selected scholarly activity
- Breadwinning, mental health and the geographies of masculinity. 372-381. 2024
- Geographies of (Domestic) Alcohol Consumption. 387-392. 2021
- Disability. 357-362. 2020
- Making Clean and Sober Places: The Intersections of Therapeutic Landscapes and Substance Abuse Treatment. 77-94. 2017
- ‘Being a man’ in treatment: Health, masculinity and the drama of independence. 337-350. 2016
- Introduction: Towards enabling geographies. 1-21. 2016
- "I'm a Better Person When I'm Working" Supportive Workplaces, Mental Illness, and Recovery. 76-95. 2016
- Object Lesson or Subject People: On the Receiving End of the Responsibility to Protect. 34-54. 2015
- Thinking differently about `work' and social inclusion for disabled people. 219-238. 2015
- Impairment and Experience of Home. 26-31. 2012
- Impairment and Experience of Home. 26-31. 2011
- Introduction: Towards Enabling Geographies. 1-21. 2010
- Disability and Chronic Illness. 205-210. 2009
- Disability and Chronic Illness. V3-205-V3-210. 2009
- Meeting People Where They're at. 249-267.
- The Beginning and the End of Humanitarian Intervention: Kosovo 1999. Defense and Security Analysis. 363-380. 2008
- Improving Gel Performance in Fractures: Chromium Pre-Flush and Overload. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. 33-39. 2007
journal articles
- Communicating to enhance trust and manage risk perceptions during cancer cluster investigations: an exploratory study of information sources and formats. Health Literacy and Communication Open. 3:2438815. 2025
- A qualitative analysis of housing and homemaking for people labelled/with intellectual disabilities in Ontario, Canada. Housing Studies. 40:1-25. 2025
- The influence of disability-related dwelling adaptations on household dwelling satisfaction. Housing and Society. 51:146-166. 2024
- 'All your value is wrapped up in your capabilities': negotiating mental health disability, masculinity and paid work. Disability & Society. ahead-of-print. 2024
- 'You've got to learn how to be more vulnerable': exploring the shifting geographies of men living with chronic illness. Social & Cultural Geography. ahead-of-print. 2024
- An Exploratory Study on the Impacts of Individual Skills and Health Information Exposure on Perceptions of Cancer Control and Expert Competence. Journal of Cancer Education. 38:1584-1591. 2023
- Application of the child community health inclusion index for measuring health inclusion of children with disabilities in the community: a feasibility study. BMC Pediatrics. 23:86. 2023
- Content development of the Child Community Health Inclusion Index: An evaluation tool for measuring inclusion of children with disabilities in the community. Child: Care, Health and Development. 49:44-53. 2023
- Content validation of the child community health inclusion index: a modified e-Delphi study. Cities and Health. 6:495-502. 2022
- Examining the gender role in workplace experiences among employed adults with autism: Evidence from an online community. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 55:27-42. 2021
- Planning for inclusion? An assessment of Ontario's emergency preparedness guide for people with disabilities. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 51:101888-101888. 2020
- Disabling and enabling geographies: celebrating 20 years of research in Social and Cultural Geography. Social & Cultural Geography. 21:1021-1028. 2020
- Gender matters in career exploration and job-seeking among adults with autism spectrum disorder: evidence from an online community. Disability and Rehabilitation. 42:2530-2541. 2020
- Including people with intellectual disabilities in the mobilities turn: mobile interviews in Toronto, Canada. Mobilities. 15:362-379. 2020
- ‘I think they're treating me like a kid’: intellectual disability, masculinity and place in Toronto, Canada. Gender, Place and Culture. 27:429-451. 2020
- An ambivalent atmosphere: Employment training programs and mental health recovery. Health & Place. 62:102266-102266. 2020
- Meanings and feelings of (Im)mobility in later life: Case study insights from a ‘New Mobilities’ perspective. Journal of Aging Studies. 51:100819-100819. 2019
- Fear and Distrust Within the Canadian Welfare System: Experiences of People With Mental Illness. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 29:216-225. 2019
- Accounting for context: Social enterprises and meaningful employment for people with mental illness. Work. 61:561-574. 2019
- Well Enough to Work? Social Enterprise Employment and the Geographies of Mental Health Recovery. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 109:87-103. 2019
- Building collaboration in the co-production of knowledge with people with intellectual disabilities about their everyday use of city space. Area. 51:415-422. 2018
- Building collaboration in the co-production of knowledge with people with intellectual disabilities about their everyday use of city space. Area. 2018
- Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography. 19:230-252. 2018
- Towards a relational geography of disability. Progress in Human Geography. 41:727-744. 2017
- ‘There is always this feeling of otherness’: exploring the lived experiences of visually impaired immigrant women in Canada. Disability & Society. 32:1121-1141. 2017
- Disabled people, medical inadmissibility, and the differential politics of immigration. Canadian Geographer. 61:389-400. 2017
- Shopping, social inclusion and the urban geographies of people with intellectual disability. Social & Cultural Geography. 19:1-23. 2017
- Developing inclusive educators: enhancing the accessibility of teaching and learning in higher education. International Journal for Academic Development. 21:337-349. 2016
- Social enterprises as spaces of encounter for mental health consumers. Area. 48:236-243. 2016
- Social enterprises as enabling workplaces for people with psychiatric disabilities. Disability & Society. 30:865-879. 2015
- ‘No more of this macho bullshit’: drug treatment, place and the reworking of masculinity. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 39:291-303. 2014
- Representations of disability in the Canadian news media: a decade of change?. Disability and Rehabilitation. 35:1859-1868. 2013
- ‘You have to make a new way of life’: women's drug treatment programmes as therapeutic landscapes in Canada. Gender, Place and Culture. 19:382-396. 2012
- Investigating the Effects of Social Influence on the Choice to Telework. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 44:1016-1031. 2012
- Critical geographies of drugs and alcohol. Social & Cultural Geography. 13:99-108. 2012
- Creating, Resisting or Neglecting Change: Exploring the Complexities of Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 3. 2012
- Alternative spaces of ‘work’ and inclusion for disabled people. Disability & Society. 26:867-880. 2011
- Why do you care what other people think? A qualitative investigation of social influence and telecommuting. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 45:269-282. 2011
- Spaces of abeyance, care and survival: The addiction treatment system as a site of ‘regulatory richness’. Political Geography. 28:463-472. 2009
- “Reengineering” Residential Care Facilities: A Case Study of Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 28:137-149. 2009
- The Geographies of Intoxicants: From Production and Consumption to Regulation, Treatment and Prevention. Geography Compass. 3:478-494. 2009
- Emerging scholarship in the geographies of disability. Health & Place. 14:883-888. 2008
- Understanding, embracing, rejecting: Women's negotiations of disability constructions and categorizations after becoming chronically ill. Social Science and Medicine. 67:1837-1846. 2008
- Workers with disabilities and the challenges of emotional labour. Disability & Society. 23:361-373. 2008
- Stuck in transition? Exploring the spaces of employment training for youth with intellectual disability. Geoforum. 39:1079-1092. 2008
- Spaces of sobriety/sites of power: Examining social model alcohol recovery programs as therapeutic landscapes. Social Science and Medicine. 63:649-661. 2006
- Towards socio‐spatial inclusion? Disabled people, neoliberalism and the contemporary labour market. Area. 38:186-195. 2006
- Preface. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. 151:1-2. 2006
- No Place like Home: Rooming Houses in Contemporary Urban Context. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 37:403-421. 2005
- From flexibility to accommodation? Disabled people and the reinvention of paid work. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 29:420-432. 2004
- More responsibility, less control: psychiatric survivors and Welfare State restructuring. Disability & Society. 19:371-385. 2004
- Putting policy into practice? Poverty and people with serious mental illness. Social Science and Medicine. 58:25-39. 2004
- Locating physical disability in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis: Problems and prospects. Social & Cultural Geography. 4:369-389. 2003
- Disability activism and the politics of scale. Canadian Geographer. 47:97-115. 2003
- Locating physical disability in Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis: Problems and prospects. Social & Cultural Geography. 4:369-389. 2003
- Poverty and mental health: a qualitative study of residential care facility tenants.. Community Mental Health Journal. 39:139-156. 2003
- Toward an Understanding of the Spatiality of Social Movements: Labor Organizing at a Private University in Los Angeles. Social problems. 49:374-394. 2002
- Colouring special needs: Locating whiteness in NIMBY conflicts. Social & Cultural Geography. 3:303-321. 2002
- Disability, Geography and Ethics. Ethics, Policy and Environment. 3:91-97. 2000
- Disability, Geography and Ethics. Ethics, Policy and Environment. 3:61-65. 2000
- Qualitative Health Research: Negotiating Life with HIV/AIDS. Professional Geographer. 51:254-264. 1999
- The constitution of difference: Space and psyche in landscapes of exclusion. Geoforum. 29:173-185. 1998
- Seeing People Differently: The Sociospatial Construction of Disability. Environment & Planning. D, Society and Space. 15:455-480. 1997
- Diminished worlds? The geography of everyday life with HIV/AIDS. Health & Place. 2:69-83. 1996
- The World of Homelessness according to Jencks. Economic Geography. 72:82-82. 1996
- Power and community: Organizational and cultural responses to AIDS. Health & Place. 1:132-133. 1995
- The service Hub concept in human services planning. Progress in Planning. 42:173-271. 1994
- Insurance Coverage and Residents' Experience in a Pediatric Teaching Clinic. JAMA Pediatrics. 147:284-284. 1993
- Disability and the Use of Support by Immigrants and Canadian Born Population in Canada. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies. 7:31-51.