selected scholarly activity
- Thermal Pyrolysis Of Used Tires: The Effect of Plasma Torch Power and Plasma Gases. Proceeding of Progress in Plasma Processing of Materials 1997. 403-410. 2023
- Implementation of Solar Salt as Fluid in ASYST4.1 and Validation for a Natural Circulation Loop. Volume 2: Nuclear Fuels, Research, and Fuel Cycle; Nuclear Codes and Standards; Thermal-Hydraulics. 2021
- PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THE NEA FHR BENCHMARK PHASE I-A AND I-B (FUEL ELEMENT 2-D BENCHMARK). Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2021. 1924-1933. 2021
- Comparison of the Subchannel Code CTF to Steady-State and Transient Heat Transfer Experiments at Intermediate Pressures in Water. Nuclear Technology. 364-376. 2019
- Important issues in validation of computational fluid dynamics codes against CFD grade experimental results. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019. 3978-3988. 2019
- Preliminary results on the development of a fast-neutron tomography system for void fraction distribution measurements. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019. 3989-4003. 2019
- Axial Flux Wire Measurements at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor. Volume 9: Student Paper Competition. V009T16A086-V009T16A086. 2018
- A review of CHF in tube bundles for future experiments. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Development of a time average candu-9 diffusion model using the PARCS diffusion code. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Fast neutron computed tomography early results. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Fast neutron computed tomography for phase distribution visualization. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Impact of nuclear data uncertainty on time-average CANDU-9 core models. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Impact of nuclear data uncertainty on time-average models of CANDU-9. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Non-stereoscopic PIV measurement sensitivity to experimental parameters. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Verification of optimum energy group structure for the Canadian PT-SCWR with PARCS diffusion analysis. The Nuclear Future: Challenges and Innovaion - 38th Annual CNS Conference and 42nd CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2018
- Benchmarking of thetransient reactor physics simulation code: G4-Stork. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Comparative reactor physics study on accident-tolerant fuel for the Candu reactor. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Investigation of the lattice physics phenomena in the Canadian PT-SCWR within some perturbed scenarios. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Measurement and simulation of dividing manifolds for moderator flow test facility. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Measurement and simulation of manifold flow distributions in nuclear reactor applications. 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2017. 2017
- Optimization approach of energy group structure for the Canadian pressure tube supercritical water reactor. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Preliminary flux measurements at the mcmaster nuclear reactor. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Reactivity initiated accident for the Canadian SCWR. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Sensitivity studies for the station blackout accident with crash-cooldown at a generic 900MW CANDU reactor. 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference. 2017
- Test facility design for the measurement and modelling of candu reactor moderator flow and temperature distributions. 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2017. 2017
- COUPLING RELAP5 AND PRESSURE TUBE DEFORMATION MODELS TO ANALYZE THE THERMAL-MECHANICAL PHENOMENA IN CANDU SEVERE ACCIDENTS. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Equilibrium cycle of the Canadian SCWR with bulk and spatial reactivity control. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Importance of coolant densities in TRITON self-shielding calculations for the Canadian SCWR. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Loss of coolant accident simulation with RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD4 for the Canadian supercritical water-cooled reactor. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Measurement of transient critical heat flux in a heated tube at intermediate pressures in water. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Mechanistic modelling of station blackout accidents for a generic 900MW CANDU plant using the modified SCDAP/RELAP5 code. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- The effect of dancoff equivalent pitch on voided CANDU and SCWR lattice cells. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- A Benchmark Comparison of the Canadian Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR) 64-Element Fuel Lattice Cell Parameters using Various Computer Codes. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 422-441. 2015
- Control blade pattern optimization using evolutionary algorithm for the Canadian SCWR. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1200-1206. 2015
- INuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for the Canadian supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) 64 - Element fresh fuel lattice cell. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1207-1212. 2015
- Prediction of response of the Canadian super critical water reactor to potential loss of forced flow scenarios 2014
- Assessment of a transuranic mixed oxide fuelled CANDU reactor. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 341-359. 2013
- Description and Results of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Physics Code Benchmark for the Canadian Pressure Tube Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor (PT-SCWR). Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 131-145. 2013
- Lessons Learned for Participation in Recent OECD-NEA Reactor Physics and Thermalhydraulic Benchmarks. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 585-595. 2013
- Uncertainty in Reactor Lattice Physics Calculations The Effect of Dilution on the Covariance of Multigroup Cross Sections. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 1095-1099. 2013
- Uncertainty in Reactor lattice physics calculations the effect of dilution on the covariance of multigroup cross sections. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 943-953. 2013
- The behaviour of transuranic mixed oxide fuel in a Candu-900 reactor. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012, PHYSOR 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics. 1710-1725. 2012
- Analysis of the impact of coolant density variations in the high efficiency channel of a pressure tube super critical water reactor. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1392-1397. 2012
- CANDU Lattice Uncertainties During Burnup. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 430-448. 2012
- FUEL COMPOSITION OPTIMIZATION IN A 78-ELEMENT FUEL BUNDLE FOR USE IN A PRESSURE TUBE TYPE SUPERCRITICAL WATER-COOLED REACTOR. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1430-1434. 2012
- MONTE CARLO SIMULATION OF A BURNUP-AVERAGED 78-ELEMENT CANADIAN SCWR AND SIMILARITY STUDY WITH THE ZED-2 TEST REACTOR. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1425-1429. 2012
- Preliminary results for validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics for prediction of flow through a split vane spacer grid. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1202-1213. 2012
- The effects of fuel burnup on incremental cross sections in actinide fuels in CANDU reactors. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1374-1380. 2012
- The effects of fuel burnup on incremental cross sections in actinide fuels in CANDU reactors. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 449-464. 2012
- Special address: Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station update. Canadian Nuclear Society - 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 35th CNS/Can Student Conference 2011. 1068-1080. 2011
- The potential production of molybdenum 99 in CANDU reactors. Canadian Nuclear Society - 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 35th CNS/Can Student Conference 2011. 154-169. 2011
- A generalized failure map for fuel elements subject to a power pulse. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 590-598. 2011
- CROSS-SECTION COVARIANCE PROPAGATION FOR LWR FUEL CELLS IN ONE AND TWO DIMENSIONS. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2010, PHYSOR 2010. 3387-3399. 2010
- Evaluation of ASSERT-PV V3R1 void fraction predictions against the OECD/NEA benchmark data. Canadian Nuclear Society - 30th Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference and 33rd CNS/CNA Student Conference 2009. 2069-2081. 2009
- Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamic Tools for Prediction of Single-Phase Flow Distribution in CANDU Headers 2009
- DETERMINATION OF REALISTIC MARGINS TO FUEL HEATUP FOR SLOW LOSS OF REGULATION ACCIDENTS IN A CANDU REACTOR. Canadian Nuclear Society - 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 32nd CNS/CNA Student Conference 2008. 419-430. 2008
- Heat transfer limitation during rapid depressurization. Canadian Nuclear Society - 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 32nd CNS/CNA Student Conference 2008. 751-765. 2008
- Probabilistic analysis of safety acceptance criteria for loss of regulation accidents in a CANDU reactor. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 476. 2008
- Validation of fluent software for prediction of flow distribution and pressure gradients in a multi-branch flow header. Canadian Nuclear Society - 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 32nd CNS/CNA Student Conference 2008. 390-403. 2008
- Treatment of Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertainties in the Statistical Analysis of the Neutronic Protection System in CANDU Reactors. Volume 2: Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste Management; Computational Fluid Dynamics, Neutronics Methods and Coupled Codes; Student Paper Competition. 211-220. 2008
- Validation of FLUENT for Prediction of Flow Distribution and Pressure Gradients in a Multi-Branch Header Under Low Flow Conditions. Volume 2: Fuel Cycle and High Level Waste Management; Computational Fluid Dynamics, Neutronics Methods and Coupled Codes; Student Paper Competition. 221-226. 2008
- BEST ESTIMATE ANALYSIS OF LOSS OF FLOW EVENTS AT CANDU NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS. Canadian Nuclear Society - 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 31st CNS/CNA Student Conference 2007: "Embracing the Future: Canada's Nuclear Renewal and Growth". 808-819. 2007
- Phenomena identification and ranking for loss of forced circulation accidents in a candu reactor. Proceedings - 12th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH-12. 2007
- Safety Benefits of Low Void Reactivity Fuel in Bruce B. Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference. 763-772. 2004
- Thermal Plasma Generated High Heat Flux Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow. MULTIPHASE FLOW 1995. 529-537. 1995
- A blind, numerical benchmark study on supercritical water heat transfer experiments in a 7-rod bundle
- Assessment of New Modeling in RELAP/SCDAPSIM Using Experimental Results from the Quench Program
- Canadian Participation in OECD/NEA-KAERI Rod Bundle Benchmark for CFD codes
- Code to Code Comparison of the Predicted Response of the Canadian SCWR to a Loss of Flow Accident
- Coupled 3D Neutron Kinetics and Thermalhydraulic Characteristics of the Canadian SCWR
- Covariance in Lattice Physics Simulations
- Development of a Two-Dimensional Monte-Carlo Simulation for the Uncertainty Analysis of Dryout Power
- Experimental Characterization of a Turbulent Round Jet In Support Of Validating The CFD Code MODTURC_CLAS
- High Heat Flux Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Correlations for Reactor Thermalhydraulic Simulations
- Monte Carlo computation of neutron overpower protection trip set-points using extreme value statistics
- Optimal Sizing of Flow Orifices for the Canadian SCWR Design
- Pickering Header Gradient Modelling
- Safety concepts and systems of the Canadian SCWR
- Simulations of Single Pin Cell and CANDU-SCWR Lattice Cell Using 2D Transport Codes WIMS and NEWT
- Study of TRACE Depressurization Predictions Against Experimental Data Across Different Scales
- TRACE code application to Low Operating Pressure Research Reactor safety analysis
- The Role of Microscopic and Macroscopic Treatment of Error Sources in Best Estimate and Uncertainty Analysis
- Three-dimensional moderator circulation experimental program for validation of CFD code MODTURC-CLAS
- Uncertainty in Physics Calculations due to Resonance Cross Section Uncertainty
- Void Distribution Measurement of Swirl-Flow Boiling Freon By Real Time Neutron Radiography and High Speed X-Ray Computed Tomography
journal articles
- Applying Shapley Effect for Sensitivity Analysis During Reactor Transient. Nuclear Technology. ahead-of-print. 2025
- CFD Simulations of a Loss of Heat Sink Experiment in the McMaster Nuclear Reactor. Energies. 17. 2024
- Uncertainty propagation in the simulation of a nuclear power plant operational transient. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 417:112821-112821. 2024
- ASYST4.1 validation for gas cooled SMR applications using the HTTF experiment. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 414:112643-112643. 2023
- Uncertainty Propagation in UAM Time-Dependent Neutronics PWR Studies. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 197:1305-1330. 2023
- BEPU analysis of a CANDU LBLOCA RD-14M experiment using RELAP/SCDAPSIM. Nuclear Engineering and Technology. 55:1448-1459. 2023
- Flow regime transitions for Aiding flow around a heated cylinder: A numerical and experimental investigation. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 405:112206-112206. 2023
- Modelling and Validation of CANDU Shim Operation Using Coupled TRACE/PARCS with Regulating System Response. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2023:1-21. 2023
- Mixed convection around two vertically aligned horizontal cylinders: A numerical, experimental, and modeling investigation on the effect of local conditions on heat transfer. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 394:111823-111823. 2022
- Demonstration of combined reduced order model and deep neural network for emulation of a time-dependent reactor transient. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 171:109017-109017. 2022
- Radiation shielding properties of modified concrete mixes and their suitability in dry storage cask. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 148:104195-104195. 2022
- Application of Bayesian methods to neutron spectrum measurements. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 169:108972-108972. 2022
- Development and Testing of TRACE/PARCS ECI Capability for Modelling CANDU Reactors with Reactor Regulating System Response. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2022:1-31. 2022
- Implementation and testing of unscented transformation and low rank approximation to enhance SCALE code uncertainty calculations. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 167:108816-108816. 2022
- Incorporation and testing of refrigerant fluids (R-134a) in the subchannel analysis code CTF (COBRA-TF). Progress in Nuclear Energy. 142:104028-104028. 2021
- Critical heat flux measurement and visualization in R-134a on a vertical single rod with and without mixing-vanes spacer: The characteristics and phenomenon of critical heat flux. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 160:108399-108399. 2021
- Determination of lattice physics properties and uncertainties in a solid fuel molten salt cooled assembly using OpenMC. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 139:103890-103890. 2021
- Measurement, simulation and uncertainty quantification of the neutron flux at the McMaster Nuclear Reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 151:107879-107879. 2021
- An experimental and numerical investigation into scaling considerations for moderator circulation experiments. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 369:110829-110829. 2020
- Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Core-Shell Nanowire Betavoltaic Generators. Nanotechnology. 31:455403-455403. 2020
- The Impact of Fueling Operations on Full Core Uncertainty Analysis in CANDU Reactors. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 6. 2020
- Design and optimization of nanowire betavoltaic generators. Journal of Applied Physics. 127. 2020
- Extension and preliminary validation of the Polaris lattice physics code for CANDU analysis. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 361:110540-110540. 2020
- Quantification of system uncertainties in activation experiments at nuclear research reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 134:432-440. 2019
- Analysis of Shutdown System Effectiveness in the Canadian Super Critical Water Reactor Using Coupled Thermal Hydraulics and Three-Dimensional Neutron Kinetics. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 5. 2019
- Simulation and optimization of current generation in gallium phosphide nanowire betavoltaic devices. Journal of Applied Physics. 125. 2019
- GaP nanowire betavoltaic device. Nanotechnology. 30:075401-075401. 2019
- Mechanistic modelling of station blackout accidents for a generic 900 MW CANDU plant using the modified RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.6 code. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 335:71-93. 2018
- Development and Benchmarking of Mechanistic Channel Deformation Models in RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.6 for CANDU Severe Accident Analysis. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 190:209-237. 2018
- Determination of the optimal few-energy group structure for the Canadian Super Critical Water-cooled Reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 115:27-38. 2018
- Optimization of the Canadian SCWR Core Using Coupled Three-Dimensional Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics Calculations. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 4. 2018
- Analysis of Control Rod Drop Accidents for the Canadian SCWR Using Coupled 3-Dimensional Neutron Kinetics and Thermal Hydraulics. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2018:1-17. 2018
- Assessment of Neutronic Characteristics of Accident-Tolerant Fuel and Claddings for CANDU Reactors. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2018:1-17. 2018
- Investigation of Fuel Burnup Impacts on Nuclear Reactor Safety Parameters in the Canadian Pressure Tube Supercritical Water-Cool Reactor. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 4. 2018
- RELAP5 simulation of CANDU Station Blackout accidents with/without water make-up to the steam generators. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 318:35-53. 2017
- The effects of transient conditions on the onset of intermittent dryout during blowdown. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 317:118-132. 2017
- A Blind, Numerical Benchmark Study on Supercritical Water Heat Transfer Experiments in a 7-Rod Bundle. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2. 2016
- Coupled 3D neutron kinetics and thermalhydraulic characteristics of the Canadian supercritical water reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 298:78-89. 2016
- Examination of Separate-Effect and Integral Phenomena Within a Grid Spacer with Mixing Vanes: Results for the MATiS-H OECD/NEA Benchmark Exercise. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 177:141-155. 2014
- Selected Papers from OECD-NEA PSBT Benchmark. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2014:1-3. 2014
- The Dilution Dependency of Multigroup Uncertainties. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2014:1-14. 2014
- Analysis of implicit and explicit lattice sensitivities using DRAGON. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 265:1-12. 2013
- Behavior of Transuranic Mixed-Oxide Fuel in a CANDU-900 Reactor. Nuclear Technology. 183:30-44. 2013
- Summary on the depressurization from supercritical pressure conditions. International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2012, ICAPP 2012. 1:170-178. 2012
- A strategy for intensive production of molybdenum-99 isotopes for nuclear medicine using CANDU reactors. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 70:20-34. 2012
- Evaluation of ASSERT-PV V3R1 against the PSBT Benchmark. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2012:1-21. 2012
- Non-parametric study on the optimization of thorium content in a 54-element fuel bundle for use in a CANDU-SCWR. Canadian Nuclear Society - 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 35th CNS/Can Student Conference 2011. 1:553-562. 2011
- Preliminary fault tree analysis and FMEA of high efficiency channel in a CANDU-SCWR. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 104:597-599. 2011
- The reactor physics characteristics of a transuranic mixed oxide fuel in a heavy water moderated reactor. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 241:3768-3776. 2011
- Determination of Operator Action Times during a Loss-of-Feedwater Event Using Extreme Value Statistics. Nuclear Science and Engineering. 164:151-161. 2010
- An engineering primer on extreme value statistics. Canadian Nuclear Society - 30th Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference and 33rd CNS/CNA Student Conference 2009. 3:2164-2176. 2009
- PREDICTION OF VOID FRACTION UNCERTAINTY BANDS IN BWR FUEL BUNDLES USING THE CIAU METHODOLOGY. American Nuclear Society - International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, M and C 2009. 5:3183-3193. 2009
- A Statistical Methodology for Determination of Safety Systems Actuation Setpoints Based on Extreme Value Statistics. Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations. 2008:1-10. 2008
- Recent Advances in High Heat Flux Smooth and Swirl Flow Boiling of Water. Fusion Science and Technology. 52:880-884. 2007
- A study of flow boiling phenomena using real time neutron radiography / 2000
- Visualization of Boiling Freon Swirl Flow. Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan. 20:365-368. 2000
- Visualization of Boiling Freon Swirl Flow. Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan. 20:365-368. 2000
- Development and Design Considerations for a Suite of New Post-Irradiation Examination Hot Cells to be Constructed at McMaster University. HOT CELL POST-IRRADIATION EXAMINATION AND POOLSIDE INSPECTION OF NUCLEAR FUEL. 139.
- Evaluation of Ash Toxicity Generated From the Thermal Plasma Pyrolysis of Used Automobile Tires