Metals, Heavy
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A Test Battery Approach for the Ecotoxicological Evaluation of Estuarine Sediments Journal Articles
A novel biosorbent: characterization of the spent mushroom compost and its application for removal of heavy metals. Journal Articles
A stepwise emission clustering analysis method for analyzing the effects of heavy metal emissions from multiple income groups Journal Articles
An assessment of the pollutant status of surficial sediment in Cork Harbour in the South East of Ireland with particular reference to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Journal Articles
Antioxidant modulation in response to heavy metal induced oxidative stress in Cladophora glomerata. Journal Articles
Assessing multigenerational exposure to metals in elasmobranchs: Maternal transfer of contaminants in a yolk-sac viviparous species Journal Articles
Benthic foraminifera geochemistry as a monitoring tool for heavy metal and phosphorus pollution — A post fish-farm removal case study Journal Articles
Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of potentially toxic elements in the octopus Octopus hubbsorum from the Gulf of California Journal Articles
Body burdens, sources and interrelations of selected toxic and essential elements among the nine Cree First Nations of Eeyou Istchee, James Bay region of northern Quebec, Canada Journal Articles
Circulating metals and persistent organic pollutant concentrations in Canadian and non-Canadian born primiparous women from five Canadian centres: Results of a pilot biomonitoring study Journal Articles
Comments on the paper `Monte Carlo simulation of source-excitedin vivox-ray fluorescence measurements of heavy metals' Journal Articles
Compartmentalization of Metals within the Diverse Colloidal Matrices Comprising Activated Sludge Microbial Flocs Journal Articles
Concentrations and distributions of metals in tissues of stranded green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from the southern Atlantic coast of Brazil Journal Articles
Contrasting reproductive health of female clams Megapitaria squalida from two nearby metal-polluted sites in the Gulf of California: Potential effects of copper, lead, and cobalt Journal Articles
Daphnia need to be gut-cleared too: the effect of exposure to and ingestion of metal-contaminated sediment on the gut-clearance patterns of D. magna Journal Articles
Deoxyribozymes: New players in the ancient game of biocatalysis Journal Articles
Dietary Retinoic Acid Induces Hindlimb and Eye Deformities inXenopus laevis Journal Articles
Dioxin-like compounds and bone quality in Cree women of Eastern James Bay (Canada): a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Diversity of Integron- and Culture-Associated Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Freshwater Floc Journal Articles
Effects of EDTA on adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) by soil minerals in low-permeability layers: batch experiments and microscopic characterization Journal Articles
Effects of Subchronic Exposure to a Complex Mixture of Persistent Contaminants in Male Rats: Systemic, Immune, and Reproductive Effects Journal Articles
Effects of blood metal(loid) concentrations on genomic damages in sharks Journal Articles
Elemental analysis in living human subjects using biomedical devices Journal Articles
Elements in placenta and pregnancy outcome in arctic and subarctic areas Journal Articles
Environmentally Relevant Mixed Exposures To Radiation And Heavy Metals Induce Measurable Stress Responses In Atlantic Salmon Journal Articles
Exposure of a Cree Population Living near Mine Tailings in Northern Quebec (Canada) to Metals and Metalloids Journal Articles
Factor analysis of essential and toxic elements in human placentas from deliveries in artic and subarctic areas of Russia and Norway Journal Articles
Genotoxicity of field‐collected inter‐tidal sediments from Cork Harbor, Ireland, to juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) as measured by the Comet assay Journal Articles
Health condition of Chelonia mydas from a foraging area affected by the tailings of a collapsed dam in southeast Brazil Journal Articles
Heavy metals of relevance to human health induce genomic instability Journal Articles
Human health and environmental risk assessment of metals in community gardens of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Journal Articles
Human health risk assessment of metals and arsenic via consumption of commercial bivalves in the Gulf of California, Mexico Journal Articles
Intercommunity and temporal variation of eleven essential and five toxic elements in human placentas from deliveries in thirteen arctic and sub-arctic areas of Russia and Norway Journal Articles
Marine shrimps as biomonitors of the Fundão (Brazil) mine dam disaster: A multi-biomarker approach Journal Articles
Metal accumulation and expression of genes encoding for metallothionein and copper transporters in a chronically exposed wild population of the fish Hyphessobrycon luetkenii Journal Articles
Metal contamination in threatened elasmobranchs from an impacted urban coast Journal Articles
Mixed metal oxide anodes used for the electrochemical degradation of a real mixed industrial wastewater Journal Articles
Monte Carlo simulation of source-excitedin vivox-ray fluorescence measurements of heavy metals Journal Articles
Multi-component assessment of worker exposures in a copper refinery : Part 2. Biological exposure indices for copper, nickel and cobalt Journal Articles
Physiological damages of Sargassum cymosum and Hypnea pseudomusciformis exposed to trace metals from mining tailing Journal Articles
Recovery of Smelter-Impacted Peat and Sphagnum Moss: a Microbial Perspective Journal Articles
Self-reported ethnic status of delivering women, newborn body mass index, blood or urine concentrations of toxic metals, and essential elements in sera of Norwegian and Russian Arctic populations. Journal Articles
Sequence Diversity, Metal Specificity, and Catalytic Proficiency of Metal-Dependent Phosphorylating DNA Enzymes Journal Articles
Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in Canadian Arctic freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems: a review Journal Articles
Speciation of heavy metals in coastal sediments of Semarang, Indonesia Journal Articles
Temporal and spatial variations in metals and arsenic contamination in water, sediment and biota of freshwater, marine and coastal environments after the Fundão dam failure Journal Articles
The potential use of Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) for monitoring estuarine pollution Journal Articles
Trace Element and Heavy Metal Levels in Colorectal Cancer: Comparison Between Cancerous and Non-cancerous Tissues Journal Articles
Trachemys dorbigni as a metal(loid) bioindicator: a study in rural and urban areas. Journal Articles
[Study progress on determination of environmental trace toxicants by immunosensor]. Journal Articles
β-Galactosidase-Based Colorimetric Paper Sensor for Determination of Heavy Metals Journal Articles