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A Single Intramuscular Injection with an Adenovirus- Expressing IL-12 Protects BALB/c Mice AgainstLeishmania majorInfection, While Treatment with an IL-4-Expressing Vector Increases Disease Susceptibility in B10.D2 Mice Journal Articles
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Intralesional Versus Wide Resection for Intramedullary Grade I Chondrosarcoma of the Extremities Journal Articles
A systematic review of psychometric evaluations of outcome assessments for complex regional pain syndrome Journal Articles
Acute Hepatic Necrosis and Ischemic Limb Necrosis Journal Articles
Age-related differences and the role of augmented visual feedback in learning a bimanual coordination pattern Journal Articles
Antiphospholipid Syndrome During Septic Shock: Hyper- or Hypocoagulability?: A Case Report Journal Articles
Are entrenched characters developmentally constrained? Creating biramous limbs in an insect Journal Articles
Assessing Limb Outcomes in Drug Trials in Peripheral Artery Disease: The Need for a Universal and Pragmatic Definition Journal Articles
CORR Insights®: Soft Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities: What Is the Value of Treating at High-volume Centers? Journal Articles
Changes in cyclic GMP levels during forelimb regeneration in adult notophthalmus viridescens Journal Articles
Combination Radioprotectors Maintain Proliferation Better than Single Agents by Decreasing Early Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein Changes after Growth Plate Irradiation Journal Articles
Competitive reinnervation of salamander skin by regenerating and intact mechanosensory nerves Journal Articles
Conditional Survival-Based “Abbreviated” Routine Cancer Surveillance for Pathologic Stage IB Melanoma Journal Articles
Correlation of L-Dex Bioimpedance Spectroscopy with Limb Volume and Lymphatic Function in Lymphedema Journal Articles
De Novo Mutations in NALCN Cause a Syndrome Characterized by Congenital Contractures of the Limbs and Face, Hypotonia, and Developmental Delay Journal Articles
Development of New Reconstructive Techniques: Use of Integra in Combination with Fibrin Glue and Negative-Pressure Therapy for Reconstruction of Acute and Chronic Wounds Journal Articles
Development of rat muscle during short- and long-term hindlimb suspension Journal Articles
Differences in Skeletal Muscle Fiber Characteristics Between Affected and Nonaffected Limbs in Individuals With Stroke: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Dissociable contributions of motor-execution and action-observation to intramanual transfer Journal Articles
Does limb partitioning and positioning affect acute cardiorespiratory responses during strength exercises in patients with COPD? Journal Articles
Domains and mechanosensory nerve fields in salamander skin Journal Articles
Electrical muscle stimulation after immediate nerve repair reduces muscle atrophy without affecting reinnervation Journal Articles
Electrical properties of muscle fibre membranes in man. Journal Articles
Evidence for canalization of Distal‐less function in the leg of Drosophila melanogaster Journal Articles
Evolution of
sex comb length illustrates the inextricable interplay between selection and variation Journal Articles
External validation of the SORG machine learning for 90-day and 1-year mortality in patients suffering from extremity metastatic disease in an European cohort of 174 patients. Journal Articles
Extremity Mobilization After Split-Thickness Skin Graft Application: A Survey of Current Burn Surgeon Practices. Journal Articles
Functional compensation in partially denervated muscles Journal Articles
Gender differences in strength and muscle fiber characteristics Journal Articles
Gunslinger Effect and Müller-Lyer Illusion: Examining Early Visual Information Processing for Late Limb-Target Control Journal Articles
Health-related quality of life following treatment for extremity soft tissue sarcoma Journal Articles
Heparin-Induced thrombocytopenia: IgG-Mediated platelet activation, platelet microparticle generation, and altered procoagulant/anticoagulant balance in the pathogenesis of thrombosis and venous limb gangrene complicating heparin-Induced thrombocytopenia Journal Articles
Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia‐associated thrombosis: from arterial to venous to venous limb gangrene Journal Articles
How Many Patients? How Many Limbs? Analysis of Patients or Limbs in the Orthopaedic Literature: A Systematic Review Journal Articles
Idiopathic gangrene in African children. Journal Articles
Imaging of childhood angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma with pathological correlation Journal Articles
Impaired microvascular perfusion in sepsis requires activated coagulation and P-selectin-mediated platelet adhesion in capillaries Journal Articles
Insulin signaling and limb-patterning: candidate pathways for the origin and evolutionary diversification of beetle ‘horns’ Journal Articles
Intensive morphometric analysis of enormous alterations in skeletal bone system with micro-CT for AHNAK−/− mice Journal Articles
Interlimb Transfer after Adaptation to Visual Displacement: Patterns Predicted from the Functional Closeness of Limb Neural Control Centres Journal Articles
Intraoperative anticoagulation and limb amputations in patients with immune heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia who require vascular surgery Journal Articles
Ischemic Limb Gangrene with Pulses Journal Articles
Ischemic Limb Gangrene with Pulses Journal Articles
Ischemic limb necrosis in septic shock: What is the role of high‐dose vasopressor therapy? Journal Articles
Levels of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP in regenerating forelimbs of adult newts following denervation Journal Articles
Limb defects in homozygous α-thalassemia: Report of three cases Journal Articles
Limb distribution, motor impairment, and functional classification of cerebral palsy Journal Articles
Management of infected extremity endoprostheses: a systematic review Journal Articles
Merkel cells as targets of the mechanosensory nerves in salamander skin Journal Articles
Mice with a Targeted Mutation of Patched2 Are Viable but Develop Alopecia and Epidermal Hyperplasia Journal Articles
Microvascular Thrombosis and Ischaemic Limb Losses in Critically Ill Patients Journal Articles
Mutual regulation of the Drosophila disconnected (disco) and Distal-less (Dll) genes contributes to proximal-distal patterning of antenna and leg Journal Articles
Noradrenaline and cyclic AMP—independent growth stimulation in newt limb blastemata Journal Articles
On the Impossibility of Trigger Point–Acupoint Equivalence: A Commentary on Peter Dorsher's Analysis Journal Articles
Partial purification of a low‐molecular‐weight growth factor from chicken brain Journal Articles
Pathologic Fracture in Osteosarcoma Journal Articles
Perception-action and the M�ller-Lyer illusion: amplitude or endpoint bias? Journal Articles
Physician Pain Reminder as an Intervention to Enhance Analgesia for Extremity and Clavicle Injuries in Pediatric Emergency Journal Articles
Potato Protein Isolate Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis at Rest and with Resistance Exercise in Young Women Journal Articles
Predicting and Preventing Loss to Follow-up of Adult Trauma Patients in Randomized Controlled Trials Journal Articles
Proximodistal subdivision ofDrosophilalegs and wings: theelbow-no ocelligene complex Journal Articles
Shock, acute disseminated intravascular coagulation, and microvascular thrombosis: is ‘shock liver’ the unrecognized provocateur of ischemic limb necrosis: reply Journal Articles
Shock, acute disseminated intravascular coagulation, and microvascular thrombosis: is ‘shock liver’ the unrecognized provocateur of ischemic limb necrosis? Journal Articles
Should vitamin K be administered when HIT is diagnosed after administration of coumarin? Journal Articles
Skin Antisepsis before Surgical Fixation of Extremity Fractures Journal Articles
Study protocol for two complementary trials of non-steroidal or opioid analgesia use for children aged 6 to 17 years with musculoskeletal injuries (the No OUCH study) Journal Articles
Telomerase Mediates Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-dependent Responsiveness in a Rat Model of Hind Limb Ischemia Journal Articles
The Pediatric Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (pTESS): Validation of a Self-reported Functional Outcomes Tool for Children with Extremity Tumors Journal Articles
The Pediatric Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (pTESS): Validation of a Self-reported Functional Outcomes Tool for Children with Extremity Tumors. Journal Articles
The Surveillance After Extremity Tumor Surgery (SAFETY) trial: protocol for a pilot study to determine the feasibility of a multi-centre randomised controlled trial Journal Articles
The multiple process model of goal-directed aiming/reaching: insights on limb control from various special populations Journal Articles
The numbers and relative sizes of motor units estimated by Computer Journal Articles
The type 1 submovement conundrum: an investigation into the function of velocity zero-crossings within two-component aiming movements Journal Articles
Tourniquet use for peripheral vascular injuries in the civilian setting Journal Articles
Transitions sit to stand and stand to sit in persons post-stroke: Path of centre of mass, pelvic and limb loading – A pilot study Journal Articles
Ultrasound-Guided Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Pathology Journal Articles
Validation of surrogate limb analysis for body composition in children by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) Journal Articles
Variation and Evolution of Male Sex Combs in Drosophila: Nature of Selection Response and Theories of Genetic Variation for Sexual Traits Journal Articles