publication venue for
- Optimal Precoder Design for Correlated MIMO Communication Systems Using Zero-Forcing Decision Feedback Equalization 2009
- Resource-Scalable Joint Source-Channel MAP and MMSE Estimation of Multiple Descriptions 2009
- Optimized Power Allocation for Pairwise Cooperative Multiple Access 2008
- A Novel Signaling Scheme for Blind Unique Identification of Alamouti Space-Time Block-Coded Channel 2007
- Optimal waveform design for UWB radios 2006
- A new framework of LSB steganalysis of digital media 2005
- Soft quasi-maximum-likelihood detection for multiple-antenna wireless channels 2003
- Estimating Resonances in Low-SNR Late-Time Radar Returns with Sampling Jitter. PP:1-15. 2024
- Multiple-Time-Slot Multiple Access Binary Computation Offloading in the <italic>K</italic>-User Case. PP:1-17. 2024
- Efficient Transceiver Design for MIMO Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems. 71:1786-1801. 2023
- Transmit Waveform Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems via Hybrid Linear-Nonlinear Precoding. 71:2130-2145. 2023
- Analysis of Propagation Delay Effects on Bearings-Only Fusion of Heterogeneous Sensors. 69:6488-6503. 2021
- Compressive Sensing-Based Adaptive Active User Detection and Channel Estimation: Massive Access Meets Massive MIMO. 68:764-779. 2020
- Energy-Optimal Multiple Access Computation Offloading: Signalling Structure and Efficient Communication Resource Allocation. 68:1646-1661. 2020
- Seamless Tracking of Apparent Point and Extended Targets Using Gaussian Process PMHT. 67:4825-4838. 2019
- Offset-Based Beamforming: A New Approach to Robust Downlink Transmission. 67:70-82. 2019
- PHD and CPHD Filtering With Unknown Detection Probability. 66:3784-3798. 2018
- Joint Node Selection and Power Allocation Strategy for Multitarget Tracking in Decentralized Radar Networks. 66:729-743. 2018
- Low-Complexity Robust MISO Downlink Precoder Design With Per-Antenna Power Constraints. 66:515-527. 2018
- Mean and Median of PSD Matrices on a Riemannian Manifold: Application to Detection of Narrow-Band Sonar Signals. 65:6536-6550. 2017
- Labeled Random Finite Sets With Moment Approximation. 65:3384-3398. 2017
- Semidefinite Relaxation Approaches to Soft MIMO Demodulation for Higher Order QAM Signaling. 65:960-972. 2017
- A Novel Joint Multitarget Estimator for Multi-Bernoulli Models. 64:5038-5051. 2016
- Coordinate Update Algorithms for Robust Power Loading for the MU-MISO Downlink With Outage Constraints. 64:2761-2773. 2016
- Low-Complexity Robust MISO Downlink Precoder Design Under Imperfect CSI. 64:3237-3249. 2016
- Beamforming via Nonconvex Linear Regression. 64:1714-1728. 2016
- Robust Matched Filtering in <formula formulatype="inline"><tex Notation="TeX">$\ell_{p}$</tex></formula>-Space. 63:6184-6199. 2015
- Spatial Reuse Precoding for Scalable Downlink Networks. 63:5976-5989. 2015
- A Joint Multitarget Estimator for the Joint Target Detection and Tracking Filter. 63:3857-3871. 2015
- A Multiple-Detection Probability Hypothesis Density Filter. 63:2007-2019. 2015
- Incremental Grassmannian Feedback Schemes for Multi-User MIMO Systems. 63:1130-1143. 2015
- Quadratically Constrained Minimum Dispersion Beamforming via Gradient Projection. 63:192-205. 2015
- Sequential Learning for Multi-Channel Wireless Network Monitoring With Channel Switching Costs. 62:5919-5929. 2014
- Minimum Dispersion Beamforming for Non-Gaussian Signals. 62:1879-1893. 2014
- Robust Beamforming by Linear Programming. 62:1834-1849. 2014
- Flexible Codebook Design for Limited Feedback Systems Via Sequential Smooth Optimization on the Grassmannian Manifold. 62:1305-1318. 2014
- The Spline Probability Hypothesis Density Filter. 61:6188-6203. 2013
- A Binary Independent Component Analysis Approach to Tree Topology Inference. 61:3071-3080. 2013
- HKZ and Minkowski Reduction Algorithms for Lattice-Reduction-Aided MIMO Detection. 60:5963-5976. 2012
- Full Diversity Non-Coherent Alamouti-Based Toeplitz Space-Time Block Codes. 60:5241-5253. 2012
- On Identifying Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Systems Using Nonparametric Bayesian Classification. 60:1432-1445. 2012
- Binary Independent Component Analysis With or Mixtures. 59:3168-3181. 2011
- An Explicit Expression for the Newton Direction on the Complex Grassmann Manifold. 59:1303-1309. 2011
- Mean-Square Error in Periodogram Approaches With Adaptive Windowing. 59:923-935. 2011
- Cubature Kalman Filtering for Continuous-Discrete Systems: Theory and Simulations. 58:4977-4993. 2010
- Minimizing Nonconvex Functions for Sparse Vector Reconstruction. 58:3485-3496. 2010
- Nonlinear and Linear Broadcasting With QoS Requirements: Tractable Approaches for Bounded Channel Uncertainties. 57:1936-1947. 2009
- Design and Analysis of a Successively Refinable Lattice Quantizer for i.i.d. Gaussian Sources. 57:1222-1227. 2009
- Approximate Conditional Mean Particle Filtering for Linear/Nonlinear Dynamic State Space Models. 56:5790-5803. 2008
- Square-Root Quadrature Kalman Filtering. 56:2589-2593. 2008
- Progressive Coding of a Gaussian Source Using Matching Pursuit. 56:636-649. 2008
- An EM Algorithm for Nonlinear State Estimation With Model Uncertainties. 56:921-936. 2008
- Joint MIMO Channel Tracking and Symbol Decoding Using Kalman Filtering. 55:5873-5879. 2007
- A Blind Sequential Monte Carlo Detector for OFDM Systems in the Presence of Phase Noise, Multipath Fading, and Channel Order Uncertainty. 55:4581-4598. 2007
- An Information Geometric Approach to ML Estimation With Incomplete Data: Application to Semiblind MIMO Channel Identification. 55:3975-3986. 2007
- Biwindowed Discrete Multitone Transceiver Design. 55:4217-4226. 2007
- Random Unitary Beamforming With Partial Feedback for MISO Downlink Transmission Using Multiuser Diversity. 55:3380-3389. 2007
- Biochemical Transport Modeling and Bayesian Source Estimation in Realistic Environments. 55:2520-2532. 2007
- The Amplify-and-Forward Half-Duplex Cooperative System: Pairwise Error Probability and Precoder Design. 55:605-617. 2007
- Trace-Orthonormal Full-Diversity Cyclotomic Space–Time Codes. 55:618-630. 2007
- On the Design of Minimum BER Linear Space-Time Block Codes for MIMO Systems Equipped With MMSE Receivers. 54:3147-3158. 2006
- Transmit beamforming for physical-layer multicasting. 54:2239-2251. 2006
- Convex optimization based beam-space preprocessing with improved robustness against out-of-sector sources. 54:1587-1595. 2006
- Rank reduction direction-of-arrival estimators with an improved robustness against subarray orientation errors. 54:1951-1955. 2006
- Robust transmit eigen beamforming based on imperfect channel state information. 54:1596-1609. 2006
- Design of block transceivers with decision feedback detection. 54:965-978. 2006
- Blind ML detection of orthogonal space-time block codes: efficient high-performance implementations. 54:738-751. 2006
- Robust adaptive beamforming based on the Kalman filter. 53:3032-3041. 2005
- Optimal diagonal precoder for multiantenna communication systems. 53:2089-2100. 2005
- Wideband array signal processing using MCMC methods. 53:411-426. 2005
- Maximum likelihood direction-of-arrival estimation in unknown noise fields using sparse sensor arrays. 53:34-43. 2005
- Minimum Variance Linear Receivers for Multiaccess MIMO Wireless Systems with Space-Time Block Coding. 52:3306-3313. 2004
- OFDM Channel Estimation in the Presence of Interference. 52:3429-3439. 2004
- Multiresolution Modeling and Estimation of Multisensor Data. 52:3170-3182. 2004
- A Block Alternating Likelihood Maximization Approach to Multiuser Detection. 52:2600-2611. 2004
- Stochastic correlative learning algorithms. 52:2200-2209. 2004
- Efficient Design of Orthonormal Wavelet Bases for Signal Representation. 52:1983-1996. 2004
- Efficient Design of Oversampled NPR GDFT Filterbanks. 52:1947-1963. 2004
- Transceiver Optimization for Block-Based Multiple Access Through ISI Channels. 52:1037-1052. 2004
- Blind Identification of MIMO FIR Systems Driven by Quasistationary Sources Using Second-Order Statistics: A Frequency Domain Approach. 52:406-417. 2004
- Minimum ber block precoders for zero-forcing equalization. 51:2410-2423. 2003
- Robust adaptive beamforming for general-rank signal models. 51:2257-2269. 2003
- Detection of LSB steganography via sample pair analysis. 51:1995-2007. 2003
- Blind constant modulus equalization via convex optimization. 51:805-818. 2003
- Particle filters for tracking an unknown number of sources. 50:2926-2937. 2002
- Linear matrix inequality formulation of spectral mask constraints with applications to FIR filter design. 50:2702-2715. 2002
- The complex subband decomposition and its application to the decimation of large adaptive filtering problems. 50:2730-2743. 2002
- Turbo-BLAST for wireless communications: theory and experiments. 50:2538-2546. 2002
- Direction finding in partly calibrated sensor arrays composed of multiple subarrays. 50:2103-2115. 2002
- A fractionally spaced blind equalizer based on linear programming. 50:1650-1660. 2002
- Quasi-maximum-likelihood multiuser detection using semi-definite relaxation with application to synchronous CDMA. 50:912-922. 2002
- Reversible jump MCMC for joint detection and estimation of sources in colored noise. 50:231-240. 2002
- Interior point least squares estimation: transient convergence analysis and application to MMSE decision-feedback equalization. 49:1543-1555. 2001
- Efficient design of waveforms for robust pulse amplitude modulation. 49:3098-3111. 2001
- Adaptive linear filtering using interior point optimization techniques. 48:1637-1648. 2000
- Design of orthogonal pulse shapes for communications via semidefinite programming. 48:1433-1445. 2000
- Landmine detection and localization using chemical sensor array processing. 48:1295-1305. 2000
- Blind adaptive FRESH filtering for signal extraction. 47:1397-1402. 1999
- A dynamic regularized radial basis function network for nonlinear, nonstationary time series prediction. 47:2503-2521. 1999
- Interior point column generation algorithms for adaptive filtering. 45:2627. 1997
- Wavelet packet division multiplexing and wavelet packet design under timing error effects. 45:28772890. 1997
- Guest Editors' Introduction: Neural Networks For Signal Processing. 45:2637-2638. 1997
- Modular learning strategy for signal detection in a nonstationary environment. 45:1619-1637. 1997
- Adaptive tracking of linear time-variant systems by extended RLS algorithms. 45:1118-1128. 1997
- Optimum nonlinear filtering. 45:2774-2786. 1997
- Wavelet packet division multiplexing and wavelet packet design under timing error effects. 45:2877-2890. 1997
- Optimum filter banks for signal decomposition and its application in adaptive echo cancellation. 44:1669-1680. 1996
- Maximum-likelihood bearing estimation with partly calibrated arrays in spatially correlated noise fields. 44:888-899. 1996
- On a nonparametric detection method for array signal processing in correlated noise fields. 44:1030-1032. 1996
- Blind adaptive beamforming for cyclostationary signals. 44:2757-2767. 1996
- The estimation of time delay and Doppler stretch of wideband signals. 43:904-916. 1995
- Detection of harmonic sets. 43:2618-2630. 1995
- Determination of the number of signals in unknown noise environments-PARADE. 43:362-365. 1995
- Estimation of DOA in unknown noise: performance analysis of UN-MUSIC and UN-CLE, and the optimality of CCD. 43:454-468. 1995
- Nonlinear adaptive prediction of nonstationary signals. 43:526-535. 1995
- The chirplet transform: physical considerations. 43:2745-2761. 1995
- Modified Kalman filtering. 42:1239-1242. 1994
- Maximum likelihood direction-finding in unknown noise environments. 42:980-983. 1994
- Detection and estimation using an adaptive rational function filter. 42:3366-3376. 1994
- UN-MUSIC and UN-CLE: an application of generalized correlation analysis to the estimation of the direction of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. 42:2331-2343. 1994
- Design of optimum signals for the simultaneous estimation of time delay and Doppler shift. 41:2141-2154. 1993
- Information theoretic criteria for the determination of the number of signals in spatially correlated noise. 41:1652-1663. 1993
- AR-based growler detection in sea clutter. 41:1259-1271. 1993
- Estimation of the directions of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. I. The MAP approach and its implementation. 40:2007-2017. 1992
- Estimation of the directions of arrival of signals in unknown correlated noise. II. Asymptotic behavior and performance of the MAP approach. 40:2018-2028. 1992
- Fast adaptive RLS algorithms: a generalized inverse approach and analysis. 39:1455-1459. 1991
- Detection of the number of signals: a predicted eigen-threshold approach. 39:1088-1098. 1991
- Error bound method and its application to the LMS algorithm. 39:354-358. 1991
- The complex backpropagation algorithm. 39:2101-2104. 1991
- Estimation of the time-varying frequency of a signal: the Cramer-Rao bound and the application of Wigner distribution. 38:519-536. 1990
- On information theoretic criteria for determining the number of signals in high resolution array processing. 38:1959-1971. 1990
- Stability of recursive QRD-LS algorithms using finite-precision systolic array implementation. 37:760-763. 1989
- Superresolution reconstruction through object modeling and parameter estimation. 37:592-595. 1989
- Statistical analysis of the performance of information theoretic criteria in the detection of the number of signals in array processing. 37:1557-1567. 1989
- Application of the Weiss-Weinstein bound to a two-dimensional antenna array. 36:1533-1534. 1988
- Detection of narrow-band sonar signals using order statistical filters. 35:597-613. 1987
- Some statistical properties of median filters. 29:1073-1075. 1981
- Learning characteristics of adaptive lattice filtering algorithms. 28:681-691. 1980
- A fast method for real-time median filtering. 28:415-421. 1980