Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
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A Pan-Canadian practice guideline: prevention, screening, assessment, and treatment of sleep disturbances in adults with cancer Journal Articles
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study of the Effect of Exogenous Melatonin on Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Journal Articles
A Rapid Access Brief Psychotherapy Intervention to Respond to Healthcare Workers in Ontario Whose Mental Health was Negatively Impacted During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Une brève intervention de psychothérapie à accès rapide pour répondre aux travailleurs de la santé de l'Ontario dont la santé mentale a été affectée négativement pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 Journal Articles
A Study of Biological Rhythm Disturbances in Polish Remitted Bipolar Patients using the BRIAN, CSM, and SWPAQ Scales Journal Articles
A cross-sectional study on the mental health of patients with COVID-19 1 year after discharge in Huanggang, China Journal Articles
A model linking video gaming, sleep quality, sweet drinks consumption and obesity among children and youth Journal Articles
Acute and long-term clinical, neuropsychological and return-to-work sequelae following electrical injury: a retrospective cohort study Journal Articles
An Open Trial of Reboxetine in HIV-Seropositive Outpatients With Major Depressive Disorder Journal Articles
An investigation of cannabis use for insomnia in depression and anxiety in a naturalistic sample Journal Articles
Assessment and management of chronic insomnia disorder: an algorithm for primary care physicians. Journal Articles
Behavioral interventions for improving sleep outcomes in menopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
C-L Case Conference: Insomnia Disorder Journal Articles
Characterizing Sleep and Wakefulness in the Acute Phase of Concussion in the General Population: A Naturalistic Cohort from the Toronto Concussion Study Journal Articles
Cognitive-behavioral, behavioural and mindfulness-based therapies for insomnia in menopause Journal Articles
Corrected QT interval prolongation after an overdose of escitalopram, morphine, oxycodone, zopiclone and benzodiazepines Journal Articles
De-prescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists taken for insomnia: a review and key messages from practice guidelines Journal Articles
Delphi consensus recommendations for the management of chronic insomnia in Canada. Journal Articles
Deprescribing benzodiazepine receptor agonists: Evidence-based clinical practice guideline. Journal Articles
Depression and the relationship between sleep disturbances, nightmares, and suicidal ideation in treatment-seeking Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans Journal Articles
Dietary Elimination for the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
Differences in Sleep Complaints in Adults With Varying Levels of Bed Days Residing in Extended Care Facilities for Chronic Disease Management Journal Articles
Do insomnia and/or sleep disturbances predict the onset, relapse or worsening of depression in community and clinical samples of children and youth? Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
EAN/ERS/ESO/ESRS statement on the impact of sleep disorders on risk and outcome of stroke Journal Articles
Energy Drinks and Their Adverse Health Effects: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
Evaluating the impact of treatment for sleep/wake disorders on recovery of cognition and communication in adults with chronic TBI Journal Articles
Healthcare-Related Regret among Nurses and Physicians Is Associated with Self-Rated Insomnia Severity: A Cross-Sectional Study Journal Articles
Insomnia and risk of mortality from all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies Journal Articles
Insomnia, psychiatric disorders and suicidal ideation in a National Representative Sample of active Canadian Forces members Journal Articles
Insomnia: I. Classification, Assessment and Pharmaceutical Treatment* Journal Articles
Insomnia: II. Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Insomnia* Journal Articles
Knowledge and Attitude towards Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy in Chinese Women Journal Articles
Long term benzodiazepine use for insomnia in patients over the age of 60: discordance of patient and physician perceptions Journal Articles
Longitudinal trajectories of sleep duration in the general population. Journal Articles
Management of Chronic Insomnia Disorder in Adults: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians Journal Articles
Management of Insomnia in the General Hospital. Journal Articles
Melatonergic Drugs for Therapeutic Use in Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances of Mood Disorders Journal Articles
Melatonin Antioxidative Defense: Therapeutical Implications for Aging and Neurodegenerative Processes Journal Articles
Melatonin agonists in primary insomnia and depression-associated insomnia: Are they superior to sedative-hypnotics? Journal Articles
Melatonin and its analogs in insomnia and depression Journal Articles
Melatonin use during pregnancy and lactation: A scoping review of human studies Journal Articles
Meta-analysis of benzodiazepine use in the treatment of insomnia. Journal Articles
Out of Africa Journal Articles
Patient-Nurse Interrater Reliability and Agreement of the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire Journal Articles
Pharmacists’ performance in a telephone-based simulated patient study after a mental health capacity-building program Journal Articles
Predictors of perceived symptom change with acute cannabis use for mental health conditions in a naturalistic sample: A machine learning approach Journal Articles
Prevalence of emotional distress in newly diagnosed lung cancer patients Journal Articles
Proportion and related factors of depression and anxiety for inpatients with lung cancer in China: a hospital-based cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Purinergic dysfunction in mania: an integrative model Journal Articles
Ramelteon: a review of its therapeutic potential in sleep disorders Journal Articles
Reciprocal relations between care-related emotional burden and sleep problems in healthcare professionals: a multicentre international cohort study Journal Articles
Relationship between anxiety disorders and domains of health related quality of life among Nigerians with breast cancer Journal Articles
Safety and Tolerability of Varenicline Tartrate (Champix®/Chantix®) for Smoking Cessation in HIV-Infected Subjects: A Pilot Open-Label Study Journal Articles
Sertraline Treatment of Generalized Social Phobia: A 20-Week, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Journal Articles
Side effects associated with the use of dexamethasone for prophylaxis of delayed emesis after moderately emetogenic chemotherapy Journal Articles
Sleep disturbance in adults with cancer: a systematic review of evidence for best practices in assessment and management for clinical practice Journal Articles
Sleep quality and polysomnographic changes in patients with chronic pain with and without central sensitization signs. Journal Articles
Sleep to Lower Elevated Blood Pressure: A Randomized Controlled Trial (SLEPT) Journal Articles
Some implications of melatonin use in chronopharmacology of insomnia Journal Articles
The Role of Benzodiazepines in the Treatment of Insomnia Journal Articles
The Use of Cannabinoids for Insomnia in Daily Life: Naturalistic Study Journal Articles
The course of insomnia symptoms during the acute treatment of major depressive disorder: A CAN-BIND-1 report Journal Articles
The diagnosis and management of insomnia in clinical practice: a practical evidence-based approach. Journal Articles
The effects of exogenous melatonin on the total sleep time and daytime alertness of chronic insomniacs: A preliminary study Journal Articles
Timing and Length of Nocturnal Sleep and Daytime Napping and Associations With Obesity Types in High-, Middle-, and Low-Income Countries Journal Articles
Treating insomnia Journal Articles
Treatment of primary insomnia. Journal Articles
Trouble sleeping: spend less time in bed? Journal Articles
Use of Hypnotics Journal Articles