks dual-channels literature: trends and opportunities. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 60:436-472. 2022
- Modeling and optimization of multilevel marketing operations. Naval Research Logistics. 69:581-598. 2022
- Surgical Scheduling with Constrained Patient Waiting Times. Production and Operations Management. 30:3253-3271. 2021
- Feedback advertising strategies in a two-firm differential game: a numerical investigation. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics. 8:205-216. 2021
- Optimal control and cooperative game theory based analysis of a by-product synergy system. Journal of Cleaner Production. 233:731-742. 2019
- Is it fake? Using potentially low quality suppliers as back-up when genuine suppliers are unavailable. International Journal of Production Economics. 213:185-200. 2019
- Product recall timing optimization using dynamic programming. International Journal of Production Economics. 210:1-14. 2019
- Event‐based allocation of airline check‐in counters: a simple dynamic optimization method supported by empirical data. International Transactions in Operational Research. 25:1553-1582. 2018
- Measurement and optimization of responsiveness in supply chain networks with queueing structures. European Journal of Operational Research. 264:106-118. 2018
- Optimal Timing to Initiate Medical Treatment for a Disease Evolving as a Semi-Markov Process. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 175:194-217. 2017
- A make-to-stock mountain-type inventory model. Annals of Operations Research. 231:65-77. 2015
- Optimal Spacing of “Covered” and “Exposed” Time Intervals in a Stochastic Process with High Penalty Costs: Applications to Parking and Insurance. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 53:142-154. 2015
- Optimal design of multi‐server Markovian queues with polynomial waiting and service costs. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 30:429-443. 2014
- Measurement and optimization of supply chain responsiveness. IIE Transactions. 46:1-22. 2014
- Cooperative game analysis of retail space-exchange problems. European Journal of Operational Research. 232:393-404. 2014
- Dynamic bidding strategies in search-based advertising. Annals of Operations Research. 211:103-136. 2013
- Online retailers’ promotional pricing, free-shipping threshold, and inventory decisions: A simulation-based analysis. European Journal of Operational Research. 230:272-283. 2013
- On the allocation of exclusive-use counters for airport check-in queues: static vs. dynamic policies. OPSEARCH. 50:433-453. 2013
- Demand Functions in Decision Modeling: A Comprehensive Survey and Research Directions. Decision Sciences. 44:557-609. 2013
- The Retail Space‐Exchange Problem with Pricing and Space Allocation Decisions. Production and Operations Management. 22:189-202. 2013
- Transfer pricing in a multidivisional firm: A cooperative game analysis. Operations Research Letters. 40:364-369. 2012
- Analysis of a simple capacity game. International Transactions in Operational Research. 19:435-461. 2012
- Optimal Keyword Bids in Search-Based Advertising with Stochastic Advertisement Positions. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 152:225-244. 2012
- Games with incomplete information: A simplified exposition with inventory management applications. International Journal of Production Economics. 133:562-577. 2011
- FIFO Versus LIFO Issuing Policies for Stochastic Perishable Inventory Systems. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 13:405-417. 2011
- Optimal inventory and admission policies for drop-shipping retailers serving in-store and online customers. IIE Transactions. 43:332-347. 2011
- An efficient dynamic optimization method for sequential identification of group-testable items. IIE Transactions. 43:69-83. 2010
- Analytic solution for the nucleolus of a three‐player cooperative game. Naval Research Logistics. 57:667-672. 2010
- Game-theoretic analyses of decentralized assembly supply chains: Non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with cost-sharing contracts. European Journal of Operational Research. 204:96-104. 2010
- A One-Time Excess Inventory Disposal Decision Under a Stationary Base-Stock Policy. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 28:540-557. 2010
- A note on optimal 'riskless' and 'risk' prices for the newsvendor problem with an assembly cost. International Journal of Inventory Research. 1:209-209. 2010
- Lead-time reduction in a two-level supply chain: Non-cooperative equilibria vs. coordination with a profit-sharing contract. International Journal of Production Economics. 118:521-544. 2009
- Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programming Model for Multiperiod Sea Cargo Mix Problem in Container Shipping Industry. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 39:460-465. 2009
- Allocation of Cost Savings in a Three-Level Supply Chain with Demand Information Sharing: A Cooperative-Game Approach. Operations Research. 57:200-213. 2009
- Dynamic Allocation of Airline Check-In Counters: A Queueing Optimization Approach. Management science. 54:1410-1424. 2008
- Applications of bulk queues to group testing models with incomplete identification. European Journal of Operational Research. 183:226-237. 2007
- Optimal Shopping When the Sales Are on—a Markovian Full-Information Best-Choice Problem. Stochastic Models. 23:351-371. 2007
- Pricing and Lead Time Decisions in Decentralized Supply Chains. Management science. 53:713-725. 2007
- Value of a put option to the risk-averse newsvendor. IIE Transactions. 39:481-500. 2007
- A differentiated service scheme to optimize website revenues. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 57:1323-1340. 2006
- Optimal control of a revenue management system with dynamic pricing facing linear demand. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 27:323-347. 2006
- Game-theoretic analysis of an ancient Chinese horse race problem. Computers & Operations Research. 33:2033-2055. 2006
- Optimal parking of idle elevators under myopic and state-dependent policies. European Journal of Operational Research. 170:863-886. 2006
- Coordinating pricing and production decisions in the presence of price competition. European Journal of Operational Research. 170:211-227. 2006
- Free shipping and purchasing decisions in B2B transactions: A game-theoretic analysis. IIE Transactions. 37:1119-1128. 2005
- Optimal quota allocation for a revenue-maximizing auction holder facing a random number of bidders. International Transactions in Operational Research. 12:559-580. 2005
- Game Theoretic Applications in Supply Chain Management: A Review. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 43:187-220. 2005
- Managing build‐to‐order short life‐cycle products: benefits of pre‐season price incentives with standardization. Journal of Operations Management. 23:482-495. 2005
- Production/Clearing Models Under Continuous and Sporadic Reviews. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability. 7:203-224. 2005
- Dynamic analysis of the Newsboy model with early purchase commitments. International Journal of Services and Operations Management. 1:56-56. 2005
- Computing a Stationary Base-Stock Policy for a Finite Horizon Stochastic Inventory Problem with Non-linear Shortage Costs. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 22:589-625. 2004
- Balancing desirable but conflicting objectives in the newsvendor problem. IIE Transactions. 35:131-142. 2003
- Note: Optimality Conditions for an (s, S) Policy with Proportional and Lump-Sum Penalty Costs. Management science. 48:1635-1639. 2002
- Optimal switchover times between two activities utilizing the same resource. Naval Research Logistics. 49:186-203. 2002
- A generalized bootstrap method to determine the yield curve. Applied Mathematical Finance. 7:257-270. 2000
- Probabilistic Analysis of Renewal Cycles: An Application to a Non-Markovian Inventory Problem with Multiple Objectives. Operations Research. 48:243-255. 2000
- Integrating early sales with production decisions: analysis and insights. IIE Transactions. 31:1051-1060. 1999
- Allocating resources to research and development projects in a competitive environment. IIE Transactions. 31:827-834. 1999
- Specification Limits, Capability Indices, and Process Centering in Assembly Manufacture. Journal of Quality Technology. 31:317-325. 1999
- Integrating early sales with production decisions: analysis and insights. IIE Transactions. 31:1051-1060. 1999
- Inventory models with unreliable suppliers in a random environment. Annals of Operations Research. 91:123-136. 1999
- Optimal myopic policy for a stochastic inventory problem with fixed and proportional backorder costs. European Journal of Operational Research. 110:20-41. 1998
- Nonlinear Programming Analysis to Estimate Implicit Inventory Backorder Costs. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 97:71-92. 1998
- An Inventory Problem with Two Randomly Available Suppliers. Operations Research. 45:904-918. 1997
- Designing a Firm's Coordinated Manufacturing and Supply Decisions with Short Product Life Cycles. Management science. 43:1329-1344. 1997
- Optimal nonmyopic gambling strategy for the generalized Kelly criterion. Naval Research Logistics. 44:639-654. 1997
- Continuous-review inventory problem with random supply interruptions. European Journal of Operational Research. 99:366-385. 1997
- Stationary and time-dependent policies for the substitute teacher pool problem. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 31:139-146. 1997
- Analysis of a two-sided production policy with inventory-level-dependent production rates. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. 12:221-237. 1996
- Inventory models of future supply uncertainty with single and multiple suppliers. Naval Research Logistics. 43:191-210. 1996
- Inventory models of future supply uncertainty with single and multiple suppliers. Naval Research Logistics. 43:191-210. 1996
- A periodic review inventory model with Markovian supply availability. International Journal of Production Economics. 42:131-136. 1995
- Analysis of a (Q, r, T) inventory policy with deterministic and random yields when future supply is uncertain. European Journal of Operational Research. 84:431-443. 1995
- A game theoretical analysis of the quantity discount problem with perfect and incomplete information about the buyer's cost structure. RAIRO - Operations Research. 29:415-439. 1995
- Optimal sequential decisions for incomplete identification of group testable items. Sequential Analysis. 14:41-57. 1995
- On the EOQ model with inventory-level-dependent demand rate and random yield. Operations Research Letters. 16:167-176. 1994
- A three-person game theory model arising in stochastic inventory control theory. European Journal of Operational Research. 76:83-97. 1994
- A three-person game theory model arising in stochastic inventory control theory. European Journal of Operational Research. 76:83-97. 1994
- Single facility location problem with region-dependent distance metrics. International Journal of Systems Science. 25:513-525. 1994
- Technical Note—Algorithms for Weber Facility Location in the Presence of Forbidden Regions and/or Barriers to Travel. Transportation Science. 28:70-76. 1994
- Technical Note—Algorithms for Weber Facility Location in the Presence of Forbidden Regions and/or Barriers to Travel. Transportation Science. 28:70-76. 1994
- Optimal production and maintenance decisions when a system experience age‐dependent deterioration. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 14:153-167. 1993
- A comparison of allocation policies in a two-echelon repairable-item inventory model. International Journal of Production Economics. 29:291-302. 1993
- Diversification under yield randomness in inventory models. European Journal of Operational Research. 66:52-64. 1993
- Impulse control of a brownian inventory system with supplier uncertainty. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 11:11-27. 1993
- Stochastic inventory problem with piecewise quadratic holding cost function containing a cost-free interval. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 75:133-153. 1992
- A stochastic inventory problem with piecewise quadratic costs. International Journal of Production Economics. 26:327-332. 1992
- Investing in reducing lead-time randomness in continuous-review inventory models. Engineering Costs and Production Economics. 21:191-197. 1991
- A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems. European Journal of Operational Research. 51:1-23. 1991
- Future supply uncertainty in EOQ models. Naval Research Logistics. 38:107-121. 1991
- On manpower planning in the presence of learning. Engineering Costs and Production Economics. 20:295-303. 1990
- Yield randomness, cost tradeoffs, and diversification in the EOQ model. Naval Research Logistics. 37:341-354. 1990
- Stochastic decision tree analysis on an electronic spreadsheet. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 18:225-234. 1990
- Optimal plant size with variable cost and revenue streams. European Journal of Operational Research. 43:78-87. 1989
- Static game theory models and their applications in management science. European Journal of Operational Research. 42:1-21. 1989
- A survey of maintenance models 1989
- Control of a production system with variable yield and random demand. Computers & Operations Research. 16:315-324. 1989
- EXPIM: a knowledge-based expert system for production/inventory modelling. International Journal of Production Research. 27:101-118. 1989
- Solving dynamic optimization problems on a personal computer using an electronic spreadsheet. Automatica. 25:97-101. 1989
- Game theoretic analysis of the substitutable product inventory problem with random demands. Naval Research Logistics. 35:397-409. 1988
- Periodic Review Production Models With Variable Yield And Uncertain Demand∗. IIE Transactions. 20:144-150. 1988
- A Single period inventory problem with partially controllable demand. Computers & Operations Research. 14:1-9. 1987
- A problem in jointly optimal production and advertising decisions. International Journal of Systems Science. 17:1373-1380. 1986
- Book Reviews. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 24:72-74. 1986
- Dynamic programming on an electronic spreadsheet. Computers and Industrial Engineering. 10:203-213. 1986
- Optimal control analysis of a simple criminal prosecution model. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 6:305-312. 1985
- Optimal Rationing Policies and Production Quantities for Products with Several Demand Classes. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences. 2:161-176. 1985
- A continuous-time linear tracking problem with an asymmetric quadratic objective functional containing a cost-free interval.. International Journal of Control. 41:1245-1252. 1985
- A stochastic production planning model with a dynamic chance constraint. European Journal of Operational Research. 20:255-260. 1985
- Optimal Ordering Policies For A Perishable And Substitutable Product: A Markov Decision Model. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. 23:182-195. 1985
- Use of stochastic control theory to model a forest management system. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 9:125-130. 1985
- Optimal staffing of a forest fire fighting organization. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 14:589-594. 1984
- Optimal dynamic service rate control in time dependent M/M/S/N queues. International Journal of Systems Science. 15:107-118. 1984
- Optimal forest fire control with limited reinforcements. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 4:185-191. 1983
- Modeling manpower systems in two-grade organizations. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. SMC-13:38-47. 1983
- A decomposition technique for an optimal control problem with "PQDZ" cost and bounded controls. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 27:947-951. 1982
- Efficiency of rolling schedules for a class of stochastic control problems. Automatica. 18:493-495. 1982
- Stochastic control of a pension fund model with first‐order Markov‐dependent parameters. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 2:175-189. 1981
- An optimal control problem with piecewise quadratic cost functional containing a ‘dead‐zone’. Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 1:361-372. 1980
scholarly editions