subject area of
- A False Sense of Security: Safety Behaviors Erode Objective Speech Performance in Individuals With Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
- A Larynx Area in the Human Motor Cortex Journal Articles
- A Preliminary Attempt to Experimentally Induce Post Event Processing in Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
- A dyadic investigation of shy children's behavioral and affective responses to delivering a speech. Journal Articles
- A lingering question addressed: Reading rate and most efficient listening rate are highly similar. Journal Articles
- Acoustic and linguistic features influence talker change detection Journal Articles
- Activation in the anterior left auditory cortex associated with phonological analysis of speech input: localization of the phonological mismatch negativity response with MEG Journal Articles
- Adaptive affective response identification for hearing threshold detection Conferences
- Age Perceptions and Evaluative Reactions Toward Adult Speakers Journal Articles
- Androgen dynamics in the context of children's peer relations: an examination of the links between testosterone and peer victimization Journal Articles
- Broca’s area is jointly activated during speech and gesture production Journal Articles
- CNS Resident Award: role of the lateral premotor cortex in articulation. Journal Articles
- Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients Journal Articles
- Caregiver burden interventions in speech–language pathology: A systematic review Journal Articles
- Cerebral Specialization for Speech Production in Persons with Down Syndrome Journal Articles
- Cerebral specialization in individuals with Down syndrome. Journal Articles
- Changes in EEG Cross-Frequency Coupling During Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Journal Articles
- Children show right-lateralized effects of spoken word-form learning Journal Articles
- Cognitive task demands and discourse performance after traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- Cohesive discourse in pervasive developmental disorders Journal Articles
- Communication abilities and work re-entry following traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- Complementarity of Linguistic and Prosodic Processes in the Intact Brain Journal Articles
- Confidence and Training of Speech-Language Pathologists in Cognitive-Communication Disorders: Time to Rethink Graduate Education Models? Journal Articles
- Connected Language in Late Middle-Aged Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease Journal Articles
- Connected speech and language in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: A review of picture description tasks Journal Articles
- Core outcomes for speech-language services in Ontario schools: a group concept mapping study and guiding framework Journal Articles
- Cortical networks for recognition of speech with simultaneous talkers Journal Articles
- Current Practices Among Speech-Language Pathologists for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Mixed-Methods Modified Delphi Approach Journal Articles
- Depressed Affect is Associated with Poorer Cardiovascular Recovery in Young Women Following a Mental Stressor Journal Articles
- Distinctive messages in infant-directed lullabies and play songs. Journal Articles
- Dual-task interference between speaking and listening and a unipedal force production task Journal Articles
- Eelbrain, a Python toolkit for time-continuous analysis with temporal response functions Journal Articles
- Effects of Chronic Cerebellar Stimulation (CCS) Setting on the Gait and Speech of a Spastic Cerebral Palsy Adult Journal Articles
- Effects of Gabapentin on Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking Journal Articles
- Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition Journal Articles
- Evaluations of older and younger adult speakers: Influence of communication effectiveness and noise. Journal Articles
- Evidence for Multiple Routes of Speech Production in a Case of Fluent Aphasia Journal Articles
- Evolution of the speech‐ready brain: The voice/jaw connection in the human motor cortex Journal Articles
- Factors Contributing to Preschoolers' Communicative Participation Outcomes: Findings From a Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
- Fathers show modifications of infant-directed action similar to that of mothers Journal Articles
- Forward and backward recall: Different visuospatial processes when you know what’s coming Journal Articles
- Frontal brain oscillations and social anxiety: A cross-frequency spectral analysis during baseline and speech anticipation Journal Articles
- Has the Level of Evidence of Podium Presentations at the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Annual Meeting Changed Over Time? Journal Articles
- Health status of school-aged children with cerebral palsy: information from a population-based sample Journal Articles
- Hemispheric Speech Lateralization in Children with Auditory-Linguistic Deficits Journal Articles
- High gamma cortical processing of continuous speech in younger and older listeners Journal Articles
- I see what you’re saying: Voice signals influence children’s judgments of direct and averted gaze Journal Articles
- Impaired Cortical Tracking of Speech in Children with Developmental Language Disorder Journal Articles
- Implementation of the C-BiLLT, an accessible instrument to assess language comprehension in children with limited motor and speech function: an international clinician survey Journal Articles
- Improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with first-episode psychosis during treatment with quetiapine: An interim analysis Journal Articles
- In-Person Versus Telehealth Assessment of Discourse Ability in Adults With Traumatic Brain Injury Journal Articles
- Incorporating models of subcortical processing improves the ability to predict EEG responses to natural speech Journal Articles
- Inferior Auditory Time Perception in Children With Motor Difficulties Journal Articles
- Latency shifts in the N2b component track phonological deviations in spoken words Journal Articles
- Long-term phonological learning begins at the level of word form Journal Articles
- Manual and oral praxis in adults with Down's syndrome Journal Articles
- Mismatch negativity to speech stimuli in 8-month-old infants and adults Journal Articles
- Muscle activity during mandibular movements in normal and mandibular retrognathic subjects Journal Articles
- Neural Dynamics of the Processing of Speech Features: Evidence for a Progression of Features from Acoustic to Sentential Processing. Journal Articles
- Neural Representations of Non-native Speech Reflect Proficiency and Interference from Native Language Knowledge Journal Articles
- Neural speech restoration at the cocktail party: Auditory cortex recovers masked speech of both attended and ignored speakers Journal Articles
- Optimizing the Psychosocial Function Measures in the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Standard Set for Cleft Journal Articles
- Out of my league: Appraisals of anxiety and confidence in others by individuals with and without social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
- Outcomes management practices in tiered school‐based speech–language therapy: A Canadian example Journal Articles
- Partner effects in adolescent conversations Journal Articles
- Patterns of early conversational recovery for people with traumatic brain injury and their communication partners Journal Articles
- Perception of affective and linguistic prosody: an ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies Journal Articles
- Phonological Facilitation from Pictures in a Word Association Task: Evidence for Routine Cascaded Processing in Spoken Word Production Journal Articles
- Predictors of language regression and its association with subsequent communication development in children with autism Journal Articles
- Reaction time and cognitive-linguistic performance in adults with mild traumatic brain injury Journal Articles
- Rehabilitation: Long-Term Physical and Functional Changes Following Treatment Journal Articles
- Reliability and safety of Etomidate speech test in children with drug resistant focal epilepsy Journal Articles
- Repeated speech errors: Evidence for learning Journal Articles
- Representation of the speech effectors in the human motor cortex: Somatotopy or overlap? Journal Articles
- Scaling of apparent accentedness by magnitude estimation and sensory modality matching Journal Articles
- Sensory Attenuation of Self-Produced Feedback: The Lombard Effect Revisited Journal Articles
- Sex Differences in Dual-Task Interference between Speaking and a Manual Force-Production Task Journal Articles
- Short Article: Learning to Fail: Reoccurring Tip-of-the-Tongue States Journal Articles
- Social phobia in Brazilian university students: Prevalence, under-recognition and academic impairment in women Journal Articles
- Speech Recognition as a Transcription Aid: A Randomized Comparison With Standard Transcription Journal Articles
- Speech therapy for transgender women: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
- Storytelling Is Intrinsically Mentalistic: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Narrative Production across Modalities Journal Articles
- Stuttered and fluent speech production: An ALE meta‐analysis of functional neuroimaging studies Journal Articles
Stuttering as a trait or state – an
ALE meta‐analysis of neuroimaging studies Journal Articles - The Acoustic Correlates of Valence Depend on Emotion Family Journal Articles
- The Use of Speaking Valves in Children With Tracheostomy Tubes Journal Articles
- The generation of psychosis: a pragmatic approach Journal Articles
- The impact of cognitive restructuring and mindfulness strategies on postevent processing and affect in social anxiety disorder Journal Articles
- The influence of trait and state rumination on cardiovascular recovery from a negative emotional stressor Journal Articles
- The irrelevant speech effect in backward recall is modulated by foreknowledge of recall direction and response modality. Journal Articles
- The origins of the vocal brain in humans Journal Articles
- The shape of boubas: sound–shape correspondences in toddlers and adults Journal Articles
- The somatotopy of speech: Phonation and articulation in the human motor cortex Journal Articles
- Two Distinct Auditory-Motor Circuits for Monitoring Speech Production as Revealed by Content-Specific Suppression of Auditory Cortex Journal Articles
- Uncovering emotional and network dynamics in the speech of patients with chronic low back pain. Journal Articles
- What is the optimal assessment of speech? A multicentre, international evaluation of speech assessment in 2500 patients with a cleft Journal Articles
- While a shy child waits: Autonomic and affective responses during the anticipation and delivery of a speech. Journal Articles
- Written Disclosure in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Journal Articles