subject area of
- A novel mechanism of erythrocyte capture from circulation in humans Journal Articles
- A patient-derived cellular model for Huntington’s disease reveals phenotypes at clinically relevant CAG lengths Journal Articles
- ATM kinase enables the functional axis of YAP, PML and p53 to ameliorate loss of Werner protein-mediated oncogenic senescence Journal Articles
- Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of the tumor suppressor, p53, induces apoptosis in postmitotic neurons. Journal Articles
- Arginine Methylation Regulates Telomere Length and Stability Journal Articles
- Association Between Shortened Leukocyte Telomere Length and Cardiometabolic Outcomes Journal Articles
- Biomarkers of aging Journal Articles
- Bleomycin-treated myoblasts undergo p21-associated cellular senescence and have severely impaired differentiation Journal Articles
- CHIP Deficiency Decreases Longevity, with Accelerated Aging Phenotypes Accompanied by Altered Protein Quality Control Journal Articles
- HSP90 inhibition alters the chemotherapy-driven rearrangement of the oncogenic secretome Journal Articles
- Human XPF controls TRF2 and telomere length maintenance through distinctive mechanisms Journal Articles
- Induced p21waf expression in H1299 cell line promotes cell senescence and protects against cytotoxic effect of radiation and doxorubicin Journal Articles
- Induced p53 expression in lung cancer cell line promotes cell senescence and differentially modifies the cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs Journal Articles
- Loss of dystrophin expression in skeletal muscle is associated with senescence of macrophages and endothelial cells Journal Articles
- Methylated TRF2 associates with the nuclear matrix and serves as a potential biomarker for cellular senescence Journal Articles
- Muscle injury induces a transient senescence‐like state that is required for myofiber growth during muscle regeneration Journal Articles
- Protumorigenic effects of mir-145 loss in malignant pleural mesothelioma Journal Articles
- Pulmonary infection by SARS-CoV-2 induces senescence accompanied by an inflammatory phenotype in severe COVID-19: possible implications for viral mutagenesis Journal Articles
- Purine nucleosides and nucleotides stimulate proliferation of a wide range of cell types Journal Articles
- Reduced host cell reactivation of oxidatively damaged DNA in ageing human fibroblasts Journal Articles
- Role of muscle stem cells in sarcopenia Journal Articles
- SASP mediates chemoresistance and tumor-initiating-activity of mesothelioma cells Journal Articles
- Senescent myoblasts exhibit an altered exometabolome that is linked to senescence-associated secretory phenotype signaling. Journal Articles
- Shortened telomere length in bipolar disorder: a comparison of the early and late stages of disease Journal Articles
- Telomerase activity in human ovarian carcinoma. Journal Articles
- Telomerase activity in normal leukocytes and in hematologic malignancies Journal Articles
- Telomerase, Cell Immortality, and Cancer Journal Articles
- Telomere Length, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and BDNF Levels in Siblings of Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Implications for Accelerated Cellular Aging Journal Articles
- Telomere elongation in immortal human cells without detectable telomerase activity. Journal Articles
- Telomere maintenance in tumour cells. Journal Articles
- Telomere shortening associated with chromosome instability is arrested in immortal cells which express telomerase activity. Journal Articles
- Telomere-dependent senescence Journal Articles
- The Hayflick Limit May Determine the Effective Clonal Diversity of Naive T Cells Journal Articles
- The senescent microenvironment promotes the emergence of heterogeneous cancer stem-like cells Journal Articles
- The telomerase tale in vascular aging: regulation by estrogens and nitric oxide signaling Journal Articles
- What have we learned from basic science studies on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? Journal Articles
- p53: The pivot between cell cycle arrest and senescence Journal Articles