subject area of
- A critical narrative review of transfer of basic science knowledge in health professions education Journal Articles
- Alcohol devaluation has dissociable effects on distinct components of alcohol behaviour Journal Articles
- Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex does not enhance the learning benefits of self-controlled feedback schedules Journal Articles
- Asymmetries in intermanual transfer of training and motor overflow in adults with down's syndrome and nonhandicapped children Journal Articles
- Complimentary lower-level and higher-order systems underpin imitation learning Journal Articles
- Constraints on the observation of partial match costs: Implications for transfer-appropriate processing approaches to immediate priming. Journal Articles
- Contexts, concepts and cognition: principles for the transfer of basic science knowledge Journal Articles
- Contextual Interference: Single Task versus Multi-task Learning Journal Articles
- Delayed Visual Feedback While Learning to Track a Moving Target Journal Articles
- Dissociable contributions of motor-execution and action-observation to intermanual transfer Journal Articles
- Dissociable contributions of motor-execution and action-observation to intramanual transfer Journal Articles
- Dissociated Contextual Interference Effects in Children and Adults Journal Articles
- Dissociated contextual interference effects in children and adults. Journal Articles
- Effects of Aging and Reduced Relative Frequency of Knowledge of Results on Learning a Motor Skill Journal Articles
- Effects of Presentation Schedule on Retention and Prototype Formation for Kinesthetically Presented Figures Journal Articles
- Effects of conventional and problem-based medical curricula on problem solving Journal Articles
- Especial Skills: Their Emergence With Massive Amounts of Practice. Journal Articles
- Event-related potentials reveal the relations between feature representations at different levels of abstraction Journal Articles
- Exploring the Etiology of Content Specificity Journal Articles
- General motor representations are developed during action-observation Journal Articles
- Hot Topics in Motor Control and Learning Journal Articles
- Implementing flexibility in automaticity: Evidence from context-specific implicit sequence learning Journal Articles
- Increasing the Frequency and Timeliness of Pain Assessment and Management in Long-Term Care: Knowledge Transfer and Sustained Implementation Journal Articles
- Manual asymmetries in the performance of sequential movement by adolescents and adults with Down syndrome. Journal Articles
- Modeling the Information Preferences of Parents of Children with Mental Health Problems: A Discrete Choice Conjoint Experiment Journal Articles
- Motor adaptation and manual transfer: Insight into the persistent nature of sensorimotor representations Journal Articles
- Nominal and functional task difficulty in skill acquisition: Effects on performance in two tests of transfer Journal Articles
- On the specificity of sequential congruency effects in implicit learning of motor and perceptual sequences. Journal Articles
- Overtraining and transfer processes. Journal Articles
- Proofreading familiar text: Allocating resources to perceptual and conceptual processes Journal Articles
- Proofreading familiar text: Constraints on visual processing Journal Articles
- Re-examining the role of context in implicit sequence learning Journal Articles
- Selective and Nonselective Transfer: Positive and Negative Priming in a Multiple-Task Environment. Journal Articles
- Self-controlled KR schedules: Does repetition order matter? Journal Articles
- Sensory-motor equivalence: manual aiming in C6 tetraplegics following musculotendinous transfer surgery at the elbow Journal Articles
- Short article: The flexibility of context-specific control: Evidence for context-driven generalization of item-specific control settings Journal Articles
- Specificity of Learning and Dynamic Balance Journal Articles
- Teaching basic science to optimize transfer Journal Articles
- The CCARE model of clinical supervision: Bridging the theory–practice gap Journal Articles
- The Control of Sequential Aiming Movements: The Influence of Practice and Manual Asymmetries On the One-Target Advantage Journal Articles
- The Effectiveness of Simulator Motion in the Transfer of Performance on a Tracking Task Is Influenced by Vision and Motion Disturbance Cues Journal Articles
- The Power of the Plural: Effect of Conceptual Analogies on Successful Transfer Journal Articles
- The Role of Oculomotor Information in the Learning of Sequential Aiming Movements Journal Articles
- The effect of conceptual and contextual familiarity on transfer performance Journal Articles
- The effect of modeled absolute timing variability and relative timing variability on observational learning Journal Articles
- The impact and specificity of nerve perturbation on novel vibrotactile sensory letter learning Journal Articles
- The information transfer and knowledge acquisition geographies of family caregivers: an analysis of Canada's Compassionate Care Benefit. Journal Articles
- The mediating effect of context variation in mixed practice for transfer of basic science Journal Articles
- The power of the plural: Effect of conceptual analogies on successful transfer Conferences
- Transfer Effects across Contextual and Linguistic Boundaries: Evidence from Poor Readers Journal Articles
- Transfer of Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Skills From Bench Model to Animal Model: A Prospective, Single-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Study Journal Articles
- Uncertainty in pigeons Journal Articles
- What Roles Do Errors Serve in Motor Skill Learning? An Examination of Two Theoretical Predictions Journal Articles
- Win-Shift, Lose-Stay: Contingent Switching and Contextual Interference in Motor Learning Journal Articles
- Word acquisition, retention, and transfer: Findings from contextual and isolated word training Journal Articles