publication venue for
- Neutron diffraction study on Li3PO4 solid electrolyte for lithium ion battery 2018
- Structural and physical properties of InAlAs quantum dots grown on GaAs 2018
- Magnetism and superconductivity in heavy fermion superconductor 2009
- Neutron spin-echo on magnetic single crystals in the quantum limit 2007
- Determination of graft density of substrate-supported polymer films 2006
- IN12-UFO: new frontiers for cold triple-axis spectroscopy 2006
- Reverse Monte-Carlo Analysis of neutron diffraction from AgI–Ag2S–AgPO3 superionic conducting glasses 2006
- The ‘neutron window’ of collective excitations in lipid membranes 2006
- Muon spin rotation study of 2006
- Muon spin rotation study of field-induced magnetism in heavily overdoped 2006
- study of the “anti-glass” 2006
- Magnetism in segregated bimetallic CoRh nanoclusters 2004
- Perspectives for Cu/SS macrocomposite and Cu/X nanofilamentary conductors used in non-destructive high-field pulsed magnets under cryogenic conditions 2004
- $mu;SR studies of two-dimensional antiferromagnets CaV3O7 and SrV3O7 2003
- Paramagnetic vortex state in Pr2$minus;xCexCuO4 single crystals 2003
- A comparison of the local magnetic susceptibility in rare earth pyrochlores 2003
- Spin dynamics in the two-dimensional spin system SrCu2(BO3)2 2003
- Superfluid density and volume fraction of static magnetism in stripe-stabilized La1.85−yEuySr0.15CuO4 2003
- Unconventional superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4 2003
- Investigation of the defect structure in Cd1−xZnxTe by positron lifetime spectroscopy 2001
- Evidence for a distributed ferromagnetic transition in (La,Ca)MnO3 2000
- Exponential field distribution in Sr(Cu1−xZnx)2O3 2000
- Magnetic order of the disturbed spin-Peierls compound (Cu,Mg)GeO3 2000
- Magnetism and superconductivity of high-Tc cuprates (La,Eu,Sr)2CuO4 2000
- Magnetism of oxygen deficient perovskite La8−xSrxCu8O20 2000
- Muon spin relaxation measurements of magnetic-field penetration depth in Ba8Si46 2000
- Muon spin rotation and non-Fermi liquid behavior in UCu4Pd 2000
- Static magnetism in superconducting stage-4 La2CuO4+y(y=0.12) 2000
- Unconventional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 2000
- μSR studies of intercalated HfNCl superconductor 2000
- μSR studies of the kagomé antiferromagnet (H3O)Fe3(OH)6(SO4)2 2000
- Study of hole pair condensation based on the SU(2) slave-boson approach to the t–J Hamiltonian 2000
- The AC Hall effect in YBCO: temperature and frequency dependence of Hall scattering 2000
- Magnetism of CePt2Sn2 2000
- Anomalous temperature dependence of prepeak in the superionic glass (AgI)x(AgPO3)1−x 2000
- Nature of the precipitate in (AgI)0.7(AgPO3)0.3 glass 2000
- Induced defects in ZnS by electron and proton irradiation and defect-annealing behavior 1999
- Investigation of ion-bombardment effects on the formation of voids during deposition of a-Ge:H 1999
- 17O and 101Ru NMR study of orbital dependent ferromagnetic correlations in Sr2RuO4 1999
- 17O and 63,65Cu NMR of undoped and hole-doped Cu2O3 two-leg spin-ladder A14Cu24O41 up to K 1999
- Dynamical effects of phonons on soliton binding in quasi-one-dimensional spin–Peierls systems 1999
- Variation of magnetic order for the 2-D systems of strongly correlated electrons with external magnetic field 1999
- Neutron scattering studies of geometrically frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnets 1997
- Neutron scattering studies of glassy and liquid ZnCl2 1997
- The magnetic structure of CePd2Ge2 and Ce2Pd3Ge5 1997
- Inelastic neutron scattering study of the glass former ZnCl2 1997
- Non-collinear magnetic ordering in U2Rh3Si5 1997
- Neutron scattering study of the incommensurate magnetic order of UNi2Al3 in high magnetic fields 1997
- Unusual relaxational dynamics in La1 − xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.33 and 0.67) 1997
- Grazing-incidence X-ray magnetic scattering studies of UO2(0 0 1) surfaces 1996
- Small-angle neutron scattering studies of Ce(Fe1−xAlx)2 at high temperatures 1995
- Effect of cluster size and shape on the resonance in free argon clusters 1995
- High temperature NQR studies of Sr-doped La2CuO4 1994
- Incommensurate magnetic order in UNi2Al3 1994
- Resonant magnetic X-ray scattering studies of heavy fermion superconductors 1994
- Spin wave collapse and incommensurate fluctuations in URU2Si2 1994
- High-temperature 63,65Cu NQR and NMR study of the high- temperature superconductor La2-Sr CuO4 (0⩽x⩽0.15) 1994
- X-ray and neutron scattering studies of magnetic critical fluctuations in holmium 1993
- The magnetic phase diagram of UNi2Si2 1992
- Observation of magnetic order in the heavy fermion superconductor UBe13 1990
- The angular dependence of the magnetic phase diagram of CsMnBr3 1990
- Ultrasonic study of quasi-one-dimensional magnetic system CsMnBr3 1990
- Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in URu2Si2 1990
- Comparative study on photo and electroluminescence properties of Cu-doped ZnS. 640:414054. 2022
- Dynamics of polymers in elongational flow studied by the neutron spin-echo technique. 405:3690-3693. 2010
- Weak quasistatic magnetism in the frustrated Kondo lattice Pr2Ir2O7. 404:667-670. 2009
- Tight-binding and evolutionary search approach for nanoscale CoRh alloys. 370:200-214. 2005
- Collective dynamics in phospholipid bilayers investigated by inelastic neutron scattering: exploring the dynamics of biological membranes with neutrons. 350:136-139. 2004
- UFO—a multi-analyser option for IN12. 350:E849-E851. 2004
- Collective dynamics in phospholipid bilayers investigated by inelastic neutron scattering: exploring the dynamics of biological membranes with neutrons 2004
- X-rays and neutrons as complementary probes to muons in magnetism: A view from reciprocal space - Comments. 289:9-9. 2000
- Low-temperature properties of neutron irradiated CuGeO3 single crystals. 284-288:1635-1636. 2000
- Investigating liquid surfaces down to the nanometer scale using grazing incidence X-ray scattering. 248:310-315. 1998
- μSR measurements of spin fluctuations in CePt2Sn2. 206-207:222-224. 1995
- Magnetic fluctuations and the superconducting transition in the heavy-fermion material UPd2Al3. 199-200:151-153. 1994
- Muon spin relaxation in the heavy fermion system UPt3. 186-188:264-266. 1993
- Muon spin relaxation studies in strongly correlated electron systems. 186-188:223-228. 1993
- μSR study of spin-glass freezing in Y1−U Pd3 and UPd4. 186-188:344-346. 1993
- EXAFS and Mössbauer analysis of Pt-Ir catalysts. 158:203-205. 1989
- EY-EXAFS and Mössbauer spectroscopy of the Au/Si interface. 158:681-683. 1989
- Extended fine structures in auger spectra (EXFAS): Temperature and core hole dependence of Cu and Ag(111). 158:557-559. 1989
- Gas-flow electron detector with sample rotation for near surface EXAFS of single crystals. 158:335-336. 1989
- Near edge spectroscopy of free molecules. 158:403-404. 1989
- Structural and thermal motion anisotropy probed by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy. 158:631-633. 1989
- Sulfur and Chlorine K-shell spectra of gases. 158:257-258. 1989
- The Cu/Ag(111) interface studied by electron energy loss fine structure spectroscopy. 158:666-667. 1989
- Critical scattering from paramagnetic CsMnBr3: An XY antiferromagnet with chiral degeneracy. 156-157:244-246. 1989