publication venue for
- Backstepping and Sliding Mode Control for AUVs Aided with Bioinspired Neurodynamics 2021
- Deep Merging: Vehicle Merging Controller Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning with Embedding Network 2020
- Energy Optimal Control Allocation in a Redundantly Actuated Omnidirectional UAV 2019
- Tetherless Mobile Micro-Surgical Scissors Using Magnetic Actuation 2019
- Static balancing and dynamic modeling of a three-degree-of-freedom parallel kinematic manipulator 2011
- Learning Full Body Push Recovery Control for Small Humanoid Robots 2011
- Automated modeling and robotic grasping of unknown three-dimensional objects 2008
- Terrain classification for mobile robots traveling at various speeds: An eigenspace manifold approach 2008
- Discrete-time multi-model control for cooperative teleoperation under time delay 2006
- Modeling and control of a miniature servo pneumatic actuator 2006
- Optimal positioning of multiple cameras for object recognition using Cramer-Rao lower bound 2006
- Multiple Model Control for Teleoperation in Unknown Environments 2005
- Multisensor System for Safer Human-Robot Interaction 2005
- Robust Control Design for Cooperative Teleoperation 2005
- High steady-state accuracy pneumatic servo positioning system with PVA/PV control and friction compensation 2002
- Internet-based manufacturing process optimization and monitoring system 2002
- Multi-metric comparison of optimal 2D grasp planning algorithms 2001
- 3-D flexible fixturing using a multi-degree of freedom gripper for robotic fixtureless assembly 1997
- Accurate position control of a pneumatic actuator using on/off solenoid valves 1997
- Path planning of mobile manipulator with genetic-fuzzy controller in flexible manufacturing cell. 1:329-334. 1999