selected scholarly activity
- Vortex Axis Contour Analysis Through a New Axis-Line Connectivity Algorithm for VATIP. Springer proceedings in physics. 41-53. 2024
- Influencing Factors of Growth Hormone Treatment in Short Stature Children Born Small for Gestational Age in China: a single-center, cross-sectional survey. Hormone Research in Paediatrics. 583-583. 2023
- Free Energy Calculation with Non-Uniform Windows for Improved Computational Efficiency: A Proof of Concept. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2021
- Free Energy Calculation with Non-Uniform Windows for Improved Computational Efficiency: A Proof of Concept. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2021
- Free Energy Calculation with Non-Uniform Windows for Improved Computational Efficiency: A Proof of Concept. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2021
- Performance of Phthalates and Alternative Plasticizers in PVC Via Molecular Simulation: Materials Properties and Migration Tendency. AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Molecular simulation for predicting the rheological properties of polymer melts. Molecular Simulation. 1242-1264. 2019
- Serum netrin-1 as a biomarker for colorectal cancer detection. Annals of Oncology. 2019
- Fault Diagnosis of SOFC Stack Based on Neural Network Algorithm. Energy Procedia. 1798-1803. 2019
- Modeling and simulation of temperature distribution for planar cross-flow solid oxide fuel cell. Energy Procedia. 1585-1590. 2019
- Modeling polymer fluid flow and reaction with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Dyamics and flow structures of the lamiar-turbulet edge state for uderstadig polymer drag reductio. Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals 2015 - Core Programming Area at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting. 563-570. 2015
- Investigating Business English Majors' Pragmatic Failure: From Speech Acts in Business Context Perspective. PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD NORTHEAST ASIA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION, VOLS 1 AND 2. 62-+. 2014
- Laminar-turbulent boundary and its implication for friction drag reduction in Newtonian and viscoelastic turbulent flows. Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 448-455. 2014
- Molecular simulation of solvent diffusion in polymer solution casting processes. Materials Engineering and Sciences Division 2014 - Core Programming Area at the 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting. 548-554. 2014
- A Study on Language Factors Affecting Speech Production in College English Learning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND NORTHEAST ASIA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND TRANSLATION. 271-277. 2012
- Intermittent hibernation of Newtonian and viscoelastic turbulence: Insight into the maximum drag reduction asymptote. Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals - Core Programming Topic at the 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting. 68. 2011
- The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Occupational Health Management of Jinshan District. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE. 150-150. 2010
- The molar formation enthalpy of nano-SiO2 with different surface area. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 667-670. 2009
- Inherited increases in glycolytic flux and decreased TCA cycle activity underlies enhanced oxidative capacity, improved metabolic status and longevity in rats. Diabetes. A428-A428. 2008
- Model and control for gravure register printing system. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 26TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOL 6. 277-+. 2007
- The design for model and control of solid oxide fuel cell electrical characteristic. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 26TH CHINESE CONTROL CONFERENCE, VOL 6. 264-+. 2007
journal articles
- Sieve bootstrap test for changes between unit root and long memory process with time trend. Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation. 53:2472-2485. 2024
- Potential of Mean Force of Short‐Chain Surface Adsorption using Non‐Uniform Sampling Windows for Optimal Computational Efficiency. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 33. 2024
- Potential of Mean Force of Short‐Chain Surface Adsorption using Non‐Uniform Sampling Windows for Optimal Computational Efficiency. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 33. 2024
- Promising response of dabrafenib, trametinib, and osimertinib combination therapy for concomitant BRAF and EGFR-TKI resistance mutations. Anti-Cancer Drugs. 35:109-115. 2024
- Fully atomistic molecular dynamics simulation of chemically modified natural rubber with hydrogen-bonding network. Polymer. 284:126284-126284. 2023
- Optimal model averaging based on leave‐h‐out forward‐validation for threshold autoregressive models. Stat. 12. 2023
- Direct transition to elastoinertial turbulence from a linear instability in channel flow 2022
- Multistage transitions in viscoelastic turbulent flow: Vortex structures and self-sustaining mechanisms. Science Talks. 3:100043. 2022
- A novel linear hybrid model predictive control design: application to a fed batch crystallization process. Digital Chemical Engineering. 3:100033-100033. 2022
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics approaches for the linear viscoelasticity of polymer melts. Physics of Fluids. 34. 2022
- Effects of molecular design parameters on plasticizer performance in poly(vinyl chloride): A comprehensive molecular simulation study. Chemical Engineering Science (CES). 249:117334-117334. 2022
- A new procedure for unit root to long-memory process change-point monitoring. AIMS Mathematics. 7:6467-6477. 2022
- Dynamics and stress relaxation of bidisperse polymer melts with unentangled and moderately entangled chains. Physics of Fluids. 33. 2021
- Molecular interaction mechanism in the separation of a binary azeotropic system by extractive distillation with ionic liquid. Green Energy and Environment. 6:329-338. 2021
- Special Issue “CFD Modeling of Complex Chemical Processes: Multiscale and Multiphysics Challenges”. Processes. 9:775-775. 2021
- Nonasymptotic elastoinertial turbulence for asymptotic drag reduction. Physical Review Fluids. 6. 2021
- Inertia-driven and elastoinertial viscoelastic turbulent channel flow simulated with a hybrid pseudo-spectral/finite-difference numerical scheme. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 286:104410-104410. 2020
- Convalescent Plasma in the Treatment of Severe COVID-19 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 49:2022-2031. 2020
- A novel multifunctional skin care formulation with a unique blend of antipollution, brightening and antiaging active complexes. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. 19:1415-1425. 2020
- Molecular Mechanism for Azeotrope Formation in Ethanol/Benzene Binary Mixtures through Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 124:3371-3386. 2020
- Turbulent drag reduction by polymer additives: Fundamentals and recent advances. Physics of Fluids. 31. 2019
- Vortex dynamics in low- and high-extent polymer drag reduction regimes revealed by vortex tracking and conformation analysis. Physics of Fluids. 31. 2019
- Vortex axis tracking by iterative propagation (VATIP): a method for analysing three-dimensional turbulent structures. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 866:169-215. 2019
- Transient dynamics of turbulence growth and bursting: Effects of drag-reducing polymers. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 266:127-142. 2019
- Distinct transition in flow statistics and vortex dynamics between low- and high-extent turbulent drag reduction in polymer fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. 262:115-130. 2018
- An Atomistic Evaluation of the Compatibility and Plasticization Efficacy of Phthalates in Poly(vinyl chloride). Macromolecules. 51:6997-7012. 2018
- Effects of precursor topology on polymer networks simulated with molecular dynamics. Polymer. 116:143-152. 2017
- Polymer Coating over Solid Particles with In Situ Thermal Curing. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 55:5574-5584. 2016
- Factors Affecting Grafting Density in Surface‐Initiated ATRP: A Simulation Study. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 25:220-228. 2016
- Marginal turbulent state of viscoelastic fluids: A polymer drag reduction perspective. Physical Review E. 93:043118. 2016
- What Limits the Chain Growth from Flat Surfaces in Surface‐Initiated ATRP: Propagation, Termination or Both?. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. 24:89-99. 2015
- A novel design of dual-band Wilkinson power divider with simple structure and wide band-ratios characteristics. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 28:1635-1641. 2014
- Time‐series and extended Karhunen–Loève analysis of turbulent drag reduction in polymer solutions. AIChE Journal. 60:1460-1475. 2014
- Novel design of strip line L-shape probe-fed wideband metallic contact stacked patch antenna for GNSS application. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 27:2010-2019. 2013
- Novel design of multilayer wideband shorted annular stacked patch antenna for GNSS application with dual layer strip lines fed. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 27:1187-1195. 2013
- Hopping of Water in a Glassy Polymer Studied via Transition Path Sampling and Likelihood Maximization. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 117:3634-3647. 2013
- Broadband CPW-fed circularly polarized antenna with machine-gun-shaped feeding line and symmetric-aperture. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 42:215-225. 2013
- Super wideband characteristics of monopolar patch antenna. Journal of Engineering (United Kingdom). 2013. 2013
- Intermittent dynamics of turbulence hibernation in Newtonian and viscoelastic minimal channel flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 693:433-472. 2012
- Dynamics on the Laminar-Turbulent Boundary and the Origin of the Maximum Drag Reduction Asymptote. Physical Review Letters. 108:028301. 2012
- A mass spectrometric assay for the quantification of neuropeptide PYY in plasma. Analytical Methods. 4:714-714. 2012
- Challenges in mass spectrometry‐based quantification of bioactive peptides: A case study exploring the neuropeptide Y family. Biopolymers. 98:357-366. 2012
- Differential expression of ferritin genes in response to abiotic stresses and hormones in pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Molecular Biology Reports. 38:4405-4413. 2011
- Eight Common Genetic Variants Associated with Serum DHEAS Levels Suggest a Key Role in Ageing Mechanisms. PLoS Genetics. 7:e1002025-e1002025. 2011
- Neuropeptide profiling of the bovine hypothalamus: Thermal stabilization is an effective tool in inhibiting post‐mortem degradation. Proteomics. 11:1264-1276. 2011
- Effect of magnetized secondary electron on the characteristics of sheath in Hall thruster. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica. 60:125203-125203. 2011
- Active and Hibernating Turbulence in Minimal Channel Flow of Newtonian and Polymeric Fluids. Physical Review Letters. 104:218301. 2010
- Rapid determination of transgene copy number in tobacco by competitive PCR using a pair of SSR primers. Genetics and Molecular Research. 9:935-940. 2010
- Turbulent drag reduction and multistage transitions in viscoelastic minimal flow units. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 647:421-452. 2010
- A dual‐band Wilkinson power divider with bandwidth enhancement. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 51:2043-2046. 2009
- A mechanism for oscillatory instability in viscoelastic cross-slot flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 622:145-165. 2009
- Study on the thermodynamic properties of cholesterol. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 93:485-488. 2008
- Crocetin improves the insulin resistance induced by high‐fat diet in rats. British Journal of Pharmacology. 154:1016-1024. 2008
- Microcalorimetric Studies of the Biological Effects of Ho(III) on Halobacterium halobium R1. Biological Trace Element Research. 122:89-95. 2008
- Microcalorimetric Studies of the Biological Effect of Holmium (III) on Halobacterium halobium R1 Growth. Biological Trace Element Research. 121:80-86. 2008
- Structural Basis for the Biological Effects of Pr(III) Ions: Alteration of Cell Membrane Permeability. Biological Trace Element Research. 120:141-147. 2007
- Study on the toxic effect of lead(II) ion on Escherichia coli. Biological Trace Element Research. 115:195-202. 2007
- Nonlinear travelling waves as a framework for understanding turbulent drag reduction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 565:353-353. 2006
- Transport properties and magnetoresistance of nano-polycrystalline La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-δ. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica. 55:854-854. 2006
- Crocetin Prevents Dexamethasone-Induced Insulin Resistance in Rats. Planta Medica. 71:917-922. 2005
- Potential of Mean Force Calculation Using Non-Uniform Sampling Windows for Optimal Computational Efficiency 2023
- Equilibrium and non-equilibrium molecular dynamics approaches for the linear viscoelasticity of polymer melts 2022
- Effects of molecular design parameters on plasticizer performance in poly(vinyl chloride): a comprehensive molecular simulation study 2021
- Effects of molecular design parameters on plasticizer performance in poly(vinyl chloride): a comprehensive molecular simulation study 2021
- Dynamics and Stress Relaxation of Bidisperse Polymer Melts with Unentangled and Moderately Entangled Chains 2021
- A Molecular Mechanism for Azeotrope Formation in Ethanol/benzene Binary Mixtures Through Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation 2019
- A Molecular Mechanism for Azeotrope Formation in Ethanol/benzene Binary Mixtures Through Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulation
- Surface-Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) Nanoplatelets for Enhanced Thermal Stability of Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) films