Burnout, Professional
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CJEMDebate Series: #Burnout – Burnout is inevitable in clinical emergency medicine practice Journal Articles
A Longitudinal Survey on Canadian Emergency Physician Burnout Journal Articles
A cross-sectional study of emotional intelligence in baccalaureate nursing students Journal Articles
A cross-sectional survey of the mental health of midwives in Ontario, Canada: Burnout, depression, anxiety, stress, and associated factors Journal Articles
A mixed-method study exploring barriers and facilitators to midwives’ mental health in Ontario Journal Articles
A prospective intervention to improve happiness and reduce burnout in oncologists Journal Articles
A qualitative investigation of burnout and well-being among faculty and residents in a Canadian psychiatry department Journal Articles
Addressing the health human resources crisis: Strategies for retaining women health care professionals in organizations Journal Articles
Bridging the gap: Responding to resident burnout and restoring well-being Journal Articles
Building physician resilience. Journal Articles
Burnout among doctors in residency training in a tertiary hospital Journal Articles
Burnout among public health workers in Canada: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Burnout and depression among Canadian emergency physicians Journal Articles
Burnout, depression, life and job satisfaction among Canadian emergency physicians Journal Articles
Canadian Career Firefighters’ Mental Health Impacts and Priorities Journal Articles
Canadian emergency medicine physician burnout: a survey of Canadian emergency physicians during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Cancer care workers in Ontario: prevalence of burnout, job stress and job satisfaction. Journal Articles
Challenges and potential solutions for physician suicide risk factors in the COVID-19 era: psychiatric comorbidities, judicialization of medicine, and burnout Journal Articles
Consequences of vicarious traumatization among mental health service providers with a history of child maltreatment: A narrative review. Journal Articles
Coping modeling problem solving versus mastery modeling: Effects on adherence, in-session process, and skill acquisition in a residential parent-training program. Journal Articles
Determinants of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction among Supervisory and Non-Supervisory Employees in a Large Canadian Teaching Hospital Journal Articles
Determinants of burnout in Canadian health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Do we overdramatize family physician burnout?: NO. Journal Articles
Dreams that lie in tatters: the changing fortunes of nurses who left the British NHS to own and run residential homes for elderly people Journal Articles
Effect of Flexible Family Visitation on Delirium Among Patients in the Intensive Care Unit Journal Articles
Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Plus Standard Care vs Standard Care Alone for the Treatment of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout Among Frontline Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal Articles
Evaluating a group-based Yoga of Stress Resilience programme: a pragmatic before–after interventional study protocol Journal Articles
Even if you build it, they may not come: challenges in the uptake of workplace mental health toolkits. Journal Articles
Experiences and Benefits of Volunteering in a Community AIDS Organization Journal Articles
Explaining Work Exhaustion From a Coping Theory Perspective: Roles of Techno-Stressors and Technology-Specific Coping Strategies. Journal Articles
Five hats of effective leaders: teacher, mentor, coach, supervisor and sponsor Journal Articles
Formal mentorship in a surgical residency training program: a prospective interventional study Journal Articles
Gender differences in career satisfaction, moral distress, and incivility: a national, cross-sectional survey of Canadian critical care physicians Journal Articles
Global prevalence of burnout among postgraduate medical trainees: a systematic review and meta-regression Journal Articles
Impacts of morally distressing experiences on the mental health of Canadian health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal Articles
Improving physician well-being: lessons from palliative care Journal Articles
Job Stress and Burnout Among Canadian Managers and Nurses: An Empirical Examination Journal Articles
Job Stress and Job Dissatisfaction of Home Care Workers in the Context of Health Care Restructuring Journal Articles
Job satisfaction, stress, and burnout among Canadian gynecologic oncologists Journal Articles
Job stress and job satisfaction of cancer care workers Journal Articles
Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout. Journal Articles
Mapping the peer-reviewed literature on accommodating nurses’ return to work after leaves of absence for mental health issues: a scoping review Journal Articles
Nature and Impact of Grief Over Patient Loss on Oncologists' Personal and Professional Lives Journal Articles
Nurses Navigating Mental Health During Uncharted Times: Self, Others, Systems (S.O.S)! Journal Articles
Occupational Violence at Lebanese Emergency Departments: Prevalence, Characteristics and Associated Factors Journal Articles
Occupational mental health: a study of work-related depression among nurses in the Caribbean Journal Articles
Paid work, unpaid work and social support: A study of the health of male and female nurses Journal Articles
Past the tipping point: Understanding and addressing burnout among nursing students Journal Articles
Pressures in the Ivory Tower: An Empirical Study of Burnout Scores among Nursing Faculty Journal Articles
Prevalence and Workplace Drivers of Burnout in Cancer Care Physicians in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Psychosocial effects of SARS on hospital staff: survey of a large tertiary care institution Journal Articles
Rebuttal: do we overdramatize family physician burnout?: NO. Journal Articles
Resident Burnout on the Internal Medicine Ward Journal Articles
Resident Support Network: a supportive approach to resident physician wellness Journal Articles
Retaining nurses in their employing hospitals and in the profession: Effects of job preference, unpaid overtime, importance of earnings and stress Journal Articles
Speaking up. Journal Articles
Stress, burnout, and strategies for reducing them: what’s the situation among Canadian family physicians? Journal Articles
The Impact of Re-Engineering and Other Cost Reduction Strategies on the Staff of a Large Teaching Hospital Journal Articles
The Relationship of Safety with Burnout for Mobile Health Employees Journal Articles
The effects of stress on oncology staff. Journal Articles
The impact of ERI, burnout, and caring for SARS patients on hospital nurses' self-reported compliance with infection control. Journal Articles
The retention of health human resources in primary healthcare centers in Lebanon: a national survey Journal Articles
The role of organizational context and individual nurse characteristics in explaining variation in use of information technologies in evidence based practice Journal Articles
Therapist Awareness and Responsibility in Working With Sexual Offenders Journal Articles
Understanding the mental health and intention to leave of the public health workforce in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Journal Articles
Vicarious Traumatization Journal Articles
Virtuous laughter: we should teach medical learners the art of humor Journal Articles
Wellness and Coping of Physicians Who Worked in ICUs During the Pandemic: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional North American Survey* Journal Articles
What Do Residents Want from Wellness? A Needs Assessment of Psychiatry Residents to Inform a Residency Wellness Strategy Journal Articles
Whose life is it anyway? An exploration of five contemporary ethical issues that pertain to the psychiatric nursing care of the person who is suicidal: Part one Journal Articles
[Wrong focus in the debate on burnout]. Journal Articles
“I don’t know if I can keep doing this”: a qualitative investigation of surgeon burnout and opportunities for organization-level improvement Journal Articles
“I feel broken”: Chronicling burnout, mental health, and the limits of individual resilience in nursing Journal Articles