subject area of
- An adrenal-mediated, naloxone-reversible increase in reaction time in the tail-flick test following intrathecal administration of substance p at the lower thoracic spinal level in the rat Journal Articles
- Antinociceptive effects of intrathecally administered human β-endorphin in the rat and cat Journal Articles
- Brain opioid receptors in the hibernating bat, Myotis lucifugus: Modification by low temperature and comparison with rat, mouse and hamster Journal Articles
- CD4+ T-Cell Modulation of Visceral Nociception in Mice Journal Articles
- Circulating opioids: Possible physiological roles in central nervous function Journal Articles
- Comparative Aspects of Mast Cell Heterogeneity in Different Species and Sites Journal Articles
- Comparative pharmacological properties and functional coupling of mu and delta opioid receptor sites in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Journal Articles
- Diurnal variation in excitation of dorsal horn units by naloxone in the spinal cat suggests a circulating opioid factor Journal Articles
- Effect of opioid peptides onl-noradrenaline-stimulated cyclic AMP formation in homogenates of rat cerebral cortex and hypothalamus Journal Articles
- Identification of mechanisms and sites of actions of mu and delta opioid receptor activation in the canine intestine. Journal Articles
- Mast cell heterogeneity Journal Articles
- Neural mediation of the cardiovascular responses to intrathecal administration of substance P in the rat: Slowing of the cardioacceleration by an adrenal opioid factor Journal Articles
- Neuropeptides in Alzheimer's Disease: Clinical implications Journal Articles
- Noxious peripheral stimulation produces antinociception mediated via substance P and opioid mechanisms in the rat tail-flick test Journal Articles
- Opioidergic Control of Luteinizing Hormone Release in the Female Rabbit: Influence of Ovariectomy and Steroid Replacement on Pulsatile Secretion1 Journal Articles
- Opioidergic control of gonadotropin secretion in the female rabbit: divergent effects of morphine on secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone Journal Articles
- Opioidergic control of luteinizing hormone secretion in the female rabbit: influence of age on the response to naloxone Journal Articles
- Pathogenesis of Spinal Cord Injury and Newer Treatments Journal Articles
- Relation of Substance P to Pain Transmission: Neurophysiological Evidence Journal Articles
- Role of Circulating Opioids in the Modulation of Paina Journal Articles
- Roles of peptides in central transmission: substance P, bradykinin and B-endorphin. Journal Articles
- Sexual behavior decreases pain sensitivity and stimulates endogenous opioids in male rats Journal Articles
- The effect of enkephalins on the intramural inhibitory non-adrenergic nerve responses of smooth muscle Journal Articles