selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- Renouveau d’intérêt pour l’étude du fédéralisme au Québec et chantiers à ouvrir. Réjean Pelletier, Le Québec et le fédéralisme canadien : Un regard critique, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008, 236 p. (Prismes.) Alain-G. Gagnon, La raison du plus fort : Plaidoyer pour le fédéralisme multinational, Montréal, Québec/Amérique, 2008, 236 p. (Débats.). Ed. 50. 2009
- Jean Crête [éd.] : Politiques publiques : le Québec comparé, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2006. Ed. 10. 2007
- La capacité de choisir : Le Canada dans une nouvelle Amérique du Nord, sous la direction de George Hoberg, Montréal, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2002, 379 p.. Ed. 21. 2002
- Jean-Luc Migué : Étatisme et déclin du Québec. Bilan de la Révolution tranquille. Montréal, Varia, coll. « Histoire et société », 247 p.. Ed. 2. 1999
- Social Policy Administration in the Canadian Federation. 513-526. 2023
- Employment Insurance and Regional Dynamics in Canada. 248-267. 2021
- Is Non-Centralization and Adequate Principle for Fiscal Federalism in a Multinational Context? Reflections from the Canadian Case. 112-133. 2021
- Labour and Politics in Quebec. 69-87. 2021
- The Political Economy of Social Policy in Canada. 278-296. 2020
- Political Economy and Quebec Capitalism. 128-146. 2019
- Corporatization and Federal-Provincial Relations. 141-153. 2018
- From the Bailiffs at Our Doors to the Greek Peril: Twenty Years of Fiscal 'Urgency' and Quebec Politics. 161-188. 2018
- Poverty and Policy in Ontario: You Can’t Eat Good Intentions. 309-333. 2018
- 12. Austerity of Imagination: Quebec’s Struggles in Translating Resistance into Alternatives. 272-292. 2017
- Austerity of Imagination: Quebec’s Struggles in Translating Resistance into Alternatives. 272-292. 2017
- Austerity of Imagination: Quebec’s Struggles in Translating Resistance into Alternatives. 272-292. 2017
- L’État canadien. 133-152. 2017
- Retooling social reproduction for neoliberal times: the example of the social economy. 312-322. 2016
- Balancing the Claims of Nation and Class: Fifty Years of Covering Quebec. 133-148-133-148. 2016
- RETOOLING SOCIAL REPRODUCTION FOR NEOLIBERAL TIMES The example of the social economy. 284-293. 2016
- The Politics of Social and Economic Development in Quebec. 372-386. 2016
- Quebec nationalism and Quebec politics, from left to right. 137-161. 2015
- Social Assistance in Ontario. 111-126. 2015
- Economic Development Policies in Ontario and Quebec Thinking about Structures of Representation. 271-291. 2014
- Making Social Policy in Canada: How Things Get Done... or Not Done. 102-123. 2014
- Minority Nationalism in a Time of Austerity 2014
- "Not Good Enough": Canada's Stalled Disability Policy. 172-183. 2013
- Family policy in Ontario and Quebec: Different from afar or far from different?. 145-166. 2013
- Ontario and social policy reform: From offside to offensive?. 125-143. 2013
- 1. Introduction: Accountability and Governance. 3-29. 2012
- 14. Conclusion: Whither Accountability?. 307-324. 2012
- 6. Accountability in Labour Market Policies for Persons with Disabilities. 127-143. 2012
- Québec Labour: Days of Glory or the Same Old Story. 62-74. 2012
- Whither the Quebec Model? Boom, Bust and Quebec Labour. 125-141. 2012
- “Implementing a National Vision”: The Romanow Report’s Three Federalisms. 197-216. 2011
- Les stratégies de relance et le projet de démocratiser l’économie. 121-133. 2009
- Globalization through the Eyes of Business, Labour and the Women’s Movement: Three Visions for Quebec’s Modernity. 57-64. 2008
- L’asymétrie banale et l’asymétrie politique dans les accords récents en politiques sociales au Canada. 135-155. 2008
- La grande seduction: Wooing Quebec. 46-62. 2007
- Political Economy and Canadian Public Policy. 19-40. 2007
- Social Economy Policies as Flanking Mechanisms for Neo-Liberalism: Trans-national Policy Solutions, Emergent Contradictions, Local Alternatives. 95-110. 2007
- State Restructuring and the Failure of Competitive Nationalism: Trying Times for Quebec Labour. 153-176. 2007
- The Dynamics of the Parti Québécois in Power: Social Democracy and Competitive Nationalism. 46-66. 2005
- L’économie sociale renforce-t-elle le néolibéralisme ou la démocratie?. 201-222. 2004
- Nationalism and Competitiveness: Can Québec Win if Quebecers Lose?. 427-446. 2004
- Le régime fédératif et la fragmentation des espaces, dans le contexte de la mondialisation. 215-238. 2003
- Trade Unions and Competitive Nationalism: A House of Mirrors?. 105-123. 2003
- Aus dem Schatten des Nachbarn: Der Wohlfahrtsstaat in Kanada. 130-160. 2000
journal articles
- Slow-Moving Welfare State Change in Quebec and "Movements From Below". Politics and Policy. 53. 2025
- Subjective economic insecurity and attitudes toward immigration and feminists among voters on the Right in Canada. Social Science Quarterly. 105:281-295. 2024
- Québec’s Housing Nonprofits Experiencing the End of Federal Subsidy Agreements: Adaptability Without Renewal?. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research. 15:1-17. 2024
- The education and income voting divides in Canada and their consequences for redistributive politics. Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy. 85:102648-102648. 2023
- The Changing Nature of Class Voting in Canada, 1965–2019. Canadian Journal of Political Science. 55:663-686. 2022
- Le patronat et le nationalisme dans un Québec conservateur. Recherches sociographiques. 63:157-157. 2022
- What Should Be Done with a “House in Order”? An Economic Perspective on Post-Liberal Quebec. American Review of Canadian Studies, The. 50:293-308. 2020
- State rescaling, institutionalized state-citizen relationships, and Canadian health policy. Studies in Political Economy. 99:175-193. 2018
- Assessing the Collaboration That Was “Collaborative Federalism” 1996-2006. Canadian Political Science Review. 7:25-36. 2013
- Neoliberalizm nieograniczajacy i ekonomia spoleczna. Ekonomia Spoleczna. 4:101-115. 2012
- La topographie des think tanks patronaux québécois. La construction d’un paysage néolibéral. Globe. 7:181-202. 2011
- The Toronto Origins of Ontario’s 2008 Poverty Reduction Strategy: Mobilizing Multiple Channels for Progressive Social Policy Change. Canadian Review of Social Policy. 1-15. 2011
- Accountability and Funding as Impediments to Social Policy Innovation: Lessons from the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 36:45-62. 2010
- Accountability and Funding as Impediments to Social Policy Innovation: Lessons from the Labour Market Agreements for Persons with Disabilities. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 36:45-62. 2010
- The Gradual Defederalization of Canadian Health Policy. Publius. 39:187-209. 2009
- La nouvelle gouvernance fédérale et les politiques sociales au Canada : leçons des ententes en matière de l’intégration en emploi des personnes ayant des handicaps. Lien Social et Politiques. 75-88. 2007
- Quelle décentralisation? L’État fédéral canadien et les régimes provinciaux d’aide sociale. Économie et solidarités. 38:27-42. 2007
- State Restructuring, Social Assistance, and Canadian Intergovernmental Relations: Same Scales, New Tune. Studies in Political Economy. 78:93-117. 2006
- The Social Economy and the American Model Relating New Social Policy Directions to the Old. Global Social Policy. 6:197-219. 2006
- Federalism and Social Policy: Evaluating Recent Federal-Provincial Agreements. Canadian Review of Social Policy. 1-15. 2006
- Social Economy Policies as Flanking for Neoliberalism: Transnational Policy Solutions, Emergent Contradictions, Local Alternatives. Policy and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy Research. 25:69-86. 2006
- The contradictory political economy of minority nationalism. Theory and society. 34:519-549. 2005
- Personal Services in the Post‐industrial Economy: Adding Nonprofits to the Welfare Mix. Social Policy and Administration. 38:456-469. 2004
- The Quebec Patronat: Proposing a Neo‐liberal Political Economy after All*. Canadian Review of Sociology, The. 41:171-193. 2004
- The New Federal Tool Belt: Attempts to Rebuild Social Policy Leadership. Canadian Public Policy/ Analyse de Politiques. 30:71-71. 2004
- Conflictos y acuerdos: la transformación de las políticas sociales en Canadá. Foro Internacional. 44:205-228. 2004
- Anciens et nouveaux outils de gouvernance dans l'union sociale canadienne. Socie´te´s Contemporaines. 51:83-83. 2003
- From Dead-beat Dad to Quality Time Parenting? The Federal Government and Intergovernmental Relations in Health Policy. International Journal of Canadian Studies. 28:91-109. 2003
- The social economy and the state: linking ambitions with institutions in Québec, Canada. Policy & Politics. 30:247-262. 2002
- Repenser l’économie sociale face à l’État. Lien Social et Politiques. 129-141. 2002
- Whose social economy? Debating new state practices in Qu¥ebec. Critical Social Policy. 21:35-58. 2001
- The High Value-Added, Low-Wage Model: Progressive Competitiveness in Québec from Bourassa to Bouchard. Studies in Political Economy. 61:5-30. 2000
- The reason for the stronger. Advocacy for multinational federalism. Recherches sociographiques. 50:604-613.
- COVID and Physical and Mental Health 2021
- Financial Well-Being and COVID 2021
- Engaging Communities Around Austerity and Alternatives in Quebec: Lessons from Thirty Years of Consultations 2018
- Austerity in Quebec: Neither Romance nor Despair 2016
- Tensión entre la fragmentación del espacio social y la integración nacional en el estado federal canadiense 2003
- Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Ontario Workers, Workplaces and Families 2021
- COVID and Attitudes Towards the Role of Government 2021
- COVID and Workplace Dynamics 2021
- COVID, Labour Markets and Employment 2021
- Food Security and Housing during COVID 2021
- Methods and Demographics 2021
- Union Advocacy During COVID 2021