publication venue for
- Long-term effects of concussion on attention, sensory gating and motor learning.. 243:30. 2024
- Persistent adaptations in sensorimotor interneuron circuits in the motor cortex with a history of sport-related concussion.. 243:5. 2024
- The type 1 submovement conundrum: an investigation into the function of velocity zero-crossings within two-component aiming movements. 242:921-935. 2024
- Empathic pain observation does not influence automatic imitation in an online setting. 241:263-276. 2023
- Can we use peripheral vision to create a visuospatial map for compensatory reach-to-grasp reactions?. 240:2739-2746. 2022
- Mistakes strengthen the temporal binding effect in the context of goal-directed actions. 240:2191-2203. 2022
- Exploring the effect of capsaicin-induced central sensitization on the upper limb nociceptive withdrawal reflex threshold. 239:3405-3415. 2021
- The effect of acute aerobic exercise on the consolidation of motor memories. 239:2461-2475. 2021
- The effects of socioeconomic status and situational power on self-other processing in the automatic imitation task. 239:2519-2528. 2021
- Investigating the effects of pain observation on approach and withdrawal actions. 239:847-856. 2021
- The multiple process model of goal-directed aiming/reaching: insights on limb control from various special populations. 238:2685-2699. 2020
- Velocity influences the relative contributions of visual and vestibular cues to self-acceleration. 238:1423-1432. 2020
- Socioeconomic status and self–other processing: socioeconomic status predicts interference in the automatic imitation task. 238:833-841. 2020
- The contribution of the prefrontal cortex to relevancy-based gating of visual and tactile stimuli. 237:2747-2759. 2019
- Boredom, sustained attention and the default mode network. 236:2507-2518. 2018
- Effects of wrist tendon vibration and eye movements on manual aiming. 236:847-857. 2018
- Effects of free choice and outcome valence on the sense of agency: evidence from measures of intentional binding and feelings of control. 236:129-139. 2018
- Observing painful events in others leads to a temporally extended general response facilitation in the self. 235:3469-3477. 2017
- Effects of intentional movement preparation on response times to symbolic and imitative cues. 235:753-761. 2017
- Temporal prediction abilities are mediated by motor effector and rhythmic expertise. 235:861-871. 2017
- The direction of the postural response to a vestibular perturbation is mediated by the cerebellar vermis. 234:3689-3697. 2016
- The violation of Fitts’ Law: an examination of displacement biases and corrective submovements. 234:2151-2163. 2016
- Reduced motor preparation during dual-task performance: evidence from startle. 233:2673-2683. 2015
- Assessing the effects of tDCS over a delayed response inhibition task by targeting the right inferior frontal gyrus and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 233:2283-2290. 2015
- Factors underlying age-related changes in discrete aiming. 233:1733-1744. 2015
- Timing and specificity of early changes in motor excitability during movement observation. 233:1867-1874. 2015
- Effector mass and trajectory optimization in the online regulation of goal-directed movement. 233:1097-1107. 2015
- Task-relevancy effects on movement-related gating are modulated by continuous theta-burst stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and primary somatosensory cortex. 233:927-936. 2015
- Modulatory effects of movement sequence preparation and covert spatial attention on early somatosensory input to non-primary motor areas. 233:503-517. 2015
- Acute exercise enhances the response to paired associative stimulation-induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex. 232:3675-3685. 2014
- Characterizing the psychophysiological signature of boredom. 232:481-491. 2014
- Pause time alters the preparation of two-component movements. 231:85-96. 2013
- Activating memories of depression alters the experience of voluntary action. 229:497-506. 2013
- The influence of target context and early and late vision on goal-directed reaching. 229:525-532. 2013
- Crossmodal influences on early somatosensory processing: interaction of vision, touch, and task-relevance. 226:503-512. 2013
- An eye-to-hand magnet effect reveals distinct spatial interference in motor planning and execution. 225:443-454. 2013
- Automatic imitation is automatic, but less so for narcissists. 224:613-621. 2013
- Dissociable contributions of motor-execution and action-observation to intramanual transfer. 221:459-466. 2012
- Exploring the relationship between boredom and sustained attention. 221:59-67. 2012
- Erratum to: The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task. 218:161-161. 2012
- Movement strategies in vertical aiming of older adults. 216:445-455. 2012
- Colour-induced relationship between affect and reaching kinematics during a goal-directed aiming task. 212:555-561. 2011
- Inhibition of contralateral premotor cortex delays visually guided reaching movements in men but not in women. 212:315-325. 2011
- The impact of light fingertip touch on haptic cortical processing during a standing balance task. 212:279-291. 2011
- The time course of online trajectory corrections in memory-guided saccades. 212:457-469. 2011
- Moving together: toward understanding the mechanisms of joint action. 211:329-336. 2011
- Sense of agency and intentional binding in joint action. 211:655-662. 2011
- Sense of agency in joint action: influence of human and computer co-actors. 211:663-670. 2011
- Cortical and behavioral adaptations in response to short-term inphase versus antiphase bimanual movement training. 205:465-477. 2010
- Sensory-motor equivalence: manual aiming in C6 tetraplegics following musculotendinous transfer surgery at the elbow. 206:81-91. 2010
- General motor representations are developed during action-observation. 204:199-206. 2010
- Incidental action observation modulates muscle activity. 203:427-435. 2010
- Erratum to: Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements. 202:647-647. 2010
- Sex-related differences in the hemispheric laterality of slow cortical potentials during the preparation of visually guided movements. 202:633-646. 2010
- The conscious experience of action and intention. 198:535-539. 2009
- The impact of real and illusory target perturbations on manual aiming. 197:279-285. 2009
- Modification of planned actions. 192:265-274. 2009
- Modification of planned actions. 192:299-299. 2009
- The type of visual information mediates eye and hand movement bias when aiming to a Müller–Lyer illusion. 174:544-554. 2006
- Genetic interaction between α4 and β2 subunits of high affinity nicotinic receptor: analysis in schizophrenia. 174:292-296. 2006
- Optimizing rapid aiming behaviour: movement kinematics depend on the cost of corrective modifications. 174:95-100. 2006
- The effects of landmarks on the performance of delayed and real-time pointing movements. 167:335-344. 2005
- Integration of visual and tactile stimuli: top-down influences require time. 166:509-517. 2005
- The influence of metricality and modality on synchronization with a beat. 163:226-238. 2005
- Acceleration of blood-brain barrier formation after transplantation of enteric glia into spinal cords of rats. 162:56-62. 2005
- The effect of postural stability and spatial orientation of the upper limbs on interlimb coordination. 161:265-275. 2005
- Between-trial inhibition and facilitation in goal-directed aiming: manual and spatial asymmetries. 160:79-88. 2005
- Perception-action and the M�ller-Lyer illusion: amplitude or endpoint bias?. 160:71-78. 2005
- Independent effects of endogenous and exogenous spatial cueing: inhibition of return at endogenously attended target locations. 159:447-457. 2004
- Internally generated and externally triggered actions are physically distinct and independently controlled. 156:518-523. 2004
- The stimulus integration area for horizontal vergence. 156:305-313. 2004
- Cortical activation following a balance disturbance. 155:393-400. 2004
- The M�ller-Lyer illusion affects the planning and control of manual aiming movements. 155:37-47. 2004
- The relative effects of external spatial and motoric factors on the bimanual coordination of discrete movements. 154:399-402. 2004
- Multisensory integration in the estimation of relative path length. 154:246-254. 2004
- Tactile stimulus predictability modulates activity in a tactile-motor cortical network. 154:22-32. 2004
- Influence of terminal action requirements on action-centered distractor effects. 149:207-213. 2003
- The time course of attention shifts following perturbation of upright stance. 146:315-321. 2002
- Spatial constraints in bimanual coordination: influences of effector orientation. 146:205-212. 2002
- A temporal analysis of grasping in the Ebbinghaus illusion: planning versus online control. 144:275-280. 2002
- Non-linear development of postural control and strategy use in young children: a longitudinal study. 140:420-431. 2001
- Critical flicker frequency responses in visual cortex. 139:106-110. 2001
- Cortical representation of whole-body movement is modulated by proprioceptive discharge in humans. 138:235-242. 2001
- Effects of stimulus size and eccentricity on horizontal and vertical vergence. 130:124-132. 2000
- Hand deviations toward distractors. 127:207-212. 1999
- Ocular perturbations and retinal/extraretinal information: the coordination of saccadic and manual movements. 127:193-206. 1999
- Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg I. Kinaesthetic task demands. 115:147-155. 1997
- Movement-induced gain modulation of somatosensory potentials and soleus H-reflexes evoked from the leg II. Correlation with rate of stretch of extensor muscles of the leg. 115:156-164. 1997
- Role of upper cervical inspiratory neurons studied by cross-correlation in the cat. 90:153-162. 1992
- Long-term potentiation in the interpositus and vestibular nuclei in the rat. 63:158-162. 1986
- An electrophysiological study of thalamo-caudate neurones in the cat. 36:233-244. 1979
- Excitatory and inhibitory inputs from medullary nuclei projecting to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat. 20:485-504. 1974
- Origin and course of crossed medullary pathways to spinal sympathetic neurons in the cat. 20:515-526. 1974
- Pathways from medullary nuclei to spinal cardioacceleratory neurons in the cat. 20:505-514. 1974