selected scholarly activity
book reviews
- Book Review: Most unimaginably strange: An eclectic companion to the landscape of Iceland. Ed. 46. 2022
- The Place of Religion in Chicago. Ed. 14. 2013
- Healing places. Ed. 48. 2004
- Exploring the Mobilities of Double-Duty Carers: Introducing Mobility of the Care Economy. 186-201. 2024
- Gardening for good in Ontario, Canada. 33-51. 2023
- Gardening for good in Ontario, Canada. 33-51. 2023
- Introduction. 1-1. 2023
- Introduction. 1-16. 2023
- Mental health, quality of life, and life experiences of Ghanaian women living with breast cancer. 215-232. 2023
- Understanding women's unpaid work and domestic work: Using Photovoice to capture immigrant carer-employee experiences in southern Ontario, Canada. 112-126. 2023
- Introduction 2023
- International standardisation of products and services for ageing societies 1. 206-230. 2022
- Intervention research from a place-based perspective. 361-367. 2018
- Older drivers in rural areas: Implications for health, social inclusion and caregiving. Advances in Transport Policy and Planning. 107-123. 2018
- Healing Landscapes in the Alps: Heidi by Johanna Spyri. 65-73. 2017
- Home as Therapeutic Landscape: Family Caregivers Providing Palliative Care at Home. 199-218. 2017
- Introduction: The Continuing Maturation of the Therapeutic Landscape Concept. 1-12. 2017
- A Sense of Place, A Sense of Well-Being. 15-30. 2016
- Conclusion. 197-215. 2016
- Developing a Psychometric Scale for Measuring Sense of Place and Health: An Application of Facet Design. 73-85. 2016
- Introduction. 1-13. 2016
- Does the Compassionate Care Benefit Adequately Support Vietnamese Canadian Family Caregivers? A Diversity Analysis. 220-237. 2016
- Managing and overcoming the challenges of qualitative research on palliative family caregivers. 229-243. 2016
- Home care restructuring at work: the impact of policy transformation on women’s labor: Allison Williams. 120-139. 2012
- Growing palliative care: The story of Alberta. 35-63. 2012
- Therapeutic Landscapes as Health Promoting Places. 205-223. 2009
- A Model for Collaborative Research: Building a Community-University Institute for Social Research. 125-130. 2004
- Exploring the Mobilities of Double-Duty Carers
- Therapeutic Landscapes. 1-2.
- Therapeutic Landscapes, Health, and Healing. 2438-2441.
- The Costs and Benefits of Choice: Family Managers in Directly Funded Home Care. Innovation in Aging. 360-360. 2021
- Multimodal Ethnography in Researching with Culturally Diverse Transnational Carers in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 51-51. 2021
- The Scope of Occupational Therapy in Primary Care in Canada. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 63-64. 2017
Differential impacts of care‐giving across three caregiver groups in
C anada: end‐of‐life care, long‐term care and short‐term care. Health and Social Care in the Community. 187-196. 2014 - FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH QUALITY OF LIFE OF RURAL WOMEN CAREGIVERS OF PERSONS WITH ADVANCED CANCER. The Gerontologist. 220-221. 2012
- Comparing Barriers to Assistance between Rural and Urban Family Caregivers. Journal of Palliative Care. 214-214. 2012
- Nurses' Experiences Providing Palliative Care to Individuals Living in Rural Communities. Journal of Palliative Care. 205-205. 2012
- Differences in Quality of End-of-Life Care Provided in Inpatient Health Care Settings. Journal of Palliative Care. 211-211. 2010
- Evaluating Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit. Journal of Palliative Care. 230-230. 2010
- The Influence of Culture on Home-Based Family Caregiving at End of Life. Journal of Palliative Care. 230-231. 2010
- An evaluation of Canada's compassionate care benefit: Perspectives of human resources personnel and employers. Journal of Palliative Care. 230-231. 2007
- Policy/services in rural palliative/end-of-life care in Canadian provincial jurisdictions: What are the trends?. Journal of Palliative Care. 230-230. 2007
- The effect of home-based palliative care on family caregivers in rural areas. Journal of Palliative Care. 231-231. 2007
- Mixed method evaluation of a Living with Hope Program for older terminally ill cancer patients.. Oncology Nursing Forum. 409-409. 2006
- Family caregiving in palliative and end-of-life care: a new emerging team. Journal of Palliative Care. 219-220. 2005
- Strategies for fostering hope in family caregivers of terminally ill patients: Pilot study results of a living with hope intervention. Journal of Palliative Care. 208-208. 2005
- Accrual for palliative care research: Difficulties and potential solutions. Journal of Palliative Care. 221-221. 2004
- The development of Ontario's Home Care Program: A critical geographical analysis. Social Science and Medicine. 937-948. 1996
- Family First? Best practices and policies to balance caregiving and work
- Helping Your Business, While Helping Your Employees who also Provide Family Care
- How did you get here? Worker experiences of Directly Funded home care in Canada
- How did you get here? Worker experiences of Directly Funded home care in Canada
- Inequities in access to directly-funded home care in Canada: A privilege only afforded to some
- The CSA Carer-inclusive and Accommodating Organizations Standard: Helping Carer-Workers Balance Caregiving and Paid Work
- The International Standards Organization Carer-Employee Standard
- Transnational Caregiving During the COVID-19 Pandemic
journal articles
- LGBTQA Embodiment and Spatiality in Hamilton, Ontario: A Phenomenological Investigation.. Journal of Homosexuality. ahead-of-print:1-23. 2025
- Perceptions of polar regions as therapeutic landscapes: a qualitative exploration. GeoJournal. 90. 2024
- Double-Duty Carers’ Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19: Exploring the Role of Mobility of the Care Economy in Southern Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 21:730-730. 2024
- A Workplace Environmental Scan of Employed Carers During COVID-19. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 45:212-235. 2024
- Wages or Legitimacy? A Qualitative Analysis of Home Care Worker Perspectives in Choosing Work Settings. Inquiry (United States). 61:469580241248094. 2024
- Wicked Problem of Regional Development Policy in Iceland. Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration. 19. 2023
- A comparative analysis of carer-employees in Canada over time: a cross-sectional analysis of Canada’s General Social Survey, 2012 and 2018. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 114:840-855. 2023
- Commonalities and Differences in the Experiences of Visible Minority Transnational Carer–Employees: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20:6800-6800. 2023
- Introduction. Cultivated Therapeutic Landscapes: Gardening for Prevention, Restoration, and Equity. 1-7. 2023
- Evaluation of a Knowledge Mobilization Campaign to Promote Support for Working Caregivers in Canada: Quantitative Evaluation. JMIR Formative Research. 7:e44226-e44226. 2023
- Exercising choice over feedback schedules during practice is not advantageous for motor learning. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 30:621-633. 2023
- The Role of Carer-Friendly Workplace Policies and Social Support in Relation to the Mental Health of Carer-Employees. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2023:1-11. 2023
- Inequities in access to directly-funded home care in Canada: a privilege only afforded to some. BMC Health Services Research. 23:51. 2023
- Effective Management Options for Treatment of Microinstability of the Hip: a Scoping Review. Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine. 16:9-18. 2023
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on carer-employees’ well-being: a twelve-country comparison. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 4:100123-100123. 2023
- Nature-based tourism as therapeutic landscape in a COVID era: autoethnographic learnings from a visitor’s experience in Iceland. GeoJournal. 88:1737-1754. 2023
- Spatio-temporal constraints of carer-workers in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: An exploratory analysis using potential path areas. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 17:100749-100749. 2023
- Transnational caring in times of COVID-19: The experiences of visible minority immigrant carer-employees. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 4:100129-100129. 2023
- Wicked Problem of Regional Development Policy in Iceland. Stjórnmál og Stjórnsýsla. 19:131-152. 2023
- Intersectionality, health equity, and EDI: What’s the difference for health researchers?. International Journal for Equity in Health. 21:182. 2022
- Balancing Flexibility and Administrative Burden: Experiences of Family Managers Using Directly Funded Home Care in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging. 41:593-604. 2022
- Caregiving Across International Borders: a Systematic Review of Literature on Transnational Carer-Employees. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 37:427-461. 2022
- Evaluation of a Knowledge Mobilization Campaign to Promote Support for Working Caregivers in Canada: Quantitative Evaluation (Preprint) 2022
- The impact of the Caremongering social media movement: A convergent parallel mixed‐methods study. Health and Social Care in the Community. 30:e5167-e5175. 2022
- Biological solution conditions and flanking sequence modulate LLPS of RNA G-quadruplex structures. RNA: A publication of the RNA Society. 28:1197-1209. 2022
- Correction: Web-Based Delivery of the Caregiving Essentials Course for Informal Caregivers of Older Adults in Ontario: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR Aging. 5:e42215-e42215. 2022
- Looking beyond hours of care: the effects of care strain on work withdrawal among Australian workers. International Journal of Care and Caring. 6:318-334. 2022
- Support for working carers across the globe: the development of international standardised guidelines for the workplace. International Journal of Care and Caring. 6:455-460. 2022
- Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation edited by ChristopherLepczyk, OwenBoyle, and TimothyVargo, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 2020, 336 pp., paperback $49.45 (ISBN 978‐0520284791). Canadian Geographer. 66:E1-E1. 2022
- Exercising choice over feedback schedules during practice is not advantageous for motor learning 2022
- Increased perceptions of autonomy through choice fail to enhance motor skill retention.. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 48:370-379. 2022
- Places of paid work and unpaid work: Caregiving and work‐from‐home during COVID‐19. Canadian Geographer. 66:156-171. 2022
- Cost Implications from an Employer Perspective of a Workplace Intervention for Carer-Employees during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:2194-2194. 2022
- Reshaping wellbeing in changing care and paid work environments. Wellbeing, Space and Society. 3:100103-100103. 2022
- Caught in the middle: a thematic analysis of the experiences of Korean-Canadian caregiver-employees in the greater Toronto and Hamilton area. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 21:1728. 2021
- Correction to: Social participation and depressive symptoms of carer-employees of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 112:1093-1094. 2021
- Social participation and depressive symptoms of carer-employees of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 112:927-937. 2021
- Improving the Workplace Experience of Caregiver-Employees: A Time-Series Analysis of a Workplace Intervention. Safety and Health at Work. 12:296-303. 2021
- Unintentional injury deaths among youth in Ontario, Canada from 2000 to 2015: Rates are falling but there are caveats. Canadian Geographer. 65:255-266. 2021
- Doing ‘whatever they can imagine’: social task shifting in directly funded home care. International Journal of Care and Caring. 5:393-413. 2021
- Availability of caregiver-friendly workplace policies: an international scoping review follow-up study. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 14:459-476. 2021
- Web-Based Delivery of the Caregiving Essentials Course for Informal Caregivers of Older Adults in Ontario: Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR Aging. 4:e25671-e25671. 2021
- Increased perceptions of autonomy through choice over one's observation schedule fail to enhance motor skill retention 2021
- Iceland as a therapeutic landscape: white wilderness spaces for well-being. GeoJournal. 86:1275-1285. 2021
- Capturing the impacts of balancing caring and employment: a photovoice study of Filipino-Canadian transnational working carers. International Journal of Care and Caring. 5:335-363. 2021
- The integration of sex and gender considerations in health policymaking: a scoping review. International Journal for Equity in Health. 20:69. 2021
- Measuring potential assisted-transport demand for older adult care-recipients in Hamilton, Canada. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 9:100284-100284. 2021
- Evaluating changes in workplace culture: Effectiveness of a caregiver-friendly workplace program in a public post-secondary educational institution. PLoS ONE. 16:e0250978-e0250978. 2021
- Caregivers of older adults with dementia and multiple chronic conditions: Exploring their experiences with significant changes. Dementia. 19:2601-2620. 2020
- Evaluation of a Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Program Intervention on the Health of Full-Time Caregiver Employees. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 62:e548-e558. 2020
- Burden on Caregivers of Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Intersectionality of Age, Gender, Education level, Employment Status, and Impact on Social Life. Canadian Journal on Aging. 39:456-467. 2020
- Burden on Caregivers of Adults with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Intersectionality of Age, Gender, Education level, Employment Status, and Impact on Social Life—CORRIGENDUM. Canadian Journal on Aging. 39:485-485. 2020
- Illness and Sense of Place in Rural Iceland:The Stones Speakby Þórbergur Þórðarson. GeoHumanities. 6:295-313. 2020
- Male/Female Differences in the Impact of Caring for Elderly Relatives on Labor Market Attachment and Hours of Work: 1997–2015. Journals of Gerontology - Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 75:694-704. 2020
- Applying the concept of structural empowerment to interactions between families and home‐care nurses. Nursing Inquiry. 27:e12313. 2020
- Carer-employees’ travel behaviour: Assisted-transport in time and space. Journal of Transport Geography. 82:102558-102558. 2020
- The Predicament of Caring: Work Interferences and Health of Family Caregivers of Persons With Multiple Chronic Conditions. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 6:233372142093893-233372142093893. 2020
- Women’s Caregiving Experience of Older Persons Living With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias and Multiple Chronic Conditions: Using Wuest’s Theory. SAGE Open Nursing. 6:237796082097481-237796082097481. 2020
- A Comparison of Users and Nonusers of a Web-Based Intervention for Carers of Older Persons With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias: Mixed Methods Secondary Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 21:e14254-e14254. 2019
- Male working carers: a qualitative analysis of males involved in caring alongside full-time paid work. International Journal of Care and Caring. 3:425-444. 2019
- Impact of a Caregiver-Friendly Workplace Policies Intervention. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 61:461-468. 2019
- Assisted-Transport Caregiving and Its Impact Towards Carer-Employees. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 62:475-497. 2019
- Feelings of distance and proximity: exploring the emotional geographies of men caregiving for family members with multiple chronic conditions. Social & Cultural Geography. 20:109-129. 2019
- Health of caregiver-employees in Canada. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 11:382-394. 2018
- Community readiness and momentum: identifying and including community-driven variables in a mixed-method rural palliative care service siting model. BMC Palliative Care. 17:59. 2018
- Better support for carer-employees in Canada: the development of standardised guidelines for the workplace. International Journal of Care and Caring. 2:581-586. 2018
- Creating “therapeutic landscapes” at home: The experiences of families of children with autism. Health & Place. 52:46-54. 2018
- Web-Based Intervention for Family Carers of Persons with Dementia and Multiple Chronic Conditions (My Tools 4 Care): Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20:e10484-e10484. 2018
- Family conflict and future concerns: Opportunities for social workers to better support Chinese immigrant caregiver employees. Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 61:375-392. 2018
- A Web-Based Intervention to Help Caregivers of Older Adults With Dementia and Multiple Chronic Conditions: Qualitative Study. JMIR Aging. 1:e2-e2. 2018
- Gender-based analysis of working-carer men: a North American scoping review. International Journal of Care and Caring. 2:27-48. 2018
- Availability of caregiver-friendly workplace policies (CFWPs): an international scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community. 26:e1-e14. 2018
- Education, Training, and Mentorship of Caregivers of Canadians Experiencing a Life-Limiting Illness. Journal of Palliative Medicine. 21:S45-S49. 2018
- From therapeutic landscapes to healthy spaces, places and practices: A scoping review. Social Science and Medicine. 196:123-130. 2018
- Protocol for a program of research from the Aging, Community and Health Research Unit. The Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity. 8:2235042X1878950-2235042X1878950. 2018
- Evaluation of caregiver-friendly workplace policy (CFWPs) interventions on the health of full-time caregiver employees (CEs): implementation and cost-benefit analysis. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 17:728. 2017
- Study protocol: pragmatic randomized control trial of an internet-based intervention (My tools 4 care) for family carers. BMC Geriatrics. 17:181. 2017
- Gender and sex differences in carers’ health, burden and work outcomes: Canadian carers of community-dwelling older people with multiple chronic conditions. International Journal of Care and Caring. 1:331-349. 2017
- Older Adult Spouses with Multiple Chronic Conditions: Challenges, Rewards, and Coping Strategies. Canadian Journal on Aging. 36:209-222. 2017
- International synthesis and case study examination of promising caregiver-friendly workplaces. Social Science and Medicine. 177:52-60. 2017
- Toward an autism-friendly home environment. Housing Studies. 32:140-167. 2017
- Supporting caregiver employees: managers’ perspective in Canada. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 10:25-41. 2017
- A Canadian qualitative study exploring the diversity of the experience of family caregivers of older adults with multiple chronic conditions using a social location perspective. International Journal for Equity in Health. 15:40. 2016
- Factors influencing changes in health related quality of life of caregivers of persons with multiple chronic conditions. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 14:81. 2016
- Exploring the daily geographies of diverse men caregiving for family members with multiple chronic conditions. Gender, Place and Culture. 23:1586-1598. 2016
- Palliating inside the lines: The effects of borders and boundaries on palliative care in rural Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 168:273-282. 2016
- Revisiting the use of ‘place’ as an analytic tool for elucidating geographic issues central to Canadian rural palliative care. Health & Place. 41:19-23. 2016
- Bleeding at the roots: Post‐secondary student mental health and nature affiliation. Canadian Geographer. 60:232-238. 2016
- Developing Navigation Competencies to Care for Older Rural Adults with Advanced Illness. Canadian Journal on Aging. 35:206-214. 2016
- Factors influencing health behaviours in response to the air quality health index: a cross-sectional study in Hamilton, Canada. Environmental Health Review. 59:17-29. 2016
Impacts of care‐giving and sources of support: a comparison of end‐of‐life and non‐end‐of‐life caregivers in
C anada. Health and Social Care in the Community. 24:214-224. 2016 - Methodological and Epistemological Considerations in Utilizing Qualitative Inquiry to Develop Interventions. Qualitative Health Research. 26:147-153. 2016
- A comparative analysis of potential spatio-temporal access to palliative care services in two Canadian provinces. BMC Health Services Research. 15:270. 2015
- Client, caregiver, and provider perspectives of safety in palliative home care: a mixed method design. Safety in Health. 1:3. 2015
- Cultural influences on palliative family caregiving: service recommendations specific to the Vietnamese in Canada. BMC Research Notes. 8:280. 2015
- Immigrants' perceptions of quality of life in three second‐ or third‐tier Canadian cities. Canadian Geographer. 59:489-503. 2015
- Sense of belonging to local community in small-to-medium sized Canadian urban areas: a comparison of immigrant and Canadian-born residents. BMC Psychology. 3:28. 2015
- Growing Up, Naturally: The Mental Health Legacy of Early Nature Affiliation. Ecopsychology. 7:115-125. 2015
- “It's like a different world”: Natural places, post-secondary students, and mental health. Health & Place. 34:241-250. 2015
- Variations in Sense of Place Across Immigrant Status and Gender in Hamilton, Ontario; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; and, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Social Indicators Research. 121:241-252. 2015
Care‐giving as a
C anadian‐V ietnamese tradition: ‘It's like eating, you just do it’. Health and Social Care in the Community. 23:79-87. 2015 - Agenda-setting for Canadian caregivers: using media analysis of the maternity leave benefit to inform the compassionate care benefit. BMC Women's Health. 14:60. 2014
- Immigrants, islandness and perceptions of quality-of-life on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Island Studies Journal. 9:343-362. 2014
- Pre-implementation knowledge tool development for health services providers: A qualitative study of Canadian social workers. Qualitative Social Work. 13:351-371. 2014
- A Comparison of Support Needs Between Rural and Urban Family Caregivers Providing Palliative Care. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. 31:13-19. 2014
- Hope of rural women caregivers of persons with advanced cancer: guilt, self-efficacy and mental health. Rural and Remote Health. 14:2561. 2014
- Nurses' experiences providing palliative care to individuals living in rural communities: aspects of the physical residential setting. Rural and Remote Health. 14:2728. 2014
- Understanding the distinct experience of rural interprofessional collaboration in developing palliative care programs. Rural and Remote Health. 14:2711. 2014
- A qualitative study examining the sustainability of shared care in the delivery of palliative care services in the community. BMC Palliative Care. 12:32. 2013
- Evaluation of the living with hope program for rural women caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care. 12:36. 2013
- Hope against hope: exploring the hopes and challenges of rural female caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care. 12:44. 2013
- The Importance of Place and Time in Translating Knowledge About Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit to Informal Caregivers. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care. 9:289-307. 2013
- Surfing therapeutic landscapes: Exploring cyberpilgrimage. Culture and Religion. 14:78-93. 2013
- Comparing the experiences of rural and urban family caregivers of the terminally ill. Rural and Remote Health. 13:2250. 2013
- Factors Enabling Shared Care with Primary Healthcare Providers in Community Settings: The experiences of Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Teams. Journal of Palliative Care. 28:282-289. 2012
- Air Quality in Hamilton: Who is Concerned? Perceptions from Three Neighbourhoods. Social Indicators Research. 108:239-255. 2012
- Introduction and Overview. Social Indicators Research. 108:197-198. 2012
- Legitimising and rationalising in talk about satisfaction with formal healthcare among bereaved family members. Sociology of Health and Illness. 34:1010-1024. 2012
- Measuring Social Capital in Hamilton, Ontario. Social Indicators Research. 108:215-238. 2012
- Mixed-Method Feasibility Pilot Study of a "ChangesToolkit" for Rural Palliative Patients and Their Families. Journal of Palliative Care. 28:212-213. 2012
- Perceptions of Quality Life in Hamilton’s Neighbourhood Hubs: A Qualitative Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 108:299-315. 2012
- Playground Accessibility and Neighbourhood Social Interaction Among Parents. Social Indicators Research. 108:199-213. 2012
- Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 108:277-297. 2012
- Sense of Place and Health in Hamilton, Ontario: A Case Study. Social Indicators Research. 108:257-276. 2012
- The chaos of caregiving and hope. Qualitative Social Work. 11:459-469. 2012
- The workplace perspective on supporting family caregivers at end of life: evaluating a new Canadian social program. Community, Work & Family. 15:317-333. 2012
- Shared care: the barriers encountered by community-based palliative care teams in Ontario, Canada. Health and Social Care in the Community. 20:420-429. 2012
- Hope, older adults, and chronic illness: a metasynthesis of qualitative research. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 68:1211-1223. 2012
- Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis. Social Indicators Research. 107:103-126. 2012
- Family friendly policies: accommodating end‐of‐life caregivers in workplaces. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 5:4-14. 2012
- Family caregivers’ ideal expectations of Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit. Health and Social Care in the Community. 20:172-180. 2012
- Comparing the experiences of rural and urban family caregivers of the terminally ill. Rural and Remote Health. 12. 2012
- Critically examining diversity in end-of-life family caregiving: implications for equitable caregiver support and Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit. International Journal for Equity in Health. 11:65-65. 2012
- Hope against Hope: Exploring the Hopes and Challenges of Rural Female Caregivers of Persons with Advanced Cancer. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 11:732-733. 2012
- Alternative health care consultations in Ontario, Canada: A geographic and socio-demographic analysis. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 11:47. 2011
- Bereaved Family Members’ assessments of the quality of End-Of-Life Care: What is Important?. Journal of Palliative Care. 27:261-269. 2011
- Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit: Is it an adequate public health response to addressing the issue of caregiver burden in end-of-life care?. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 11:335. 2011
- Walking to work in Canada: health benefits, socio-economic characteristics and urban-regional variations. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 11:212. 2011
- Core aspects of "empowering" caregivers as articulated by leaders in home health care: palliative and chronic illness contexts.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 43:78-94. 2011
- Palliative care nursing in rural and urban community settings: a comparative analysis. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 17:344-352. 2011
- “No One dies of Old Age”: Implications for Research, Practice, and Policy. Journal of Palliative Care. 27:148-156. 2011
- The influence of culture on home-based family caregiving at end-of-life: A case study of Dutch reformed family care givers in Ontario, Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 72:338-346. 2011
- 'I am part of the community but...' The changing context of rural living for persons with advanced cancer and their families. Rural and Remote Health. 11:1733. 2011
- Developing rural palliative care: validating a conceptual model. Rural and Remote Health. 11:1717. 2011
- Socio-spatial patterns of home care use in Ontario, Canada: A case study. Health & Place. 17:195-206. 2011
- Living with hope: developing a psychosocial supportive program for rural women caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. BMC Palliative Care. 9:3. 2010
- Scale as an explanatory concept: evaluating Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit. Area. 42:457-467. 2010
- Tracking the evolution of hospice palliative care in Canada: A comparative case study analysis of seven provinces. BMC Health Services Research. 10:147. 2010
- Perspectives from the frontlines: palliative care providers’ expectations of Canada’s compassionate care benefit programme. Health and Social Care in the Community. 18:643-652. 2010
- Sense of Place in Hamilton, Ontario: Empirical Results of a Neighborhood-Based Survey. Urban Geography. 31:905-931. 2010
- Evaluating Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit using a utilization-focused evaluation framework: Successful strategies and prerequisite conditions. Evaluation and Program Planning. 33:91-97. 2010
- Spiritual therapeutic landscapes and healing: A case study of St. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 70:1633-1640. 2010
- Metasynthesis of the Hope Experience of Family Caregivers of Persons With Chronic Illness. Qualitative Health Research. 20:148-158. 2010
- Quality of Life and Perceptions of Crime in Saskatoon, Canada. Social Indicators Research. 95:33-61. 2010
- Spatially informed knowledge translation: Informing potential users of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit. Social Science and Medicine. 69:411-419. 2009
- Measuring Neighborhood Social Change in Saskatoon, Canada: A Geographic Analysis. Urban Geography. 30:261-288. 2009
- Renewing Everyday Hope: The Hope Experience of Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 30:514-521. 2009
- An evaluation of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit from a family caregiver's perspective at end of life. BMC Palliative Care. 7:14. 2008
- Introduction: space, place and the geographies of women's caregiving work. Gender, Place and Culture. 15:243-247. 2008
- The road to excellence: deliberate practice and the development of expertise. High Ability Studies. 18:119-153. 2007
- A Comprehensive Action Plan Information System: A Tool for Tracking and Mapping Quality of Life Action Implementation and Planning. Social Indicators Research. 85:127-144. 2007
- A Mixed Method Approach to Quality of Life Research: A Case Study Approach. Social Indicators Research. 85:145-158. 2007
- Changes in quality of life perceptions in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: comparing survey results from 2001 and 2004. Social Indicators Research. 85:5-21. 2007
- Knowledge translation strategies in a community–university partnership: examining local Quality of Life (QoL). Social Indicators Research. 85:111-125. 2007
- Mobility, Perceptions of Quality of Life and Neighbourhood Stability in Saskatoon. Social Indicators Research. 85:23-37. 2007
- Person, Perception, and Place: What Matters to Health and Quality of Life. Social Indicators Research. 85:53-80. 2007
- Volunteerism and residential longevity in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Social Indicators Research. 85:97-110. 2007
- Lessons learned in developing a successful hope program for palliative home care patients. Journal of Palliative Care. 23:198-198. 2007
- The information transfer and knowledge acquisition geographies of family caregivers: an analysis of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit.. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 39:36-54. 2007
- Developing a Living with Hope Program for Caregivers of Family Members with Advanced Cancer. Journal of Palliative Care. 23:24-31. 2007
- Living with Hope: Initial Evaluation of a Psychosocial Hope Intervention for Older Palliative Home Care Patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 33:247-257. 2007
- Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit: Views of family caregivers in chronic illness. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 12:438-445. 2006
- Nurturing hope at the end of life. Journal of Palliative Care. 22:213-214. 2006
- Restructuring home care in the 1990s: Geographical differentiation in Ontario, Canada. Health & Place. 12:222-238. 2006
- A gender analysis of quality of life in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. GeoJournal. 65:393-407. 2006
- The Experience of Hope for Informal Caregivers of Palliative Patients. Journal of Palliative Care. 21:285-291. 2005
- An evaluation of Canada's compassionate care benefit (CCB): a pilot study. Journal of Palliative Care. 21:206-206. 2005
- Establishing and sustaining community–university partnerships: A case study of quality of life research. Critical Public Health. 15:291-302. 2005
- Beyond the divides: Towards critical population health research. Critical Public Health. 15:5-17. 2005
- Reviews / Comptes rendus. Canadian Geographer. 48:505-514. 2004
- Shaping the practice of home care: critical case studies of the significance of the meaning of home. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 10:333-342. 2004
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- Web-Based Intervention for Family Carers of Persons with Dementia and Multiple Chronic Conditions (My Tools 4 Care): Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial (Preprint) 2018
- A Web-Based Intervention to Help Caregivers of Older Adults With Dementia and Multiple Chronic Conditions: Qualitative Study (Preprint) 2017
- The International Standards Organization Carer Standard as an Activist Initiative in both the Pandemic and Post-pandemic Period 2023
- Arts-Based Multimodal Ethnography in Researching Culturally Diverse Transnational Carers in Ontario, Canada
- Data insights: What do we know about working caregivers? (Panellist)
- Future of Caregiving: Supporting Unpaid Carers in the Workplace
- How did you get here? Career pathways of directly-funded home care workers
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on carer-employees’ well-being: A twelve-country comparison
- Racialized Immigrants Experiences of Caregiving Across International Borders
- Sex Differences in the Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Carer-employees in Canada: Comparing the 2022 Canadian Social Survey vs. the 2018 General Social Survey (Poster)
- Transnational caring in times of COVID-19: The experiences of visible minority immigrant carer-employees
- Work, Women, and Caregiving: Discussing the Role of Employers in Supporting Carers at Work
- Project 13: Canada’s Compassionate Companies Evolution and Sustainability 2023
- Social participation and depressive symptoms of careremployees (CEs) of older adults in Canada: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) 2023
- Project 1: Internationalization of the Carer-inclusive and Accommodating Organizations Workplace Standard 2023