selected scholarly activity
- Critical Community Engagement Across Borders: Canada and Nicaragua. Social work. 301-321. 2020
- Critical Community Engagement Across Borders: Canada and Nicaragua. Social work. 1-21. 2020
- Organizing within Communities that have Experienced Collective Trauma: Tensions, Contradictions and Possibilities. 65-90. 2020
- La intersección de la globalización con las realidades locales: Migración y explotación sexual comercial de niñas, niños y adolescentes: El caso de Nicaragua. 261-276. 2019
- Redefining Political Spaces: Everyday Citizenship from a Place of Exclusion. 105-119. 2018
- Broken Dreams—Balancing Self and Family Well-Being: The Experiences of Women Immigrants to Hamilton, ON. 117-128. 2017
- Redefining Political Spaces: Everyday Citizenship from a Place of Exclusion. 105-119. 2017
- Collective Trauma as a Personal/Social Concern for LGBTTTSQ Persons. 213-232. 2015
- Re-thinking Salvadorian mothers’ “suffering” and “sacrifices” in a transnational context: Politics of engagement. 23-32. 2015
- Trafficking of Women and Children in Latin America. 512-516. 2015
- Cross-border Family Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Working with Latin American Refugee Women in Therapy. 56-66. 2013
- Therapeutic interventions to domestic violence with immigrant couples. 273-286. 2008
- Child commercial sexual exploitation in Nicaragua: A Critical globalization perspective. 131-143.
- Marianismo. 1-2.
- Surviving War and Trauma: Consequences for Salvadorian Mother-Daughter Relationships. 165-175.
- What is keeping Latino/a Students out of School? : Some Possible Explanations. 61-63.
community engaged research
- Exploring the Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence amongst Hamilton's Disapora
- Rights for Children and Youth: Developing Partnerships across the Americas
- The Colonial Contours of Indigenous Women's Inclusion in the Americas - The Peruvian Experience
- The illusive "buen vivir" - Indigenous women's experiences of intimate partner violence
journal articles
- Racialized Immigrants' Encounters of Barriers and Facilitators in Seeking Mental Healthcare Services in Ontario, Canada.. Community Mental Health Journal. 61:556-567. 2025
- Circulos de Conversación [Talking Circles] and Art-Based Methods: An Insurgent Data Collection Methodology. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 23. 2024
- “We don’t talk about Trauma”: El Salvadorians and Community Trauma. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 54:647-664. 2023
- The Art of Data Analysis: Disturbing Knowledge and Performing Critical Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry. 30:107780042311762-107780042311762. 2023
- Conversations from around the coffee table: Exploring subaltern leadership. Leadership. 19:133-149. 2023
- Trapped within the Logic of Modernity/Coloniality. Social Science Quarterly. 104:918-926. 2023
- The Cost of “A Better Life”: Children Left Behind—Beyond Ambiguous Loss. Journal of Family Issues. 43:3218-3243. 2022
- ‘From our ownselves’:Acompañamientowith Indigenous Women in Perú. International Social Work. 65:1289-1300. 2022
- Child Welfare Services: Its Ontology of Difference. Child Welfare. 100:1-26. 2022
- Using Autoethnography to bring the Visibility of Coloniality. Qualitative Social Work. 20:1517-1535. 2021
- Global Agendas – Local Realities: Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Chinandega, Nicaragua—“A Break from Their Ordinary Life…”. Journal of Human Trafficking. 7:88-103. 2021
- Disrupting knowledge in the arts: encountering the colonial other through performance. Critical and Radical Social Work. 8:389-403. 2020
- Challenging Colonial Legacies: Developing Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practicum in Dominican Republic. Social Work and Policy Studies: Social Justice, Practice and Theory. 2:1-16. 2019
- Contrucción de la resiliencia en la Niñez y Adolescencia desde la perspectiva del Trabajo Social. Mejores Practicas en la proteccion de niños, niñas y adolescents en materia de Atención y Protección de la Infancia. [A social work perspective: Best Practices in the Protection of Young People. Intercambio de Buenas Prácticas en desde el Trabajo Social]. UNICEF Magazine. 2019
- International social work: Silent testimonies of the coloniality of power. International Social Work. 61:341-352. 2018
- Protesting Against Mothers’ Surveillance: Salvadorian Mothers and Their Daughters Negotiating Adolescence in a Foreign Context. Journal of Family Social Work. 18:106-122. 2015
- Collective trauma as a personal/social concern for persons within marginalized communities. International Journal of Diverse Identities. 12:1-12. 2014
- Collective trauma as a personal/social concern for persons within marginalized communities. International Journal of Diversity in Education. 12:61-80. 2014
- Value Transmission Among Salvadorian Mothers and Daughters: Marianismo and Sexual Morality. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. 30:311-327. 2013
- Collective Trauma as a Personal/Social Concern for Persons within Marginalized Communities. International Journal of Community Diversity. 12:61-80. 2013
- Granada, a City under Siege: Dynamics of the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children as a Human Rights Issue in Nicaragua. Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education. 2:21-36. 2013
- Cross-Border Family Therapy: An Innovative Approach to Working with Latina Refugee Women in Therapy. Women and Therapy. 35:57-67. 2012
- Salvadorian ethnic pride: A bridge for reducing mother daughter conflict due to acculturation into Canadian society. Canadian Social Work Review. 29:61-85. 2012
- “No es lo mismo - ni es igual”: Las experiencias transnacionales de adolescentes Salvadoreños (It is neither the same or alike: The experiences of transnational relations of Salvadorian adolescents). Rayuela Iberoamerican Journal of Childhood & Youth Rights. 3:121-126. 2012
- Mental health professionals' adaptive responses to racial microaggressions: An exploratory study.. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 41:202-209. 2010
- Salvadorian women’s diaspora: Ana Rivera’s story. Canadian Women Studies. 27:140-144. 2009
- Mothering through acculturation: Reflections of Salvadorian mothers in Canada. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative. 9:86-96. 2008
- Salvadorian women speak: Coping in Canada with past trauma and loss. Canadian Social Work Review. 25:23-36. 2008
- Building resilience and resistance against racism and discrimination among Salvadorian female youth in Canada. Child & Family Social Work. 12:390-398. 2007
- Salvadorians. International Journal of the Humanities. 3:133-140. 2007
- Salvadorians: Their wounded souls: historical oppression and resistance. International Journal of the Humanities. 5:133-140. 2007
- Patterns of resilience: Lessons from Sara’s narrative. Child and family: A journal of the Notre Dame Child & Family Institute and Family Service Canada,. 22-26. 2001
- Secrets of war. Women’s Concern Report. 14-16. 2001
- Echoing Memories of the Children Left Behind: The Other Side of the Story. Journal of Family Issues.
- The Colonial Immigrant & Family Acculturation: Latin American Transnational Families in a Global Economy. Family Science Review. 23:40-64.
- We don’t talk about trauma. Journal of Community Development.
- The Colonial Grid: Mapping the Social Work Classroom. Whiteness and Education. 160-174. 2022
- Critical Stance. Glossary of terms for social justice social work. 2022
- Historical Trauma. Glossary of terms for social justice social work. 2022
- Positionality. Glossary of terms for social justice social work. 2022
- Social Location. Glossary of terms for social justice social work. 2022
- Marianismo. Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. 2018
- Qualitative research with vulnerable populations 2016
- Women and Water: A social justice and human right matter – The case of El Salvador 2015
- Trafficking of women and children in Latin America. International Encyclopedia of the Behavioral and Social Science-Social Work Subsection. 512-516. 2015
- Acculturation. Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive practice. 5-6. 2014
- Assimilation. Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive practice. 5-6. 2014
- El Salvador. Encyclopedia of motherhood. 2010
- Intergenerational trauma. Encyclopedia of motherhood. 2010
- Nicaragua. Encyclopedia of motherhood. 2010
- Refugee mothers. Encyclopedia of motherhood. 2010
- Collective trauma. Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive practice. 5-6. 2007
- Cultural genocide. Glossary of terms for anti-oppressive practice. 9-9. 2007
- A New Era of Migration: Central American Young People and Diasporas. Journal of Interdisciplinary Humanities.
- Interviewing Skills
- Interviewing Skills with diverse populations
- The Art of Data Analysis. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies..
- Conversations on “Race” and Ethnicity: Continuities and New Challenges in the Wake of the COVID- 19 Pandemic 2021
- Ethnicity in the era of globalization 2021
- Connecting Coloniality and Contemporary Migration: Violence and Central American Women 2021
- Formación en investigación cualitativa 2019
- Phenomenological Interviewing & Narrative Inquiry 2019
- Formación en investigación cualitativa 2019
- Central American youth migration to Canada: “Lone” migrants 2019
- Contrucción de la resiliencia en la Niñez y Adolescencia desde la perspectiva del Trabajo Social. Mejores Practicas en la proteccion de niños, niñas y adolescents en materia de Atención y Protección de la Infancia. San Salvador & San Miguel. El Salvador 2019
- Jóvenes que migran solos: oportunidades y desafíos para el trabajo social [Unnacompanied Migration: Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work] 2019
- Trabajo Social con Familias: Modelos Teóricos [Social Work with Families: Theoretical Models] y Familias Transnacionales: Desafíos para el Trabajo Social [Transnational Families: Challenges and Opportunities in Social Work]. 2019
- Genealogy and identity in the Central American Diaspora in Canada 2019
- “Research within and Across Borders” 2019
- “The Search for Upwardly Mobility: Diasporic Caribbean Youth in Canada” 2019
- “Upwardly mobile Young People: Displaced or Beneficiaries?” 2019
- Trauma & Newcomers 2018
- Trauma Informed Practice with Refugee Children 2018
- Trauma Informed Practice with Newcomers and Refugees 2018
- Central American and youth migration in Canada 2018
- Exploring the intersection of gang violence and immigration in El Salvador 2018
- The Facts of Whiteness at the juncture of Reflexivity and Social Justice 2018
- When Do Unaccompanied Children Have Rights? 2018
- Working with Children Left Behind: Clinical Insights from Nicaragua & El Salvador 2018
- “Data as Drama: Ethical Coding in Story Re-telling” 2018
- “Gender and Migration” 2018
- “The Children Left Behind: The Other Side of Remittances” 2018
- Exploring the Intersection of immigration, gender, trauma and its impact on mental health 2017
- Immigrant women’s mental health & civic participation 2017
- Phenomenological Interviewing and Narrative Inquiry 2017
- Beyond Legal definitions: Citizenship as a Lived Process 2017
- Exploring the intersection of immigration, gender, trauma and its impact on mental health. 2017
- Phenomenological Interviewing and Narrative Inquiry (Spanish) 2017
- Examining the Intersection of Immigrants’ Integration/Adaptation and Child Welfare 2017
- We Are Not the Others 2017
- “Beyond Legal definitions: Citizenship as a Lived Process” 2017
- “We Are Not the Others” A Knowledge Translation approach using popular theatre. Interrogating Social Work’s Role in “Nation” Building. 2017
- Qualitative research with vulnerable populations 2016
- Children, Safety and Bullying: Newcomers Families 2016
- The refugee experience(s) & Trauma 2016
- Parenting in Canada: Children’s bi-culturalism and sense of belonging 2016
- The borderland experiences of women immigrant/refugee to Hamilton: Its impact on their mental health 2016
- The borderland experiences of women immigrant/refugee to Hamilton: Its impact on their mental health 2016
- Transnational identity and ethically-driven research & development in the Caribbean and Central America 2016
- Transnational identity and ethically-driven research & development in the Caribbean and Central America. Race, anti-racism and indigeneity: Anti-colonial resurgence and decolonial resistance 2016
- Interviewing Skills in Social Work 2015
- Training 2015
- Intersection of immigration and mental health 2015
- Social Work: Theory and Practice Models 2015
- Women and Water: A social justice and human right matter – The case of El Salvador 2015
- A ride to a better life. Trafficking of children in Guasaule, Nicaragua. 2015
- The intersection of globalization and local realities: Children’s migration and child commercial sexual exploitation - The case of Nicaragua 2015
- The intersection of globalization and local realities: Children’s migration and child commercial sexual exploitation - The case of Nicaragua 2015
- “A ride to a better life.” Trafficking of children in Güasaule, Nicaragua 2015
- Immigrant Families: Facilitating Resilient Pathways 2014
- Tensions in ethical settlement work 2014
- Problematizing acculturation for immigrants and refugees 2014
- La intersección de la violencia en contra de niñas y niños y la inmigración familiar (The intersection of violence against children and parental migration) 2014
- The intersection of immigration and woman abuse. 2013
- Voices from the margins: Immigrant women’s leadership. Leadership Summit for Women 2013
- Gender violence: Children’s Commercial in Granada and Guasaule Youth and Community Development in Canada and Jamaica: A Transnational Approach to Youth Violence 2013
- Project grounding: Responding to youth violence in Jamaica. Respondent. Dr. Honor Ford-Smith, Urban space, neoliberal violence and popular performance: Commemorating the struggles for peace in Jamaican communities 2013
- Cross-border family therapy: An innovative approach to working with Latin American refugee women in therapy 2013
- Cross-border family therapy: An innovative approach to working with Latin American refugee women in therapy 2013
- Interviewing Skills with diverse populations 2013
- The fallacy of “apathy” in reporting children and women’s human rights violations in Nicaragua. Engaging Hearts and Minds: Human Rights and Social Justice Today 2013
- International collaboration: Gender violence and violence against children 2012
- International collaboration: Gender violence and violence against children 2012
- Qualitative Research Methods 2012
- Social Work and Trauma 2011
- NVivo Qualitative software for qualitative data management 2011
- Social Work: Intimate Partner Violence 2011
- “Las múltiples opresiones de las mujeres Salvadoreñas en Canadá. Salvadoreños en el mundo, Diáspora y desarrollo: Una mirada a la mujer Salvadoreña. VIII Convención Internacional. Toronto. ON” [Salvadorian Women’s Multiple oppressions in Canada. Salvadorians in the world. Diaspora and development: A look to Salvadorian women] 2010
- Integration of Theory and Practice 2010
- “La presencia de explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes en Estelí, Nicaragua.” [The presence of child commercial sexual exploitation in Estelí, Nicaragua] 2010
- Social Work: Assessment & Interviewing Skills 2010
- Social Work: Theory & Practice 2010
- Building Inclusive communities: A closer look of Kitchener Waterloo 2010
- Research, development and the ethics of engagement Critical International Social Work 2010
- “Explotación sexual comercial de niños, niñas y adolescentes: Hallazgos preliminares de un estudio cualitativo en la Republica Dominicana.” [Child commercial sexual exploitation: Initial findings of a national qualitative study in Dominican Republic] 2010
- Child commercial sexual exploitation in Dominican Republic: Lessons learned 2010
- Racialized mental health professionals: Resilient pathways to racial micro-aggressions in the US and Canada 2010
- Salvadorian mothers and their daughters: Value maintenance and transformation in Canadian context 2010
- Social Work: Qualitative Research Methods 2009
- “Consorcio internacional: Canada & Nicaragua.” [International Partnerships: Canada & Nicaragua] 2009
- Salvadorian mothers and their daughters: Navigating the hazards of acculturation and economic incorporation in Canada 2009
- The trauma of the journey 2009
- “Supervisión de estudiantes de Trabajo Social.” [Supervision of Social Work students in placement] 2009
- Empowering women against the commercial sexual exploitation of children: developing an international partnership for research and action in Nicaragua 2008
- ‘Cultural competence’ with Latin American immigrants and refugees 2008
- Social Work & Child Welfare 2008
- Gender & anti-oppressive Practices 2008
- Social Work: Theory and Practice 2008
- Immigrant women and mental health 2008
- A conceptual framework for considering community trauma. 2008
- Navigating the trajectory of micro-aggressions within professional communities 2008
- “Generalidades del tratamiento a victimas y sobrevivientes del abuso sexual. Primer Foro Centroamericano de Seguridad Humana: Prevención y Atención del Trauma en la Niñez y Adolescencia.” [General treatments for victims and survivors of sexual abuse. Human development: Consequences of childhood sexual abuse. First Central American Forum on Human Safety: Prevention & Treatment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents. Interventions: Childhood Sexual Abuse] 2007
- “Secuelas de abuso sexual en la vida adulta. Primer Foro Centroamericano de Seguridad Humana: Prevención y Atención del Trauma en la Niñez y Adolescencia.” [Sequels of childhood sexual abuse in adulthood. First Central American Forum on Human Safety: Prevention & Treatment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents. Interventions: Childhood Sexual Abuse] 2007
- “Sintomatología e indicadores del abuso sexual infantil: Valoración de abuso sexual de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Primer Foro Centroamericano de Seguridad Humana: Prevención y Atención del Trauma en la Niñez y Adolescencia.” [Symptoms and indicators of childhood sexual abuse: Assessment, childhood sexual abuse. First Central American Forum on Human Safety: Prevention & Treatment of Trauma in Children and Adolescents] 2007
- Nuances in immigration and settlement 2007
- Consciousness raising among Salvadorian female youth 2007
- Reflections of trauma: Multiple borders crossed by domestic violence in families: Women, children & immigration 2007
- Salvadorians: Dealing with the strains of their socio-political wounds of war 2007
- Salvadorian mother-daughter ambiguous losses due to war and migration: Implications for therapy 2006
- Salvadorian mothers: Mothering in a foreign context 2006
- Diversity, oppression and marginalization 2004
- An integrative approach to parent-youth relationships: CV_ Carranza 34 / 39 Salvadorian mothers and their daughters 2003
- Family acculturation in a global economy: Salvadorian mother- daughter relationships 2003
- Working with multicultural clients 2002
- Re-conceptualizing family acculturation: Latin American transnational families in a global economy 2001
- Resistance and resilience: Central American immigrant families 2001
- Innovative solutions: Culturally sensitive services in an age of diversity 2000
- Using solution focused therapy with multicultural clinents 2000
- The Art of Cross-cultural Counselling 1999
- Rupture and re-construction: Family relations among Central American in Toronto 1999
- Forced migration: Children and women trafficking within Central America – Nicaragua’s experience 2011
- Bridging resources project report, I
- Bridging resources project report, II
- Child trafficking & commercial sexual exploitation: A qualitative research report
- Colonial Contours of Indigenous Women’s Exclusion in Peru
- Crown ward: Kinship & diversity. A program evaluation
- Examining the Intersection of Immigrants’ Integration/Acculturation and Child Welfare
- Examining the Intersection of Immigrants’ Women's Mental Health & Acculturation
- Explotación sexual comercial en Granada, Nicaragua. Reporte comunitario
- Manual for working with leaders from multicultural communities
- Report on Gender
- Report on Gender
- Report on partnership development
- Report on placement opportunities for Social Work students
- Salvadorian Mothers and their Daughters: Navigating the Hazards of Acculturation in the Canadian Context
- Salvadorians in Canada
- Systematization of the Juntas Locales: A grass root approach to child abuse in Dominican Republic