subject area of
- A novel O2-sensing mechanism in rat glossopharyngeal neurones mediated by a halothane-inhibitable background K+ conductance Journal Articles
- Abnormal platelet function and arachidonate metabolism in chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Journal Articles
- Antiplatelet Agents: Rationale and Results Journal Articles
- Arachidonate induced fibrinogen binding to thrombin degranulated platelets is independent of released ADP Other
- Arachidonic acid stimulates steroidogenesis in goldfish preovulatory ovarian follicles Journal Articles
- Cardiovascular and airway relaxant activities of peony root extract Journal Articles
- Control of human airway smooth muscle: in vitro studies Journal Articles
- Differences in inhibition of PGI2 production by aspirin in rabbit artery and vein segments Journal Articles
- Effect of inhibitors of the arachidonate pathway on the release of granule contents from rabbit platelets adherent collagen \textbar Request PDF Other
- Effect of the concentration of Ca2+ in the suspending medium on the responses of human and rabbit platelets to aggregating agents Journal Articles
- Effects of Ethanol on Pathways of Platelet Aggregation In Vitro Journal Articles
- Effects of Tris on Responses of Human and Rabbit Platelets to Aggregating Agents Journal Articles
- Effects of inhibition of thromboxane A2 synthesis in aspirin-induced asthma. Journal Articles
- Effects of some isoprostanes on the human umbilical artery in vitro Journal Articles
- Eicosanoid interactions in the canine proximal colon Journal Articles
- Endocannabinoid concentrations in major depression: effects of childhood maltreatment and relation to hippocampal volume. Journal Articles
- Endothelial Cells Produce a Lipoxygenase Derived Chemo-Repellent which Influences Platelet/Endothelial Cell Interactions – Effect of Aspirin and Salicylate Journal Articles
- Functional abnormalities in the intestine associated with mucosal mast cell activation. Journal Articles
- In Vitro and in Vivo Functions of Thrombin-Treated Platelets \textbar Request PDF Journal Articles
- Mast cell involvement in various inflammatory processes. Journal Articles
- Mechanism of platelet shape change, aggregation, and release induced by collagen, thrombin, or A23,187 \textbar Request PDF Other
- Mediators of acute lung injury in endotoxaemia. Journal Articles
- Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
- Myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms and arachidonate metabolites in bronchial muscle response to allergen Journal Articles
- Pathways responsible for platelet hypersensitivity in rats with diabetes. I. Streptozocin-induced diabetes Other
- Pathways responsible for platelet hypersensitivity in rats with diabetes. II. Spontaneous diabetes in BB Wistar rats Other
- Pharmacological characterization of airway smooth muscle responses to antigen in ascaris-sensitive dogs Journal Articles
- Platelets, endothelium, and vessel injury Other
- Properties of Washed Human Platelets Journal Articles
- Prostaglandins and Platelets Journal Articles
- Prostaglandins and myogenic control of tension in lower esophageal sphincter Journal Articles
- Role of endogenous prostaglandins in regulating the tone of opossum lower esophageal sphincter Journal Articles
- Sensitivity of rabbit platelet and aortic cyclooxygenase to inhibition by aspirin Journal Articles
- Shortening of the Bleeding Time in Rabbits by Hydrocortisone Caused by Inhibition of Prostacyclin Generation by the Vessel Wall Journal Articles
- Sodium Arachidonate Can Induce Platelet Shape Change and Aggregation Which Are Independent of the Release Reaction Journal Articles
- Studies of the mechanism of passive anaphylaxis in human airway smooth muscle Journal Articles
- Synergism between platelet aggregating agents: The role of the arachidonate pathway Journal Articles
- The effect of phospholipase inhibitor mepacrine on platelet aggregation, the platelet release reaction and fibrinogen binding to the platelet surface Other
- The inhibitory effects of exogenous arachidonic acid on rabbit platelet aggregation and the release reaction Journal Articles
- Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and the Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Journal Articles
- Uncontrolled PGI2 production by whole vessel wall segments due to thrombin generation and its prevention by heparin Journal Articles