subject area of
- A prospective study of prognostic factors in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer Journal Articles
- Absorption and distribution of estradiol from male seminal emissions during mating Journal Articles
- Acid Phosphatases Journal Articles
- An Initial Reaction Rate Assay for "Glycerate Dehydrogenase" Journal Articles
- Andrology: Semen parameters as predictors of in-vitro fertilization: the importance of strict criteria sperm morphology Journal Articles
- Benefits of Empiric Nutritional and Medical Therapy for Semen Parameters and Pregnancy and Live Birth Rates in Couples with Idiopathic Infertility: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Cadmium, Lead, and Other Metals in Relation to Semen Quality: Human Evidence for Molybdenum as a Male Reproductive Toxicant Journal Articles
- Canadian semen quality: an analysis of sperm density among eleven academic fertility centers Journal Articles
- Catalase-like and superoxide dismutase-like activities in human seminal plasma Journal Articles
- Chlorothalonil as a potential endocrine disruptor in male zebrafish (Danio rerio): Impact on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis and sperm quality Journal Articles
- Chronic Lead Exposure Effects in the Cynomolgus Monkey (Macaca fascicularis) Testis Journal Articles
- Distribution of Cell-Free and Cell-Associated HIV Surrogates in the Colon After Simulated Receptive Anal Intercourse in Men Who Have Sex With Men Journal Articles
- Distribution of Cell-Free and Cell-Associated HIV Surrogates in the Female Genital Tract After Simulated Vaginal Intercourse Journal Articles
- Effect of substrates on the oxygen uptake of bovine semen preserved in egg yolk citrate. Journal Articles
- Effectiveness of sperm banking in adolescents and young adults with cancer Journal Articles
- Effects of intravesical chemotherapy and immunotherapy on semen analysis Journal Articles
- Effects of vitamin E and vitamin C on male infertility: a meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Endometrial epithelial cell response to semen from HIV-infected men during different stages of infection is distinct and can drive HIV-1-long terminal repeat Journal Articles
- Estimation of succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activities in the semen of buffalo, exotic and crossbreed bulls. Journal Articles
- HIV-1 gp120 Induces TLR2- and TLR4-Mediated Innate Immune Activation in Human Female Genital Epithelium Journal Articles
- Human Kallikrein 4: Quantitative Study in Tissues and Evidence for Its Secretion into Biological Fluids Journal Articles
- Human sperm DNA integrity: correlation with sperm cytoplasmic droplets Journal Articles
- Identification of a transforming growth factor alpha-like molecule in human seminal plasma Journal Articles
- Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the bovine interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 receptor genes and their associations with health and production traits in Holstein cows Journal Articles
- Immunology: Chlamydial immunoglobulin IgG and IgA antibodies in serum and semen are not associated with the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis DNA or rRNA in semen from male partners of infertile couples Journal Articles
- Improvement in Semen Quality Using Glass Bead Column Journal Articles
- Influence of Common Mucosal Co‐Factors on HIV Infection in the Female Genital Tract Journal Articles
- Large-scale functional screen identifies genetic variants with splicing effects in modern and archaic humans Journal Articles
TGF ‐β1 is Compartmentalized Between Blood and Seminal Plasma ofHIV ‐Positive Men and Its Activation in Semen is Negatively Correlated with Viral Load and Immune Activation Journal Articles - Levels of Environmental Contaminants in Human Follicular Fluid, Serum, and Seminal Plasma of Couples Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization Journal Articles
- Melatonin and aromatase stimulating activity of human seminal plasma Journal Articles
- Milt production in goldfish: regulation by multiple social stimuli Journal Articles
- Origin of the human seminal plasma motility inhibitor within the reproductive tract Journal Articles
- Quantification of the spatial distribution of rectally applied surrogates for microbicide and semen in colon with SPECT and magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
- Reproductive Potential of Patients Treated by Maintenance Haemodialysis Journal Articles
- Semen predictors of in vitro fertilization and embryo cleavage Journal Articles
- Semen quality in relation to antioxidant intake in a healthy male population Journal Articles
- Seminal Advances in Immunology of Reproduction Journal Articles
- Seminal plasma magnesium and premature ejaculation: a case-control study. Journal Articles
- Seminal plasma peptides may determine maternal immune response that alters success or failure of pregnancy in the abortion-prone CBAxDBA/2 model Journal Articles
- Studies on kinetic properties of lactic dehydrogenase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in bovine seminal plasma. Journal Articles
- The occurrence of equine arteritis virus in Australia Journal Articles
- The reproductive toxicology of Great Lakes contaminants. Journal Articles