Social Isolation
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subject area of
'I am part of the community but...' The changing context of rural living for persons with advanced cancer and their families Journal Articles
A grounded theory of social participation among older women living with HIV / Une théorie ancrée pour analyser la participation sociale chez les femmes âgées atteintes du VIH Journal Articles
An Exploration of Socioeconomic, Spiritual, and Family Support Among HIV-Positive Women in India Journal Articles
An experimental paradigm for triggering a depressive syndrome. Journal Articles
Artificial rearing causes changes in maternal behavior and c-fos expression in juvenile female rats. Journal Articles
Asperger's Syndrome: A Review of Clinical Features Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes: a scoping review Journal Articles
Assistive technologies that support social interaction in long-term care homes: a scoping review protocol. Journal Articles
Associations between Social Isolation Index and changes in grip strength, gait speed, bone mineral density (BMD), and self-reported incident fractures among older adults: Results from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Barriers to leisure participation for people with dementia and their carers: An exploratory analysis of carer and people with dementia’s experiences Journal Articles
Behavioral effects of non-viral mediated RNA interference of synapsin II in the medial prefrontal cortex of the rat Journal Articles
Belonging through meaningful activity in the transition from unhoused to housed. Journal Articles
Children’s shyness and neural responses to social exclusion: Patterns of midfrontal theta power usually not observed until adolescence Journal Articles
Coping With a Child With Dravet Syndrome: Insights From Families Journal Articles
Coping with Dravet syndrome: parental experiences with a catastrophic epilepsy Journal Articles
Creating and sustaining disadvantage: the relevance of a social exclusion framework Journal Articles
Deployment, Supervision and Decision-Making of Residents in an Emergency Psychiatric Service Journal Articles
Differential sexual activity of isolated and group-housed male mice: Influence of acute -Amphetamine sulfate administration Journal Articles
Differential sexual activity of isolated and group-housed male mice: Lack of substantial influence of acute or chronic naloxone administration Journal Articles
Differential sexual activity of isolated and grouped male mice despite testosterone administration Journal Articles
Does Facebook Use Provide Social Benefits to Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury? Journal Articles
Does urban greenness reduce loneliness and social isolation among Canadians? A cross-sectional study of middle-aged and older adults of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Journal Articles
Dominance in intermale encounters and subsequent sexual success in mice. Journal Articles
Early Family Influences on Suicidal Behavior Journal Articles
Early deprivation, but not maternal separation, attenuates rise in corticosterone levels after exposure to a novel environment in both juvenile and adult female rats Journal Articles
Effects of School Closure on Incidence of Pandemic Influenza in Alberta, Canada Journal Articles
Effects of early deprivation and maternal separation on pup‐directed behavior and HPA axis measures in the juvenile female rat Journal Articles
Establishment and maintenance of preference for natural and artificial olfactory stimuli in juvenile rats. Journal Articles
Experiences of residents of long-term-care homes with the use of socially assistive technologies and the effectiveness of these technologies: a mixed methods systematic review protocol Journal Articles
Exploring the meaning of early contact in return-to-work from workplace actors' perspective Journal Articles
Finding Our Way: An Introduction to Path Analysis Journal Articles
Friendly Visiting Programs for Older People Experiencing Social Isolation: A Realist Review of what Works, for whom, and under what Conditions Journal Articles
Frontal EEG asymmetry moderates the relation between borderline personality disorder features and feelings of social rejection in adolescents Journal Articles
Giving support and getting help: informal caregivers’ experiences with palliative care services Journal Articles
Harnessing neuroplasticity in Diogenes syndrome: A proposed mechanism to explain clinical improvement Journal Articles
Impact of social isolation on mortality and morbidity in 20 high-income, middle-income and low-income countries in five continents Journal Articles
Influence of group cohesion on maternal well-being among participants in a support/education group program for single mothers. Journal Articles
Innovations in suicide assessment and prevention during pandemics Journal Articles
Interventions that have potential to help older adults living with social frailty: a systematic scoping review Journal Articles
Isolation-induced facilitation of male sexual behavior in mice. Journal Articles
Ketamine treatment reverses behavioral and physiological alterations induced by chronic mild stress in rats Journal Articles
Later Life Food Insecurity and Social Isolation in Ghana: The Importance of Psychological Factors. Journal Articles
Living alone as an independent predictor of prolonged length of hospital stay and non-home discharge in older patients Journal Articles
Living strategies for disability in men ageing with HIV in Ontario, Canada: a longitudinal qualitative study Journal Articles
Long-term care home residents’ experiences with socially assistive technologies and the effectiveness of these technologies: a mixed methods systematic review Journal Articles
Management of social isolation and loneliness in community-dwelling older adults: protocol for a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Journal Articles
Milt production in goldfish: regulation by multiple social stimuli Journal Articles
National Prevalence of Social Isolation and Loneliness in Adults with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Journal Articles
Novel males' capacity to disrupt early pregnancy in mice (Mus musculus) is attenuated via a chronic reduction of males' urinary 17β-estradiol Journal Articles
On the outside looking in: nurses in gerontology: a qualitative descriptive study of the lived experiences of older women with depression living in long-term care. Journal Articles
Online communities of practice as a communication resource for community health nurses working with homeless persons Journal Articles
Pathways between under/unemployment and health among racialized immigrant women in Toronto Journal Articles
Pharmacogenetics of Methylphenidate Response in Preschoolers With ADHD Journal Articles
Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis Journal Articles
Pituitary-adrenal effects on sexual behavior in isolated and group-housed mice Journal Articles
Preparing International Medical Graduates for Psychiatry Residency: A Multi-Site Needs Assessment Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients Journal Articles
Protocol for a partially nested randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of the scleroderma patient-centered intervention network COVID-19 home-isolation activities together (SPIN-CHAT) program to reduce anxiety among at-risk scleroderma patients. Journal Articles
Providing web-based mental health services to at-risk women Journal Articles
Psychological aspects of chronic haemodialysis. Journal Articles
Qualitative longitudinal study of episodic disability experiences of older women living with HIV in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles
Reduced Aggressiveness and Low Testosterone Levels in Autoimmune MRL-lpr Males Journal Articles
Salivary cortisol levels and infant temperament shape developmental trajectories in boys at risk for behavioral maladjustment Journal Articles
Severe scurvy: an underestimated disease Journal Articles
Sexual arousal in male mice: effects of brief periods of isolation or grouping Journal Articles
Short-Term Impact of Social Distancing Measures During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cognitive Function and Health Perception of Brazilian Older Adults: A Pre-Post Study Journal Articles
Social Isolation Among Older Adults in Long-Term Care: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Social Isolation in Later Life: Extending the Conversation Journal Articles
Social Isolation in Later Life: The Importance of Place, Disadvantage and Diversity Journal Articles
Social cure in the time of COVID-19: Social identity and belongingness predict greater well-being and academic motivation in university students Journal Articles
Social factors in frequent callers: a description of isolation, poverty and quality of life in those calling emergency medical services frequently Journal Articles
Social isolation as a risk factor for all-cause mortality: Systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies Journal Articles
Subjective social isolation or loneliness in older adults residing in social housing in Ontario: a cross-sectional study Journal Articles
Surviving Surveillance: How Pregnant Women and Mothers Living With HIV Respond to Medical and Social Surveillance Journal Articles
Susceptibility of artificially reared rat pups to social influences on food choice Journal Articles
The Association between Public Transportation and Social Isolation in Older Adults: A Scoping Review of the Literature. Journal Articles
The Experience of HIV Diagnosis Among Aboriginal People Living With HIV/AIDS and Depression Journal Articles
The Gigii-Bapiimin Study: resilience and the impacts of COVID-19 on health and wellbeing of Indigenous people living with HIV in Manitoba and Saskatchewan Journal Articles
The Year of the Nurse, Florence Nightingale and COVID-19: Reflections From Social Isolation Journal Articles
The truth didn't die: A palliative care narrative Journal Articles
Translating the impact of exercise on cognition: Methodological issues in animal research Journal Articles
Understanding Social and Emotional Loneliness among Black Older Adults: A Scoping Review Journal Articles
Understanding Why Frequent Users of EMS Call 9-1-1: A Grounded Theory Study Journal Articles
Understanding how education/support groups help lone mothers Journal Articles
‘Growing Old’ in Shelters and ‘On the Street’: Experiences of Older Homeless People Journal Articles
‘If It Was Easy Somebody Would Have Fixed It’: An Exploration of Loneliness and Social Isolation Amongst People Who Frequently Call Ambulance Services Journal Articles
“You’re Not Understood, and You’re Isolated”: A Narrative Account of Loneliness by Black Older Adults in Ontario, Canada Journal Articles