publication venue for
- Ensemble averaging stress–strain fields in polycrystalline aggregates with a constrained surface microstructure – Part 1: anisotropic elastic behaviour 2007
- Ensemble averaging stress–strain fields in polycrystalline aggregates with a constrained surface microstructure – Part 2: crystal plasticity 2007
- Size effect in tension of thin films on substrate: a study based on the reformulation of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity 2006
- Molecular dynamics simulations of the crystal–melt interfacial free energy and mobility in Mo and V 2006
- A reformulation of mechanism-based strain gradient plasticity 2005
- Biological cell detachment kinetics from an inert substrate 2005
- Co-deformation of two-phase Cu–Cr alloys 2005
- Damage studies in heterogeneous aluminium alloys using X-ray tomography 2005
- TEM studies of stress relaxation in GaAsN and GaP thin films 2005
- The shearable–non-shearable transition in Al–Mg–Si–Cu precipitation hardening alloys: implications on the distribution of slip, work hardening and fracture 2005
- Effect of microstructure on fracture in age hardenable Al alloys. 100:1476-1498. 2020
- Specific resistivity of dislocations and vacancies for super-pure aluminium at 4.2 K determined in-situ and post-recovery deformation and correlated to flow stress. 99:2770-2788. 2019
- Theory of magnetoresistance due to lattice dislocations in face-centred cubic metals. 96:1832-1860. 2016
- Plasticity of Mg–Gd alloys between 4 K and 298 K. 96:134-165. 2016
- An electron microscopy study of dislocation structures in Mg single crystals compressed along [0 0 0 1] at room temperature. 95:3910-3932. 2015
- Multiscale characterization of dislocation processes in Al 5754. 95:2198-2209. 2015
- Analytical expressions of incompatibility stresses at Σ3⟨111⟩ twin boundaries and consequences on single-slip promotion parallel to twin plane. 95:12-31. 2015
- The effect of size on dislocation cell formation and strain hardening in aluminium. 94:2062-2071. 2014
- Microscopical study of the formation of adiabatic shear bands in 4340 steel during dynamic loading. 93:4544-4568. 2013
- Analytical estimation of distance–disorientation function of the material microstructure. 93:3314-3331. 2013
- Strain fields around dislocation arrays in a Σ9 silicon bicrystal measured by scanning transmission electron microscopy. 93:1250-1267. 2013
- An extension of the Kocks–Mecking model of work hardening to include kinematic hardening and its application to solutes in ferrite. 93:247-255. 2013
- Foreword. 93:1-1. 2013
- Latent hardening effects in low cycle fatigue of copper single crystals. 93:272-303. 2013
- Thermodiffusion and molecular diffusion in binaryn-alkane mixtures: experiments and numerical analysis. 91:4332-4344. 2011
- Partial pair correlation functions and viscosity of liquid Al–Si hypoeutectic alloys via high-energy X-ray diffraction experiments. 91:3867-3904. 2011
- Effect of twinning on recrystallisation textures in deformed magnesium alloy AZ31. 91:3613-3626. 2011
- Work-hardening behaviour of Mg single crystals oriented for basal slip. 91:2227-2247. 2011
- The Kirkendall effect in the phase field crystal model. 91:151-164. 2011
- Development of interatomic potentials appropriate for simulation of solid–liquid interface properties in Al–Mg alloys. 89:3269-3285. 2009
- Molecular dynamic studies of the interaction of a/6⟨112⟩ Shockley dislocations with stacking fault tetrahedra in copper. Part II: Intersection of stacking fault tetrahedra by moving twin boundaries. 89:727-746. 2009
- Molecular dynamics studies of the interaction ofa/6 ⟨112⟩ Shockley dislocations with stacking fault tetrahedra in copper. Part I: Intersection of SFT by an isolated Shockley. 89:623-640. 2009
- Transmission electron microscopy investigation of the atomic structure of interfaces in nanoscale Cu–Nb multilayers. 88:2559-2567. 2008
- Heterogeneous precipitation on dislocations: effect of the elastic field on precipitate morphology. 88:1555-1567. 2008
- The role of internal stresses on the plastic deformation of the Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloy AA6111. 88:621-640. 2008
- Microstructure, indentation and work hardening of Cu/Ag multilayers. 86:5009-5016. 2006
- Atomic-scale study of dislocation glide in a model solid solution. 86:3893-3920. 2006
- Role of internal stresses in co-deformed two-phase materials. 86:4081-4098. 2006
- Preface. 85:2977-2978. 2005
- High strength and high electrical conductivity bulk Cu. 84:3705-3716. 2004
- Internal stresses in cold-deformed Cu–Ag and Cu–Nb wires. 84:2579-2593. 2004
- Electron-energy-loss spectroscopy and X-ray absorption spectroscopy as complementary probes for complex f-electron metals: cerium and plutonium. 84:1039-1056. 2004
- Formation of misfit dislocations in nanoscale Ni–Cu bilayer films. 84:719-736. 2004
- Closing remarks. 84:503-503. 2004
- Dislocation microstructures and surface morphology in fatigued fine-grained copper polycrystals. 84:381-399. 2004
- Influence of microstructure-driven strain localization on the ductile fracture of metallic alloys. 84:269-297. 2004
- A structure investigation of epitaxial Fe–Pt multilayers. 82:1633-1650. 2002
- Twinning nucleation in Cu-8 at.% Al single crystals. 82:167-191. 2002
- Transmission electron microscopy observations of debris structure in deformed copper single crystals. 82:393-414. 2002
- Twinning nucleation in Cu-8 at. % Al single crystals. 82:167-191. 2002
- A comparative study of precipitate composition and volume fraction in an AlZnMg alloy using tomographic atom probe and small-angle X-ray scattering. 81:2391-2414. 2001
- A comparative study of precipitate composition and volume fraction in an Al–Zn–Mg alloy using tomographic atom probe and small-angle X-ray scattering. 81:2391-2414. 2001
- Deformation of copper single crystals to large strains at 4.2 K. 81:1143-1159. 2001
- Deformation of copper single crystals to large strains at 4.2K. 81:1121-1142. 2001
- Specific dislocation multiplication mechanisms and mechanical properties in nanoscaled multilayers: The example of pearlite. 80:1605-1619. 2000
- Low-temperature dynamic precipitation in a supersaturated AI-Zn-Mg alloy and related strain hardening. 79:2485-2504. 1999
- Study of the mechanical properties of Mg-7.7at.% Al byin-situneutron diffraction. 79:1671-1695. 1999
- The interaction of twins and precipitates in a Mg-7.7 at.% Al alloy. 78:1137-1149. 1998
- Micromechanisms of deformation of an austenoferritic duplex stainless steel. 76:1079-1091. 1997
- Tensile instability in face-centred cubic materials. 76:743-752. 1997
- Thermal ageing of an Fe‒Cu alloy: Microstructural evolution and precipitation hardening. 73:883-897. 1996
- A note on the deformation behaviour of two-dimensional model cellular structures. 73:739-751. 1996
- On network descriptions of mechanical and optical properties of rubbers. 71:1191-1206. 1995
- Structure and mechanical properties of MoSi2-Sic nanolayer composites. 71:759-779. 1995
- Configuration of loop patch at low strain amplitude in polycrystalline copper. 70:591-605. 1994
- Large strain deformation of a copper—tungsten composite system. I. Strain distributions. 69:645-665. 1994
- Large strain deformation of a copper—tungsten composite system. II. Applications. 69:667-687. 1994
- A perturbation solution for ternary diffusion with a variable diffusivity matrix. 64:1355-1362. 1991
- Investigation of dislocation mobilities in germanium in the low-temperature range byin situstraining experiments. 57:327-335. 1988
- Experimental (TEM and STEM) investigation and theoretical approach to the fatigue-induced dissolution of δ′ precipitates in a 2.5 wt% Al-Li alloy. 56:353-366. 1987
- Calculation of energy of low-angle grain boundaries. 55:499-511. 1987
- Intergranular fracture in low carbon iron. 23:971-976. 1971
- Dislocation dynamics in the copper-tin system. 22:1147-1160. 1970
- Isochronal annealing ofpandn-type silicon irradiated at 80°K. 20:951-964. 1969
- Electron and neutron irradiation of boron and phosphorus-doped silicon at 80°K. 20:301-310. 1969
- The relation between surface and interior structures in low-amplitude fatigue. 17:199-203. 1968
- The magnetic moment distribution in some transition metal alloys. 8:401-410. 1963