subject area of
- A cost‐effectiveness evaluation of platelet crossmatching and HLA matching in the management of alloimmunized thrombocytopenic patients Journal Articles
- Allergen isoforms for immunotherapy: diversity, degeneracy and promiscuity Journal Articles
- Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: a pilot study of the Canadian Bone Marrow Transplant Group. Journal Articles
- Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia after Organ Transplantation Journal Articles
- Alteration of the HL-A Antigenic site in Situ Journal Articles
- An Apparent Lack of HLA Restriction in the Stimulation of Granulocyte‐Macrophage Colony Formation from Normal Human Null Cells by Helper T Lymphocytes Journal Articles
- Analysis of the common genetic component of large-vessel vasculitides through a meta-Immunochip strategy Journal Articles
- Are animal models useful or confusing in understanding the human feto-maternal relationship? A debate Journal Articles
- Chronic Graft Versus Host Disease Is Associated With an Immune Response to Autologous Human Leukocyte Antigen–Derived Peptides Journal Articles
- Common ground: shared risk factors for type 1 diabetes and celiac disease Journal Articles
- Concept and design of a genome-wide association genotyping array tailored for transplantation-specific studies Journal Articles
- Discovering Misattributed Paternity in Living Kidney Donation: Prevalence, Preference, and Practice Journal Articles
- Epitope discovery in West Nile virus infection: Identification and immune recognition of viral epitopes Journal Articles
- Factors associated with anti-human leukocyte antigen antibodies in patients supported with continuous-flow devices and effect on probability of transplant and post-transplant outcomes Journal Articles
- Formation of anti–platelet factor 4/heparin antibodies after cardiac surgery: Influence of perioperative platelet activation, the inflammatory response, and histocompatibility leukocyte antigen status Journal Articles
- Genetic Susceptibility to West Nile Virus and Dengue Journal Articles
- Genetic predisposition to vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Journal Articles
- Germline variation in inflammation-related pathways and risk of Barrett's oesophagus and oesophageal adenocarcinoma Journal Articles
- Gold induced thrombocytopenia: platelet associated IgG and HLA typing in three patients. Journal Articles
- HLA Variation and SARS-CoV-2 Specific Antibody Response Journal Articles
- HLA and urolithiasis Journal Articles
- HLA typing in actinic prurigo Journal Articles
- HLA-B8 and erythema nodosum. Journal Articles
- HLA-restricted lymphoproliferative responses to MN blood group determinants Journal Articles
- HLA-restricted responses to M and N determinants in the primed lymphocyte test Journal Articles
- HLA‐G Finally Does Something! Journal Articles
- HL‐A8 and LD‐8a in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis Journal Articles
- Hard Science Versus Phenomenology in Reproductive Immunology Journal Articles
- Histocompatibility studies in recurrent spontaneous abortion Journal Articles
- Human Leukocyte Antigen‐G: New Roles for Old? Journal Articles
- Immune Sensitization and Mortality in Wait-Listed Kidney Transplant Candidates Journal Articles
- Immunochip Analysis Identifies Multiple Susceptibility Loci for Systemic Sclerosis Journal Articles
- Influence of One Human Leukocyte Antigen Mismatch on Outcome of Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation from Related Donors Journal Articles
- Intersecting Worlds of Transfusion and Transplantation Medicine: An International Symposium Organized by the Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation Journal Articles
- Lysis of CD4+ lymphocytes by non-HLA-restricted cytotoxic T lymphoe from HIV-infected individuals Journal Articles
- Neonatal cytomegalovirus infections: the relative role of neonatal blood transfusion and maternal exposure. Journal Articles
- Parentage testing implications of male fertility after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation Journal Articles
- Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis presenting in an adult. Journal Articles
- Pharmacological approaches in celiac disease Journal Articles
- Phenotypic characterization of human bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage forming progenitor cells Journal Articles
- Poor outcome after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation of patients with unclassified inherited bone marrow failure syndromes Journal Articles
- Production in vitro of antibodies directed against alloantigen-specific recognition sites on T cells and on lymphocytotoxic HLA antibodies. Journal Articles
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the ERAP1 Gene and Risk of NSCLC: A Comparison of Genetically Distant Populations, Chinese and Caucasian. Conferences
- Study of alleles of the second complement component (C2) on Canadian HLA haplotypes Journal Articles
- The Effectiveness of Allogeneic Leukocyte Immunization in Unexplained Primary Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion Journal Articles
- The Efficacy of Leukodepletion to Improve Platelet Transfusion Response: A Critical Appraisal of Clinical Studies Journal Articles
- The HL‐A Type of Rg(a–) Individuals Journal Articles
- The Memory T Cell Response to West Nile Virus in Symptomatic Humans following Natural Infection Is Not Influenced by Age and Is Dominated by a Restricted Set of CD8+ T Cell Epitopes Journal Articles
- The effectiveness of allogeneic leukocyte immunization in unexplained primary recurrent spontaneous abortion. Recurrent Miscarriage Immunotherapy Trialists Group. Journal Articles
- The hemochromatosis gene. Journal Articles
- The influence of lymphocyte counts and disease progression on circulating and inducible anti-HIV-1 cytotoxic T-cell activity in HIV-1-infected subjects Journal Articles
- The leukodepletion of cellular blood products in the prevention of HLA- alloimmunization and refractoriness to allogeneic platelet transfusions [editorial] Journal Articles
- The musculoskeletal manifestations of cystic fibrosis Journal Articles
- The relationship among platelet-associated IgG, platelet lifespan, and reticuloendothelial cell function Journal Articles
- Tolerance Signaling Molecules Journal Articles
- [Prevention of platelet transfusion refractoriness and HLA alloimmunization by leukocyte filtered platelet transfusion: a meta analysis]. Journal Articles