subject area of
- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Subsequent Malignant Neoplasm Risk After Radioactive Iodine Treatment of Thyroid Cancer Journal Articles
- A small but real risk of cancer in children from undergoing CT Journal Articles
- Actions of radiation on living cells in the “post-bystander” era Journal Articles
- An unusual cause and presentation of a pelvic mass Journal Articles
- Apoptosis and other effects of radiation in normal human urothelial cells Journal Articles
- Association of cutaneous malignant melanoma with intermittent exposure to ultraviolet radiation: results of a case-control study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
- Cross-resistance to cisplatin in cells resistant to photofrin-mediated photodynamic therapy. Journal Articles
- Development of transformed characteristics by sheep thyroid cells irradiated as differentiated primary cultures Journal Articles
- Early Occurrence of Angiosarcoma in a Woman With a BRCA2 Gene Variation of Unknown Significance Treated With Breast-Conserving Therapy for Bilateral Ductal Carcinoma: A Case Report Journal Articles
- Early authors – R. H. Mole Journal Articles
- Estimating the Risks of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy: Evidence From Modern Radiation Doses to the Lungs and Heart and From Previous Randomized Trials Journal Articles
- Exercise Improves Cancer-free Survival and Health Span in a Model of Radiation-induced Cancer Journal Articles
- Genomic Loss and Epigenetic Silencing of the FOSL1 Tumor Suppressor Gene in Radiation-induced Neoplastic Transformation of Human CGL1 Cells Alters the Tumorigenic Phenotype In Vitro and In Vivo Journal Articles
- In vivo resistance to photofrin-mediated photodynamic therapy in radiation-induced fibrosarcoma cells resistant to in vitro Photofrin-mediated photodynamic therapy Journal Articles
- Induction of Hsp60 by Photofrin-mediated photodynamic therapy Journal Articles
- Is brain cancer an occupational disease of cardiologists? Journal Articles
- Lethal mutations and genomic instability Journal Articles
- Major Radiodiagnostic Imaging in Pregnancy and the Risk of Childhood Malignancy: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Ontario Journal Articles
- Mechanisms and implications of genomic instability and other delayed effects of ionizing radiation exposure Journal Articles
- Mitochondrial alterations in photodynamic therapy-resistant cells. Journal Articles
- Mortality and Cancer Frequency Among Military Nuclear Test (Smoky) Participants Journal Articles
- Multiple CT Scans Extend Lifespan by Delaying Cancer Progression in Cancer-Prone Mice Journal Articles
- Paraspinal Synovial Sarcoma as an Unusual Postradiation Complication in Pediatric Abdominal Neuroblastoma Journal Articles
- Proteomic changes in the rat brain induced by homogenous irradiation and by the bystander effect resulting from high energy synchrotron X-ray microbeams Journal Articles
- Radiation exposure from medical imaging: A silent harm? Journal Articles
- Radiation-induced bystander effects, carcinogenesis and models Journal Articles
- Radiation-induced carcinogenesis:Studies using human epithelial cell lines Journal Articles
- Radium in drinking water and risk of bone cancer in Ontario youths: a second study and combined analysis. Journal Articles
- Radium in drinking water and the risk of death from bone cancer among Ontario youths. Journal Articles
- Research strategies for the prevention of early events in human radiation carcinogenesis Report on the 7th LH Gray Workshop held in the Radiation Science Centre, Dublin from 5th-8th December 1996 Journal Articles
- Sebaceous Carcinoma of the Face Following Irradiation Journal Articles
- Second Primary Malignancy Risk After Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Thyroid Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Single CT Scan Prolongs Survival by Extending Cancer Latency inTrp53Heterozygous Mice Journal Articles
- The Adaptive Response Modifies Latency for Radiation-Induced Myeloid Leukemia in CBA/H Mice Journal Articles
- The CGL1 (HeLa × Normal Skin Fibroblast) Human Hybrid Cell Line: A History of Ionizing Radiation Induced Effects on Neoplastic Transformation and Novel Future Directions in SNOLAB Journal Articles
- The First Meeting of the WHO Guideline Development Group for the Revision of the WHO 1999 Guidelines for Iodine Thyroid Blocking Conferences
- The influence of changing dose rate patterns from inhaled beta-gamma emitting radionuclide on lung cancer Journal Articles
- The pathobiology of salivary gland Journal Articles
- Towards a New Concept of Low Dose Journal Articles
- Transcriptomic profiling of gamma ray induced mutants from the CGL1 human hybrid cell system reveals novel insights into the mechanisms of radiation-induced carcinogenesis Journal Articles
- “Self and parent-assessed skin cancer risk factors in school-age children” Journal Articles