selected scholarly activity
- A Proposed Verification & Validation Method for Machine Learning in Nuclear Applications. Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, PBNC 2024. 497-506. 2024
- A Data-driven Approach to Predict Maintenance Delays for Time-based Maintenance. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). 249-253. 2023
- Condition Based Maintenance in Nuclear Power Plants: Limitations & Practicality. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 1137-1141. 2021
- Development of a Selection Tool for Choosing Decontamination Technology for Canadian Applications. Volume 3: Student Paper Competition; Thermal-Hydraulics; Verification and Validation. 2020
- Synergy of an SMR for Addressing Remote Communities Non-Nuclear Waste. Volume 2: Nuclear Policy; Nuclear Safety, Security, and Cyber Security; Operating Plant Experience; Probabilistic Risk Assessments; SMR and Advanced Reactors. 2020
- Community and siting impacts on small modular reactor operability and design. PBNC 2018 - Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference. 493-500. 2019
- Design of a natural circulation loop for molten salt coolant studies. PBNC 2018 - Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference. 529-538. 2019
- Research and development of PVA-KI gel dosimeter. PBNC 2018 - Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference. 326-330. 2019
- Assessment of the Turbulent Prandtl Number Effect on Simulating Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Water Flow in Bare Tubes. Volume 6: Thermal-Hydraulics. 2017
- Conceptual Design for CHP System for Class III Power. Volume 9: Student Paper Competition. v009t15a049-v009t15a049. 2017
- Design of an Assessment Tool for Site Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plants. Volume 9: Student Paper Competition. 2017
- Development of a Gel Type Dosimeter for X-Ray Fields. Volume 9: Student Paper Competition. 2017
- Molten salt loop heating system design. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Small modular reactor emergency energy management model for critical facilities in cities. 36th Annual CNS Conference and 40th CNS-CNA Student Conference - Nuclear in the 21st Century: Global Directions and Canada's Role. 2016
- Emergency Energy Management Model for Durham Region. Volume 2: Photovoltaics; Renewable-Non-Renewable Hybrid Power System; Smart Grid, Micro-Grid Concepts; Energy Storage; Solar Chemistry; Solar Heating and Cooling; Sustainable Cities and Communities, Transportation; Symposium on Integrated/Sustainable Building Equipment and Systems; Thermofluid Analysis of Energy Systems Including Exergy and Thermoeconomics; Wind Energy Systems and Technologies. 2015
- Experimental investigation of the thermal conductivity and viscosity of liquid In-Bi-Sn eutectic alloy (Field's metal) for use in a natural circulation experiental loop. International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. 2015
- Graduate diploma program in nuclear engineering design. Conference on Nuclear Training and Education 2015, CONTE 2015. 21-22. 2015
- Innovative approach to correlate heat-transfer data to supecritical carbon dioxide flowing upward in a bare tube. International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. 2015
- Investigation of convection heat transfer of supercritical water using ATHLET system code. International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. 2015
- Numerical assessment and comparison of heat transfer characteristics of supercritical water in bare tubes and tubes with heat transfer enhancing appendages. International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, ICONE. 2015
- Specifics of forced-convective heat transfer in supercritical carbon dioxide. Canadian Nuclear Society - 35th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 38th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2015. 1092-1099. 2015
- Study on Specifics of Forced-Convective Heat Transfer in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2015
- Investigation of ATHLET System Code for Supercritical Water Applications. Volume 5: Innovative Nuclear Power Plant Design and New Technology Application; Student Paper Competition. 2014
- Study on Specifics of Forced-Convective Heat Transfer in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Volume 5: Innovative Nuclear Power Plant Design and New Technology Application; Student Paper Competition. v005t17a013-v005t17a013. 2014
- Heat transfer profiles of a vertical, bare, 7-element bundle cooled with supercritical Freon R-12. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 246-256. 2013
- Determination of Specific Heat of Eutectic Indium – Bismuth-Tin Liquid Metal Alloys as a Test Material for Liquid Metal - Cooled Applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 185-193. 2013
- Assessment of FLUENT Code as a Tool for SCW Heat Transfer Analysis. Volume 6: Beyond Design Basis Events; Student Paper Competition. 2013
- Effects of Cavitation Damage on the Hydraulic Characteristics of a Gate Valve. Volume 2: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM); Plant Systems, Structures, Components and Materials Issues; Simple and Combined Cycles; Advanced Energy Systems and Renewables (Wind, Solar and Geothermal); Energy Water Nexus; Thermal Hydraulics and CFD; Nuclear Plant Design, Licensing and Construction; Performance Testing and Performance Test Codes. 2013
- Investigation of Fluid Dynamic Properties of Liquid Field’s Metal. Volume 2: Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM); Plant Systems, Structures, Components and Materials Issues; Simple and Combined Cycles; Advanced Energy Systems and Renewables (Wind, Solar and Geothermal); Energy Water Nexus; Thermal Hydraulics and CFD; Nuclear Plant Design, Licensing and Construction; Performance Testing and Performance Test Codes. v002t11a008-v002t11a008. 2013
- Numerical Analysis of Natural Circulation Phenomena of Supercritical Fluids. Volume 6: Beyond Design Basis Events; Student Paper Competition. v006t16a043-v006t16a043. 2013
- Preliminary Investigation of Heat-Transfer Correlation for Upward Flow of CO2 at Supercritical Pressure. Volume 6: Beyond Design Basis Events; Student Paper Competition. 2013
- Study on Primary and Secondary Heat-Transport Systems for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor. Volume 6: Beyond Design Basis Events; Student Paper Competition. 2013
- Power-conversion cycles for sodium-cooled fast reactors. Canadian Nuclear Society - 34th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 37th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2013. 1089-1094. 2013
- Sensitivity analysis of CFD code FLUENT-12 for supercritical water in vertical bare tubes. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1505-1510. 2012
Variable axial power profile heat-loss analysis of a co
2 gas insulated re-entrant SCWR fuel-channel. Canadian Nuclear Society - 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 36th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2012: Building on Our Past... Building for the Future. 1534-1539. 2012 - Experimental study of heat transfer in a 7-element bundle cooled with supercritical Freon-12. International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2012, ICAPP 2012. 2320-2327. 2012
- Experimental Study of Heat Transfer in a 7-Element Bundle Cooled With Supercritical Freon-12. Volume 5: Fusion Engineering; Student Paper Competition; Design Basis and Beyond Design Basis Events; Simple and Combined Cycles. 263-+. 2012
- Sensitivity Analysis of CFD Code FLUENT-12 for Supercritical Water Heat Transfer in Vertical Bare Tubes. Volume 5: Fusion Engineering; Student Paper Competition; Design Basis and Beyond Design Basis Events; Simple and Combined Cycles. 425-433. 2012
- Suitability of Eutectic Field’s Metal for Use in an Electromagnetohydrodynamically-Enhanced Experimental Two-Phase Flow Loop. Volume 5: Fusion Engineering; Student Paper Competition; Design Basis and Beyond Design Basis Events; Simple and Combined Cycles. 51-58. 2012
- An advanced engineering test reactor for Canada. Canadian Nuclear Society - 32nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 35th CNS/Can Student Conference 2011. 680-690. 2011
- Effects of orientation with respect to gravity for a wire-plate convergent angle electrohydrodynamic gas pump. Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP. 567-570. 2011
- Three-Dimension Deposited Soot Distribution Measurement in Silicon Carbide Diesel Particulate Filters by Dynamic Neutron Radiography. SAE Technical Papers. 2011
- Reforming of diesel fuel by a recirculation type pulsed voltage electrohydrodynamic atomization. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids. 2011
- Three-dimension deposited soot distribution measurement in silicon carbide diesel particulate filters by dynamic neutron radiography. SAE Technical Papers. 2011
- Characterization of electrohydrodynamic heat transport components in a space-type nuclear reactor. Canadian Nuclear Society - 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 34th CNS/CNA Student Conference 2010. 584-594. 2010
- A Comparison of Different Communication Tools for Distance Learning in Nuclear Education. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2. 391-401. 2010
- Design Concept and Heat Transfer Analysis for a Double Pipe Channel for SCWR Type Reactors. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2. 747-754. 2010
- Narrow-Flow-Channel-Driven EHD Gas Pump for an Advanced Thermal Management of Microelectronics. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 1151-1158. 2010
- SuperCritical Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactor With Intermediate Heat Exchangers. 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering: Volume 2. 845-854. 2010
- Heat Transfer Assessment of Calandria Tube Enhancement Design Options. Volume 4: Codes, Standards, Licensing and Regulatory Issues; Student Paper Competition. 557-563. 2009
- Measurement of Multi-Dimension Soot Distribution in Diesel Particulate Filters by a Dynamic Neutron Radiography. SAE Technical Papers. 2009
- Measurement of Natural Circulation Two-Phase Flow by Hybrid Doppler Contrapropagating and Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Techniques. Volume 3: Thermal Hydraulics; Current Advanced Reactors: Plant Design, Construction, Workforce and Public Acceptance. 529-537. 2009
- Structural and Neutronic Assessment of Calandria Tube Enhancement Design Options. Volume 4: Codes, Standards, Licensing and Regulatory Issues; Student Paper Competition. 481-488. 2009
- Capillary/Narrow Flow Channel Driven EHD Gas Pump for an Advanced Thermal Management of Micro-Electronics. Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society). 1855-+. 2008
- Flow Regime Observations in a Vertical Annulus With an Inner Roughened Tube. Volume 10: Heat Transfer, Fluid Flows, and Thermal Systems, Parts A, B, and C. 1845-1852. 2008
- Fundamental Characteristics of a Plasma Electrohydrodynamic Atomization. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Electrostatics. 80-83. 2008
- Investigation of Combined Neutron Scattering and Neutron Radiography Techniques for Measurement of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow. Volume 3: Thermal Hydraulics; Instrumentation and Controls. 253-260. 2008
- Pipe Diameter Effect on the Two-Phase Flow Separator for Removal of Liquid in Horizontal Pipes. Volume 3: Thermal Hydraulics; Instrumentation and Controls. 261-268. 2008
- Polarity Effect and Flow Characteristics of Wire-Rod Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pump. Annual Report - Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, CEIDP. 182-185. 2006
- Characteristics of magneto-dielectric-barrier discharge trench reactors for oxidation and reduction of gaseous pollutants. Progress of Green Oxidation/Reduction Technologies. 306-310. 2006
- Neutron Transport Characteristics of a Nuclear Reactor Based Dynamic Neutron Imaging System. Volume 3: Structural Integrity; Nuclear Engineering Advances; Next Generation Systems; Near Term Deployment and Promotion of Nuclear Energy. 409-417. 2006
- Observation of electrohydrodynamically atomized dielectric liquids by realtime and high speed infra-red thermal images. IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, 2005. ICDL 2005.. 229-232. 2005
- Neutron transport analysis of McMaster nuclear reactor advanced dynamic neutron imaging facility. 26th Annual Canadian Nuclear Society Conference and 29th CNS/CNA Student Conference. 1353-1367. 2005
- An Advanced Ultrasonic Technique for Flow and Void Fraction Measurements of Two-Phase Flow. 12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Volume 3. 485-489. 2004
- Visualization of a gas-liquid metal two-phase natural circulation flow by a real-time neutron radiography technique. Proceedings of the ASME/JSME International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE. 343-346. 1996
journal articles
- A comparison of thermo-oxidation kinetic measurements of Zircaloy-4 in light and heavy water steam. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 573:154111-154111. 2023
- Synergy of a Small Modular Reactor for Addressing Remote Communities Non-Nuclear Waste. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 8. 2022
- Thermophysical Characteristics of Liquid Metal In-Bi-Sn Eutectic (Field's Metal) as a Similarity Coolant. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 8. 2022
- Development of a Selection Tool for Choosing Decontamination Technology for Canadian Applications 2021
- Effects of Operating Frequency on Electric Field and Neutralizing Current Density of a Corona Discharge Air Ionizer. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 12:120-124. 2019
- Recovery of radioactive iodine from nuclear power plants using a microwave based plasma technique. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 11:122-127. 2018
- Analysis of Computational Fluid Dynamics Code FLUENT Capabilities for Supercritical Water Heat-Transfer Applications in Vertical Bare Tubes. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science. 2. 2016
- ICONE23-1797 INVESTIGATION OF CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER OF SUPERCRITICAL WATER USING ATHLET SYSTEM CODE. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2015.23:_icone23-1-_icone23-1. 2015
- ICONE23-2018 INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO CORRELATE HEAT-TRANSFER DATA TO SUPECRITICAL CARBON DIOXIDE FLOWING UPWARD IN A BARE TUBE. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2015.23:_icone23-2-_icone23-2. 2015
- TV 法を用いたSiC フィルタのための中性子トモグラフィ法 2015
- 3-D neutron tomography method for measurement of soot deposition in silicon carbide filters. ICIC Express Letters. 8:703-708. 2014
- SiCフィルタ中のPM観測のための3次元中性子トモグラフィ法の開発 2013
- Performance characteristics of partially covered wire-parallel plate electrodes type electrohydrodynamic gas pumps. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 7:51-58. 2013
- Performance Characteristics of Partially Covered Wire-Parallel Plate Electrodes Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pumps. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 07:51-58. 2013
- Performance Characteristics of Partially Covered Wire-Parallel Plate Electrodes Type Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pumps. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 07:51-58. 2013
- DPF中のPM堆積計測のための3次元中性子トモグラフィ法の開発 2012
- Deposited diesel soot oxidation and removal characteristics by nonthermal plasma. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 5:37-41. 2011
- Fuel reforming characteristics of an electrohydrodynamic atomization - Flow stabilized radical shower hybrid system. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 5:7-11. 2011
- Scoping assessment of design characteristics for an enhanced calandria tube. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 241:2688-2697. 2011
- Analytical Theory of the Geodesic Acoustic Mode in the Small and Large Orbit Drift Width Limits and its Application in a Study of Plasma Shaping Effect. Plasma Science and Technology. 13:15-20. 2011
- Deposited Diesel Soot Oxidation and Removal Characteristics by Non-thermal Plasma. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 05:37-41. 2011
- Deposited Diesel Soot Oxidation and Removal Characteristics by Non-thermal Plasma. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 05:37-41. 2011
- Fuel Reforming Characteristics of an Electrohydrodynamic Atomization - Flow Stabilized Radical Shower Hybrid System. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 05:7-11. 2011
- Fuel Reforming Characteristics of an Electrohydrodynamic Atomization - Flow Stabilized Radical Shower Hybrid System. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 05:7-11. 2011
- ICONE19-43492 STUDY OF SELECTED TURBULENT MODELS FOR SUPERCRITICAL WATER HEAT TRANSFER IN VERTICAL BARE TUBES USING CFD CODE FLUENT-12. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2011.19:_ICONE1943-_ICONE1943. 2011
- ICONE19-43635 MODERATOR HEAT-LOSS ANALYSIS OF A CERAMIC-INSULATED RE-ENTRANT SCWR FUEL-CHANNEL. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2011.19:_ICONE1943-_ICONE1943. 2011
- ICONE19-43644 TEMPERATURE PROFILES OF A VERTICAL BARE 7-ELEMENT BUNDLE COOLED WITH SUPERCRITICAL FREON-12. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2011.19:_ICONE1943-_ICONE1943. 2011
- Discharge Characteristics of Ring-Type Flow-Stabilized Pulsed Corona Discharge Radical Shower Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 46:1613-1618. 2010
- Nondestructive Evaluation of Multiply Connected Electrical Arc Furnace Graphite Rod Electrodes. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. 20:215-229. 2009
- Electrohydrodynamically enhanced capillary evaporator. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 16:456-462. 2009
- Non-Moving Component Pumping of Narrow Gas Flow Channels by an Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pumps. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 03:151-155. 2009
- Plasma Suppression of Diesel Soot Deposition During Diesel Engine Operations. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 03:15-21. 2009
- Plasma Suppression of Diesel Soot Deposition During Diesel Engine Operations. International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology. 03:15-21. 2009
- Flow characteristics of wire-rod type electrohydrodynamic gas pump under negative corona operations. Journal of Electrostatics. 66:342-353. 2008
- Electrohydrodynamic atomization two-phase flow regime map for liquid hydrocarbon under pulsed electric fields with co-gas flow. Journal of Electrostatics. 66:94-98. 2008
- Finned Fuel Element Two-Phase Flow Parameter Measurements Using Real-Time Neutron Radiography. Journal of Power and Energy Systems. 2:662-674. 2008
- Flow characteristics of dc wire-non-parallel plate electrohydrodynamic gas pumps. Journal of Electrostatics. 66:115-121. 2008
- Separated two-phase flow regime parameter measurement by a high speed ultrasonic pulse-echo system. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78:114901. 2007
- Electrohydrodynamically induced flow direction in a wire-non-parallel plate electrode corona discharge. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 40:5109-5111. 2007
- 1651 Flow Characteristics of Wire-Non-Parallel Plate Type dc Electrohydrodynamic Gas Pumps : First report, Effect of corona wire insulating covers. The proceedings of the JSME annual meeting. 2007.2:289-290. 2007
- ICONE15-10675 EFFECT OF INLET TWO-PHASE FLOW PATTERN ON THE ANNULAR FLOW LIQUID SEPARATION PHENOMENA. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2007.15:_ICONE1510-_ICONE1510. 2007
- ICONE15-10676 FINNED FUEL ELEMENT TWO-PHASE FLOW PARAMETER MEASUREMENTS USING REAL-TIME NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY. The Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE). 2007.15:_ICONE1510-_ICONE1510. 2007
- Investigation of large amplitude stratified waves in a CANDU-type 37 rod nuclear fuel channel by a real-time neutron radiography technique. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 200:221-231. 2000
- Cross-sectional void fraction distribution measurements in a vertical annulus two-phase flow by high speed X-ray computed tomography and real-time neutron radiography techniques. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 10:259-266. 1999
- An image processing approach for two-phase interfaces visualized by a real time neutron radiography technique. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 9:203-210. 1998
- A Two-Phase Flow Regime Map for a Maple-Type Nuclear Research Reactor Fuel Channel: Effect of Hexagonal Finned Bundle. Nuclear Technology. 118:151-161. 1997
- Real-time cross-sectional averaged void fraction measurements in vertical annulus gas-liquid two-phase flow by neutron radiography and X-ray tomography techniques. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 371:544-552. 1996
- Determination of Time-Dependent Void Fraction Distribution in Bubbly Two-Phase Flow by A Real-Time Neutron Radiography Technique. Nuclear Technology. 109:132-141. 1995
- Determination of gas-liquid bubble column instantaneous interfacial area and void fraction by a real-time neutron radiography method. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 47:3639-3646. 1992