publication venue for
- Factor Prioritization in FEMA P-58 Loss Estimation. 41:579-607. 2025
- Seismic loss comparison for buildings designed with ductile steel seismic force-resisting systems and with controlled rocking braced frames. 41:608-635. 2025
- Consequences of consequence models: The impact of economies of scale on seismic loss estimates. 40:1396-1424. 2024
- A framework for the rapid assessment of seismic upgrade viability using performance-based earthquake engineering. 38:1761-1787. 2022
- Modeling and Evaluation of a Seismically Isolated Bridge Using Unbonded Fiber-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators. 34:145-168. 2018
- Evaluation of Out-of-Plane Wall Anchorage Force Provisions in Buildings with Rigid Walls and Flexible Roof Diaphragms. 33:1-23. 2017
- Application of Isolation to High-Rise Buildings: A Japanese Design Case Study through a U.S. Design Code Lens. 31:1451-1470. 2015
- Analytical Seismic Fragility Analyses of Fire Sprinkler Piping Systems with Threaded Joints. 31:1125-1155. 2015
- Direct Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Propped Rocking Walls. 31:179-196. 2015
- Experimental Seismic Fragility of Pressurized Fire Suppression Sprinkler Piping Joints. 30:1733-1748. 2014
- Seismic Response of High-Voltage Transformer-Bushing Systems Incorporating Flexural Stiffeners I: Numerical Study. 29:1335-1352. 2013
- Seismic Response of High-Voltage Transformer-Bushing Systems Incorporating Flexural Stiffeners II: Experimental Study. 29:1353-1367. 2013
- Limit State Strength of Unreinforced Masonry Structures. 29:1-31. 2013
- Testing Protocol for Experimental Seismic Qualification of Distributed Nonstructural Systems. 27:835-856. 2011
- Experimental Investigation on the Seismic Behavior of Palletized Merchandise in Steel Storage Racks. 26:209-233. 2010
- The Influence of Isolator Hysteresis on Equipment Performance in Seismic Isolated Buildings. 26:275-293. 2010
- Experimental Seismic Response of Base Isolated Pallet-Type Steel Storage Racks. 24:617-639. 2008
- Effect of Elastomeric Snubber Properties on Seismic Response of Vibration-Isolated Mechanical Equipment: An Experimental Study. 24:387-403. 2008
- Performance of Structures in Indonesia during the December 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami. 22:295-319. 2006
- Performance of Structures in Thailand during the December 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami. 22:355-375. 2006
- Performance-Based Seismic Design of Pallet-Type Steel Storage Racks. 22:47-64. 2006
- Experimental Seismic Response of High-Voltage Transformer-Bushing Systems. 21:1009-1025. 2005
- Blind Predictions of the Seismic Response of a Woodframe House: An International Benchmark Study. 20:825-851. 2004
- Performance Evaluation of Passive Damping Systems for the Seismic Retrofit of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Subjected to Near-Field Ground Motions. 17:427-456. 2001
- Seismic Performance of Moment-Resisting Steel Frame Structures Designed for Different Levels of Seismic Hazard. 14:597-627. 1998
- Seismic Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Connections. 12:761-780. 1996
- Seismic Response Control of Buildings Using Friction Dampers. 9:447-466. 1993
- Seismic Evaluation of Modular Office Furniture System. 7:529-541. 1991
- The Influence of Mexico City Soils on the Seismic Performance of Friction Damped and Base Isolated Structures. 6:335-352. 1990
- Performance Evaluation of Friction Damped Braced Steel Frames under Simulated Earthquake Loads. 3:57-78. 1987