subject area of
- A computational principle for hippocampal learning and neurogenesis Journal Articles
- A new aspect of the collision test principle: Cell body distance from recording site Journal Articles
- A preliminary study of functional connectivity of medication naïve children with obsessive–compulsive disorder Journal Articles
- A preliminary study on the effects of acute ethanol ingestion on default mode network and temporal fractal properties of the brain Journal Articles
- Activity Regulates Positive and Negative Neurotrophin-Derived Signals to Determine Axon Competition Journal Articles
- Adaptation to potential threat: The evolution, neurobiology, and psychopathology of the security motivation system Journal Articles
- Aging Reduces Center-Surround Antagonism in Visual Motion Processing Journal Articles
- An electrophysiological study of thalamo-caudate neurones in the cat Journal Articles
- An fMRI study of reward circuitry in patients with minimal or extensive history of major depression Journal Articles
- Apomorphine effects on brain metabolism in neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients Journal Articles
- Association of ventral striatum monoamine oxidase-A binding and functional connectivity in antisocial personality disorder with high impulsivity: A positron emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging study Journal Articles
- BDNF-Dependent Effects on Amygdala–Cortical Circuitry and Depression Risk in Children and Youth Journal Articles
- Can homeostatic plasticity in deafferented primary auditory cortex lead to travelling waves of excitation? Journal Articles
- Cerebello-cerebral Functional Connectivity Networks in Major Depressive Disorder: a CAN-BIND-1 Study Report Journal Articles
- Cerebral evoked responses to gastrointestinal stimulation in humans. Journal Articles
- Changes in Resting-State Connectivity following Melody-Based Therapy in a Patient with Aphasia Journal Articles
- Classifying heterogeneous presentations of PTSD via the default mode, central executive, and salience networks with machine learning Journal Articles
- Connectivity Changes Following Episodic Future Thinking in Alcohol Use Disorder. Journal Articles
- Considerations in pharmacotherapeutic treatment of movement disorders after traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- Convergence of semantics and emotional expression within the IFG pars orbitalis Journal Articles
- Cross-regional cortical synchronization during affective image viewing Journal Articles
- Crossmodal influences in somatosensory cortex: Interaction of vision and touch Journal Articles
- Cutaneous reflexes of the human leg during passive movement Journal Articles
- Default mode alterations in posttraumatic stress disorder related to early-life trauma: a developmental perspective Journal Articles
- Dentate granule cell layer collagen explant cultures: Spontaneous axonal growth and induction by brain-derived neurotrophic factor or basic fibroblast growth factor Journal Articles
- Desynchronization of autonomic response and central autonomic network connectivity in posttraumatic stress disorder Journal Articles
- Development of Auditory Phase-Locked Activity for Music Sounds Journal Articles
- Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Pilot Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study Journal Articles
- Direct vagal input to neurons in the area postrema which project to the parabrachial nucleus: An electron microscopic-HRP study in the cat Journal Articles
- Dopamine antagonist binding increases in two behaviorally distinct striatal denervation syndromes Journal Articles
- Dynamic causal modeling in PTSD and its dissociative subtype: Bottom–up versus top–down processing within fear and emotion regulation circuitry Journal Articles
- Dysregulated resting state functional connectivity and obesity: A systematic review Journal Articles
- Early visual deprivation from congenital cataracts disrupts activity and functional connectivity in the face network Journal Articles
- Effects of midbrain raphe lesions or systemic p-chlorophenylalanine on the development of kindled seizures in rats Journal Articles
- Effects of reaction time variability and age on brain activity during Stroop task performance Journal Articles
- Embryonic development of axon pathways in the Drosophila CNS. I. A glial scaffold appears before the first growth cones Journal Articles
- Embryonic development of axon pathways in the Drosophila CNS. II. Behavior of pioneer growth cones Journal Articles
- Endogenous NGF and nerve impulses regulate the collateral sprouting of sensory axons in the skin of the adult rat Journal Articles
- Enhanced prolactin inhibition following chronic treatment with haloperidol and morphine. Journal Articles
- Excitatory and inhibitory inputs from medullary nuclei projecting to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat Journal Articles
- Exploring Cortical Subplate Evolution Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Fetal Brain Journal Articles
- Functional MRI of working memory and selective attention in vibrotactile frequency discrimination Journal Articles
- Gender-specific resting-state rDMPFC-centric functional connectivity underpinnings of intertemporal choice Journal Articles
- Glutamatergic inputs and glutamate-releasing immature inhibitory inputs activate a shared postsynaptic receptor population in lateral superior olive Journal Articles
- Heterosynaptic interactions between septal and entorhinal inputs to the dentate gyrus: long-term potentiation effects Journal Articles
- Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions Journal Articles
- Indices of repetitive behaviour are correlated with patterns of intrinsic functional connectivity in youth with autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
- Inhibition of fundic strips from guinea-pig stomach: The effect of theophylline on the membrane potential, muscle contraction and ion fluxes Journal Articles
- Initial Evidence that OPRM1 Genotype Moderates Ventral and Dorsal Striatum Functional Connectivity During Alcohol Cues Journal Articles
- Intestinal inflammation and activation of sensory nerve pathways: a functional and morphological study in the nematode infected rat Journal Articles
- Intrinsic connectivity network dynamics in PTSD during amygdala downregulation using real‐time fMRI neurofeedback: A preliminary analysis Journal Articles
- Kindling Journal Articles
- Kindling and status epilepticus models of epilepsy: rewiring the brain Journal Articles
- Local circuitry regulates the excitability of rat neurohypophysial neurones. Journal Articles
- Long-Distance Axonal Regeneration in the Filum Terminale of Adult Rats Is Regulated by Ependymal Cells Journal Articles
- Long-lasting conditioning of the human soleus H reflex following quadriceps tendon tap Journal Articles
- Long-lasting inhibition of the human soleus H reflex pathway after passive movement Journal Articles
- Long-term enhancement of entorhinal-dentate evoked potentials following `modified' ECS in the rat Journal Articles
- Longitudinal structure and innervation of two mammalian hindlimb muscles Journal Articles
- Long‐term depression and associativity in rat primary motor cortex following thalamic stimulation Journal Articles
- MRI measurements of the normal pediatric optic nerve pathway Journal Articles
- Machine learning multivariate pattern analysis predicts classification of posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype: a multimodal neuroimaging approach Journal Articles
- Mesolimbic Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activations during Reward Anticipation Correlate with Reward-Related Ventral Striatal Dopamine Release Journal Articles
- Modulation of Cortical-Limbic Pathways in Major Depression Journal Articles
- Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas Journal Articles
- Naturalizing aesthetics: Brain areas for aesthetic appraisal across sensory modalities Journal Articles
- Neural correlates of tobacco cue reactivity predict duration to lapse and continuous abstinence in smoking cessation treatment Journal Articles
- Neurobiological Aspects of Language in Children Journal Articles
- Neuroplastic Sensorimotor Resting State Network Reorganization in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Treated With Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Journal Articles
- OUP accepted manuscript Journal Articles
- Optogenetic fMRI and electrophysiological identification of region-specific connectivity between the cerebellar cortex and forebrain Journal Articles
- Origin and course of crossed medullary pathways to spinal sympathetic neurons in the cat Journal Articles
- Parenting and Salience Network Connectivity Among African Americans: A Protective Pathway for Health-Risk Behaviors Journal Articles
- Pathways from medullary nuclei to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat Journal Articles
- Paucity of dorsal inspiratory neuron collateral projections to ventral inspiratory neurons Journal Articles
- Peer influence, Frontostriatal connectivity, and delay discounting in African American emerging adults Journal Articles
- Pitch underlies activation of the vocal system during affective vocalization Journal Articles
- Post-activation potentiation and the kindling phenomenon Journal Articles
- Postpartum depression and brain response to infants: Differential amygdala response and connectivity Journal Articles
- Preface to the special issue: Computational cognitive neuroscience Journal Articles
- Preliminary findings of cerebral responses on transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation on experimental heat pain Journal Articles
- Presumed structural and functional neural recovery after long-term abstinence from cocaine in male military veterans Journal Articles
- Processing of different types of social threat in shyness: Preliminary findings of distinct functional neural connectivity Journal Articles
- Psychoendocrinology and growth hormone: A review Journal Articles
- Psychosis pathways converge via D2High dopamine receptors Journal Articles
- Regional EEG alpha power, coherence, and behavioral symptomatology in autism spectrum disorder Journal Articles
- Regulation of autism-relevant behaviors by cerebellar–prefrontal cortical circuits Journal Articles
- Relation between motor asymmetry and direction of rotational behaviour under amphetamine and apomorphine in rats with unilateral degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine system Journal Articles
- Response inhibition in psychopathy: The frontal N2 and P3 Journal Articles
- Responses of myenteric S neurones to low frequency stimulation of their synaptic inputs Journal Articles
- Responses of single units in the intermediolateral nucleus to stimulation of cardioregulatory medullary nuclei in the cat Journal Articles
- Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review Journal Articles
- Resting-state functional connectivity in individuals with bipolar disorder during clinical remission: a systematic review. Journal Articles
- Resting‐state functional connectivity of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in post‐traumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Resting‐state pulvinar‐posterior parietal decoupling in PTSD and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Role of antral intramural neural pathways in control of gastric emptying in the pig. Journal Articles
- Sensory overload and imbalance: Resting-state vestibular connectivity in PTSD and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Sex Difference in the Number of Sympathetic Neurons in the Spinal Cord of the Cat Journal Articles
- Smoking cues impair monitoring but not stopping during response inhibition in abstinent male smokers Journal Articles
- Storytelling Is Intrinsically Mentalistic: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Narrative Production across Modalities Journal Articles
- Structural and functional changes in the somatosensory cortex in euthymic females with bipolar disorder Journal Articles
- Structural characterization of interstitial cells of Cajal in myenteric plexus and muscle layers of canine colon Journal Articles
- Structural network alterations and neurological dysfunction in cerebral amyloid angiopathy Journal Articles
- Superior colliculus resting state networks in post‐traumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Task‐relevance and temporal synchrony between tactile and visual stimuli modulates cortical activity and motor performance during sensory‐guided movement Journal Articles
- The Default Mode Network in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Journal Articles
- The Effects of Motor Cortical Stimulation on the Excitability of Spinal Motoneurons in Man Journal Articles
- The Functional Connectivity Landscape of the Human Brain Journal Articles
- The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Beat-based Timing Perception: A Continuous Theta Burst Stimulation Study Journal Articles
- The cerebellum after trauma: Resting‐state functional connectivity of the cerebellum in posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- The connectivity domain: Analyzing resting state fMRI data using feature-based data-driven and model-based methods Journal Articles
- The development and decay of kindling-induced increases in paired-pulse depression in the dentate gyrus Journal Articles
- The development of the interictal spike during kindling in the rat Journal Articles
- The effect of kindling beyond the ‘stage 5’ criterion on paired-pulse depression and hilar cell counts in the dentate gyrus Journal Articles
- The effects of kindling on GABA-Mediated inhibition in the dentate gyrus of the rat. I. Paired-pulse depression Journal Articles
- The effects of various lesions and knife-cuts on septal and amygdala kindling in the rat Journal Articles
- The morphogenesis of stereotyped behavior induced by the dopamine receptor agonist apomorphine in the laboratory rat Journal Articles
- The neural mechanisms of reciprocal communication Journal Articles
- Three novel electrophysiologic tests for patients with muscle weakness. Journal Articles
- Towards information processing from nonlinear physical chemistry: A synthetic electrochemical cognitive system Journal Articles
- Transfer kindling between sites in the entorhinal cortex-perforant path-dentate gyrus system Journal Articles
- Two Distinct Auditory-Motor Circuits for Monitoring Speech Production as Revealed by Content-Specific Suppression of Auditory Cortex Journal Articles
- Two Phases of Interhemispheric Inhibition between Motor Related Cortical Areas and the Primary Motor Cortex in Human Journal Articles
- Unification of sentence processing via ear and eye: An fMRI study Journal Articles
- Unique insula subregion resting-state functional connectivity with amygdala complexes in posttraumatic stress disorder and its dissociative subtype Journal Articles
- Visualizing the entire cortical myelination pattern in marmosets with magnetic resonance imaging Journal Articles
- White matter and information processing speed following treatment with cranial-spinal radiation for pediatric brain tumor. Journal Articles
- White matter growth as a mechanism of cognitive development in children Journal Articles
- slit: an extracellular protein necessary for development of midline glia and commissural axon pathways contains both EGF and LRR domains. Journal Articles