publication venue for
- Amorphous phase formation in spray deposited AlYNiCo and AlYNiCoZr alloys 2001
- Structure and mechanical properties of Cu-X (X = Nb,Cr,Ni) nanolayered composites 1998
- Dual gradient structure in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Fe alloys: A pathway to balancing strength and formability. 259. 2025
- On the correlation between the habit plane and 3D morphology of lath martensite: A direct 3D observation using serial sectioning tomography of a low-carbon stainless steel. 255. 2025
- On the origin of carbon supersaturation in bainitic ferrite. 250:116182-116182. 2024
- On determining the effect of surface-active elemental segregation on the oxide/metal interface: Atomic-scale analysis via HR-TEM. 238:115762-115762. 2024
- A study of the carbon distribution in bainitic ferrite. 224:115140-115140. 2023
- On the interaction between Mn, Sb and O during the annealing and selective oxidation of Fe-Mn-Sb alloys. 223:115096-115096. 2023
- On the origin of the barrier in the bainite phase transformation. 223:115076-115076. 2023
- Microstructure complexities of laser impact welded Al-Ti bonding interface. 211:114488-114488. 2022
- Solute atom mediated Hall-Petch relations for magnesium binary alloys. 210:114451-114451. 2022
- Dissimilar laser welding of a CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy to 316 stainless steel. 206:114219-114219. 2022
- Twinning Engineering of a CoCrFeMnNi High-Entropy Alloy. 197:113808-113808. 2021
- Isotropic and kinematic hardening of a high entropy alloy. 191:107-110. 2021
- The role of microstructure on edge cracks in dual phase and quench and partitioning steels subject to severe cold rolling. 173:86-90. 2019
- Fabrication of artificial defects to study internal fatigue crack propagation in metals. 171:87-91. 2019
- Phase separation and its relationship with thermoelectric properties in tin-substituted magnesium silicide synthesized from melt. 166:128-133. 2019
- Growth of β intermetallic in an Al-Cu-Si alloy during directional solidification via machine learned 4D quantification. 165:29-33. 2019
- Deformation banding in a precipitation hardened aluminum alloy during simple shear deformation. 162:300-305. 2019
- Elemental distribution in the martensite–austenite constituent in intercritically reheated coarse-grained heat-affected zone of a high-strength pipeline steel. 139:67-70. 2017
- Atom probe tomography and numerical study of austenite stabilization in a low carbon low alloy steel processed by two-step intercritical heat treatment. 137:36-40. 2017
- Discontinuous strain-induced martensite transformation related to the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in a medium manganese steel. 133:9-13. 2017
- Critical role of strain partitioning and deformation twinning on cracking phenomenon occurring during cold rolling of two duplex medium manganese steels. 130:49-53. 2017
- Multivariate-aided mapping of rare-earth partitioning in a wrought magnesium alloy. 124:174-178. 2016
- Fusion zone microstructure evolution of fiber laser welded press-hardened steels. 121:18-22. 2016
- A new empirical equation for termination of twinning in magnesium alloys. 120:71-75. 2016
- A β-titanium alloy with extra high strain-hardening rate: Design and mechanical properties. 114:60-64. 2016
- Cold welding of Ag nanowires by large plastic deformation. 114:112-116. 2016
- Latent hardening effect under self- and coplanar dislocation interactions in Mg single crystals. 106:17-20. 2015
- Avalanche dynamics in crumpled aluminum thin foils. 99:17-20. 2015
- On the direct nucleation and growth of ferrite and cementite without austenite. 95:35-38. 2015
- On the Swift effect and twinning in a rolled magnesium alloy under free-end torsion. 69:319-322. 2013
- Unambiguous carbon partitioning from martensite to austenite in Fe–C–Ni alloys during quenching and partitioning. 68:1004-1007. 2013
- Architectured materials: Expanding materials space. 68:1-3. 2013
- Diffusion as a method for producing architectured materials. 68:17-21. 2013
- Geometrically induced strain hardening. 68:28-30. 2013
- [0001] Compression response at room temperature of single-crystal magnesium. 67:700-703. 2012
- Interactions between deformation-induced defects and carbides in a vanadium-containing TWIP steel. 66:1018-1023. 2012
- Non-destructive 3-D reconstruction of the martensitic phase in a dual-phase steel using synchrotron holotomography. 66:1077-1080. 2012
- Strain-hardening of twinning-induced plasticity steels. 66:982-985. 2012
- Stress and strain gradients in high-pressure tube twisting. 66:773-776. 2012
- Pressureless bonding process using Ag nanoparticle paste for flexible electronics packaging. 66:582-585. 2012
- Bonding of immiscible Mg and Fe via a nanoscale Fe2Al5 transition layer. 65:982-985. 2011
- Amorphous Fe1−xCx coatings as carbon reservoirs for diffusion strengthening of steel sheets. 65:763-766. 2011
- Distribution of stress triaxiality in face-centered cubic polycrystals under equibiaxial loading. 65:183-185. 2011
- Relationship between relaxation mechanisms and strain aging in an austenitic FeMnC steel. 64:741-744. 2011
- Effect of an applied stress on the recrystallization mechanisms of a zirconium alloy. 64:418-421. 2011
- Effect of texture on the mechanical behavior of ultrafine grained magnesium alloy. 64:580-583. 2011
- High-ductility magnesium–zinc–cerium extrusion alloys. 64:410-413. 2011
- In situ TEM compression testing of Mg and Mg–0.2 wt.% Ce single crystals. 64:292-295. 2011
- An analytical description of the mechanical hysteresis of entangled materials during loading–unloading in uniaxial compression. 64:107-109. 2011
- Characterization and modeling of void nucleation by interface decohesion in dual phase steels. 63:973-976. 2010
- Ability of cubic zirconia to accommodate radiation damage. 63:665-668. 2010
- Critical grain size for dislocation storage and consequences for strain hardening of nanocrystalline materials. 63:477-479. 2010
- Deformation twinning as a strengthening mechanism in microtruss cellular materials. 63:609-612. 2010
- Sintered hollow spheres: Random stacking behaviour under uniaxial tensile loading. 63:277-280. 2010
- A molecular dynamics simulation of (110) surface premelting in Ni. 63:128-131. 2010
- The role of the triple line in solid-state microstructural evolutions: Interplay with interfaces and consequences on instabilities and pattern selection. 62:910-913. 2010
- Effect of pre-strain at elevated temperature on strain hardening of twinning-induced plasticity steels. 62:713-715. 2010
- Thermally activated dislocation dynamics in austenitic FeMnC steels at low homologous temperature. 62:500-503. 2010
- Manganese dioxide–carbon nanotube nanocomposites for electrodes of electrochemical supercapacitors. 61:1079-1082. 2009
- Modelling the strength of ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline fcc metals. 61:1113-1116. 2009
- Observation of kink shear bands in an aluminium single crystal fracture specimen. 61:465-468. 2009
- Predicting the stress–strain behaviour of carbon steels under hot working conditions: An irreversible thermodynamics model. 61:648-651. 2009
- A model for the growth of solute clusters based on vacancy trapping. 61:141-144. 2009
- In situ transmission electron microscopy study of deformation of an aluminum alloy tribolayer. 60:623-626. 2009
- Nanostructured steel with high work-hardening by the exploitation of the thermal stability of mechanically induced twins. 60:714-716. 2009
- Constitutive behavior of as-cast magnesium alloy Mg–Al3–Zn1 in the semi-solid state. 60:427-430. 2009
- Physical relationship between mean-field micro-mechanical approach and Orowan looping in particle-strengthened materials. 60:366-368. 2009
- Severe plastic deformation of metals by high-pressure tube twisting. 60:175-177. 2009
- Relating nanoscale plasticity to bulk ductility in aluminum alloys. 59:951-954. 2008
- Influence of cerium on the texture and ductility of magnesium extrusions. 59:562-565. 2008
- The comparative effectiveness of Nb solute and NbC precipitates at impeding grain-boundary motion in Nb steels. 59:635-637. 2008
- Effect of grain and twin boundaries on the hardening mechanisms of twinning-induced plasticity steels. 58:484-487. 2008
- Digital image correlation studies for microscopic strain distribution and damage in dual phase steels. 56:999-1002. 2007
- A study of the carbon distribution in retained austenite. 56:489-492. 2007
- Characterization of the high temperature tearing resistance using the essential work of fracture—Application to dual phase ferritic stainless steels. 55:999-1002. 2006
- A model for the grain size dependent work hardening of copper. 55:739-742. 2006
- X-ray micro-tomographic observations of hot tear damage in an Al–Mg commercial alloy. 55:489-492. 2006
- On the possibility of DIGM-assisted abnormal grain growth. 54:2009-2011. 2006
- Studying grain fragmentation in ECAE by simulating simple shear. 54:2107-2112. 2006
- Bainite tip radius prediction by analogy with indentation. 54:1527-1529. 2006
- Influence of relative density on the architecture and mechanical behaviour of a steel metallic wool. 54:1379-1383. 2006
- Effect of type-B Portevin–Le Chatelier bands on the onset of necking in uniaxial tension of strip cast AA5754 sheets. 53:499-503. 2005
- A note on grain size dependent pinning. 52:1299-1303. 2005
- A self-consistent treatment of precipitate growth via ledge migration in the presence of interfacial dissipation. 52:7-10. 2005
- Modeling of oxidation-induced growth stresses. 50:1475-1479. 2004
- Effect of irradiation defects on the work hardening behavior. 50:597-600. 2004
- Preface to the viewpoint set on: deformation and stability of nanoscale metallic multilayers. 50:707-710. 2004
- Microplastic yield condition for a periodic stacking of hollow spheres. 50:401-405. 2004
- A novel experimental approach to identifying kinetic transitions in solid state phase transformations. 50:285-290. 2004
- The interaction of plasticity and diffusion controlled precipitation reactions. 49:927-932. 2003
- A self-consistent approach to modeling strain gradient plasticity. 49:53-57. 2003
- Uniaxial tensile elastic properties of a regular stacking of brazed hollow spheres. 48:1617-1623. 2003
- A simple model describing roping in A1 sheet. 48:1243-1248. 2003
- Quantitative analysis of complex carbo-nitride precipitates in steels. 47:845-849. 2002
- On the mechanisms of dynamic recovery. 47:607-611. 2002
- The role of carbon on the kinetics of bainite transformation in steels. 47:151-156. 2002
- Coefficient of thermal expansion of AlMgB14. 46:629-633. 2002
- Effect of temperature on superdislocation dissociation in Cu–Zn–Al 18R single crystals. 45:853-858. 2001
- The critical recrystallization strain of δ-Plutonium. 44:2815-2820. 2001
- Tests of the zener theory of the incomplete transformation phenomenon in Fe-C-Mo and related alloys. 44:2425-2430. 2001
- A new class of ultra-hard materials based on AlMgB14. 42:597-602. 2000
- A model for the mechanical behaviour of highly concentrated composites. 42:313-318. 2000
- Erratum deformation mechanism maps for polycrystalline metallic multilayers. 42:219-219. 1999
- A model for viscous flow creep in ceramics containing secondary crystalline phases. 41:1169-1175. 1999
- Morphological instabilities in Mg-7.7 at % Al. 41:1235-1240. 1999
- Deformation mechanism maps for polycrystalline metallic multiplayers. 41:973-979. 1999
- A metallography solution for grain boundary diffusion estimation in polycrystals. 40:821-824. 1999
- Dislocation microstructures in fine-grained Cu polycrystals fatigued at low amplitude. 40:639-644. 1999
- Internal stress measurements in a model Cu-sapphire composite. 40:751-757. 1999
- Nature and distribution of quench-induced precipitation in an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy. 39:1517-1522. 1998
- A dynamic recrystallisation criterion: DRX map. 39:1191-1197. 1998
- On the influence of non-steady state velocity on interlamellae concentration profiles in discontinuous precipitation. 37:1237-1242. 1997
- Dislocation densities and stored energy after cold rolling of Al-Mg alloys: Investigations by resistivity and differential scanning calorimetry. 37:449-454. 1997
- Cathodic electrosynthesis of titania films and powders. 8:521-528. 1997
- On the origin of short wave length thickness variations of strips in melt overflow casting. 36:1437-1442. 1997
- On the kinetics of surface alloying by grain boundary migration. 36:639-644. 1997
- Damage nucleating at second-phase particles: A constitutive model. 35:1057-1064. 1996
- A stochastic model for dislocation density evolution. 35:279-284. 1996
- On ledge mobility in invariant-line diffusional phase transformations. 35:71-75. 1996
- Pseudo-portevin-le châtelier effect in ordered alloys. 35:217-223. 1996
- Strain induced directional coarsening in Ni based superalloys. 34:1883-1886. 1996