selected scholarly activity
- Towards Knowledge Portals. Ed. 5. 2004
- Web Work: Information Seeking and Knowledge Work on the World Wide Web. Ed. 1. 2000
- Information Management. 125-133. 2012
- An Informational Perspective Towards Knowledge Work. 195-205. 2002
- Towards a Framework for Government Portal Design. 99-119. 2002
- Coda. 189-190. 2000
- Designing Intranets to Support Knowledge Work. 101-130. 2000
- Information Seeking. 3-27. 2000
- Models of Information Seeking on the World Wide Web. 133-158. 2000
- The Intranet as Infrastructure for Knowledge Work. 71-100. 2000
- The Structure and Dynamics of Organizational Knowledge. 29-67. 2000
- Understanding Organizational Web Use. 159-187. 2000
- Tips for Tracking Web Information Seeking Behavior
community engaged research
- Power of Stories in Transferring Information: Evidence from a Digital Storytelling Initiative. AMCIS 2020 PROCEEDINGS. 2020
- The Role of Media on User Satisfaction with City Cultural Digital Stories: A Case Study Emergent Research Forum (ERF). AMCIS 2018 PROCEEDINGS. 2018
- Factors Affecting the Adoption of Online Library Resources by Business Students. AMCIS 2012 PROCEEDINGS. 2012
- An empirical investigation of student learning outcomes of information literacy instruction in a business school. ACIS 2010 Proceedings - 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems. 2010
- Factors affecting student learning outcomes of information literacy instruction. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 1-2. 2010
- A Citizen-Centric Framework for e-Government Services use. PROCEEDINGS OF 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-GOVERNMENT. 41-48. 2009
- Online information seeking: Understanding individual differences and search contexts. 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009. 5568-5576. 2009
- Outcomes of information literacy instruction for undergraduate business students. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 1-18. 2009
- Successful community municipal portal diffusion: Internal government factors and individual perceptions. 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2009, AMCIS 2009. 4530-4537. 2009
- Adoption and Use of Community Municipal Portals.. ICIS 2008 Proceedings - Twenty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems. 94-94. 2008
- Sex, Gender and Self-Concept: Predicting Web Shopping Site Design Preferences. Eighth World Congress on the Management of eBusiness (WCMeB 2007). 7-7. 2007
- Knowledge and information management practices in knowledge-intensive organizations: A case study of a Québec public organization 1. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS. 92-92. 2007
- Library portals: The impact of the library information environment on information seeking success. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 84-92. 2004
- Tailoring the design of web shopping sites for both product browsing & product searching. Advances in Consumer Research. 238-238. 2004
- Working the Web: an empirical model of Web use. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 9 pp.-9 pp.. 2000
- Working the web: an empirical model of web use. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Science. 207. 2000
- Information seeking on the Web: An integrated model of browsing and searching. First Monday. 3-16. 1999
- A behavioral model of information seeking on the Web - Preliminary results of a study of how managers and IT specialists use the Web. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 290-302. 1998
- A behavioral model of information seeking on the Web - Preliminary results of a study of how managers and IT specialists use the Web. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 290-302. 1998
- Basing intranet design on the organizational information environment and user information behaviour. INFORMATION SCIENCE AT THE DAWN OF THE NEXT MILLENNIUM. 93-105. 1998
- Facilitating organizational information access in global network environments: Towards a new framework for intranet design. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 190-201. 1998
- Facilitating organizational information access in global network environments: Towards a new framework for intranet design. ASIS '98 - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 61ST ASIS ANNUAL MEETING, VOL 35, 1998. 190-201. 1998
- Online Information Seeking: Understanding Individual Differences and Search Contexts.. 670-670.
- Successful Community Municipal Portal Diffusion: Internal Government Factors and Individual Perceptions.. 531-531.
journal articles
- Roles and Responsibilities in University-Community Engagement for Library and Information Scientists. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 61:732-737. 2024
- A Survey of Public Library-Led Digital Literacy Training in Canada: Perceptions of Administrators and Instructors. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. 19:23-41. 2024
- Pathways to Positive Change: Exploring Research Engagement in Practice Contexts. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 60:829-832. 2023
- Exploring the Digital Literacy Needs and Training Preferences of Older Adults Living in Affordable Housing. Journal of Technology in Human Services. 41:203-229. 2023
- Towards a contingency model of knowledge sharing: interaction between social capital and social exchange theories. Knowledge Management Research and Practice. 21:197-209. 2023
- Community‐led digital literacy training: Toward a conceptual framework. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 73:1387-1400. 2022
- Everyday Information Behavior of Marginalized Communities in the Global South: Informal Transportation as Example. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 59:565-569. 2022
- The power of stories for impression management: evidence from a city cultural digital storytelling initiative. Information Technology & People. 35:1410-1427. 2022
- Digital Literacy Training in Canada, Part 2: Defining and Measuring Success. Library Quarterly. 92:87-100. 2022
- “Because I’m Old”: The Role of Ageism in Older Adults’ Experiences of Digital Literacy Training in Public Libraries. Canadian Journal of Communication. 39:379-404. 2021
- Digital Literacy Training for Canadians. Part I: “It’s just core public works”. Library Quarterly. 91:437-456. 2021
- Social Work Digital Storytelling Project: Digital Literacy, Digital Storytelling, and the Makerspace. Research on Social Work Practice. 31:599-609. 2021
- Success factors affecting digital literacy training initiatives led by local community organizations. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 57. 2020
- Digitization & Challenges to Democracy 2019
- The efficacy of digital literacy training initiatives led by local community organizations. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 56:634-635. 2019
- Connecting people with city cultural heritage through proximity-based digital storytelling. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 50:264-274. 2018
- The Role of Media on User Satisfaction with City Cultural Digital Stories: A Case Study. AMCIS 2018 PROCEEDINGS. 2018
- Digital Storytelling: An Opportunity for Libraries to Engage and Lead the Community. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS. 42:43-68. 2018
- Connecting people with their communities through proximity‐based digital storytelling. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 54:650-651. 2017
- Sharing Knowledge in Social Q&A Sites: The Unintended Consequences of Extrinsic Motivation. Journal of Management Information Systems. 33:70-100. 2016
- Digital storytelling and memory institutions: A case study using activity theory. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 53:1-6. 2016
- The Satisfaction and Use of Research Ethics Board Information Systems in Canada. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 10:395-403. 2015
- Getting More Value from the LibQUAL+® Survey: The Merits of Qualitative Analysis and Importance-Satisfaction Matrices in Assessing Library Patron Comments. College & Research Libraries. 76:796-810. 2015
- Promoting Academic Library Research Through the “Faculty-Member-In-Residence” Program. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 41:9-13. 2015
- Business process redesign project success: the role of socio-technical theory. Business Process Management Journal. 20:773-792. 2014
- Information Literacy in the Business School Context: A Story of Complexity and Success. Library and Information Science. 8:167-177. 2013
- Information quality and community municipal portal use. Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. 30:23-32. 2013
- Factors affecting the adoption of online library resources by business students. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 63:2503-2520. 2012
- Student perceptions of information literacy instruction: The importance of active learning. Education for Information. 29:147-161. 2012
- A model of student learning outcomes of information literacy instruction in a business school. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 63:671-686. 2012
- Dancing With Digital Natives: Staying in Step with the Generation That's Transforming the Way Business Is Done. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 62:2297-2298. 2011
- Preparing Tomorrow's Decision Makers: Learning Environments and Outcomes of Information Literacy Instruction in Business Schools. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship. 16:348-367. 2011
- Learning outcomes of information literacy instruction at business schools. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 62:572-585. 2011
- Special section editorial. International Journal of Information Management. 31:4-5. 2011
- Viewpoint: Information management. International Journal of Information Management. 30:103-108. 2010
- Internal factors affecting the adoption and use of government websites. Electronic Government. 7:120-120. 2010
- Information seeking and use in diverse organizational contexts. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 46:1-4. 2009
- Sex, gender and self-concept: predicting web shopping site design preferences. International Journal of Electronic Business. 7:217-217. 2009
- Tips for Tracking Web Information Seeking Behavior. Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis. 256-283. 2009
- Users and usage of community portals: The myhamilton. ca experience. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB). 14-22. 2008
- Information culture and information use: An exploratory study of three organizations. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 59:792-804. 2008
- The Google Online Marketing Challenge: A multi‐disciplinary global teaching and learning initiative using sponsored search. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 45:1-3. 2008
- Beyond gender differences: Self-concept orientation and relationship-building applications on the Internet. Journal of Business Research. 60:613-619. 2007
- Managing in the digital environment: The case of Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science / ASIS. 33:14-17. 2007
- The case of Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 33. 2007
- End-user adoption of animated interface agentsin everyday work applications. Behaviour and Information Technology. 26:119-132. 2007
- Building government portals that work: guiding principles from Community Informatics. International Journal of Electronic Business. 5:604-604. 2007
- The complexity and value of managing in the digital environment. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 44:1-3. 2007
- Working with information: information management and culture in a professional services organization. Journal of information science. 32:491-510. 2006
- Investigating the Determinants of Satisfaction and Usage of Mobile IT Services in Four Countries. Journal of Global Information Technology Management. 9:6-27. 2006
- Gender and Web information seeking: A self‐concept orientation model. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 57:1105-1115. 2006
- Academic Library Web Sites: Current Practice and Future Directions. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 32:251-258. 2006
- Information behavior realities in organizations. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 43:1-6. 2006
- Intelligent Mobile Crisis Response Systems. Communications of the ACM. 48:95-98. 2005
- Knowledge management practices in organizations undergoing fundamental change. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 42. 2005
- User adoption of interface agents for electronic mail / 2005
- Intelligent agents as innovations. AI and Society. 18:364-381. 2004
- Agent toolkit satisfaction and use in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. 15:65-88. 2003
- Fostering robust library portals: An assessment of the McMaster University Library Gateway 2003
- Internet‐based information systems use in organizations: an information studies perspective. Information Systems Journal. 13:113-132. 2003
- Web information seeking and retrieval in digital library contexts: towards an intelligent agent solution. Online Information Review. 26:404-412. 2002
- Agent toolkits: a general overview of the market and an assessment of instructor satisfaction with utilizing toolkits in the classroom 2002
- The influence of information ecology on e‐commerce initiatives. Internet Research. 11:286-295. 2001
- The corporate portal as information infrastructure: towards a framework for portal design. International Journal of Information Management. 20:91-101. 2000
- Leveraging the corporate library through Web user training. Library Management. 20:393-400. 1999
- Information design: The knowledge architect's toolkit.. Knowledge Organization. 26:58-58. 1999
- A Community Partnership Approach to Digital Literacy Training for Older Adults Between Public Libraries and Seniors’ Organizations. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. 47:3-16.
- Information Literacy Learning Outcomes: Critical Factors in the Learning Environment. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS.
- Pre-Purchase Online Information Seeking: Search versus Browse.. J. Electron. Commerce Res.. 4:72-84.
- The Effects of Information Literacy Instruction on Business Students. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS.
- The Use of iBeacon Proximity-Based Technologies by Libraries to Foster City Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS.
- The effect of knowledge management context on knowledge management practices: An empirical investigation. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume. 4:117-128.
- Understanding Digital Literacy Training Success: An Exploration Across Canada. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of CAIS.
- Utilizing Web Information Systems for Organizational Knowledge Work: An Investigation of the Information Ecology and Information Behaviors of Users in a Telecommunications Company
- Youth, civic participation and electronic government
- Local Community Digital Literacy Training 2020
- Local community digital literacy training 2020
- Digital storytelling and city cultural organizations 2017
- Message from the chairs. 8th World Congress on the Management of e-Business, WCMeB 2007 - Conference Proceedings. 2007